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Chapter 118 The lackluster county examination

Shen Yongjia was caught up in the long exam and didn't speak for a long time.

On one side is the cake painted by Wang Shizhen, the old alliance leader, and on the other side is the cake painted by Lin Tailai. How to choose?

Lin Tailai drank a cup of tea and was fed some fruits by the beauty. He became a little impatient and asked again:

"Is the young master thinking about how to reply to the old leader Wang now?

At the same time, I am also thinking, can I not only make good use of me, Lin Tailai, but also get benefits from the old alliance leader Wang?"

Shen Yongjia subconsciously asked, "How did you know?"

Lin Tailai smiled and said: "If you have any questions like this, you can just ask me directly from now on.

I can definitely answer your questions, so why do you have to put in the effort to think about it yourself."

Reason told Mr. Shen that he could no longer listen to Lin Tailai's unilateral temptation, but he still sat still.

"The first thing I want to say is that the old alliance leader Wang can only give you some false names at present, but false names are what you, Master Zaifu, need the least!

What you need most now is how to realize the Prime Minister's family, not just a false reputation!

I am a low-level person who has nothing, so I greedily pursue fame. You have no need to do so!"

Second Young Master Shen: "."

I didn't expect you, Lin Tailai, to be so cruel that you would even be embarrassed!

"The second thing I want to say is that as long as your father is still the chief minister, it is impossible for Wang Shizhen and Wang Xijue to truly trust you.

I heard that the old leader Wang suspected that you instigated me to deliberately cause trouble at the literary conference, right?

All I want to say about this is that if he suspects you of doing these things, then you'd better have really done it!

That’s all I’ll say below. You can go back and figure it out for yourself!

If you still don’t know how to make the right choice, I have nothing to say!”

After saying this, Lin Tailai stood up, took the beauty back to the back room, and continued to sleep.

Shen Yongjia shouted at Lin Tailai's back: "Don't think I can't see it, you are playing hard to get!"

A real man never looks back. Lin Tailai hugged the beauty and continued walking inside.

Shen Yongjia shouted again: "Please continue to address me as Er Ye from now on, and don't change it to Young Master without authorization!"

This is probably the last stubbornness of a prime minister.

For several days in a row, Suzhou's literary world remained calm, with the old leader continuing to recuperate and Professor Lin preparing for the county examination.

It can be said that the years were peaceful and nothing happened.

However, the arena in the west of the county is bustling with activity. The Three Halls Alliance in Mudu Town, relying on the prestige of defeating Professor Lin, is still vigorously advocating the formation of the Hudong Grand Alliance.

It is said that some people are already interested in joining the big league.

But Professor Lin was very quiet and didn't even fight back at all. No one knew what medicine was being sold in the gourd.

Logically speaking, as long as Professor Lin still intends to mess around in the world, he cannot let go of Mudu Town, which holds the key points upstream.

So in a peaceful atmosphere, the county examination started.

Zhang Youyu still helped find an old scholar in his fifties who was willing to take the risk to be Professor Lin's guarantor.

Anyway, this old scholar is over fifty years old, so he doesn't need to think about his future.

On the day of the county examination in early April, outside the examination courtyard in the east part of the city, there had been crowds of people since early in the morning.

Generally, county examinations are held in county offices, and counties do not build examination halls specifically for examinations.

However, there are too many candidates in the counties in Suzhou City, and Suzhou City itself is not short of money, so a special examination center was built, and this examination center is shared by Wu County, Changzhou County, and Suzhou Prefecture.

Of course, for the lowest-end exams like the county exam, it is impossible for each candidate to have a single room like the provincial exam and the general exam.

In the examination hall, an examination booth was set up, and then there were long tables and long benches connected together. Candidates sat one by one to answer questions.

It was still dark at this time, but the lights outside the examination courtyard were brightly lit.

Feng Shu sent his son Feng Menglong to take the exam, but since his son was only twelve years old, Feng Shu would not be at ease if he entered the exam room alone.

However, it was impossible to let family members enter the examination room to accompany the examination, so Feng Shu could only say to repeated reminders:

“After receiving the seat number during the inspection, I quickly entered the venue and found the seat according to the seat number.

You must be careful in your words and deeds in the examination room. Don’t say one more word or take one more step.”

"Isn't this Dr. Feng!" Suddenly someone shouted from behind.

Feng Shu didn't need to look back, he could tell just by listening to the voice that the person behind him must be Professor Lin with the Iron Fist and the Golden Whip.

It should be said that many doctors in Suzhou City are familiar with Professor Lin's voice.

It is said that Professor Lin alone was able to increase the net profit of Suzhou's pharmaceutical industry by 10% year-on-year in the past two months.

Professor Lin held the young Feng Menglong’s little head in his hands and vowed:

"Don't worry, Doctor Feng! Once you enter the examination room, I will protect you!"

Feng Shu didn't know whether he should feel relieved or not.

All he could say was: "There are thousands of candidates in the venue, so it's not easy for Professor Lin to meet a puppy.

And since you are not allowed to move around at will, how can Professor Lin care about the puppy?"

Lin Tailai smiled heartily and said: "My seat number is Bing 30, and your master's is Bing 29. They are right next to each other!"

