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Chapter 151 A random martial arts exam (Part 2)

As early as the early days of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Taizu Gao had announced that there would be civil and military examinations, but the martial arts examinations were never implemented, so there were no martial arts examinations.

The first development node of the martial arts examination was during the Tianshun period after the Tumubao Incident; the second development node was during the Jiajing period.

Of course, if Lin Daguan did not travel through time and change history, there would be a third development node for martial arts in the future, and that would be the Chongzhen period.

From these points in time, it can be seen that the imperial court's attitude towards martial arts competitions was basically like resorting to medical treatment after a military problem occurred.

In the current Wanli Dynasty, although the martial arts examination system is relatively mature, it largely imitates the liberal arts examination system, and there are also provincial examinations and joint examinations.

But so far, the Ming Dynasty's martial arts examination has not actually held a palace examination, which means that the martial arts examination has not produced a martial arts champion.

Currently, the martial arts champions, as they are commonly called among the people, are actually just the first place in the military examinations, and can only be equivalent to the liberal arts champions.

If we follow the original historical trajectory, the first real military champion would not appear until the Chongzhen Dynasty.

Xing Xunjian probably didn't want to waste any more time, so he put up the notice board when he returned to Suzhou and began to inspect the martial arts candidates.

The first candidates to undergo the inspection are the candidates from Wu County, the capital county of Suzhou. The martial arts inspection will be held on May 25th at the Suzhou Health School.

Lin Tailai took the Zhang brothers and all common weapons such as big guns and double whips and arrived at the Suzhou Medical School in the north of the city early.

"What? You are not allowed to bring weapons?" Lin Tailai asked the sergeant guarding the gate: "How can you perform martial arts without weapons?"

The guard sergeant said lazily: "Swords, guns, bows, horses, and stone piers are all prepared inside. There is no need for candidates to bring their own!"

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Tailai curiously. He had never seen anyone wearing a long-sleeved gown to take the martial arts exam. Was he afraid that he was out of his mind?

Rules are rules, and Lin Daguan had no choice but to abide by them. He could only leave his whip and big gun outside the court and enter the school grounds alone.

Of course, the sergeant did not expect that there was an iron-fingered tiger hidden in Lin Daguan's sleeves.

After entering the school grounds, I saw that twenty or thirty people had gathered near the dianjiang platform and were talking lively. This scene was completely different from the literary exam.

Lin Tailai walked over, stood on the outside and observed it, and then he understood.

These twenty or thirty people were all children of Suzhou Guardsmen's military families, so they could get together and chat together.

It seems that Lin Tailai is the only real private citizen who has signed up to participate in the martial arts competition so far.

The martial arts examination has a function, and it is also to provide a way out for those military households who do not have the right to inherit.

And just like Pang Sili said, ordinary people don't have the opportunity to touch bows and arrows. People in Suzhou also love literature but not martial arts, and not many people sign up for martial arts examinations.

Therefore, the martial arts examination is nominally open to all people, but in fact, to a large extent, it is the private area of ​​​​the children of military households.

Even if the children of military households in Suzhou City can pass the test, there are only twenty or thirty people standing here.

After all, there are hard targets for martial arts display. Whether the arrow can hit the target, whether the stone pier can be moved, it is difficult to cheat.

Lin Tailai went around for a while, but still couldn't fit into the circle of these military children. Instead, he was vaguely ostracized.

After all, everyone standing here is here to compete for the spot of Wu Xiucai!

As for Lin Tailai, with his height and physique, he looked like someone vying for a spot. Moreover, he was not one of their "own members", but an outsider.

Just being isolated is a trivial matter, and some people with impure thoughts have even begun to think about how to eliminate this competitor.

Especially those direct competitors who gave up the arch and horse events and chose to participate in the physical strength and martial arts events.

Although he felt the unfriendly atmosphere, Lin Tailai was not afraid.

Today's inspector is Xing Xun, and he and Xing Xun are on speaking terms!

But Xing Xunjian hadn't arrived yet at this time, and there were several stone piers placed in the shade next to the dianjiang platform.

Everyone who was waiting for the exam started chatting and laughing around the stone pier in a shady place.

There are four sizes of stone piers, the three conventional ones are 200 jins, 250 jins, and 300 jins. Each stone pier has grooves on both sides for people to get started.

If you don't plan to test bows and arrows, you can choose physical strength and other weapons. These three stone piers are props for testing physical strength.

There is also an extraordinary 500-pound stone pier, which is not used as a regular assessment prop.

Suddenly the crowd began to boo, urging a man named Han Yuanguang to try the three hundred kilogram stone pier.

This is a very strong man compared to ordinary people, and he is only one head shorter than Lin Tailai.

Standing in front of the three-hundred-jin stone pier, Han Yuanguang moved his arms for a moment, then lifted his lower lapel and grasped the groove of the stone pier with both hands.

"Drink!" Han Yuanguang shouted, with a ferocious face, his arms used force, and he held his breath to lift the stone pier!

And then moved it to the height between the chest and abdomen, and then threw the stone pier down.

"Okay!" "Mighty!" "Hard!" "Convinced!"

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers, and kept cheering around Han Yuanguang.

Only Lin Tailai, who was standing behind the crowd, chuckled a few times and shook his head disapprovingly.

There was also a stone pier in the front yard at the entrance of the hall. I don't know how much it weighed a few hundred kilograms, but it was definitely bigger than this 300 kilogram stone, so he moved it.

Therefore, in Lin Tailai's eyes, lifting a stone pier of three hundred kilograms was nothing.

Han Yuanguang looked around triumphantly and accepted the compliments from everyone, when he happened to see Lin Tailai's disapproving expression.

