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Chapter 113 Why arent you angry?

The building boat quickly returned and drove all the way to Gusu Station, and then carried the old leader Wang off.

Immediately, news came out that the leader of the Alliance, Mr. Wang, was ill because he was so angry that he couldn't bear it, so he temporarily closed his door to rest.

After the Qiuzhiyuan Gathering, the result of the second public appearance of Mr. Wang seemed to be even more tragic.

Leader Wang's sudden illness cast a shadow over the literary conference.

No one knows whether there will be any results.

Many scholars who were short of money and had no hope of "moving up to a higher level" began to leave Suzhou and return.

After all, everyone has their own life, and it is impossible to waste time in Suzhou without any purpose.

Seeing the appearance of the old leader Wang, Wen Yuanfa, the head of the Wen family, couldn't help but find the Shen Mansion.

The two families were relatively close to each other. Shen Yongjia acted like Mr. Zaifu and joked:

"Senior Wen is not going to serve the old alliance leader today, how can he have time to visit Wan Sheng?"

Wen Yuanfa had a relatively aloof status in the Suzhou literary world, and he bluntly said to Shen Yongjia:

"Wang Danzhou believes that Lin Tailai was ordered by you and that you are the manipulator behind the scenes!"

Shen Yongjia: "."

That night, after Lin Tailai led a large group of righteous men and shouted slogans outside the gate of Shen Mansion, he always felt that something was wrong. Now he finally understands!

Although I have a clear conscience, in the eyes of outsiders, it does seem like I and Lin Tailai were colluding!

But Master Zaifu naturally has the arrogance of Master Zaifu, and he doesn’t bother to explain:

"Since Old Alliance Leader Wang thinks so, what does Senior Wen want to say?"

Wen Yuanfa replied: "I know very well that it must be a misunderstanding and can be resolved.

As long as you give up causing trouble, Alliance Leader Wang will consider including you among the new five sons!"

This temptation is not small. How many scholars in the world do not want to be included in the "Five Sons"?

Even Shen Yongjia, the son of Prime Minister Zaifu, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he replied: "Wansheng also wants to agree to the old alliance leader, but the person who caused trouble for the old alliance leader is Lin Tailai, not me."

Wen Yuanfa said: "But Lin Tailai is now using the banner of your Shen family to show off everywhere, and no one can stop him except you.

I am conveying the message for the old alliance leader. It is up to you to decide how to choose."

Wen Yuanfa knew his position very well, which was absolute neutrality. Anyway, no matter who became the king in the Suzhou literary world, he would have to sell half of his reputation.

Therefore, Wenyuan Fazhen only serves as a voice for others and does not help others make decisions.

Wulong Teahouse, Nanhao Street outside Xumen.

Today's cultural forum is over. Gao Changjiang is packing up his lecture notes before leaving the teahouse.

But people in the teahouse still haven't dispersed, and they are talking about something in small groups.

Scholars who came to enjoy the fun found that many comrades gathered here, and it was good to stay and socialize.

This is what the literary world is like, with many friends and many paths.

Suddenly someone asked Gao Changjiang: "I heard that your financial backer Lin Tailai was removed from the county government."

Gao Changjiang's face turned red and he argued: "What kind of benefactor? I, Gao Changjiang, have never received any money from him so far. I haven't given him a penny, so how can I be considered a benefactor?"

There was laughter in the teahouse, and the man said again: "Let's not talk about whether he is the sponsor, but why has Professor Lin not appeared in the city these days? Where has he gone?"

Gao Changjiang glanced at the standard answers in the handout and replied with emotion:

"After Professor Lin was expelled from the county government, he became disheartened for a while and left the city for the countryside. While he was immersed in the mountains and rivers, he was preparing for the county examination.

I heard that he also founded a poetry club called Xinxinshe, and he only left me a poem titled "Self-mockery".

What do you want from the transportation to Huagai? Conquer the entire Xujiang River and unite it, and take care of winter, summer, spring and autumn."

Another person in the teahouse shouted: "What is the love between mountains and rivers? I saw with my own eyes a few days ago that Professor Lin led more than thirty people to smash Shanyi Hall in Xinguo Town!"

Someone else shouted: "I saw with my own eyes the day before yesterday, Professor Lin chased and beat the Zhang family in Fengqiao Town, and was caught on the spot by the county magistrate!"

Someone next to me quickly asked: "What happened next?"

The man replied incredulously: "Later, Zhang's family was sent to prison, and Professor Lin was released on the spot."

There was a lot of discussion in the teahouse. One group said something about "the world is dark" and "black and white collude".

Gao Changjiang sighed, after sitting in the restaurant, can he wait until the night becomes dark and windy before killing people and setting fires?

How can we engage in public opinion and public relations when we often do things in broad daylight and in full public view?

Everyone in the teahouse chatted for a while, but the topic gradually got sideways.

"Xinguo Town a few days ago, Fengqiao Town the day before yesterday, and where are you going to fight tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?"

"I bet five dollars that it must be Mudu Town!"

Gao Changjiang was about to leave, but when he heard this sentence, he immediately stopped.

How could such an internal secret of the society be guessed by outsiders? Could there be an insider leaking the secret?

