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Chapter 172 Died before leaving the army

Mr. Shen is a person with a bottom line, and he still wants to talk about the rules.

But when he met Xi Dachaofeng, who had no bottom line, he couldn't say a few words before he was left speechless.

So he had no choice but to be furious and yelled at Governor Wei: "You are really a confused official!"

The rest of the people were speechless and cursed the governor in front of him as a "foolish official". Only Mr. Zaifu could do this.

I don’t know why, but I’m a little envious of this kind of confidence.

But Governor Wei remained unmoved. Since he dared to accept money to do things, he had already been prepared to be scolded.

If you still want to stay in the official career, you may have to worry about Mr. Zaifu and his father.

But I have already planned to retire and go home in half a year. As long as I don’t rebel, what else do I care about?

To engage in political pursuit of a retired old man is against the official ethics of the Ming Dynasty!

Even if someone accuses him of taking bribes, no one knows the exact amount.

If you really can't escape, just pay a thousand taels as a penalty, and the matter will be settled, and the rest will be your own.

Everyone has retired, so what else?

Second Master Shen was puzzled, but his vocabulary for cursing was very poor, so he could only repeat the meaning: "I have never seen an official who is more confused than you!"

Governor Wei still didn't respond, so just scold him. Being scolded by Zaifu's son would be a piece of meat.

This is how things are in the world, there are gains and there are losses.

At this time, the huge figure of Lin Daguan stood in front of Mr. Shen.

Then I heard Lin Daguan say loudly: "Second Master Shen, shut up!

Dazhong Cheng is a wise man, kind-hearted by nature, honest in his official position, and measured in his actions. He is the official whom I, Lin Tailai, admire most, and he is the one you can abuse at will?"

Shen Yongjia: "."

Which side are you, Lin Tailai, riding the horse on? Your conscience has been eaten by dogs?

Who was he speaking for and excusing just now?

Lin Tailai looked around at the officials and continued to speak loudly: "In addition to his respectable character, Dazhong Cheng is the leader of Wu and the leader of the officials and the people, so he must not be disrespected!

If anyone slights Dazhong Cheng, I, Lin Tailai, will be the first to refuse!"

Everyone: "."

Lin Tailai behaved like a crazy fan today! The kind who brought his own dry food and even helped count the money after being sold!

Yuan Zhixian originally wanted to find an opportunity to help Lin Daguan by saying a few words, but he shut up when he saw this.

Anyway, Lin Tailai also said not to show too closeness in public to avoid suspicion from the government.

Even Xi Dachaofeng was shocked by Lin Daguan's words and deeds. After being stunned for a moment, he hurriedly urged: "Please give the order, Dazhong Cheng!"

He was afraid that if Lin Tailai continued to perform, he could directly instigate Governor Wei to rebel! He should arrest the person first!

In fact, Governor Wei felt a little regretful deep in his heart. Why didn't he meet Lin Tailai thirty years earlier?

Lin Tailai sighed: "I, Lin Tailai, don't feel pity for me, I am afraid that the reputation of Dazhong Chengqing will be ruined!

Dazhong Prime Minister is really a good minister of the world, but there are evil deceivers around him!"

Governor Wei thought indifferently, didn't he know that Xi Siwei was a treacherous villain?

But Xi Siwei gave him too much, so he could stand by his side.

"It's useless to talk anymore, take it away!" Governor Wei waved his hand.

Immediately, two soldiers came forward, ready to capture Lin Tailai.

Once the governor's order came out, not even Master Zaifu could stop it, and the county magistrates could only watch with cold eyes. This was the authority of the feudal officials.

Lin Tailai looked up to the sky and laughed, "I never expected that I would respect Dazhong Cheng so much, but I would be captured by Dazhong Cheng!"

The reason why such a thing happened is all the fault of evil villains!"

Something is going to happen! Mr. Shen, who has been "recommended" many times, is most familiar with Lin Daguan's routines. When he heard Lin Daguan's skill in mobilizing public opinion, he was very sensitive to the fact that something was going to happen.

So Mr. Shen immediately found the best angle where he could fully see Xi Dachaofeng and waited to watch the show.

Lin Tailai showed a dexterity that was not commensurate with his huge body. He jumped out of the way and dodged the capture of two governor's soldiers.

Then Lin Daguan did not retreat but advanced towards the governor's direction. His huge figure strode forward with a very impressive momentum!

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts skipped a beat. Are they going to witness the biggest case in the south of the Yangtze River during the Wanli Dynasty?

Although there have been examples of unruly people in Jiangnan besieging governors, there is no precedent in history for assassinating governors!

No one questions whether Lin Tailai has this strength!

Although the governor's pacesetters are said to have 1,500 men in the third battalion, it is impossible for them to surround the governor at all times, let alone to crowd together on the shore.

Therefore, in such a safe situation, there were only eight personal guards around the governor.

Excluding the two people who had been dodged by Lin Daguan, there were only six Fubiao soldiers left.

They looked extremely nervous, drew their weapons, and all stood in front of Governor Wei.

The shadow of a famous tree can't help but make them nervous! Six people may not be enough!

Governor Wei's face was trembling a little. Who would have thought in advance that a mere welcome ceremony would encounter changes!

Suddenly, the soldiers were debating whether to attack or to defend, when they heard Lin Tailai shouting: "Catch the traitor and protect the virtuous minister!"

But to the ears of people who have read poetry and books, this sentence always sounds like "Qingjunzi".

However, after the governor's soldiers heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously shrank back again, only surrounding Governor Wei for defense.

Judging from his performance just now, Lin Tailai didn't have much ill intentions towards Governor Wei.

As long as the governor is safe, then they are safe and cannot risk their lives if they commit a crime.

If given a choice, no one would want to fight the best hero in Suzhou City.

So Xi Siwei, the great court official standing on the left and right of the governor, was immediately highlighted after Fubiao's soldiers shrank to guard the governor.

Xi Dachaofeng turned around and wanted to run away, but was knocked down by Lin Tailai with a punch and rolled on the ground.

Lin Tailai quickly stepped forward again and dragged Xi Dachaofeng away from the governor.

Xi Dachaofeng was not unconscious and struggled a few times, but after being kicked twice by Lin Daguan, he became honest.

Seeing the benefactor being dragged away, Governor Wei hurriedly shouted: "Let him go!"

Lin Tailai shouted: "Dazhong Cheng Mingjian, can't let it go! It's a matter of confidentiality. Please wait until there is no one around to tell you!"

Governor Wei doesn't want to answer the call. After what happened just now, who dares to see you when "no one is around"?

Twenty more Fubiao soldiers armed with spears jumped out from the boat, formed a small formation, and stared at Lin Daguan and his men.

But Fubiao's soldiers did not dare to go up easily, because Xi Dachao was in Lin Tailai's hands, which was equivalent to a hostage.

Governor Wei regained a sense of security and shouted sternly: "This court orders you to release him! If you don't obey, military law will be engaged!"

Official Lin shouted angrily: "Why doesn't Dazhong Cheng want to believe in honest words and is he willing to be deceived by such evil villains?"

Then he threw Xi Siwei to the ground obediently and slowly took a few steps back.

The officials and gentry who were watching were immediately disappointed. Is that it? The drama ended hastily?

I was still expecting that Lin Daguan would single-handedly seize the governor among thousands of troops.

The result was that a hostage was dragged out, and with a word from the governor, Lin Tailai obediently released the hostage.

This spirit of resistance is a bit too incomplete and too slavish to the system!

The disheveled Xi Dachaofeng didn't care about his image and crawled back behind Fubiao's soldiers.

Seeing Xi Dachaofeng being released so easily, Governor Wei was also a little confused.

Is Lin Tailai too obedient to him? Is he really his admirer?

"Arrest people! Arrest people!" Xi Dachaofeng shouted angrily.

He comes from a wealthy family and has been pampered since childhood. He has never been dragged around like a dead dog in public!

Lin Tailai straightened his official hat, took out a card ticket from his pocket, and said seriously:

"I, Lin Tailai, chief officer of Mudu Port Branch, was entrusted by the Hushu Customs Office and Mudu Inspection Department to arrest Xi Siwei, the mastermind of the official-killing rebellion case! Please give me your instructions, Dazhong Cheng!"

Everyone: "."

Damn it! I thought the drama was over, but has it actually just begun?

"Hahahaha!" Erye Shen couldn't bear it anymore, laughed like a pig, and said to Wang Yusheng: "What I said just now is right, this is wisdom!"

With so many people present, he was the only one who noticed Lin Daguanren's tricks half a step in advance! A sense of superiority in terms of IQ emerged spontaneously!

Wang Yusheng couldn't stand it and said: "What does this have to do with wisdom? It's all your experience, right?"

Only Yuan Zhixian suddenly woke up when he heard the words "killing officials and rebelling"!

No wonder Lin Tailai wanted to "keep the alarm bell ringing" and "mention it all the time", that's what he meant!

After Xi Dachaofeng was stunned for a moment, he laughed a few times and said dismissively:

"This is a common trick of your gang. You often find murder cases to frame others! Today I want to see how you can frame me!"

Lin Tailai said: "On the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, the tax envoy of the King of Hushu Pass and the magistrate of Yuan County of Changzhou went to Mudu Port to attend the opening and closing ceremony.

The boat was besieged by armed thugs in the Xujiang River. At that time, the thugs attempted to sink the ship and drown the two gentlemen in the river.

The nature is extremely bad, but fortunately, I, Lin Tailai, arrived in time and rescued him."

Then he asked Yuan Zhixian: "Is this the case?"

Magistrate Yuan nodded and testified: "That's true."

Lin Tailai continued: "After further investigation, it was found that the thugs did not know the identities of the people in the boat.

But there was another main culprit who gave the thugs two hundred taels of silver and ordered the thugs to besiege the designated ship!"

Hearing what official Lin said so well, everyone couldn't help but become serious. Isn't this "official murder and rebellion case" a joke?

Lin Tailai raised his hand and pointed at Xi Dachaofeng, and said loudly and forcefully: "According to my investigation, the person who bribed the thugs and tried to kill the official is Xi Siwei!"

Xi Dachaofeng was completely fearless and immediately cursed:

"You bastard thief! How dare you slander people here! You masters know everything, how can you allow you to make up nonsense!"

It should be noted that if you are falsely accused and rebelled, you, Lin Tailai, will be waiting for your family to be ruined!"

Lin Tailai took out a note from his pocket and showed it to the people nearby.

"This is a money order drawn by the Xi family. It can be exchanged for two hundred taels of silver. It cannot be faked. I found it from the thugs.

According to the gangster’s account, Xi Siwei gave him the money order, and it was Xi Siwei who instigated the incident!”

If Lin Tailai randomly took out a few ingots of silver and said it was evidence, it would be too false and others would not believe it easily.

Silver is unmarked, and even if it is marked, it can be easily counterfeited.

But specific money orders (bank checks) are different. They all have unique markings and colors on them. After identification, it can be seen that they were issued by the Xi family.

This can be regarded as a very solid evidence, because two hundred taels of silver is definitely a huge sum of money to the people at the bottom. If the Xi family hadn't taken the initiative to deliver it, how would the people at the bottom have the chance to get such a large denomination of the Xi family's money order?

Everyone looked at Xi Dachaofeng, their eyes full of suspicion.

The key officials of Suzhou City are all here, and everyone is very sensitive to "killing officials"!

If Xi Dachaofeng really dares to have this idea, everyone would not mind sending Xi Dachaofeng to the west together, even if the governor protects him, it will be useless!

Xi Dachaofeng's behavior of violating the rules just now has already disgusted all the officials.

Then I heard Lin Tailai: "There are also witnesses. On the day of the switching ceremony, Xi Siwei took a building boat and docked on the other side of Mudu Port to spy on it from a high position!

He must have seen with his own eyes the tax envoy Wang and Yuan Zhixian boarded the boat, and then the mob attack occurred!

If it weren’t for Xi Siwei’s instigation, how could there be so many coincidences in the world!”

At this time, even Governor Wei could not remain calm and asked Xi Dachaofeng in surprise: "Is what Lin Tailai said the truth?"

Xi Siwei replied without thinking: "It's all a trap!"

Lin Tailai immediately asked: "Then please Xi Dachaofeng and explain to all the gentlemen why your money order is in the hands of thugs and why you are peeping on the other side!"

Xi Dachaofeng was at a loss for words. Both of these things were things that were difficult to deny but could not be explained at the moment.

The purpose of giving money to those gangsters was to bribe them to join the New Wu League as undercover agents, and then create some cases such as smuggling and frame Lin Tailai.

And after he launches a full-scale campaign to seize the Lin family's foundation, these halls can serve as his team to take over the territory.

As for why I was peeping on the other side, it was purely out of my own nerves!

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have given him a money order to save trouble, but at that time I didn't expect that I would be implicated in the suspicion of "killing an official"!

At this time, the person involved, Yuan Zhixian, suddenly said: "I have never had any grudges with Xi Siwei. Why did he attack me?"

Lin Tailai bowed to Yuan Zhixian and replied: "Actually, Yuan County respects you by the way. The tax envoy Wang is Xi Siwei's main target!

You may not be aware of this, but when the imperial court approved the establishment of two sub-customs at Mudu Port and Likou Port, the royal tax envoy was under great pressure in selecting the chief officials of the sub-customs.

At that time, Xi Siwei once bribed the tax envoy Wang with 5,000 taels of silver to seek the position of chief official of Mudu Port, but he was rejected by the tax envoy Wang!

In the end, the king's tax envoy supported me as the chief official, which made Xi Siwei feel resentful, and he was still determined to seek separate places!

As long as the king's tax envoy is eliminated, the customs tax envoy will have to be replaced, and since I have not yet established a stable foothold in the sub-customs, Xi Siwei will have another chance to replace me as the head of the sub-customs!"

Speaking of this, Lin Tailai suddenly shouted to Xi Siwei: "As the saying goes, everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart!

Do you, Xi Dachaofeng, dare to swear by your ancestors that you have never coveted Mudu Port?"

The arrogant Xi Dachaofeng panicked, as if there was an invisible net tying him up to the point of suffocation!

He also has no confidence in the bottom line of the officials. It seems that this matter will not be easy to overcome!

Those who have dealt with Lin Tailai say that Lin Tailai is scary, but if you don't experience it for yourself, you won't know how scary it is!

Such a huge injustice was created out of nothing in broad daylight!

I just got off the boat with the governor, and I haven't done anything yet! I'm really going to die before I get out of the way!

Everyone is getting deeper and deeper into deep thought. Why is it that what Lin Tailai made up seems more and more true? Is it really the truth?

There is some physical evidence, some witness evidence, and even a very sufficient motive.

Based on today's case-handling logic, this horse-riding person is enough to pronounce a sentence in court.

Even if it is an unjust, false or wrongful conviction, by the time it is corrected, the person will have already been reincarnated several times!

This chapter has been completed!
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