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Chapter 147 The Master of Problem Solving (Part 2)

At this time, the atmosphere suddenly became peaceful, and several of Wang Yusheng's friends also became quiet.

Perhaps this is the so-called mentality of "it is better to resolve enemies than to make enemies".

After all, Lin Tailai himself was not clean in exams, so he naturally did not want to make the matter too big and get himself into trouble.

For now, they can only endure it for the time being, and wait until Wang Yusheng escapes this disaster, and then they can figure out together how to deal with Lin Tailai!

Generally, a set of four books will be symbolically placed on the examiner's desk.

Lin Tailai picked up a copy of "Mencius" and couldn't help laughing "hehehehe" several times.

In the eyes of outsiders, it looks extremely weird.

Lin Tailai thought to himself, who said that time-travelers must be challenged and tested by others? Why can't they make things difficult and test others?

Turning the book "Mencius" to the front, Lin Tailai circled a few words with a pen and showed it to Wang Yusheng.

The circled words are "On the Chapter of King Hui of Liang". This is not a sentence in the text, but the title of the first chapter of the whole book "Mencius".

Ah this? Wang Yusheng was immediately stunned, and then he glared at Lin Tailai angrily.

To solve the problem, you need to think about the meaning of the title text and then summarize it into two sentences.

Normal questions are all excerpts of words and sentences from the text!

And "The King of Liang Hui" is just a chapter title, with no meaning at all!

To solve a problem, you must first have a "problem" to solve. Isn't it nonsense to solve a meaningless phrase?

Lin Tailai waited for a while and asked inexplicably: "What's wrong? The question has been given to you. If you don't solve the question, why do you just want to see what I do?"

Wang Yusheng can be sure that Lin Tailai's plea just now was all fake mercy, and he still had bad intentions!

The little bit of gratitude I had just felt was immediately blown away by the wind!

Lin Tailai put down "Mencius" and picked up another "The Analects of Confucius". He also flipped to the front and circled a few words.

Wang Yusheng didn't want to read it at first, knowing it was definitely not a good topic, but in the end he couldn't help but take a look.

Seeing that the circled word was "Learn to be the first", Wang Yusheng immediately felt that his heart and lungs were about to explode.

Just now "King Hui of Liang" was the first chapter title of Mencius, and "Learning is the first" is the first chapter title of "The Analects of Confucius"!

Now it is certain that Lin Tailai not only deliberately made things difficult for others, but also deliberately humiliated them!

At this time, Lin Tailai exclaimed very exaggeratedly: "Isn't it right? A descendant of the Dongshan Wang family can't solve two Four Books questions in a row?"

Wang Yusheng didn't want to talk to Lin Tailai, so he turned to Magistrate Zhu and said angrily: "A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!

I can just expel you from the mansion, so why let me humiliate the traitor!"

Wang Yusheng's friends immediately shouted: "This kind of question is really malicious! Lin Tailai has a terrible intention!"

The round-faced candidate who was the loudest among them shouted again: "Lin Tailai deliberately used wrong questions to humiliate his fellow students. He is disrespectful and disrespectful of the sages' books. He should be expelled!"

The others also talked a lot and sympathized with Wang Yusheng. Lin Tailai's behavior was a bit disgusting.

Magistrate Zhu frowned, originally thinking that Lin Tailai would settle the matter, but unexpectedly Lin Tailai actually made the matter worse!

He turned around and shouted: "Lin Tailai! If you don't give me an explanation, I can only expel you!"

Suddenly Lin Tailai took a quick step and rushed to the front of the crowd of more than 20 candidates.

He directly grabbed the round-faced candidate who yelled the loudest and snatched him out.

Then he grabbed the round-faced candidate by the neck and asked, "Why is this wrong question?

Could it be that Wang Yusheng and you losers don’t have enough knowledge to solve the problem, so they blame the problem and make mistakes?”

The officers on duty here came around and found that the round-faced candidate who had been strangled by the neck could still kick his legs around and would not die for a while.

He also fulfilled his duties and stood aside politely and advised: "Master Lin, please let go. If you have something to say, please speak it carefully and don't hurt your harmony."

Another person hid behind the crowd and shouted: "How do you think you can solve this question?"

Lin Tailai shook the round-faced candidate in his hand vigorously to express his anger, and replied loudly:

"Take the title of King Hui of Liang as an example. The solution to the problem could be that the thief of a country should be crowned with seven books of benevolence and righteousness!"

"Good! Excellent!" Among the onlookers who had already handed in their papers, a neutral person suddenly shouted loudly.

When the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty was still alive, King Hui of Liang claimed that he was tyrannizing, so it was called "the tyrant lord of a country";

There are seven chapters in the whole book of "Mencius", and "The First Chapter of King Hui of Liang" is the first chapter of Mencius, so it is called "the top seven chapters of the book of benevolence and righteousness".

The more the candidates who were watching thought about it, the more they felt that this question was brilliant, and they couldn't help but applaud.

Everyone is a person who studies eight-legged essays, and some people are eager for knowledge and ask: "If you are the first to learn, how should you solve the problem?"

Lin Tailai, who also followed the good example and liked to be a teacher, replied: "The first thing to say about learning can be, learning and then doing politics. I have never heard of studying politics!"

Immediately there was another round of applause, this solution was equally brilliant!

In the Analects of Confucius, the first chapter is "Xue Er", and the second chapter after "Xue Er" is "Wei Zheng".

Therefore, the title is "Learning and then becoming a politician", which can be called exquisite!