In any case, this matter must be reported to the host!

But as soon as Gao Changjiang walked out of the teahouse, he was blocked by people from the Shen Mansion again.

"Our second master has sent word to ask Lin Tai to come over!"

Gao Changjiang quickly explained: "Professor Lin is not in the hall today, but I will inform you as soon as possible!"

Mudu Town is located in the upper reaches of Xujiang River in Hengtang Town, that is, to the west of Hengtang Town, roughly between Hengtang Town and Taihu Lake.

Mudu Town is more than ten miles away from Hengtang Town and more than twenty miles away from Suzhou City. It is a large regional central town in the entire western part of Wuxian County.

Lin Tailai and Mrs. Fan hid in the cabin and secretly observed the situation on the shore outside. Today's target was the Tangkou of the Yang family in Mudu Town.

But after observing the enemy's situation, Professor Lin looked at the Xu River with his eyebrows furrowed.

The Xujiang River originates from Taihu Lake and flows all the way to the moat of Suzhou City, with a total length of more than 30 miles. It is the east-west artery of Wuxian County.

More than half of the traffic in Hengtang Fish Market comes from Taihu boat traders along the Xujiang River from upstream.

Nowadays, the thirteen capitals (Anle Hall) and the fifth capital (formerly Shanyi Hall) along the middle and lower reaches of the Xujiang River are all under the control of Professor Lin. Only the upper reaches are still the territory of others.

This time, the Zhang family in Fengqiao Town attempted to open a new fish market, and the Yang family in Mudu Town, upstream, wanted to cooperate, which sounded the alarm for Professor Lin.

In order to completely ensure the flow of Hengtang Fish Market and avoid being cut off by others from upstream, it is necessary to plant a flag in Mudu Town, the upstream throat, to establish a sphere of influence.

Professor Lin originally wanted to launch a blitzkrieg against the Yang family in Mudu Town to achieve success at the minimum cost.

But the outskirts of Mudu Town seemed to be heavily guarded. There were sentries at every wharf and at the entrance of the town. How could they launch a surprise attack?

"How come they have so many people on guard duty?" Lin Tailai said doubtfully.

Dozens of them can be dispatched just for sentry duty. Just how big is the Yang family's hall?

Mrs. Fan replied: "I heard that the three families in Mudu Town formed an alliance through blood last night, and they must unite to deal with the outside world and jointly defend and protect each other!"

Lin Tailai sighed and hit Shanyi Hall in Xinguo Town and Zhang Family in Fengqiao Town one after another, finally causing a chain reaction in the surrounding area.

If you use P Club games to describe it, it is equivalent to your own notoriety.

But how did the other party know in advance that he was going to attack Mudu Town?

Lin Tailai didn't want to understand, so he couldn't help but asked Madam Fan again:

"Did you and Yitang have a spy? Did you leak our plan to the Tangkou in Mudu Town?"

Because the Shanyitang and Wudu sites had just been acquired two days ago, Anletang was busy receiving and digesting the new sites and could not spare any manpower.

Therefore, today's raid on the entrance of Yangjiatang in Mudu Town still used people from Heyi Tang.

Seeing with his own eyes that the other party was so heavily guarded, Professor Lin couldn't help but become suspicious, suspecting that someone in Heyi Tang was betraying him.

"You idiot!" Mrs. Fan couldn't bear to scold her: "Why don't you pee and look in the mirror?"

Lin Tailai: "???"

Why is this sister so moody? My aunt is here?

As expected, you can't get too close to this woman! As the sage said, if you are close, you will not be inferior!

Mrs. Fan said angrily: "You said you are a person who is just a fool in the hall, why do you want to write such nonsense poems?

Why are you trying to unite the entire Xujiang River, lest others don't know your intentions?

Now everyone in Suzhou has guessed that you are going to get through Xujiang and do it all!

So, can we not be on high alert at the entrance of the hall located in Mudu Town, upstream of the Xujiang River?

You are doing it, but God is watching! Now you are doubting us and Yitang!"

Lin Tailai: "."

I can’t believe it! Aren’t the people in the community just big-hearted, brainless and uneducated? How could they understand their own poetry!

This time the opponent has such tight defenses and has temporarily formed alliances with two other gangs in this town, so it's really a bit tricky.

Lin Tailai watched for a while again and said: "They're here, since a sneak attack can't succeed, let's attack by force!

Even if it’s a pot of raw rice, you still have to eat it!”

The Yang family eats at the dock, and the entrance to the hall is not far from the shore. If they attack forcefully at all costs, they should be able to get in.

But Mrs. Fan refused without hesitation: "I object! You can't fight!"

Lin Tailai asked curiously: "Why? It's not impossible to win, but you don't even have the courage to take a gamble?"

Mrs. Fan replied: "We only prepared one table of rice, but three tables of people came!

As long as the opponent's number is less than one hundred, I won't stop him!

But now the three opponents have formed an alliance and jointly defended, and can mobilize more than 200 manpower!

What's more, the enemy is very well prepared, and we don't know much about the enemy's situation. Who knows if there are any traps.

