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Chapter 176 One is crazier than the other (please vote for me!)

Immediately, Lu Qiguang commanded the thugs to charge in two directions, one at the main entrance of the fish market and the other at the side fence.

But the thugs discovered through the cracks in the fence that rival men in the fish market had taken out oil cans, poured oil directly onto the fence, and set the fence on fire at about twenty locations at the same time.

Suddenly the fish market was blazing with flames and smoke was billowing, and the Lu family's thugs who were rushing forward subconsciously stopped.

Not only the fence, but also three houses and some sheds inside the fish market were all on fire.

Lu Qiguang, who was commanding on the opposite side, was stunned. He didn't expect Huang Wuniang to burn down her own land.

Could it be that they would rather burn it to the ground than leave it to the enemy?

Do you want to be so ruthless? It's just a fight between the clubs to grab territory. As for fighting with two armies, it's so big that the walls are fortified and the country is cleared?

Lu Qiguang still couldn't figure out what happened to those oil tanks?

Who would prepare a large amount of oil for self-immolation in their own territory at any time?

How abnormal is the mentality of people who prepare like this every day?

Standing at the back door of the fish market, Huang Wuniang sighed. These oil cans were originally prepared for the woman named Fan a few months ago.

At that time, a woman named Fan stormed the fish market. She was afraid that she was too weak to resist, so she thought she would rather burn down the fish market than leave it to the woman named Fan.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t use it at that time, but I did use it today.

Huang Wuniang then rushed out from the back door of the fish market with all the bosses and retreated to Anletang near the entrance of the town, while Uncle Song also led dozens of people to meet them at the entrance of the town.

Huang Wuniang asked quickly: "Have you been comforted?"

Uncle Song nodded: "According to the plan, we urgently distributed the existing savings to the neighbors! The folks all support us!"

Huang Wuniang gritted her teeth and said: "If you run out of money, you can make more money, but no matter what, you can't take advantage of the enemy today!"

If we can't guard the entrance, the money will be stolen by the enemy, so we might as well disperse now!"

She just deliberately took her time negotiating with Lu Qiguang in order to delay as much time as possible.

It doesn’t take long, just a quarter of an hour is enough to prepare.

Lu Qiguang recovered from the fish market fire and shouted to his men: "They escaped!

Ignore the fish market! Move on! Take down Anletang first!"

Then he immediately led the thugs, bypassed the fish market, and rushed directly to the entrance of the town.

There were also some strong people carrying several rows of ladders, preparing to use them to attack the courtyard wall at the entrance of the hall.

After a simple formation, dozens of people in the vanguard rushed to the entrance of the town and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the men at the rear of Anle Hall.

After fighting for a while, the Anletang guys who were blocking the back of the town entrance finally couldn't resist and fled one after another.

Seeing this, Lu Qiguang commanded the large troops, rushed into the town entrance, and went straight to the main hall of Anle Hall.

But the expected battle did not happen at all. Lu Qiguang was greeted by flames rising into the sky and thick smoke billowing. The front and back yards of the main hall of Anle Hall were on fire at the same time!

Not only Anletang, but also more than ten surrounding houses were on fire!

Hengtang Town has a small river running through the town. Unknowingly, half of the town to the south of the river was on fire. Fortunately, the river blocked it and prevented it from spreading to the whole town.

Everyone in Anletang was familiar with the roads in the town, so they all fled to the other side of the river along several bridges.

Someone on the other side of the river was touching the dozens of taels of silver in the package and shouting: "The evil thieves of the Lu family gathered a crowd to set fire to my Hengtang and cut me into pieces with a thousand knives!"

Lu Qiguang stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at the escaping Anletang clerk, and then at the surrounding houses where the fire was getting more and more intense. He was completely confused.

Although my mind was in a daze, I also knew that something had gone wrong and was beyond my control!

A fight is a fight, but the nature of arson changes!

If half of the town was burned down, it would be an extremely bad incident!

Coupled with the burning of the government-run fish market, the nature of the situation is to add evil to evil!

So what if I brought more than 300 people with me? It’s useless now!

The "combat" targets have been burned down, so what's the use of having a large number of people? Can we still defeat the entire town? Disputes between societies are not rogue bandits after all!

This Huang Wuniang really has no moral ethics. This is not the way to fight at the club level!

Lu Qiguang still finds it hard to believe that a pretty little girl who looks cute can actually do such a cruel thing!

How cruel must this woman be to burn down her own territory and even half of the town in order to defend herself against the enemy?

He was a little unconvinced before. How could such a weak woman dare to kill a hall master with her own hands? Was it a man-made rumor? Now he is convinced.

One of the little bosses got angry and made a thorough investigation, then asked breathlessly: "What should we do now, whether to advance or retreat, please give the order quickly!"

If they don't leave, the fire will spread even bigger and seal the alleyway. Aren't they standing here waiting to die?

Now you can either rush forward, seize the bridge and rush to the other side of the river, or retreat to the dock outside the town.

Lu Qiguang's expression changed for a while. He never thought that he would encounter such a situation before!

In the end, although he was unwilling to do so, he still said angrily: "Retreat! Retreat to the pier!"

The biggest problem now is no longer how to defeat the enemy, but how to deal with the aftermath!

The blame for setting fire to the government-run fish market and half of the town will be 90% blamed on yourself!

If someone guides him, the public opinion storm in Suzhou City will be blown against him, and he will become a common thief!

The person who deserves to be cut to pieces is not himself, but the woman named Huang!

Fortunately, Lin Tailai, the heart and soul of the family leader, will definitely be doomed. Now I just hope that the main attack direction of Mudu Town will go smoothly and help him share some of the pressure.

After all, the winner takes all, and the winner does not accept condemnation!

Seeing the enemy troops retreating from the burning town, Huang Wuniang said to Song Quan: "There is no room in Hengtang Town for the time being, so we can only move."

Song Quan asked: "Where to go?"

Huang Wuniang said meaningfully: "I just happened to go to Mudu Town to stay."

Song Quan: "."

The future of the society is worrying! The enemy is at hand, the backbone of the society is unclear, and the society may fall apart at any time!

You little girl haven’t forgotten to fight for territory with your old enemy. Do you know what unity means?

Here, Lu Qiguang had just retreated to the pier and was dusting off his cigarette ashes. Suddenly he saw a knight riding towards him from the east, shouting, "Where is Leader Lu!"

When the knight came closer, he threw himself in front of Lu Qiguang and reported: "Mrs. Fan from Mudu Town has detained three leaders and is surrounded by us. However, she dare not take action and is still in a stalemate!"

Lu Qiguang: "."

These three leaders are all pigs! They brought hundreds of people to conquer the territory, and why were they all detained by a bitch?

I'm already unlucky enough here. I've been burned by several fires and I can't do anything. If I don't do it, I'll be charged. But at least I dare to call it a "victory" on the bright side.

Why is it that the people in Mudu Town are more embarrassed than me? The three leaders were detained together, which is unbelievable!

The girls who were fooling around with Lin Tailai were each more crazy than the other. How could Lin Tailai sleep peacefully at night?

The knight quickly added: "There is no leader in Mudu Town. Please lead Mr. Lu over to take charge of the overall situation!"

Lu Qiguang said angrily: "What's the use of me in the past! Should I be used to replace those three heads?"

I'll be angry, but I still have to get over it. Anyway, Hengtang Town has already screwed up, and there's no point in staying.

The new month is here, please vote for July! If you don’t have any recommendations, I’ll just rely on the list!

June is not as good as May due to my illness and many chores. I will be able to cheer myself up again in July! Please give me some monthly tickets first!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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