Only Wang Yu said, and his face turned instantly gray! Everything was over!

He was the one who proposed the competition of strength first, so now the rule is that strength is respected!

In the face of such problem-solving power, not even Zhu Zhifu could overturn the result!

After all, it was Zhu Zhifu who proposed the test question, so it is impossible to publicly regret or deny it!

Lin Tailai seemed to be getting angrier as he spoke. He threw the round-faced candidate in his hand to the ground and shouted to the crowd: "Who else is there!"

The crowd immediately fell silent, and no one dared to comment on Lin Tailai's daring to respond to questions.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tailai's ability to solve problems is so clever!

At this time, everyone thought of something and looked at Wang Yusheng again.

Now everyone understands that Lin Tailai picked up Wang Yusheng just now, not out of magnanimous kindness, but just to humiliate him again.

This is not entirely accurate. It should be that Lin Tailai wanted to demonstrate his "talent and learning" by humiliating Wang Yusheng again and dispel other people's doubts about his county knowledge.

From the perspective of proving himself, Lin Tailai succeeded, but his method was too rough.

At this time, Lin Tailai, who was proud and proud, pointed at the round-faced candidate on the ground and said through gritted teeth:

"Such a delicate question, just because Wang Yusheng couldn't solve it, you scolded me for making the question wrong, and you even wanted to expel me from the examination room!

Is this still justified? Is it still moral?

The county magistrate will give me Lin Tailai as the head of the case, otherwise, he will not be able to be the county magistrate because he has no knowledge of people!

How dare you question me, Lin Tailai, even though you are poking at your mother's trash?"

As he spoke, Lin Tailai raised his foot and stepped on the round-faced candidate's face.

But the round-faced candidate who had been pretending to be dead for a long time suddenly rolled over and nimbly dodged past.

Lin Tailai turned from trampling to kicking and kicked him in the air: "How dare you hide when you step on a horse?"

The round-faced candidate covered his chest and said harshly: "Why don't you dare to hit Wang Yusheng? What kind of hero do you think you are if you take it out on me?"

"That's enough!" Zhu Zhifu was furious, slapped the case and stood up!

Lin Tailai pushed Wang Yusheng out of the way and responded to Magistrate Zhu: "Do you still want to continue to take the exam for me?"

Now that the situation was completely out of control, Magistrate Zhu decided to find a way out for himself, otherwise he really didn't know how to speak to Lin Tai, who was all-rounded.

"Just now you were testing others, now I'm here to test you!" Zhu Zhifu thought for a while and said.

Then he pointed to a certain place in "The Analects of Confucius": "Let's take this as a topic and break it down!"

Lin Tailai took a look and saw that the prefect's finger seemed to be placed next to the word "Confucius".

So Lin Tailai laughed proudly, "Haha", "If the title is based on the two words "Zi Yue", it couldn't be simpler!

Anyone who has read a few historical novels will be able to figure this out, let alone me, Lin Tailaihu!"

Everyone around him was confused and didn't know why Lin Tailai was laughing.

What does this have to do with reading novels? Which novels talk about this problem?

Before Lin Tailai finished laughing, someone from the side suddenly responded: "The two-character saying of the Master can be said, one man can be a teacher for hundreds of generations, and one word can be the law of the world!"

Lin Tailai turned around and saw that it was Wang Yusheng who started to answer!

Wang Yusheng looked at Lin Tailai stubbornly. This was the last dignity of the Wang family in Dongshan!

I would rather fight to the end than settle for just a moment!

Lin Tailai was suddenly a little annoyed, forgetting that villains always die from talking too much!

I had just made this mistake, giving Wang Yusheng the opportunity to pretend to be resurrected.

"Bah!" Lin Tailai scolded Wang Yu again: "This thesis was broken by Zhao Shichun, one of the eight talented men during the Jiajing period!

You, Wang Yusheng, have just been lucky enough to see each other in a book, and you are just as wise as your predecessors. Do you really think that I, Lin Tailai, have never read the book?

Besides, the title of Mr. Futai is not the word Zi said!"

Magistrate Zhu: “???”

If the title is not these two words, which one is it?

Lin Tailai stepped forward, pinched Magistrate Zhu's finger hard, and moved it up one character.

In other words, Magistrate Zhu moved his finger from the word "子曰" to the big circle in front of "子曰".

There are too many "Confucius said" in the current printed version of the Analects, so there is a circle in front of these two characters to show the separation between them.

Lin Tailai then spoke to Wang Yusheng: "The title of the mansion is actually this circle!

This time I will let you answer first. If you have real talent and knowledge, come and solve the question!"

Wang Yu said: "."

Although this is also a symbol in "The Analects", how can a circle that is not even a word solve the problem?

Lin Tailai stood with his hands behind his hands and said proudly to Wang Yu: "The circle is the circle of the sky, and it is in front of the two words "Confucius".

Therefore, the problem can be solved by saying that the sage is the first to speak, and the law of heaven is like this!"

Damn it! Everyone present is a candidate studying the eight-part essay. I just feel that today is really an eye-opener!

This kind of realm of problem-solving is no longer just flying flowers and picking leaves, it has simply reached the height of creation in the void!

Could it be that Lin Tailai is really a hidden master of solving problems?

Lin Tailai abandoned Wang Yusheng, who was already walking like a zombie, and looked back and forth at the rest of the crowd, asking: "Who else is there?"

I'm going all out! I've used all the classic puzzles!! I wrote 6,000 words today. I'm grateful to the leader for the extra words. I'll try to continue with more tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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