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Chapter 128 I didnt do anything!

After sending "old enemy" Xing Dong to rest, Wang Zhidu couldn't help but worry about Lin Tailai.

Wang Shizhen will pay a personal visit tomorrow, which shows that the old alliance leader is really ruthless and wants to "conquer personally."

Otherwise, if Wang Shizhen wanted to talk to him, he only had to send someone to send him a letter by virtue of his status as a senior Jinshi scholar in the 26th year of Jiajing, a leader in the literary world, and the third-rank right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Punishment.

Wang Zhidu cannot guarantee whether he will be able to withstand the pressure faced by Wang Shizhen when he comes tomorrow.

Moreover, Wang Zhidu estimates that Lin Tailai will come looking for him in the next two days, and it will be even more troublesome if he bumps into the old alliance leader.

On the afternoon of the next day, the Wang Tax Envoy received the expected invitation and ordered the officers to open the middle door of the office and welcome the guests with noble etiquette.

Then Wang Shizhi personally went to the dock and welcomed Wang Shizhen, the old leader of the literary world, into the customs office.

No matter what I think in my heart, my outward courtesy is considerate.

After receiving the news, Jiangnan patrol officer Xing Tong, who arrived in advance, also came to the customs office to accompany him.

There was a huge difference in status and seniority. Instead, the guest Wang Shizhen sat on the main seat in the living room, with the second son Wang Shisu standing behind him, and Wang Shushi and Xing Xun sat on both sides.

Wang Zhidu asked knowingly: "Old senior is here today. I don't know why you are here?"

Wang Shizhen replied with great momentum: "I came especially for the world literary world!"

But the simple and strong Wang Zhedou really hates this kind of speaking tone, it is simply too pretentious!

The last person who pretended to talk to him like this was Lin Tailai!

But after Lin Tailai finished pretending, he still had something real.

For example, it helps me polish my poems, and it also helps me think of ideas to gain fame for my political achievements, so I tolerate it!

Therefore, Wang Situ's younger brother Wang Zhi replied to the old leader of the literary world in a nonchalant manner:

"I am just a river tax envoy. How can I be more worthy of the world's literary world?"

So the old alliance leader stopped pretending and directly showed his cards and said: "I heard that the royal tax envoy wants to use Lin Tailai, who is an enemy of the literary world.

This evil force has repeatedly destroyed the literary conference, preventing the literary conference from proceeding as scheduled.

Recently, knowledgeable people from all over the world have joined forces to encircle and suppress the cultural enemies. The thieves are at the end of their rope, but they are protected by the king's tax envoys. As a result, the bandits have not been eliminated and the success is in vain!"

Wang Zhidu didn't want to answer the question directly, so he just said: "Lin Tailai is a very sharp sword."

Wang Shizhen said aggressively: "My sword named Wang Taicang is not bad at all!"

The surname Taicang Wang mentioned here is an allusion to Wang Xijue, a scholar in the cabinet.

Because Wang Shizhen and Wang Xijue are not from the same Wang family, they can only use the surname Taicang Wang instead of Wang.

At this moment, a servant ran to the door and reported: "Lin Tai is here to see you!"

Wang Zhidu is thinking about inviting Lin Tailai to wait somewhere else to avoid meeting directly with the old alliance leader Wang.

Unexpectedly, the old alliance leader Wang spoke first: "Well done! I was just thinking of meeting him too!"

This statement shocked everyone. Wang Shishi and Xing Xunjian both looked at the old leader Wang in surprise, old man, are you old and confused?

Then Lin Tailai is young and strong, how can your old body withstand it?

In the first Peony Pavilion battle, the old alliance leader was forced to show up, but in the end there was no direct confrontation;

In the second Battle of Maple Bridge, one was on the shore and the other was on the deck of the ship. They were not face to face at all. They made you, the old alliance leader, faint from the air.

Besides, normal people should understand the truth. How noble is the status of the old leader of the alliance? If he personally fights with Lin Tailai, a small character who is not even a scholar, it will be totally worth the loss!

It was difficult for others to persuade others, but Wang Shisu leaned over and said: "Father, be careful!"

"It doesn't matter!" Old Alliance Leader Wang stopped his son from continuing to persuade, and said to the others: "Excuse me, all of you, to bear witness. If Lin Tailai disrespects me, he will be punished for offending the officialdom!"

Everyone: "."

The old alliance leader is really embarrassed. He actually wants to go into battle personally and is determined to use political means to solve the problems in the literary world?

This old alliance leader is not the kind of literary alliance leader who has achieved nothing in the political arena. He is also the minister of the Ministry of Punishment and an iron man who is a bachelor of the cabinet!

And Lin Tailai was just a commoner. If Lin Tailai was young and energetic for a moment, and directly collided with a high-ranking official, he might really be found guilty and punished!

Although it is not honorable for the old alliance leader to do this, there are cases in ancient and modern times where kings have succeeded and enemies have lost.

Not long after, Lin Tailai was led into the living room by a servant, and he was also surprised.

