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Chapter 181 The most advanced black

Like the yamen, the architectural layout of schools all over the world is similar, and they are all standardized buildings designed by Emperor Taizu Gao.

When Lin Daguan entered the Wuxi County School, he smiled at the guardians on the left and right and said: "I am a cultural person who has never even entered the local county school in Suzhou. Instead, I entered the county school in other places."

Under normal circumstances, the county school is definitely not open to coming and going at will, but today the "big boss" was giving lectures in public, so it was semi-free.

Official Lin was wearing a green shirt and looked like a scholar, so the door didn't stop him.

He came late, and the lecture had already started for an unknown amount of time.

But it doesn't matter. Mr. Lin didn't come to listen to the lecture. His motive was actually "hunting for novelties."

It’s like visiting a famous tourist attraction to see what the future leaders and founders of the Donglin Party will look like.

At this point in time, most of the early Donglin Eight Gentlemen should be in Wuxi County, and two are from Wujin County next door.

In the middle of the platform of Minglun Hall, the person who was speaking was a middle-aged man with a round face in his mid-thirties, with a long beard that hung down to his chest.

Without asking, I knew that this person must be Gu Xiancheng, the "Righteous Way and True Confucianism" advocated by the innkeeper. I don't know who came up with this title.

On both sides of Gu Xiancheng, there were four people sitting. They must all be close to Gu Xiancheng and have a certain status.

According to historical data, it is estimated that among them were Gu Xiancheng's younger brother Gu Yuncheng, Gu Xiancheng's grandson Xue Fujiao, and his close friend Ye Maocai from the same hometown.

At present, these people are all around thirty years old, and in the future they will all pass the Jinshi examination in the two subjects, with a 100% success rate, which is higher than Master Zaifu.

There is also a young man in his early twenties, who must be Gao Panlong, known as the "World Scholar", a child prodigy who won the imperial examination at the age of twenty-one.

The above people are all the figures in the Eight Gentlemen of the early Donglin Party and the core figures of the early Donglin Party.

Therefore, some people say that the Donglin Party does not engage in cronyism and is not a "party". It is just a joke.

Otherwise, why among the eight gentlemen of Donglin in the early days, six were from Wuxi and two were from Wujin next door, and most of them were related to Gu Xiancheng?

Otherwise, why could the people among the Eight Gentlemen of Donglin, under such a cruel elimination rate of the imperial examination, be able to pass the Jinshi examination in two or three subjects and 100% be on the list?

Of course, it can also be regarded as a coincidence. The future Donglin gentlemen sitting on the platform are all imperial examination geniuses comparable to Master Zaifu.

Under the platform, there were hundreds of scholars, surrounding the platform on three sides like stars over the moon. Everyone's expression was full of worship and admiration.

It has to be said that at this time, Gu Xiancheng's appeal has begun to take shape, at least locally he still has a very charming personality.

After all, Gu Xiancheng is not only a scholar, but also an official in the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Personnel in charge of personnel work.

After the three-year vacation, Mr. Gu still has to return to the capital to work in the civil service department.

To make a digression, Gu Xiancheng is the legendary fifth Jinshi, number one, second, third overall, and the one behind Chuanlu.

I don't know if others have listened to the lecture, but Lin Daguan is not interested in listening carefully. He just stands here looking at the "scenic spots" and thinking wildly.

Suddenly I heard Gu Xiancheng on the platform say: "I want to compile the "Five Classics".

The young man next to him who looked like Gao Panlong asked: "What is the "Five Classics"?

Gu Xiancheng replied: "Yu is not the remainder, but the meaning of continuation. The meaning of "Yu" is to continue the cause of the sage's "Five Classics"!"

The young man suspected of being Gao Panlong asked again: "How to continue?"

Gu Xiancheng then replied: "The meaning of the Five Classics is mostly derived from the third generation. However, the following three generations are not included, and I have many regrets in my heart.

Therefore, we want to continue the content of the Five Classics for the scope of the third generation or less, which is called the "Five Classics Yu"."

Hearing this, the scholars under the platform began to talk about it.

Gu Xiancheng turned to the people in the audience and loudly said with great momentum and rhythm:

"I want to use "Tai Chi Tu Shuo", "Jing Shi", "Enlightenment", etc. as "Yi Yu"!

The imperial edicts, imperial edicts, memorials, essays, etc. of the three dynasties and below are called "Shu Yu"!

Take Sao, Fu, ancient poems, etc. as "Shiyu"!

According to the "Gangmu", all histories are called "Spring and Autumn Period"!

The appropriate ones from the past dynasties are called "Liyu"!

The above is the idea of ​​the "Five Classics"!"

Each sentence was louder than the next, and when the last sentence was spoken, everyone in the audience was deafened!

It turns out that Mr. Gu is not joking casually, but already has an idea!

