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Chapter 173 Its all a routine

Now the focus is on Governor Wei, and everyone wants to see how Dazhong Cheng treats this matter.

Judging from his position when he appeared just now, Xi Siwei's appointment to the imperial court must be of special significance to Dazhong Cheng's current term of office, and he probably holds a position such as a master of staff in name.

According to the rules of the Jianghu officialdom, even if there are 10,000 reasons, if you want to capture or take Xi Siwei away, you must first obtain the consent of Governor Wei, unless there is a direct imperial edict.

At this time, Lin Daguan jumped out again and said: "I, Lin Tailai, often tell people that Dazhong Cheng is the person we officials should imitate!

Dazhong Cheng has always been of good character, upright in his duties as an official, and fair in his dealings! No selfishness is tolerated in the face of great right and wrong!"

The words "big right and wrong" and "never tolerate selfishness" are obviously referring to Dazhong Cheng.

The distraught Governor Wei just wanted to curse without caring about his dignity, and often told people that you are a mother-in-law!

What was a welcoming ceremony for the governor of Jiangnan when he returned to Suzhou City turned into such a messy situation!

Governor Wei felt that he had been cheated, but he didn't know who was cheating him.

Then he said angrily: "Then why didn't you, Lin Tailai, tell me in advance? It seems that you are deliberately concealing the facts of the case and doing something sneaky!"

Official Lin quickly said aggrievedly: "The tax envoy Wang has instructed that the arrest of criminals is a confidential matter, and no news should be leaked in advance to prevent the criminals from hiding and escaping.

This is common sense in handling cases. How can there be any reason to release the criminal first before arresting him?

The criminal has always been with Dazhong Cheng, so I have no chance to report it alone!

Besides, I am already burdened with the possibility of leaking secrets, and I keep hinting that there are evil spirits around Dazhong Cheng, so I should not let Dazhong Cheng be deceived!"

Governor Wei: "."

So it turns out that every nonsense that Lin Tailai said just now is actually a lie?

Regardless of procedures or principles, you, Lin Tailai, want to take full advantage?

Xi Dachaofeng also knew that now was the most critical moment.

He also knew very well that there was no point in trying to force a defense at this time.

Because on this issue, Lin Tailai was obviously prepared and well prepared, so he fell into a huge passive position and it was difficult to prove his innocence.

So Xi Dachaofeng knelt down in front of Governor Wei, who had received several thousand taels of silver from him.

Then he said in a hoarse voice: "Dazhong Cheng Dongjian clearly observed that I have actually been framed!

Regarding Lin Tailai’s accusations against me, I am willing to accept the trial of Dazhong Cheng in order to clear my name!”

This was the best solution I could come up with in desperation. Since it was useless to directly confront Lin Tailai, who was well prepared, I retreated to advance, and then changed from passive to active.

As long as this so-called "official killing" case is handed over to Governor Wei for trial, there will be a chance of overturning the case!

And from a logical point of view, it is appropriate for a serious case such as "official killing" to be handed over to the governor for trial, and it will not be as funny as Lin Tailai's eight cases.

Others want to stay out of the matter and not be involved in the cause and effect.

A certain prime minister who was watching the excitement and did not think it was a big deal shouted: "But Dazhong Cheng just ordered the suspect to be released! Is it appropriate to let Dazhong Cheng try the suspect again?"

Just now, Governor Wei dared not give Mr. Shen face, and now Mr. Shen dares to undermine him. This is a cycle of cause and effect.

Everyone then remembered that after Officer Lin arrested Xi Dachaofeng just now, he had said to Governor Wei, "This matter involves secrets. Please report them carefully when there is no one around."

But Governor Wei was probably afraid of Lin Tailai's strength and did not dare to control anyone, so he forced Lin Tailai to let go of Xi Siwei, who had "killed officials and rebelled".

So the question is, according to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, what kind of crime should an official who openly shields and uses his power to rescue the "mastermind of official killing" deserve?

When it comes to trial issues, should such officials avoid suspicion?

Suddenly looking back, Lin Tailai actually dug a hole here, blocking Xi Dachaofeng's retreat!

The fact that the scene remained calm today was greatly attributed to Lin Daguan, who contributed more than 60% of the lines.

At this time, I heard Lin Daguan say: "I, Lin Tailai, often tell people that Wei Dazhongcheng is the official I admire most in my life!

And what I admire most about Wei Dazhongcheng is that he dared to kill relatives in the face of justice."

Only now did Governor Wei finally understand why the attitude of the prefecture and county officials was not very positive when he made it clear that he wanted to punish Lin Tailai.

It's not that they are colluding to protect powerful people, but that everyone thinks that using eight trivial things is at best just beating people and occupying land. It is almost impossible to deal with a very big and unscrupulous person like Lin Tailai.


