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Chapter 157 New Structure of the Society

After coming out of the hall, the Zhang brothers asked: "Is there going to be another war?"

Lin sat in the hall and sighed: "Don't you know that when fighting outsiders, one must first settle the inside? Now that the organization is in chaos, how can we fight against it?"

So three days later, Lin Zuiguan held a society meeting in Hengtang Town.

Those who participated in the conference included Song Quan and Ruan Qing from Anle Hall, Fan Niangzi from Heyi Hall, Huang Wuniang and Tang Laotou from the fish market, Gao Changjiang from Nanhao Street, Ma Yingming from Mudu Port Branch, and the experienced

Protecting the Dharma on the left and right, are the Four Great Vajras.

There was no chance for others to speak at this conference. Only Lin could speak, and others could only listen.

Lin Zuoguan made a clear statement to everyone: "Our Update Society was initiated by a group of anti-ancient literature lovers!

The original intention of the establishment of the Update Society was to oppose the hegemony of the retro-style school in the literary world! The slogan is to pursue righteousness and oppose rebellion and clarify the literary world!

Shen Yongjia, the youngest son of Shen Shoufu, has always been very concerned about the cause of the Renewal Society, so our Renewal Society respects Mr. Shen as our leader!"

Everyone was confused after hearing this, and they all wondered if Lin had picked up the wrong script.

They are here to participate in the spoils sharing conference. What does the literary career of the Update Society have to do with them?

Lin Tailai continued: "And you people are the first batch of members of the economic undertakings under the Renewal Society!

Of course, there are literary undertakings under the Update Society, but they have little to do with you."

Lady Fan asked on behalf of everyone: "What about you?"

Lin Tailai replied: "I will serve as the seat of the Update Society and preside over all affairs of the Update Society!"

We are all adults, and we understand in an instant that the alliance leader is a fictitious person, but the leader is real.

Then I heard Lin Zuoguan say: "At present, the main business of the Update Society is divided into six major sections. Please listen carefully!

The first section is directly under the Tangkou business!

The three administrative districts of First Capital, Fifth Capital, and Thirteenth Capital were all placed under Anletang.

From now on, Anletang will be responsible for the tax collection affairs of the area directly under the jurisdiction. The hall master will remain unchanged, and Song Quan and Ruan Qing will be promoted to deputy hall masters!"

Hearing this, everyone had no reaction. They just officially transferred the previously annexed territory to the name of Anle Hall.

Lin Tailai continued: "The second section is the franchise business!

In the future, a new Wulian will be established with Anle Hall as the main church, and Hall Master Lu will be regarded as the leader of the new Wulian. Currently, Heyi Hall has joined!

For the time being, Mrs. Fan from Yitang is in charge of the franchise work of all the restaurants on the east bank of Taihu Lake.

To this end, Heyi Tang is allowed to enter Mudu Town and sell salt in rural areas within the community's jurisdiction."

No one said anything about this new Wulian, and no one said anything about letting Mrs. Fan take charge of the franchise business. Selling salt was her old profession.

It’s just that Huang Wuniang can’t sit still. If Fanzi is allowed to occupy Mudu Town upstream, wouldn’t that mean she’s stuck in her own neck?

But next to him, Old Man Tang whispered to Huang Wuniang: "Be calm and don't be impatient!"

Lin sat in the hall without asking for other people's opinions and continued: "The third business sector is Xujiang Waterway and Fishing Salt!

Therefore, Xujiang Trading Company was established, and the Hengtang Fish Market and the entire Xujiang Waterway were placed under Xujiang Trading Company!

Appoint Huang Wuniang as the owner of the business, Old Man Tang as the chief shopkeeper, and the main office will be located in Hengtang Town!"

Everyone's comment on this is that the scumbag is trying to balance!

The town of Mudu, the center of the western region, was given to Fan Niangzi, but the most important Xujiang waterway flowing through Mudu town was given to Huang Wuniang. This is not balancing.

Lin Zuoguan went on quickly: "The first three are old businesses and can be left to your experienced hands, while the rest are new businesses and need to be developed by me personally.

The fourth business section is Mudu Port Customs, with me as the chief official and Ma Yingming as the chief planner.

The fifth business section is the Nanhao Street Municipal Management Office. I am the general manager and Gao Changjiang is the chief planner.

The sixth business segment is the engineering business. There is no rush now and the establishment will be drawn up in the autumn."

Everyone's understanding of this is that Zuo Guan left all the underworld affairs to the agents, while doing all the white affairs at the back himself.

Then Lin Zuiguan announced that in addition to the business sector, he would establish a corporate law enforcement team directly under Zuoguan, which would be on par with the six business sectors.

The Zhang brothers acted as the guardians of the left and right and followed the action; the four Vajras served as captains of the law enforcement teams and were stationed in Hengtang Town, Hengtang Fish Market, Mudu Town, and Mudu Port respectively.

No one dared to say anything about this, as they were openly monitoring the situation with their henchmen at every node.

It is only now that the community structure in Lin Zuoguan's mind for the new era has been fully revealed in front of everyone.

Anletang, Xinwulian, Xujiang Company, Mudu Port Customs, Municipal Management Office, plus the future engineering division, and the directly affiliated law enforcement team, the business of seven first-level units is all-encompassing, like a big net covering

The area between the east bank of Taihu Lake and Suzhou City.

After Lin Tailai announced his idea, he looked at the people who were digesting it and asked in a wicked way: "Who agrees and who opposes?"

The respected Uncle Song came out again and asked on behalf of everyone: "After such a large-scale adjustment, how many manpower should each company use?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Except for positions such as leader, scribe, accountant, accountant, etc., the number of clerks is tentatively determined as follows.

There are 150 clerks from Anletang, 100 clerks from Xujiang Company, 150 clerks from Heyitang, nearly 30 clerks from Mudu Port Branch Guanhe, 20 clerks from the Municipal Management Office, and one clerk from the law enforcement team.

Hundreds of people."

Finally, it was announced that in order to match the nickname of "Ziguan", the branch hall of Anle Hall in Shijia Lane, Nanhao Street will be reorganized into a new academy!

Everyone has nothing to say about this. It seems that literary career is the true love of the library. Is running a club a side-effect of literature?

So far, the club meeting has basically ended, and all participating members have approved all arrangements for sitting in the hall.

But Gao Changjiang felt that he had no sense of presence today. As the main strategist sitting in the palace, he had to show himself, especially in front of the more senior Old Man Tang.

So he took the initiative to stand up and asked: "Our leader Shen who didn't come, does he know?"

Lin Tailai said nonchalantly: "Whether he knows or not is irrelevant."

Gao Changjiang questioned: "Then can he, the prime minister, agree to be the leader of the alliance?"

Lin Tailai still didn't care: "The original intention of our Update Society was for the literary cause, so why didn't he agree to give him a literary society leader for free?

Even if he doesn’t agree, we still won’t persuade him to come in!”

Gao Changjiang quickly said: "Then I have four ways to persuade people to come in. I think they will be useful in the future."

Lin Zuoguan said impatiently: "You don't have to worry about this, you should hurry up and get the team from the municipal management office together first!

In addition, we are not allowed to relax at the cultural forum of Wulong Tea House, we still have to go up and speak!"

Gao Changjiang: "."

Why do you still have to tell stories when you are already out of town! Which high-level leader of a society still wants to show off in public?

This chapter has been completed!
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