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Chapter 137 Time is running out! (Please vote for me!)

In the Huangtang Hall on the fourth floor, Zhu Wenke, the prefect of Suzhou Prefecture, was receiving a guest. The guest was none other than Wang Shizhen, the leader of the literary circle who had been in Suzhou for a month and a half and had not yet left.

When Magistrate Zhu saw the visit of the leader Wang Lao, he subconsciously asked: "Is the literary conference over?"

Alliance leader Wang Lao replied a bit awkwardly: "It's not over yet. It's still going on, so it doesn't count as over."

"Ah, I made a mistake." Magistrate Zhu thought the literary conference was over and the old leader came here to say goodbye.

But having said that, it is also a skill to turn a conference that started with a sensation in the literary world into such a mess.

Wang Shizhen didn’t want to continue talking about the literary conference for the time being, and directly pointed out the purpose:

"I came to visit the county governor today, especially for Lin Tailai, my enemy in the literary world. At the end of the month, there will be the Suzhou Prefecture's imperial examination. Please ask the county governor Zhu to get rid of him."

Magistrate Zhu responded: "I have also heard about this person. I heard that he is the head of the Wuxian County Examination.

According to the usual practice, the top scorer in the county examination must be passed in the prefecture exam, and the top scorer in the county exam will not be erased."

The leader of the alliance, Wang Lao, replied: "The convention is just a custom of favor. There has never been any law or regulation that states that the first case in the county examination must pass the government examination!"

Magistrate Zhu added: "This is Suzhou Prefecture, which attracts world attention, and Wu County is the capital county of Suzhou Prefecture!

The humiliation of Wu County's top case being dismissed from the government examination is a strange news, and it is still a bit shocking when it is spread."

Alliance Leader Wang Lao then replied: "Such an enemy of the literary world deserves to suffer this kind of shame and humiliation."

Magistrate Zhu vaguely understood how Lin Tailai became the head of the county examination case.

It must be a huge shame for ordinary literati to fail the county examination first in the provincial examination.

Leader Wang used his killer weapon again: "I have a letter here addressed to Mr. Wang Xijue and Mr. Wang Xianggong."

To be honest, I am almost tired of talking about "delivering letters", but there is nothing I can do about it. This is the only method that works best at critical moments.

Magistrate Zhu nodded: "I understand."

Just after seeing off the old leader Wang, Magistrate Zhu saw Liu Tuiguan standing outside the court waiting to see him.

"There is a strange case, please tell me from the government station." Official Liu Tui reported.

After hearing this, Magistrate Zhu also asked the same question as the gatekeeper.

"How can a criminal who has been sentenced to a heavy sentence still move freely and go to the government office to complain about his injustice?"

Liu Tuiguan replied: "The king's capital of Xushuguan appointed him as the chief official of the branch. With such a status, according to the rules, he must get the permission of the king's capital before he can be admitted into prison."

This is the rule of the industry. Anyone who wants to detain or imprison people from other yamen must get the nod of the main officials of other yamen.

Although the level of Xushuguan is lower than that of the government office, Xushuguan is an institution directly under the Ministry of Household Affairs of the imperial court and is not under the direct control of the government office.

Liu Tuiguan continued: "When I asked the officers and soldiers to dispatch, I also asked the king's capital.

Wang Zhidu replied that he would not obstruct local justice and let the officials try at will.

But he also gave Lin Tailai ten days of free time. After ten days, he will be imprisoned and sentenced by the local government!"

"The capital of the king is simply making nonsense. He treats the king's laws as child's play. He can be impeached for covering up and violating the law!" Zhu Zhifu scolded.

Liu Tuiguan quickly reminded: "His second brother in the capital of the king is Wang Situ of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and he is in charge of the collection and assessment of money and grain!"

Magistrate Zhu couldn't bear to complain and said: "Sure enough, behind the demons and ghosts, there are all kinds of gods, Buddhas and bodhisattvas!"