Even if I have a strong general like you to attack the enemy, my people will definitely suffer heavy losses!"

Lin Tailai asked again: "As long as we can win, what's the harm in paying some price?"

When did you, Mrs. Fan, become so kind that you love your soldiers as much as your own children and are reluctant to sacrifice even a little bit?

Mrs. Fan snorted coldly: "If the soldiers and horses in my hand are lost, I'm afraid that they will be swallowed up by the yellow girl in the fish market in an instant, and no scraps will be left!

Do you think that since she has already started a private salt business, she doesn’t want to steal my salt area?

Therefore, preserving strength is the most important, and you must have soldiers and horses in your hands to protect yourself!"

Lin Tailai: "."

Madam Fan turned her head and said, "Don't look at me like that, I will never give you an order to do anything today!

If I follow you and fight all my troops, and then my territory and people are swallowed up by a yellow girl from the fish market, I would be a fool!"

Professor Lin subconsciously blurted out: "Niang Xipi!"

Mrs. Fan was confused. What did these words mean? What kind of dialect was this?

What a sin! Lin Tailai couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

There are many factions, each with their own selfish interests. When encountering an enemy, you first want to preserve your strength. How can you achieve great things?

He is just a small official in the four villages within his sphere of influence, so why can he experience the taste of people all over the world?

Suddenly, a group of people on the shore approached the boat Lin Tailai was riding on. The man in the leader shouted loudly:

"What the hell are you doing on these ships that neither unload cargo nor disembark people, and are parked on the shore without advancing or retreating?"

Lin Tailai was about to go out to respond, but was stopped by Mrs. Fan, who said seriously: "You can't go out, it's up to me to step in!"

Lin Tailai stood up and walked out, saying dissatisfiedly: "What's the point of this? Am I, Lin Tailai, a timid person who hides his head and hides his tail?"

Madam Fan half-hugged Lin Tailai's waist, holding Lin Tailai back with all her strength.

Then he explained firmly: "We can't fight today, we can only retreat!

However, your iron fist and golden whip are invincible, invincible in battles, and invincible. You cannot lose your reputation for being invincible!

So you can’t go out, you can’t surrender in public and retreat!”

Lin Tailai: "."

Are you, Mrs. Fan, ignorant or too sensible today?

After that, Mrs. Fan walked out of the cabin and came to the deck, talking to people on the shore, while Lin Tailai sat inside and listened.

"Isn't this Widow Fan? Why are you here in Mudu Town, if you don't want to enjoy your time under the Lion Rock?"

"Of course the widow wants a man, hahaha!"

"Then, the men in the city are all soft-footed shrimps, or our Taihu men are powerful. Widow Fan may come here because of their reputation!"

"I still have two brothers who are not married. Widow Fan will give it a try first. You will be satisfied with the size of the package!"

Mrs. Fan didn't know how long she had been dealing with the people on the shore. She was subjected to filthy words, and she begged for love from the people on the shore for a long time.

When she returned to the cabin from the deck, her face seemed calm, "That's it, you can retreat. Let's go quickly."

"Aren't you angry?" Lin Tailai asked curiously.

Mrs. Fan replied very sensibly: "Women walking around the world have encountered uglier words than these, so what's the use of being angry?"

Lin Tailai nodded subconsciously, "That makes sense!"

Suddenly Madam Fan stretched out her hand, pinched Lin Tailai's arm with her pink nails, and became very angry again:

"But I was publicly humiliated and verbally molested, why aren't you angry?

You dared to kill even my husband because the little five-dollar lady named Huang was pinched!

In what way am I inferior to someone named Huang?"

There is no logic in this! Lin Tailai gasped in pain, but he couldn't hide in the cabin.

I could only mutter: "You are not really my woman, why should I be angry?"

Mrs. Fan held on tightly and said, "Then make me your woman tonight, and you will say the same thing for me some other time!"

Anyway, I got the Wudu Salt District and Fengqiao Town, so I won’t lose anything!”

"Okay, okay!" Lin Tailai immediately expressed his position: "I have already thought of a way! After I wipe out Mudu Town, I will sink all the people who disrespected you today into Xujiang River!"

Mrs. Fan suddenly became excited: "Do you really have any idea? I'm going to kill them all!

But these three gangs are united, and there may be support from the gangs in Xukou Town by the lake, so it will be difficult to defeat them without paying a huge price."

Professor Lin said quietly: "There are some secrets that can only be told to the women closest to you."

Mrs. Fan refused to go back to Lion Rock Manor and insisted on coming to Lin Tailai's base camp in Shijia Lane, Nanhao Street District.

Lin Tailai had just finished taking a bath when Gao Changjiang suddenly reported outside the courtyard gate: "The Second Master of the Shen Mansion sent someone to send a message, asking me to go see him as soon as possible."

Lin Tailai replied impatiently: "He is no longer useful. Let him wait for now and see you again when the time is right!"

Gao Changjiang couldn't understand. He had kneeled down and licked Master Shen a few days before sitting in the pavilion. Why didn't he take it seriously again today?

In the past, women never affected political judgment when sitting in office.

Is this what is called the unpredictable power of God?

This chapter has been completed!
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