Those prefectural and county officials who were more familiar with the situation at the grassroots level were very unfavorable about this and were too lazy to waste their efforts, so they just passed the buck.

Now that the matter has come to this, Governor Wei looked at the county officials, hoping that someone would come forward to smooth things over.

But most of the officials remained silent, obviously not wanting to get into such huge trouble and really couldn't do it.

Although there are many similarities between the officialdom system of the Ming Dynasty and that of later generations, there are also some fundamental differences.

For example, all officials were appointed by the court, and local magistrates and prefects were directly appointed by the court, instead of being appointed and dismissed by the governor, which was slightly more independent than in later generations.

Therefore, there are some things in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty that are simply unbelievable in the eyes of later generations.

Everyone is an official of the imperial court, and the benefits that local officials can get from flattering their superiors are slightly less than those of later generations.

The governor cannot promote a county magistrate to a general magistrate with one word, nor can he demote a magistrate to a tongzhi with one word.

Officials have a strong conscience, and it is not worthwhile to curry favor with the governor just for the sake of the big trouble of "killing officials and rebelling".

Also, officials must consider issues comprehensively!

The brother of the king's tax commander who was besieged by the mob was still Wang Situ, and that man was older than the governor.

If you help Governor Wei exonerate the suspect, what will Wang Situ, Wang Yushi, and Wang Fangbo think?

The officials were reluctant to speak, but Mr. Shen was still so unwilling to give Governor Wei face that he jumped out and suggested:

"Based on emotion and reason, the King of Tax Envoys should be allowed to interrogate him personally! He is the victim and will definitely try his best to find out the truth."

Xi Dachaofeng was in a state of disbelief. With Lin Tailai's relationship with Wang Zhidu, if he went to Wang Zhidu to be interrogated, could he still survive?

With Wang Zhidu's style, he might just entrust Lin Tai to take over as the chief judge!

Governor Wei still wanted to keep Xi Dachao Fengxiao's life. Showing some eagerness, he pointed at Yuan Hongdao, the magistrate of Changzhou County, and said:

"Then why did you sacrifice the near for the distant and not entrust Yuan Zhixian with the trial? Wang Zhi is a victim, isn't Yuan Hongdao the same?"

Compared with the king's capital, which has a background and is independent of the local area, Yuan Hongdao, a subordinate local official, is of course better to "settlement".

Then Governor Wei asked Magistrate Yuan directly, "If this court entrusts you with a trial, will you accept it?"

Yuan Zhixian was stunned for a moment and replied: "Then I will ask Lin Tailai a few words alone first."

Then Yuan Hongdao called Lin Tailai aside to talk alone, and asked straight to the point: "Are those eight cases true?"

After all, Yuan Zhixian has only been here for half a month, and he is not very clear about Lin Daguan's previous nonsense.

But this question stumped the clever Lin Daguan. The topic had obviously shifted to the "official killing" case. Why did Yuan Zhixian ask about "eight cases involving the same defendant" again?

The main reason is that I don't understand the motive of Yuan Zhixian's question, so it is difficult to answer.

Maybe the great writer Zhixian had a sense of justice and wanted to confirm whether he had done evil and then determine his next attitude?

You may also want to use the eight cases to test yourself, to see if you are willing to tell the truth and whether you are sincere?

If you don't understand the psychological motivation of the person asking the question, it will be difficult to give a targeted answer!

After Lin Daguan was troubled for a while, suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he remembered a routine that was favorited by the people of the Lighthouse Country hundreds of years later!

So before replying, Mr. Lin sighed deeply, raised his head and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Combined with the eyes and facial details, it creates a melancholic mood.

Yuan Hongdao seems a little confused. He just asked you a casual question. Why did you act directly?

Lin Tailai said in a low voice: "Your Majesty Yuan County may not know something, but I was born in an extremely poor family in the west of Suzhou City. Since I was a child, I could only eavesdrop on lectures outside the social school window, and then practice writing with tree branches on the river beach. Even in order to join the society

He even got beaten when he learned to steal books.

After I grew up, I was sent to the town by my parents to earn a living. I couldn't help but become a thug that was despised by the world.

Despite this, I still have a bright mind and love for literature. With the encouragement of Uncle Song from my village, I have never given up studying.

But those who are trapped in the quagmire of suffering have no way out and no ladder to ascend. They can only rely on instinct and desperately crawl out of the quagmire."

Hearing such inspiring past events, Yuan Hongdao couldn't help but feel a little moved, and thought of Lin Daguanren's masterpiece "Three Poems of Feelings".

Then he commented: "Everyone in the world thought you were satirizing Wang Yanzhou Duke in the poem about feeling in your heart, but I finally read it today. In fact, it was you who was indignant and shouting for yourself."

Official Lin waited for Yuan Hongdao to finish interrupting, and then continued to speak without emotion, as if he was talking about other people's affairs:

"People are in a world where they can't help themselves. In the process, they will inevitably be forced to do things against their will.

This is not my original intention, but the abominable environment I am in forces me to do it!

If you don't do those things that are against your will, you will be ruined immediately, and all the knowledge you have learned will be in vain!

Mr. Yuan Xianzun should be able to empathize with him, just like Mr. Yuan Xianzun feels that you don’t want to be an official, but you are full of boredom, but you have to be an official!"

Yuan Zhixian really felt empathy and nodded suddenly! Yes, that’s how it feels!

Since you like to listen, just say a few more words. Lin Tailai continued:

"People with my background are different from wealthy young masters like Shen Erye and Wang Yusheng. In order to break free from the shackles of a miserable fate, they will have some unavoidable original sin in their bodies.

For example, the eight cases Yuan Xianzun asked about are actually my original sin.

Part of the circumstances in the eight cases are indeed true, but facts aside, are all the mistakes my fault?

Why are some people able to concoct eight sensational cases based only on partial facts? Isn’t the motive more thought-provoking?

Now that I have achieved a little success, my reputation as a writer has finally been recognized, and I have the opportunity to serve the court. In addition, I often want to do some good deeds to repay the countryside. Whether it is river water conservancy or new city gates, they are all things that benefit the people.

But every time I dream about it at midnight, I still feel unbearable and like a nightmare when I think about those original sins.

But there are always people who like to bring up old things again, forcing them to recall those nightmares again and again next time.

During the two-month martial arts examination, Xing Xunxuan used the deeds of the ancient Zhou Chu to encourage me and pointed out the path of life for me. From then on, I decided to follow Zhou Chu's example."

At this point, Lin Daguanren’s affectionate autobiography comes to a perfect end!

He thought that after he was born, he would inevitably be used as a scapegoat by others. Today he would practice it with Yuan Hongdao and see the effect.

This speech made reference to the "prodigal son turning back" routine that was most popular among the people of the Lighthouse Country in later generations.

When I was a child, I suffered from the hardships of my native family. I couldn't help but do wrong things. I worked hard on small details, received help and encouragement from kind-hearted people, and after repentance, I broke through the prison of unfair fate.

All kinds of classic elements are available, and when combined together, it becomes the most standard American "Prodigal Son Returns" routine.

Yuan Zhixian's thousands of words were reduced to four heavy words, and he sighed: "It's so precious."

Lin Daguan was secretly happy. It seemed that this "prodigal son turning back" routine could also be effective in the great writer Yuan Zhixian.

I finally got rid of some things in the past, and I will continue to repeat this rhetoric whenever anyone brings it up in the future.

If you have the chance, you can find a way to ask the great writer Yuan Zhixian to write a prose for you on the theme of the prodigal son turning back, which will make it easier to clear your name.

Why is Fang Zhongyong so famous? Is it because of Wang Anshi's "Injury to Zhongyong"?

But after Yuan Zhixian finished lamenting, he said inexplicably:

"I have longed for the unrestrained and free life of a ranger since I was a child, but I couldn't use it because of my family.

So I asked you to talk about the case, just because I want to experience from you the young ranger's impulsive behavior and wanton pleasure that strays from the edge of the law.

But you talk about your suffering experience and inner analysis for a long time?"

Lin Tailai: "."

I can't tell that you, Yuan Hongdao, are such a literary person, and deep down in your heart you still have the wild desire to break the law and prohibition.

In the end, Officer Lin only replied with four words: "The ranger is dead."

Yuan Hongdao tasted these four words carefully and felt that Lin Daguan was really a profound person.

The main reason is to judge Lin Daguan as a person. He still has a little bottom line and knows what's appropriate deep down in his heart.

Could the rhetoric just now be made up by a fool?

In fact, Lin Daguan wanted to say another four words to Yuan Zhixian: "Ye Gong loves dragons" or "does not eat minced meat".

But for the sake of friendship, I still hide it in my heart.

Yuan Hongdao returned to Governor Wei and replied: "This case occurred on the border of Wuxian County. The suspect is also a citizen of Wuxian County. It is inconvenient for the lower officials to bring him to trial."

If the trial is fair, I will be sorry for the "prodigal son turning back"; if the trial is unfair, I will offend my own conscience, so I will simply not accept it.

As a well-known domestic writer, I still have some confidence.

For unreasonable work handed over from above, just say no and reject it.

A gentleman takes revenge from morning to night! A certain prime minister was still trying to disgrace the governor of Wei, and shouted loudly: "I have said that the king's tax envoy is the most reasonable candidate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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