Then he gave instructions to Liu Tuiguan: "Let Wu County report the case files as soon as possible. Based on the results of Wu County's trial, we will review it impartially!"

After receiving the instructions, Liu Tuiguan left the magistrate's court and went back to do business.

Official Lin, with his hands in his sleeves, squatted in the front yard of the Tui Guan Hall, like an honest and good citizen, waiting for Liu Tui Guan to return after asking for instructions.

He suddenly heard the noise of carriages and horses coming from the direction of Fuya Zhong Road.

Senior official Lin said to the yamen officer in the office: "Someone must be a big shot in your yamen office. Can you go and see who it is?"

The yamen servant was also very curious, so he went out to take a look, and came back and said, "It's Nanjing Shaosi Kou Wang, the man you call the leader of the literary world!"

Lin Daguan raised his hand, but there was no one else to take pictures of, so he could only slap his own thigh, and exclaimed in surprise: "Isn't this a coincidence!"

The officer of the official office said: "."

Forgive their ignorance, but I really don't see anything worthy of surprise in you, Mr. Lin.

Among the two counties in Suzhou City, Changzhou County is actually much larger in area than Wuxian County, but why is Wuxian County called the first county?

This is all because the Fu Yamen is located within Wuxian County, and the Fu Yamen and Wuxian County Government are even so close that they are separated by a street.

Therefore, when Liu Tuiguan sent people to the Wuxian county government office to request the case files, the time required was very short.

Not to mention that Magistrate Deng is eager to submit Lin Tailai's case file as soon as possible so that it can be reviewed and implemented as soon as possible.

As a result, in the afternoon, the relevant files of Lin Tailai's rape-to-death case were sent to the government office.

The county government's preliminary trial is in the afternoon, and the government government's review is in the afternoon. The efficiency of trials in Ming Dynasty has never been so high.

Immediately, Lin Tailai was pushed to the platform outside the official hall to accept the review by the official master.

Liu Tuiguan is also a veteran of criminal prosecution. While looking at the case file, he asked seductively:

"Lin Tailai! You said that you were dissatisfied with Wu County's judgment, so you came to the government office to appeal. What exactly are you dissatisfied with?"

Liu Tuiguan did not directly characterize the situation directly, but guided Lin Tailai to reveal his "trunk card" first.

Lin Tailai shouted: "The government has a clear warning! Deng County's judge is wrong, he is violating the law!"

Liu Tuiguan said calmly: "With so many people testifying against you, your words against Mr. He were unfair. How could you have violated the law?"

Lin Tailai replied: "If according to Deng County Zun's logic, I am found responsible for He's death, then I should be sentenced.

The case had a bad impact and caused great public outrage, causing the villagers of Mudu Town to riot in the city and affecting the image of the government!

Therefore, I should be severely punished and sentenced to hanging!

However, Magistrate Deng only gave a light sentence of 100 rods and 3000 yuan of fines. If this is not a violation of the law, what else is it?"

Liu Tuiguan: "."

He has been judging cases for so many years, and he claims to be proficient in criminal justice, but today he can't be punished.

Others appealed, all in order to have their sentences reduced and their convictions exempted!

And you, Lin Tai, came to appeal, is it because you want a harsher sentence? Can you have some normal logic in your life?

Veteran criminal experts all know that judging a case is not only a comparison of the death penalty clauses, but also a flexible psychological game!

If you cannot understand the psychological logic of the parties involved in the case, then something will definitely happen if you make a casual verdict.

Lin Tai looked at the sky and urged: "The case is so clear and the verdict is so simple. Why is the government hesitant to make a decision?"

Liu Tuiguan almost broke the barrel of his pen. He had never seen such an arrogant felon in his life!

If you weren't a branch official, you would have used the "Roaring Court" to hit twenty kills first!

Seeing that Liu Tuiguan still didn't respond, Lin Tailai shouted anxiously: "I don't have much time! Let's sentence him quickly!"

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