Feng Shu: "."

This seat number hasn’t been issued to the candidates yet, do you already know it all?

At this time, the search and admission suddenly began.

Most of the candidates taking the exam lined up with test baskets, which contained pens, stationery, food and other items, but paper was not allowed.

After roll call and inspection, the candidates will naturally be issued seat numbers and manuscript papers, and then candidates can enter the venue.

Xiao Feng Menglong was at the front of the queue. After being searched, he got his seat number. When he saw that it was indeed Bing 29, he suddenly felt that he was shrouded in a huge shadow again.

"What is this?" The officer in charge of the inspection pulled out two iron-fingered tigers from Lin Tailai's examination basket.

Lin Tailai replied seriously: "This is a tool to correct the posture of holding a pen. It can also be used as a pen holder and a paperweight."

The officer in charge of the inspection: "."

If they hadn't heard you call Lin Tailai during the roll call, they would have believed you!

Where did the word "Iron Fist" come from in "Iron Fist and Golden Whip"?

Professor Lin argued: "It is not a sword weapon, and it cannot be used for cheating. Why not bring it into the field?

If it is said to be hard, then the inkstone is also very hard, and there are others with stones!"

The main reason is that safety is the first priority when traveling in the world. There are thousands of candidates taking the exam. What if there are enemies among them and they block themselves in the examination room?

The clerk next to him waved his hand, "Forget it, let him in!"

Lin Tailai took the seat number of "Bing Thirty". After finding the seat, he said to Xiao Feng Menglong next to him:

“The most important thing in the exam is to be careful, don’t be careless!

I have a suggestion: when dictating the original text of the sutra, you must check it carefully every time you finish writing a piece of paper!

After I finish writing this one as a reference, you can continue writing the next one."

Xiao Feng Menglong: "."

Professor Lin comforted him and said: "Calm down and don't be nervous!

If you don't pass the exam, I will definitely not tell your father that you wasted your homework because you were addicted to Jin Ping Mei."

Xiao Feng Menglong: "."

He was already exhausted before the exam even started. He just wanted to finish it early and go home.

If compared with the examination levels of later generations, the county examination is only equivalent to promotion from primary school to junior high school.

Therefore, there will generally be no side questions, strange questions, or difficult questions in the county examination. The two questions given are complete sentences and will not be randomly combined.

The main test contents include dictating the meaning of the scriptures and writing two articles.

Professor Lin could do the composition part by himself, but not the dictation part. He didn't have time to memorize all four books, so he had to refer to Xiao Feng Menglong's test paper next to him.

The exam process was lackluster. After all, it was just a "small promotion to junior high school". How could it be earth-shattering?

In the afternoon, Professor Lin followed Feng Menglong and handed in the paper.

The examiner of the county examination is the county magistrate, and handing in papers is directly to the examiner. It is not as troublesome as the provincial examination or the general examination.

When Professor Lin handed his test paper to Magistrate Feng, he couldn't help but ask: "Won't the county magistrate give me a test?"

Many plots are like this. After the county magistrate who takes the exam sees a prodigy or a talent turning in the paper, he will ask questions on the spot to interview the talent, especially pairs and poetry questions, and then win the test on the spot.

Feng Zhixian looked up at Lin Tailai and cursed in a very approachable manner: "Get out!"

For Feng Zhixian, this is his last important job.

After the county examination is completed, his term as magistrate of Wu County will also be over, and he cannot afford to continue to vent his anger!

From now on, I can finally be freed from such a hellish official position as Wuxian County Magistrate!

After being scolded by Feng Zhixian, Professor Lin suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Magistrate Feng wouldn't suddenly change his mind before leaving and not take the county exam, right?

Anyway, Feng Zhixian can just pat his butt and leave, so what can he do to him?

Now Professor Lin is really a little nervous. The level of nervousness can be ranked in the top five since time travel.

Although the county examination is held twice every three years, there are many opportunities, but I have already invested in it this year. It would be a pity if I fail.

Professor Lin does not want to wait until his thirties or forties to become a scholar. He is afraid that if he does not have a political identity, he will not survive until then.

The county examination papers were judged and the results were released very quickly. The candidates were not kept waiting for a long time, and the admission list was released two days later.

There are more than 200 people on the list this time. It can be considered that Magistrate Feng showed his kindness before leaving and let some more people go.

Professor Lin, who stood out among the crowd, easily and effortlessly found his name on the list.

Because the name "Lin Tailai" directly ranked first in the county trial, it was also commonly known as the top of the case.

That's why Professor Lin found the name easily and saw it at a glance, without any extra time.

Professor Lin was stunned on the spot. What was going on?

He just wanted to blend in among the many candidates and pass the test quietly. How could he make a case?

This is really unfair to other candidates. How could Professor Lin be the leader of the case? What went wrong?

Professor Lin instinctively felt that there was no pie in the sky, and there was probably some conspiracy here.

However, despite his intelligence, he couldn't figure out what kind of conspiracy there was that could give him a free trial.

Although the title of the case has no practical significance, it is still a small honor.

The online drama "Li You" adapted from "Struggle in the New Ming Dynasty" will be launched on Youku next Monday!

This chapter has been completed!
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