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Chapter 193 This wave of rural examinations is stable!

Wang Shizhen, the leader of the world literary circle, had nothing to do today, so he went to the Nanjing Ministry of War to visit his old friend Wang Lin.

At this time, Wang Lin served as the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, one of the three giants in the Nanjing city system, and one of the few officials with real power.

And according to the system, the Minister of the Ministry of War of Nanjing is the examiner of the Nanzhili Martial Arts Provincial Examination.

Speaking of Wang Lin, although he is not well-known in history, he is still a legendary figure.

Like Wang Shizhen, he is part of the golden generation of the 26th year of Jiajing. Also on the list are Zhang Juzheng, Li Chunfang, Wang Daokun, Yin Shidan, Yang Jisheng and others.

After the tough guy Yang Jisheng was imprisoned, Wang Lin directly married his daughter to Yang Jisheng's son. As a result, he offended Yan Song and his son, who were also imprisoned. After he was released from prison, he took care of Yang Jisheng's funeral affairs.

Although Wang Lin has a strict nature and is very different from Wang Shizhen in character, they are close in age, the same year, and fellow anti-Yan Song comrades, and their friendship has always been good.

Wang Shizhen looked at Wang Lin for a while and sighed: "I haven't seen you for only a few years, but I don't think your hair and beard have turned completely white."

Wang Lin subconsciously touched his white hair and said with the same emotion: "Tongbang has withered and there is not much left. But I can still sit here and I am content."

The twenty-sixth year of Jiajing was only thirty-eight years ago, which doesn’t seem to be particularly long.

But when people in the officialdom think back, they will only feel that the past thirty years have been like a sea of ​​change, and it seems that the whole process has been full of turmoil.

During the thirty years of this generation, Xia Yan was beheaded, Yan Song took power and fell from power, Xu Jie Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng fought in chaos, Zhang Juzheng became regent and then his family was liquidated and confiscated, as well as the chaos caused by Anda Khan in the north and Japanese pirates in the south.

It is difficult to have a generation with more complicated experiences than this generation. The officials who have survived from the 26th year of Jiajing to the present are all miracles and living fossils.

Wang Lin added: "After I finish presiding over the current martial arts examination, I will resign from the imperial court. From now on, I will be in Hebei and you will be in Jiangnan. I'm afraid it won't be easy to meet each other."

Leader Wang's youthful sensitivity was touched again and he remained silent.

When two old people who have known each other for thirty-eight years met, it became more and more sentimental.

Finally, Wang Shizhen said: "Before you leave, please help me with something related to the undergraduate martial arts examination."

Wang Lin asked in surprise: "How come you, a leader of the literary world, care about martial arts competitions?"

Wang Shizhen said: "I don't care about martial arts, I only care about a person participating in martial arts."

A soldier ran outside the door and shouted: "Report to the Chief Sima! Something big happened in Gongyuan!"

Among the three giants in Nanjing City, the minister of external defense is a noble, and the minister of internal defense is a eunuch. Obviously, they will not care about the affairs of the Gongyuan area.

The area around Gongyuan is a place where scholars gather together. Honorable nobles and eunuchs will go there to take care of things only when they are well fed.

Therefore, if there is a problem near Gongyuan, it can only be solved by the Secretary of the Ministry of War in the civil service system. Wang Lin cannot shirk this responsibility.

The soldiers reported: "I heard that a large group of scholars fought from the Tixue Chaoyuan to Changbanqiao. The officers and soldiers could not stop them. They are now confronting the Tixue officials!

The officers and soldiers at the scene no longer listened to the command of the Tixueguan, and the soldiers who took action were also shouting to see Da Sima!"

I don’t know how the news was spread. Maybe the people who received the news didn’t believe that just one “scholar” and a few followers spread the word that a large group of scholars rioted.

Anyway, in the Jiangnan area, a group of scholars rioted collectively not once or twice.

The situation was very urgent. When Wang Lin heard about it, he immediately got up and walked outside without saying anything, without even bothering to entertain Wang Shizhen.

If something happens in a core area like Gongyuan, he, the Minister of War, who is responsible for the security of Nanjing city, has no choice but to shoulder the responsibility.

Wang Shizhen wanted to continue sitting here and wait for Wang Lin to come back, but after waiting for a while, she always felt something was wrong.

The Imperial City and a large number of government offices are in the east of the city, and Gongyuan is in the southeast of the city, so the Ministry of War is not too far from Gongyuan.

In less than half an hour, Wang Shangshu arrived at Changbanqiao with his soldiers.

I saw a sea of ​​people under the bridge, at least a thousand people gathered to watch the excitement.

There are still many people shouting "good poems, good poems", and some shouting "one more song".

There is nothing we can do, Haizhong Cheng’s ban has made many people mentally dry, and it’s hard to have any fun today.

After Wang Shangshu saw the people on the bridge clearly, he was puzzled. Didn't he report that there was a "large group of scholars"?

There is only one person wearing a long gown on the bridge. How did you figure it out?

A scholar next to him told me: "Where is the big group? Just these three or five, or the tallest one is fighting alone!"

Also, the strength of these officers and soldiers in Nanjing City is really poor, the Grand Sima needs more training!"

Wang Shangshu subconsciously thought that it would be a pity not to take the martial arts test because he was so skilled and could recite poetry.

When Lin Tailai saw the Minister of War arriving, he quickly shouted: "I beg the Grand Sima to avenge me!"

Wang Lin frowned, his expression ugly.

Although a man like him is upright, he also attaches great importance to etiquette, law and order, so in his heart, Lin Sheng on the bridge is a thug.

This kind of behavior that does not go through institutional procedures, acts recklessly and disrupts order is definitely not allowed, no matter how loudly you cry out for injustice!

Therefore, Wang Lin did not listen to nonsense and directly ordered the officers and soldiers: "First take down the thugs on the bridge!"

This is typical bureaucratic thinking. No matter what the inside story is, arrest the person who caused the trouble first and then slowly investigate.

Lin Tailai shouted: "Why is Da Sima angry? I am indeed wronged. I want to talk to Da Sima. Please be calm and listen to what I have to say!"

Wang Lin said with a cold face: "If you have any grievances, you can go to the Ministry of Punishment to complain, but the Ministry of Punishment will not accept it, and there is also the Metropolitan Procuratorate!

The duty of this department is only to catch thieves and thugs, not to listen to people's cries of injustice."

The Minister of War personally ordered that the officers and soldiers under the bridge could not disobey the order and slowly lined up to get on the bridge.

And due to the limited width of the bridge deck, it was impossible to swarm them all over the bridge, so they had to resort to wheel battles.

At this moment, two people suddenly rushed over on the south bank of the Qinhuai River, each carrying a tall wooden sign on their shoulders.

Then the two people walked onto the bridge from the south, stood behind Lin Tailai, and raised the tall wooden signs on their shoulders!

The big shining gold characters are slightly dazzling in the sunlight. One side is "Yudu Censor" and the other side is "Southern Capital General Constitution"!

The scholars who were watching at the scene all exclaimed!

There were rumors a few days ago that these two official badges accidentally ended up in the home of a popular celebrity in Nan'an, and everyone still couldn't believe it.

I didn’t want to show up again today, but I came from the South Bank red light district. Isn’t it possible that Hai Qingtian’s evening festival is not guaranteed?

Wang Lin and Wang Shangshu looked at the two official signs on the bridge, feeling shocked and confused. What kind of situation is this, Hai Rui supporting this thug?

Lin Tailai took a step back and stood between two official cards. On the left was "Yu Shi", on the right was "General Constitution", with morality and justice in the middle!

Then he said to Wang Lin, the Minister of War in Nanjing: "Is the Great Sima now calm enough to listen to my grievances?"

Wang Lin: "."

Before Wang Shangshu could say anything, Tixue Yushi Fanghuan stood up first and said loudly:

"What's the use of having two official badges? Even if you commit such a heinous crime, even Haizhong Cheng can't spare you!"

He had already known about Hai Rui's recruitment of Lin Sheng as a member, so he deliberately lured Lin Sheng into action and aggravated the crime.

Because with Hai Rui's character, it is absolutely impossible to protect his subordinates.

The double-faced Hai Rui's official badge is not something to be afraid of, but it is a talisman to Lin Sheng's life.

Lin Tailai asked, "What serious crime have you committed?"

Fang Tixue shouted: "You broke the prohibition first, and then you refused to accept the punishment of the official. You resisted the law with violence and committed murder. Isn't it a serious crime?

Even if Haizhong Cheng faces you, he will still punish you!"

Hearing this, Lin Tailai suddenly realized why Fang Tixue behaved like a psycho!

This academic advisor is probably like Hai Rui, who thinks of himself as a scholar!

For civil servants, being an academic officer is not far behind, even if the power does not reach the point of taking life and death.

That's why Fang Tixue treats himself so arrogantly and domineeringly, arresting and beating whenever he wants.

Lin Tailai had an idea in his mind and asked Fang Huan tentatively: "How does the Grand Master want to punish him?"

With the military support of the Secretary of the Ministry of War, Fang Tixue's momentum rose again, shouting: "Of course, you will be deprived of your reputation as a scholar first, and then you will be punished!"

Lin Tailai continued to ask, "But if I don't have the reputation of being a scholar, what should I do?"

"If you don't have the title of scholar, you can't be punished?" Fang Tixuecai was halfway through his sentence. When he realized what he was saying, he exclaimed: "Impossible! Then why did you come to Nanjing to take the exam?"

Lin Tailai replied innocently: "I am a martial arts student, and I have come to take part in the martial arts examination."

This reversal caused an uproar on the scene!

No wonder this Lin Sheng keeps shouting to see Da Sima, his status is indeed under the control of the Ministry of War!

Lin Tailai pointed at Fang Tixue, who was in a daze, and began to yell at Wang Lin again: "So I am wronged!

The martial arts officers were under the control of the Ministry of War, but he, a censor who promoted education, arrested the martial arts officers without authorization, which was actually exceeding his authority and creating an unjust case!

Although military students are not as noble as civil servants, they cannot be humiliated like this!

Please ask the Ministry of War to make the decision for me, and ask the Grand Sima to speak for all military personnel!"

Wang Shangshu suddenly realized that he loved to beat people, recited poems, and entered Taoism through martial arts. Isn't this the Suzhou Lin Tailai Wang Shizhen mentioned just now?

Fang Tixue felt that he was going crazy. