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Chapter 167 Forget it if you dont know!

Xi Siwei, the great emperor, dared to "talk nonsense" here. He was not only a successful traffic governor, but of course he also had capital.

The Dongting Merchant Gang is not limited to Suzhou, but has business scope all over the country, and even has a large number of overseas businesses. Otherwise, why would it be as famous as Hui merchants today?

Taking Suzhou City as the hometown of the Dongting Merchant Gang as an example, Dongting merchants hold a quarter of the market share in commercial districts such as Shangtang, Shantang, Nanhao Street, Dongxizhongshi, Pingjiang Road, and Wolong Street.

The Xi family is one of the giant families in the Dongting Business Gang, and Xi Siwei is one of the heavyweights within the Xi family.

Not every businessman will be respected as Da Chaofeng. Xi Siwei is qualified to be respected as Da Chaofeng.

Today, Fan Yunlin and Shen Xin can be invited to the boat and can hear Xi Dachaofeng's "idiotic dreams", which means that these two people are already preliminary collaborators.

Otherwise, Xi Siwei would not be so ignorant and say his inner thoughts to outsiders casually.

Of course, Xi Dachaofeng had his own considerations in choosing these two people.

The Xu family that Fan Yunlin married into had a special relationship with Shen Shoufu, and Fan Yunlin himself had a close relationship with the second son Shen.

And Second Young Master Shen is Lin Tailai's biggest "signature". By winning over Fan Yunlin, he can try his best to offset this "signature" of Second Young Master Shen.

As for Shen Xin, he is the leader of the Shen family, the local leader of Mudu Town. Winning over the Shen family will help to seize control of Mudu Port.

However, the fact that Xi Dachaofeng wanted to propose marriage to Lady Fan of Heyi Hall was beyond Fan Yunlin's expectations.

However, after Fan Yunlin thought about it for a while, he understood that Xi Dachaofeng probably took a fancy to Fan Niangzi's community management ability, experience in the arena, and Heyi Tang's local base.

Then I want to use "marriage" to quickly form a powerful team of social groups and copy Lin Tailai's model.

So Fan Yunlin replied to Xi Siwei: "I can only help you convey the message, but I can't make the decision.

Because this cousin of the same race is very independent and will not completely obey my words, and I have no right to control her."

Xi Siwei said confidently: "I can give her a status and money, and the Xi family is the best destination for her.

You should also advise her that given her background and status as a widow, she cannot find a better husband.

It is always better to hang out with Lin Tailai without knowing anything. As long as you are a smart person, you will know how to choose."

Fan Yunlin responded rationally: "What Da Chaofeng said is absolutely true, but is it too early to try to persuade her now? Besides, it might alarm the snake."

Fan Yunlin's words have two meanings. The first meaning is that Mrs. Fan is still Lin Tailai's person. If she goes to "incite rebellion" against her, it will be easy to alarm Lin Tailai.

The second meaning is that you, Xi Dachaofeng, must first show your muscles, give others confidence, and prove that you have the ability to defeat Lin Tailai, and then you can persuade Lady Fan.

Xi Siwei nodded and said: "Then just wait and see. The governor will arrive in Suzhou in three days. I will go to greet the governor first!"

The moment the governor arrives in Suzhou City, all plans will be in full swing!

After the conversation, Fan Yunlin and Shen Xin said goodbye, disembarked from the boat and went home respectively.

On the way back, Fan Yunlin, who had read the book, secretly sighed in his heart, not knowing whether his choice this time was right or wrong.

People like Xi Dachaofeng really have a pure business mentality, and what they emphasize is that they are greedy and predatory.

When I see someone else having something good, I unreasonably think that I should keep it for myself, without even bothering to find an excuse.

Probably in the eyes of this kind of people, everything is like doing business. It is natural and natural to defeat the opponent and seize the market, without any reason.

When Lin Tailai was engaged in expansion, he also knew how to find a name first, shouting high-sounding slogans such as "Collecting taxes for the country", "Following justice to fight against rebellion", "Being forced to fight back".

And the bottom line of this great imperial court is even lower than that of Lin Tailai. If you think something is good, you will plunder it. This thing should naturally belong to you.

At this time, Lin Tailai was already standing on the dock, reviewing the troops preparing to attack Xukou Town.

This time, a total of twenty archers from the inspection department, twenty customs officers, and sixty community workers were mobilized, a total of one hundred troops.

Xukou Town is very close to Mudu Town, less than ten miles away. It should be possible to capture it with just one attack.

Suddenly Gao Changjiang ran over and said dutifully: "As the nominal military advisor of the association, I must report that a large building ship has docked on the other side. I feel a little suspicious!"

Lin Daguan has been so busy today that he has no energy to think about anything else. He didn't think much about the building ship when he saw it earlier.

Now when he heard that Gao Changjiang came to "offer advice", he asked in surprise: "What's suspicious?"

Gao Changjiang replied: "Most of the time, the building boat is a tool for people to have fun and have fun, so the places where they stop are usually at scenic spots so that they can enjoy the scenery.

And this is not a scenic spot, and there is no scenery to speak of, so why should the boat stop on the other side?

Whether it's at the foot of Lingyan Mountain or the shore of Taihu Lake nearby, it's more suitable for stopping and sightseeing."

Official Lin asked back: "Couldn't he come here specifically to watch the switching ceremony?"

Gao Changjiang questioned: "Those who own a building boat are either rich or noble. If they want to observe the ceremony, they are fully capable of relying on connections to participate directly. Why would they drive a building boat to watch the ceremony from across the bank?"

Hearing what Gao Changjiang said, Lin Daguan also felt a little suspicious, so he immediately ordered the archers of the Inspection Department to go to the building boat on the other side to inquire.

The Inspection Department, as an official security agency located at various traffic arteries outside the city, has the law enforcement power to interrogate passing pedestrians, vessels, vehicles and horses.

Not long after, the archer from the inspection department came back from the other side and reported that it was a ship belonging to the wealthy Xi family.

Lin Tailai was very surprised. Is there something wrong with the Xi family? He was already thinking about dealing with himself, but he still wanted to come over and see with his own eyes?

Somehow, Mr. Lin remembered that some mystery novels mentioned that some criminals have a habit of returning to crime scenes to watch.

If he knew the basics, Lin Tailai would definitely rush over and order a "make-believe" meal first.

But it's a pity that so far, Lin Daguan still doesn't know much about what kind of person the other party is, nor does he know the other party's plan, let alone what the other party's trump card is.

Therefore, Lin Tailai restrained the urge to act recklessly, suppressed his murderous intention temporarily, and continued his steps.

It is better to clean up Huantang first and then take down Xukou Town. This is the last piece of the puzzle to complete the Xujiang River.

Temporarily giving up paying attention to the building ship, Lin Zuoguan personally led the team to Xukou Town.

In order to save physical strength, the one hundred troops did not walk, but all set off by boat along the waterway.

Zhang Wen, the Zuo protector, sat on the hatch and sighed: "Today there are many people in Mudu Town. Although we have tried our best to mobilize them quickly, there is still news that will leak to Xukou Town."

Zhang Wu, the right protector, said confidently: "Even if a little bit of news leaks out, it's not a problem! Even if it's a strong attack, we can win!"

Miles of water passed by in a flash, and suddenly an outpost boat returned and reported to Lin Tailai across the boat: "There was an accident on the river ahead!"

Lin Daguan said nonchalantly: "What does the accident have to do with us? We are not a rescue team!"

The man on the sentinel boat replied: "I saw the ship Kamui Fiery Water sitting in the pavilion, and it was surrounded by more than a dozen ships!"

Official Lin was immediately startled. What kind of emergency was this?

He had lent the large luxury ship Shenwei Lieshui to Wang Shushi and Yuan Zhixian for the two gentlemen to travel and play incognito.

When I was dispatching my troops just now, the Shenwei Lieshui had already set off for Taihu Lake first.

There should be no problem, why are you still being besieged?

Immediately, Lin Tailai said to Zhang Wen, the more attentive Zuo Guardian: "Get on a small boat, pretend to be a passerby, and get closer to inquire about the situation!"

After receiving the order, Zhang Wen jumped to another small boat and asked the crewmen on the same boat to hide their weapons and hide in the cabin.

Then the boat continued to move forward, and sure enough, at the bend of the river ahead, it saw the large ship Shenwei Liishui and more than ten ships in the surrounding area.

As I got closer, I found a short, stocky man standing on the bow of a ship, shouting to the Divine Powerful Water.

Listen carefully, you can hear the short and stocky man shouting: "Please come out and speak, Mr. Lin!"

So that’s it! Zhang Wen and Zhang Dalang suddenly realized!

These people must have misunderstood when they saw the Kamui Fiery Water, thinking that Lin Zuoguan was in the ship!

After all, the Shenwei Lieshui is also very famous on the Xujiang River, and many people know it as Lin Daguan's ship.

Then I heard a short and stocky man shouting: "On land, our Hu'antang is no match for you, Lin Zuiguan, but that's not necessarily the case in a water battle!"

We at Huantang are all good men on Taihu Lake. We have been through ups and downs in our lives, and our skills have been spent both above and below the water!

I heard that Lin Zuoguan sent troops from Mudu Town an hour ago, so we can't sit still and wait for death, so we can only take the initiative and intercept them in the river!"

Someone on the Shenwei Lieshui also responded: "You have misunderstood! Lin Tailai is not on the ship, and Lin Tailai's actions have nothing to do with us!"

But the short and stocky man didn't believe it. He just thought it was Lin Daguan who wanted to save face and was unwilling to come out to "embarrass himself", so he shouted again:

"It's useless for you to hide in the boat, Lin Zuiguan. It's better to come out and meet your fellow Jianghu people!"

After hearing these words, Zhang Wen completely understood the whole story and quickly turned around to report.

Lin Daguan was speechless. He didn't expect that such an unexpected incident would happen.

Those blind idiots from Huantang actually thought that they must be on board the Divine Powerful Water!

Zhang Wen said a little anxiously: "Mr. Wang and Mr. Yuan are still on the boat. They must be rescued quickly to avoid an accident."

Lin Tailai shook his head at first, "You can't rush over hastily. It would be bad if a melee breaks out and you get hurt!"

Then he ordered: "Give me the command to leave three ships to support the Shenwei Lieshui. Everyone else should abandon the ship and go ashore and advance on foot!"

After most of the people got ashore, they immediately lined up along the river and continued until they reached the bend in the river ahead.

Probably because they were concerned about the force of Lin Daguan's men, there were about ten people holding bright steel knives guarding outside the cabin of the Divine Power Liesui.

As a result, everyone in Huantang didn't want to attack by force, and they were still shouting around the Shenwei Lieshui.

The short and stocky man couldn't bear it and shouted: "If you don't come out, Lin, we will dig the boat underwater!"

When the time comes for you to die together, you will die in the water with no body intact, and you will not look good at all!"

At this time, a waiter beside him pointed to the shore and exclaimed: "Lin Zuoguan! Lin Zuoguan somehow flew to the shore!"

The short and stocky man looked in shock and saw a group of people on the shore. Among them was a tall man. Who could he be if he wasn't Lin Zuiguan?

So Lin Daguan stood on the shore and shouted loudly to the short and sturdy man: "You have fallen into a trap!"

Now we have to rush into the town and kill all the family members of the leaders of Hu'antang!"

Then Lin Daguan waved his hand and led the team towards Xukou Town.