"Why are you laughing!" Han Yuanguang suddenly pointed at Lin Tailai and asked.

Lin Daguan has been in a period of expansion recently, so he responded without thinking: "I'm just laughing at you!"

Han Yuanguang separated from the crowd, walked up to Lin Tailai with a few friends, and threatened: "Are you going to laugh again?"

Lin Tailai said disdainfully: "What's wrong with Xiaoyou? How about less meat?"

Han Yuanguang felt that the atmosphere was brewing, and he took charge, so he winked at his friends.

It’s time to start! For private households like Lin Tailai to sign up for the martial arts competition, the project must not be bow and arrow, it must be the physical strength and martial arts to compete with themselves!

Then Han Yuanguang suddenly swung his fist and hit Lin Tailai directly in the face.

Lin Tailai's reaction speed was far beyond that of ordinary people. He shook his head to avoid the punch, and then reflexively punched back.

At this time, Lin Daguan was still a little excited. He didn't expect that as soon as he entered the school, there would be a project he liked.

Han Yuanguang didn't expect that he would dodge the surprise punch, so he punched it with too much force, and his body was still moving forward due to the inertia of his body.

This resulted in Lin Tailai's quick counterattack, but Han Yuanguang's body had not yet recovered its inertia, and he was punched in the face.

Han Yuanguang immediately fell to the ground on his back and passed out.

Only then did Han Yuanguang's friends react. They didn't even bother to check on Han Yuanguang, and they rushed towards Lin Tailai together.

The children of military families who can stand here and compete for martial arts talents are generally stronger than ordinary people, and they can also learn some kung fu.

Therefore, Lin Tailai did not dare to remain in place carelessly, and quickly turned around and ran along the steps to the high point-making platform.

At the same time, he quickly took out the iron finger tiger and put it on, and then stood guard at the step.

This can ensure that at most two people will rush towards him, so that he will not be surrounded on all sides.

Now there is no one holding a big willow basket to help cover his flanks and rear, and his opponents are not ordinary people or thugs.

Fortunately, none of his opponents had weapons. Equipped with the Iron Finger Tiger, Lin Daguan's power was much more lethal than his bare hands.

Several of Han Yuanguang's friends rushed up the stairs, and they were all knocked down within a few moments of meeting him.

This is like poking a hornet's nest. After all, relationships are connected one after another. Han Yuanguang's friends also have other friends.

I don't know who shouted, and seven or eight more people rushed over unconvinced. They must teach Lin Tailai, an outsider who broke in to grab food!

Lin Daguan clung to the favorable position, took a few punches, and knocked down seven or eight people in one go.

In an instant, from the general stage to the foot of the steps, twelve or three people were attacked sporadically, their skin and flesh were torn apart, some were unconscious, some were covering their hands or rolling on their shoulders and wailing.

Now the remaining dozen or so children of military households are no longer stable. Those who can come here are the strongest children of the younger generation of Suzhou military households!

If someone beats him up like this, wouldn't he become a laughing stock if word spread about it?

So the dozen or so people who had been watching from the sidelines had no choice but to take action.

While Lin Tailai was guarding the steps, several people quietly walked around to the other edge of the platform, trying to climb up and attack him secretly.

But after Lin Tailai discovered it, he decisively retreated from the steps.

He ran to the person who was trying to get up and kicked them all down one by one. Lin Tailai also jumped down to add punches.

At this time, there were only a dozen or so children from the military household who were still capable of fighting.

Lin Tailai touched the cowhide inner armor, gritted his teeth and continued.

Of course, it's not about rushing forward and fighting head-on. You should go around the general platform, move and dodge while looking for opportunities to fight back, and receive a few punches and kicks, as long as it's not fatal.

However, the other side's military children were consumed faster than Lin Tailai, and before he knew it, the combat effectiveness of the dozen or so soldiers was reduced to five or six.

The situation immediately reversed, and it was Lin Tai who came to chase the remaining military children.

Jiangnan Patrol Censor Xing Tong finished his morning business and rushed to the school grounds unhurriedly, preparing to start today's inspection of martial arts students.

But when he walked into the school grounds, he found that all the candidates were already lying on and around the judging table.

Only an extremely huge and majestic figure was left, and he could still stand firmly in front of the general stand and accept the roll call.

"Lin Tailai! What's going on!" Xing Xunjian shouted.

Official Lin reported truthfully: "For some reason, all the military children gathered around me and beat me. I had no choice but to fight back.

These twenty or thirty people not only refused to admit defeat, but also fought to the end, so it became like this.

All the officers and sergeants on duty here can vouch for me!

Also, all the stains on the green shirt on my body were left by their fists and kicks. I am suffering from severe beatings. Please make the decision, sir!"

After Xing Xunjian looked around, he shook his head and said: "It seems that you are the only one who has passed the inspection!

This officer selects you as a martial arts student in this subject in Wu County, and you can prepare for the martial arts examination in the second half of the year!"

Lin Tailai: "."

Can the martial arts examination really be done at will?

For some reason, Mr. Lin feels that he likes martial arts more and more. What should he do?

Xing Xunjian looked at the stunned Lin Tailai and asked, "Do you have any other questions?"

Xing Xunjian didn't want to waste time on boring martial arts matters at all. He had a lot of official duties, so he should finish them early and go back to deal with official duties early.

Lin Tailai said deeply: "I have only one question now, how many martial arts students will participate in the Nanzhili Township Examination?

If there are too many people, I’m afraid I won’t be able to attack them, so should we fight in groups?”

Xing Xun pressed: "."

You don’t think that the martial arts examination is just like a big fight in the school field like in the novel, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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