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Chapter 140 You have gone too far!

Second Young Master Shen finally came out and took Lin Tai to the Procuratorate in person.

Just like what Lin Tailai said, the Shen family, as a newly wealthy family, needs to establish their authority and show off their fangs appropriately to let the locals in Suzhou know how powerful they are.

In particular, Shen Shoufu has not returned to Suzhou for a long time, and there is no one else in Shen's house, so Second Young Master Shen has no choice but to shoulder the responsibility.

Shen Yongjia walked into the main hall of the Procuratorate, only to find that in addition to Jiangnan Patrol Magistrate Xing Dong in the middle, Magistrate Deng of Wuxian County and Liu Tuiguan of Suzhou Prefecture were all seated beside him.

From the looks of it, the three judicial officials must have been talking for a while.

Although the officialdom systems of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were similar in many ways, the differences in details were not small.

Relatively speaking, the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty paid special attention to superficial integrity, which was more "pretentious".

For example, in the Qing Dynasty, it was a basic etiquette for officials to lower their rank to greet Master Zaifu when they saw him. It would be abnormal not to do so.

But in the Ming Dynasty, no matter what you think in your heart, you have to be polite on the outside, otherwise you will be scolded as a flatterer.

So Xing Xunjian looked at Shen Yongjia and asked calmly: "Your Excellency, why did you come to my procuratorate?"

Shen Yongjia also sat down opposite Magistrate Deng and replied: "Thank you for your hard work, sir. Wan Sheng came here just to hear the trial and see what happened to the retainer named Lin."

Xing Xunjian said: "Yesterday Lin Tai came to the Procuratorate to file a complaint, but no one has arrived yet."

Shen Yongjia replied: "I have brought him here and he is writing poetry outside the door. He will come in after he finishes writing."

Xing Xun pressed: "."

I have never heard of a person who is so keen on writing poems and writes wherever he goes. Does he want to leave tens of thousands of works in this world?

After waiting for a while, I saw Lin Tailai being taken to the platform outside the door.

Xing Xun took pictures of the public case and prepared to open the court.

But Second Young Master Shen spoke first: "Lin Tailai! I hope you will be a good and law-abiding person. If you commit crimes and violate laws, I will not tolerate you!"

However, if someone wants to unjustly accuse someone, it’s not that easy!”

After saying these words, Mr. Shen felt a little domineering for no reason.

It's a pity that Lin Tailai's lines designed for him only stop here.

But Lin Tailai stared at Liu Tuiguan and asked: "The Tuifu also appeared in the procuratorate, does it mean that the Tuifu already knows what happened in the county government office?

It seems that the Tuifu had an informant in the county government, so they were able to get the news so quickly.

I don’t know if County Magistrate Deng can bear it, someone is spying on the county government like this!”

Liu Tuiguan scolded: "Stop talking nonsense and sowing discord! It was Wu County who took the initiative to report the situation to me!"

Lin Tailai then said to Xing Xunjian: "Master Xunxun, you see, they are indeed officials protecting each other!

The county and government offices blatantly colluded with each other to create unjust cases!"

Xing Xun pressed: "."

This was not the first time he had witnessed Lin Tailai's difficulty. He had seen it in Qiuzhiyuan and Xushuguan. He did not expect that it would finally be his turn today.

In his position, it is really difficult to handle cases impartially, especially cases that involve many aspects.

I won’t talk about the government and county offices, but I will say that Lin Tailai seems to be the weak side on the surface, but he knows Wang Zhidu and today he invited the second son Shen.

So the highest priority option is actually to make peace with the mud.

Sometimes it’s not because officials are incompetent and can only deal with the problem, but because it is often the most cost-effective solution.

Xing Xunjian then said: "I have reviewed the case file and it is true that dozens of people have testified that you talked about He's appearance in public and your words about He.

Therefore, it is understandable that the county government made a wrong judgment regarding He's death.

I am ordering the county government and the government government to make corrections, and I will exempt you from all punishments."

If it were ordinary people, this would be considered an injustice, and they should shout loudly to the sky.

But Official Lin was obviously a cunning type, so he immediately replied: "Did Mr. Inspector misunderstand something?

I am not here to pray for my gentlemen to have their crimes commuted or exempted from prison sentences, but to sue Magistrate Deng for sacrificing human lives, subduing people and deliberately violating the law, and for Liu Tuiguan to shield the county government, which is also a violation of the law!"

Xing Xunzhi was secretly angry and felt that Lin Tailai was too ignorant!

You, Lin Tailai, are suing the officials from the people. It is already a great grace for you to reverse the case and vindicate you. What else do you want?

Is it possible that you want the old man to kowtow to you in return?

So Xing Xun raised his tone and shouted: "Lin Tailai! I advise you to take care of yourself and don't push yourself too far!"

Lin Tailai was very puzzled and asked: "I have already restrained myself, and what I ask for is not excessive. How can I go beyond the limit?"

Xing Xunjian said unceremoniously: "You haven't gone too far? I have rehabilitated you, what else do you want?

The county government office just made an unintentional mistake. I will impeach and punish you, but you want to go to the line and forcefully discuss the crime!"

In Xing Xunjian's mind, helping Lin Tailai to vindicate his case was already an act of impartiality and justice.

In addition, there is no point in helping Lin Tailai more, and there will be no more benefits; on the contrary, the government can gain more by maintaining the county government.

Lin Tailai sighed: "I just wrote a poem on the wall outside.

The green blood is long buried in the prison of writing, and all the phoenix branches are cut down in the Dan Mountain. After chanting, I lower my eyebrows and find nothing to write, and the waves travel thousands of miles to illuminate the clothes."

Literary prison? These three words were a bit harsh, making Xing Xun press frown.

Lin Tailai continued: "Because I offended the leader of the literary world about literature, I was framed and slandered. What is this if not a literary prison?

Yesterday I also saw that during the government review, the literary leader Wang Lao also went to the government office!

I never thought that my lifelong love of reciting poems and writing lyrics could cause such trouble!

I didn’t understand what a literal prison was at first! I finally know it today!

I originally thought that I had a clear path to speak out, but today I found out that was not the case!”

Xing Xun couldn't stand listening anymore and scolded: "What a bunch of nonsense! You dare to make false accusations against Senior Wang without any basis or evidence!"

Lin Tailai asked in reply: "When the county government sentenced me to a hundred sticks and three thousand in exile, did I have any evidence?

Justice prevails in people's hearts. Not even a stupid pig can guess what the old alliance leader did!

You can control what I say and write, but you can also control what the people of Suzhou City think?"

Then he added: "There is another poem below, expressing my feelings about the experiences of the past few days. It is also written on the wall outside!

The literary prison of Sanchun is now in Nanguan again. There are endless tears in mountains and rivers. Who said the world is broad?

It is known that the road to the spring is close, and it is difficult to leave my hometown. On the day when Yipo returns, I can see the spiritual flag in the sky."

Hearing that Lin Tailai kept talking about the literary prison, Xing Xunjian once again couldn't bear it and said: "Don't go too far!"

For the literary world, the most taboo reputation is the literary prison.

Xing Xunjian is a person with vested interests in today's literary world and a candidate for the new Five Sons. He must maintain the dignity of the old leader Wang.

Lin Tailai replied: "I just want to prove that compared with accusing the old alliance leader of literary inquisition, it is not too much to accuse Magistrate Deng of violating the law.

Unexpectedly, the security guard still thinks this is too much!

In this case, let the security guard see what is truly excessive!"

This chapter has been completed!
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