Everyone in Huantang on the boat in the river was panicked. The short and sturdy man glanced at the dozen or so steel knives on the Weilie Water and shouted: "Retreat! Everyone retreat! Get ashore quickly and return to town!"

More than a dozen boats rushed towards the Xukou Zhenhe Pier. As soon as the boat docked, everyone jumped ashore impatiently.

They were very scared. If Lin Zuoguan arrived first and bloodbathed his family, it would be a crime!

A large group of people came ashore noisily, and the first group of people had already rushed to the entrance of the town.

At this moment, several bows and arrows suddenly shot out from the alley, knocking down several people in succession.

Long-range weapons are rare in rivers and lakes battles, and they immediately shocked everyone in Hu'antang who had just landed.

Lin Tailai stood up slowly, stopped at the entrance of the alley, and shouted: "You should not be pardoned for killing officials and rebelling!

But considering that most of you don’t know anything about it, I am exempting myself from the blame and only arrest the culprit!”

Everyone in Huantang was shocked again. Can the crime of "killing officials and rebelling", which is enough to confiscate the family and exterminate the clan, be related to a kind society like theirs?

Lin Tailai emphasized: "Once again, only the culprit is captured, and the rest of the people will be exempted if they don't know about it!"

So the guys looked at the short and stocky man one after another. It was obvious that he was a leader, the kind of person who could be the culprit.

The short and stocky man said angrily: "A crime of framing requires a piece of evidence. If you want to frame someone out of thin air, I dare to take the case to the capital!"

Lin Daguan sneered and said: "The Shenwei Lieshui you just besieged and threatened has Wang Shishi and Yuan Zhixian who came to participate in the switching ceremony!

You just kept saying that no one on the ship would be killed, and how dare you say that you didn't intend to kill officials and rebel?"

Damn it! The short and stocky man was shocked. The surprise came so suddenly, he couldn’t believe it!

In fact, in the Ming Dynasty Law, killing an official and rebelling are two different things. Killing an official does not necessarily mean rebellion.

However, according to legal precedents, the penalty for killing an official is equivalent to rebellion, so these two words are used together and form a fixed phrase.

The short and stocky man said in disbelief: "You are cheating on me! You must be cheating on me!"

Official Lin said disdainfully: "Why are you lying to me? Earlier in Mudu Port, countless people saw the two adults boarding the Shenwei Lieshui!"

The stocky man completely lost his fighting spirit, his eyes were blank, and he squatted on the ground with his head covered.

He couldn't believe that he had committed such a heinous crime and committed it publicly in front of countless people.

If Lin Tailai hadn't blocked him here, he could have been brave enough to imitate the Liangshan heroes and sneak into the 800-mile Taihu Lake to become a lake bandit!

But now, what else can I do? What should I do with my wife? What should I do with my son?

Although the sun was still bright in early July, the short and stocky man felt that his life was already dark.

Suddenly, Officer Lin came up to me at some point and said kindly: "Looking at you like this, could it be that you are also unaware?"

These words were like a ray of light in the darkness, shining into the heart of the short and stocky man.

The short and stocky man quickly raised his head and shouted: "Lin Zuiguan Mingjian! I really didn't know! I didn't know there were two gentlemen on that big boat!"

Official Lin shook his head and said with a kind heart: "Since we don't know, forget it, we are all comrades in the world, there is no need to kill them all.

I, Lin Tailai, am not a ruthless person, and those who join the club should still value peace!"

One sentence immediately made the short and sturdy man burst into tears, and he just wanted to bow his head!

When you have complete control over the situation and can crucify yourself, you take the initiative to let yourself go. This is really like being a reborn parent!

He will spit in the face of anyone who dares to say that Mr. Lin is sinister, vicious and unethical in the future!

The guardian Zhang brothers looked at him in surprise. Did you take the wrong medicine again today?

This chapter has been completed!
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