Continuing to supplement the Five Classics, this is such a great achievement! It is indeed Mr. Gu Jingyang!

A young man jumped out from the crowd, his face flushed with excitement, his whole body trembling, and his eyes even filled with tears, and he shouted in a voice that was almost broken:

“After Confucius and Saints, the person who dared to draw up the Six Classics and write a book was undoubtedly Wang Tong, a great Confucian of the Sui Dynasty!

Mr. Jingyang's attempt to write the "Five Classics Remains" was on a grander scale and even surpassed that of Wang Tong!

There are numerous books and regulations from past dynasties, and I, An Xifan, am willing to follow you, my husband, and work hard to revive the true learning!"

Lin Tailai: "."

If your name wasn't An Xifan, I would really believe it.

An Xifan, twenty-two this year, the second youngest among the eight gentlemen of the early Donglin period, became a disciple of Gu Xian.

According to history, this person passed the imperial examination this year and won the Jinshi next year. He was once again a genius in the imperial examination.

With someone taking the lead in screaming, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became heated.

All the scholars were among them, and they fell into an inexplicable fanaticism unconsciously. They shouted together: "Revival of the righteous learning! Revival of the righteous learning!"

A great cause in the literary world such as the continuation of the Five Classics is just around the corner. If you can participate in it, what an honor it would be!

Why is it called "Fuxing Zhengxue"? Because Wang Yangming's Xinxue has become so popular in the past few decades, and orthodox scholars like Gu Xiancheng are not happy with it.

The Zhang brothers who were waiting not far away looked at each other subconsciously. They all felt that this scene seemed very familiar, and they felt that it was all leftover from playing at home.

Even the Zhang brothers were immune, let alone Lin Daguan himself. He just stood at the edge of the crowd with his arms folded and watched coldly.

There is something to be said for Mr. Gu, who, as an opposition mid-level bureaucrat, can create a Donglin Party that has influenced politics for decades and become a spiritual leader.

The various operating methods we saw will still be outdated even if we put them 500 years from now.

Gu Xiancheng is much stronger than the old alliance leader who only knows how to make hot discussions, and there is a clear generational gap!

After Lin Daguan witnessed all this with his own eyes, he finally understood why the Donglin Party in history was so fanatical and extreme.

Because this is how it grows from the root, and it is even more impossible to be corrected after it grows.

It happened that at this time, when the gentlemen on the platform looked around the crowd, they immediately noticed Lin Tailai.

Originally, Lin Daguan was more than a foot taller than others, and his basic eye-catching index was already quite high.

Not to mention that at this moment of intense passion, everyone else was flexing their arms with enthusiasm. Only Lin Daguan subconsciously put his arms in the posture of watching the monkey show.

A heretic has appeared among the fanatical fans!

So it's impossible for him not to be noticed unless others are blind.

After the atmosphere cooled down slightly, Gu Xiancheng's younger brother Gu Yuncheng said to the tall "scholar" on the edge of the crowd:

"Who is this majestic friend? He looks unfamiliar."

Lin Tailai, who was watching a play, suddenly heard being asked and couldn't help but sigh. How could he be called out like this? Is this the aura of the protagonist?

He replied: "My surname is Lin. I come from Suzhou and go to Nanjing to take the exam. I passed by Guibao today and stopped by to listen."

There is nothing wrong with what Lin Daguan said, but it is easy for people to misunderstand. Anyway, after others heard it, they thought Lin Daguan was going to take the August Provincial Examination.

Gu Yuncheng thought for a moment, he had never heard of the Lin family in Suzhou, and he must not be a member of a wealthy family, so he added:

"According to my observation, my friend Lin seems to be very contemptuous of my brother's ideas.

If you have any conflicting opinions, you may wish to speak out boldly here, we are all ears."

Gu Yuncheng's words may seem like nothing, but when you think about it carefully, it's terrifying.

The atmosphere here is feverish. What will happen if a lonely boy from a poor family rashly raises harsh objections?

In other words, finding an easy target is more conducive to increasing the cohesion of your own group.

Lin Daguan, who has experienced the era of fan economy, certainly understands the problem.

After looking around, he calmly said:

"My thought is that Mr. Gu's ambition to write the "Five Classics Remains" is too small!

You might as well be a little bolder and move a little faster!"

Everyone: "."

Dare to continue to supplement the "Five Classics", which is already a great achievement, what else do you want?

Lin Tailai said even more passionately: "Don't make a fuss about the Five Classics. Mr. Gu can definitely create a new Four Books!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone immediately looked at Official Lin angrily.

Seriously, this person is definitely a black fan! Anyone who can say such things must be here to cause trouble!

The Four Books are compulsory exams, while the Five Classics are optional exams. This shows that the Four Books have a higher status than the Five Classics!

Who dares to mess with the Four Books? Isn’t it clear that Mr. Gu should die?

Lin Tailai turned a blind eye to others and only asked Gu Xiancheng: "What do you think Mr. Jingyang thinks of the Book of Rites?"

Gu Xiancheng told the truth: "Most of the Five Classics deleted by Confucius have survived the fires of Qin.

Only the "Book of Rites" is a single chapter, which is mixed and mixed, and does not seem to be the original text.

I don’t know why Er Cheng didn’t correct the Book of Rites on his behalf when he had the ability to revive Confucianism and make up for this missing canon.”

This is a relatively popular view, and many people suspect that the Book of Rites was compiled by Han Confucians.

Lin Tailai sighed: "Mr. Gu has not figured it out. Er Cheng has corrected the "Book of Rites" and handed it down to the world!"

This kind of thing is not a joke. Gu Xiancheng couldn't help but sit up straight and asked seriously: "Why does Lin Sheng dare to say that?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Actually, I think that the "Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" praised by Er Cheng and Zhu Xi are the real "Book of Rites" in their hearts, but they didn't say it clearly!"

Originally, "Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" were both content in the "Book of Rites", but the Song Dynasty people extracted "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" from the "Book of Rites" and collectively called them "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius".

The Four Books have become the highest classics of Confucianism.

Could it be that the sages of the Song Dynasty were implying that only "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" are the true Book of Rites?

Lin Tailai's point of view seems simple, but it is more novel than before. No one has thought about it from this perspective before.

So it was like breaking the window paper, giving everyone present a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Lin Tailai still said calmly: "In this way, the "Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" in the Four Books can be restored to the "Book of Rites".

So two books are missing from the Four Books. If two more books can be added, wouldn’t it become the new Four Books?”

Gu Xiancheng couldn't help but froze, and his breathing became rapid.

Oops! This is a heart-pounding feeling!

I originally thought it was the nonsense of ignorant fanatics, but why do you keep saying it more and more like it is?

If you can recast a classic, what a great merit it will be. Adding tens of thousands of fans will not be a problem!

The topic is really too big at this point.

At this time, others felt inexplicable awe and did not dare to speak because they were not worthy!

Only Lin Daguan had a smile on his face and said: "For the first one, I think I can use Zhu Xi's "Elementary School" to supplement it, teaching people how to pay attention to details!"

Gu Xiancheng nodded subconsciously, feeling that it seemed to make more sense the more he said it. Zhu Zi's "Primary School" could make up for the problem that other classics were too focused.

"Then what is the second book?" Gu Xiancheng couldn't help but ask.

So the smile on Lin Daguan's face became even brighter and he continued: "As for the second book, I think Mr. Jingyang can just write one yourself and put it in!

With your vast talents, it would be too easy to write a book with the wings of "The Analects" and "Mencius"!

After all, you are the true Confucian in this world, if you don’t take action, no one can help Confucius and Mencius!"

Gu Xiancheng: "."

I went around in a big circle and made up a bunch of decent Confucian concepts, which almost impressed me, but the result was just to make myself laugh in the end!

Although he had never heard this way of speaking, it did not prevent him from hearing the irony!

It can be identified that this is definitely an anti-fan, the highest-grade anti-fan!

Among the gentlemen on the stage, Gao Panlong, who was still very young and energetic, stood up, pointed at Lin Tailai and cursed:

"I don't dare to argue frankly, I only dare to be indifferent, what a villain!"

Lin Tailai said contemptuously: "Those who make generous loans at home are villains. Don't talk to me again!"

The Gao family made their fortune from loan sharking. When Gao Panlong heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to jump down and beat someone.

Gu Xiancheng quickly stopped Gao Panlong, turned around and asked, "Who did you learn from? Who did you get your skills from?"

Just now I just thought that Lin Sheng was a free-spirited scholar with no feet, but now it doesn't look like that anymore.

This is a talented person, otherwise he would not be able to compile those things at all, especially the concepts of Confucian classics, which must have been passed down.

Lin Daguan replied: "My main skills are probably passed down from Mr. Tang Jingchuan!"

It is said that in the martial arts examination room, boxing and whip skills are not tested, but only bows and arrows, or swords and guns, so currently marksmanship is considered the main skill.

Gao Panlong couldn't help but yelled: "Nonsense!"

Tang Shunzhi was from Wujin County next door, which belonged to the same Changzhou Prefecture as Wuxi County, and he was a famous senior figure in Changzhou Prefecture.

How could people here not know what kind of disciples Tang Shunzhi had? Where did the undisciple named Lin from Suzhou come from?

Lin Tailai said disdainfully: "Believe it or not! My family doesn't lend money with high interest rates. How can I commit fraud like your Gao family's bank account?"

Gao Panlong was about to explode with anger and shouted angrily: "Then let me see the skills you inherited from Mr. Jingchuan!"

Lin Tai looked at Gao Panlong's small body and asked in surprise: "Are you sure?"

This chapter has been completed!
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