He also didn't expect that there was actually Alliance Leader Wang and Lao present in the living room.

He was a little strange at first. When he usually came to visit King's Capital, he always went directly to the study to talk. Why did he have to go to the living room today.

Immediately, Lin Tailai understood immediately that Alliance Leader Wang Lao must cut off all his "protective umbrellas" from politics and officialdom!

If he loses the protection of power and the alliance leader Wang Lao treats himself as a high-ranking official, then he can only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

While thinking about it, he looked towards the capital of the king. The attitude of the capital of the king is very important now.

Wang Shizhen did not rush to deal with Lin Tailai, and continued the topic just now, saying to Wang Zhidu:

"I heard that the term of office of the customs officer is not long, only one or two years at most. The tax envoy Wang will resign next year, right?

I wonder if you can help me and take some letters to the capital?"

The old alliance leader Wang used this trick against the former Magistrate Feng of Wu County, and now he used it again against the King's Capital.

It's not that the old leader Qian Donkey has no skills, it's just that this trick is so effective.

After all, these letters may be letters to the great scholar Wang Xijue!

Ordinary people in the officialdom, who wouldn’t want to help deliver letters to the bachelor?

The Wang Tax Envoy hesitated for a moment, then pointed to Xing Dong, the patrol officer in the south of the Yangtze River, and said:

"I wonder if these letters from the old senior will allow me to surpass him in my future official position?"

Xing Xun pressed: "."

I never expected that Wang Zhidu would use himself as the culprit!

You're still riding the horse all the time! It's been more than ten years, you've been riding the horse for more than ten years, and you're still feeling bitter in your heart!

Wang Shizhen was also speechless. Is this Wang Zhidu mentally abnormal?

Xing Tong is now the patrol inspector of Jiangnan. Although his grade is not high, only the seventh grade on the surface, his rank is very, very high!

Official positions in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty not only depended on grade, but also on rank!

Moreover, Xing Tong is also a senior censor, and he has a good teacher who is just one step away from joining the imperial censor!

Therefore, anyone who understands the rules of officialdom knows that Xing Tong will definitely jump up the next job and start as a fifth-grade Beijing official!

And you, Wang Zhidu, are now the head of the household department and the tax envoy, and the name of the department is more than ten years later than Xing Dong, and you are not a clear senior. How can you surpass Xing Dong in the future?

Wang Xijue is just a bachelor, not an emperor. He can completely ignore objective laws if he can't do that!

So the old alliance leader could only say: "Wang Shishi is really joking! Who can beat this for sure!"

Wang Zhidu pointed at Lin Tailai again, "Who said there is no one? Linshan people said that they guarantee that I will overtake Xing Dong in power in the future!

Therefore, I can only accept the old man’s kindness with heart! It’s better to ask someone else to deliver the message!”

As soon as he said it, the whole room was shocked again!

The prestigious Jiangnan Inspector immediately looked at Lin Tailai, his eyes were like lightning! Did you really say that?

He really wanted to know how Wang Zhidu and Lin Tailai planned themselves in private!

Wang Zhidu also gave Lin Tailai an apologetic look: We have no better excuse, so we can only reject the old alliance leader like this!

We helped you withstand the tremendous pressure from the great scholar Wang Xijue three thousand miles away!

The rest is up to you!

So Lin Tailai was shocked to find that everyone in the hall was looking at him. Do he have to bear everything by himself?

The "big brother" of King's Capital seems to be a little better than the previous big brothers.

At least he didn't throw himself out and sell himself to the enemy, nor did he stab himself in the back.

Lin Tailai, who was very disappointed with his previous "eldest brothers", now has such low requirements that he no longer expects his "eldest brother" to die for him.

For some reason, the old alliance leader Wang laughed "hehehe", but Lin Tailai heard murderous intent in the laughter!

Then I saw the old alliance leader Wang saying to the tax envoy Wang: "Do you know what kind of person this Lin Tailai is?

Haven't you heard that Lin Tailai is known as Lu Bu among men and Lu among horses?"

Wang Zhidu asked: "Old senior, what does this mean?"

Alliance leader Wang Lao replied: "Anyone who has served Lin Tailai as a lord, or has used Lin Tailai as his lord, most of them will not have a happy ending!

Hall masters, grain books, and county magistrates are no exception! Feng Shike, who had helped him, broke up with him! Zhang Youyu, who was close to him, ended up being cheated on three times!"

Wang Zhidu still said: "What does that have to do with me?"

The old alliance leader Wang replied: "It means that Lin Tailai is born to be rebellious and unruly. He is used to conquering his superiors and masters. He is an immature man!"

Don’t you, the King of Taxes, have any grudges against such inhuman orcs?"

Everyone in the hall was astonished and could not believe that these harsh words came from the mouth of the leader of the literary world!

It’s not that the old leader Wang has never scolded people harshly. He scolded Xie Zhen like this when he was young, and he scolded Xu Wenchang like this when he was middle-aged.

Otherwise, how did the alliance leader achieve its reputation?

But as he got older, Mr. Wang became obsessed with Zen philosophy and no longer cursed people directly. At most, he just said "enemy in the literary world".

Unexpectedly, the old alliance leader directly insulted Lin Tailai today!

But when they thought of what Old Alliance Leader Wang had said before, everyone understood it again!

As long as Lin Tailai is angered and offends the old alliance leader, it will immediately be a serious crime!

Think about what kind of person Lin Tailai is, he never leaves his fist!

Problems that can be solved with fists and iron whips cannot be solved with fists and iron whips!

With the temperament of a young man like Lin Tailai, how could he possibly be able to endure it?

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Tailai, who was insulted as an immature orc, walked step by step from the entrance of the hall to the main seat!

Wang Shisu, who was originally standing behind his father, wanted to move in front of his father and act as a human shield for defense.

However, Alliance Leader Wang Lao scolded him in a low voice: "Back off!"

Then the old leader Wang faced Lin Tailai with extraordinary determination, his eyes were firm and fearless!

If maintaining the hegemony of the retro faction requires bloodshed, then please start with him as the leader!

Sacrificing one's life in a national disaster, seeing death as a sudden return home!

Wang Zhidu and Xing Dong both lamented that this old alliance leader was simply using his life to show off. He had lived up to his reputation as alliance leader for thirty years.

Immediately, Wang Zhedou, the second tallest man in the hall, also stood up and took a few steps forward to stop Lin Tailai.

But this big man in the eyes of ordinary people in King's Capital was obviously not good enough when Lin Tai came here, so he was pushed away.

Lin Tailai stopped when he was just a stone's throw away from Alliance Leader Wang Lao!

As long as Lin Tailai reaches out his hand, the old alliance leader Wang will die or be disabled!

Lin Tailai finally stretched out his hand, but first he rubbed his face!

His face seemed to be in great pain as he said, "I never expected that Duke Yanzhou would treat me like this!

Originally, I have always been grateful to Duke Yanzhou and regard him as my reborn parent!"

Everyone: "."

They had reason to suspect that Lin Tailai had picked up the wrong script and read the wrong lines.

Lin Tailai's expression became more and more painful: "Why I am grateful to the Duke of Yanzhou? First, I was originally unknown in the literary world. I wrote many poems that were tepid and never popular.

Since the Duke of Yanzhou arrived in Suzhou, my poems began to be widely circulated, starting from a poem that spreads green all over the world!

From Duke Yanzhou, I finally understood the true art of poetry and learned how to increase the popularity of poetry!

In my heart, Duke Yanzhou is the leader of literature!"

Everyone was dazzled by what they heard and just wanted to interrupt and ask, Lin Tailai, are you serious? Could it be more disgusting?

It sounds weird, but logically speaking, it seems right?

Speaking of this, Lin Tailai paused for a while, and then continued to say emotionally:

"The second thing I want to thank is that the Duke of Yanzhou recommended me as the third literary enemy in the world, which made me completely popular in the literary world!

If it hadn't been personally designated by Duke Danzhou, I wouldn't have had such an honor!

If God had not given birth to the Duke of Yanzhou, he would still be an unknown pawn in the literary world who would be ridiculed by others and not be aware of his high standards!

Therefore, as far as the literary world is concerned, it is not an exaggeration to say that Duke Yanzhou is my reborn parent!"

Everyone still looked at Lin Tailai in shock, and no one knew how to respond.

What I want to ask is that Lin Tailai, are you serious? Do you really thank the old leader from the bottom of your heart?

Since no one was talking, the living room was still Lin Tailai's stage! Lin Tailai chanted loudly:

"In the vast ocean, how can Mo Yi ask for the cause and effect?

Dreams become illusory after waking up, and it is not spring until the flowers bloom.

See through the floating clouds and pity the world, and be born with pride and innocence.

In the swaying east wind, a weeping willow tree sneers at people."

Everyone was shocked again. It’s understandable that they would react at the last moment, but they even opened their mouths and wrote a poem to accompany it!

"Shut up!" Wang Shizhen stood up angrily. You can die, but you can't lose by pretending!

Those words are so disgusting! Today, even at the cost of his remaining life, Lin Tailai must be suppressed!

Lin Tailai suddenly pointed at the old leader Wang, laughed miserably and said:

"If I am an enemy in the literary world, you are the one who created it with your own hands, Duke Yanzhou!

I heard that the old alliance leader has been practicing Zen in recent years, so he should understand some Buddhist principles!

There are good and evil thoughts in people's hearts, and this enemy of the literary world is actually the concrete manifestation of your inner demons and evil thoughts, Lord Yanzhou!"

Wang Shizhen was stunned when she was about to perform the exercise. After standing dumbly for a moment, she suddenly raised her head and fell down.

Lin Tailai was so frightened that he took more than ten steps back and shouted: "Please bear witness! I didn't do anything! It's not my business!"

This chapter has been completed!
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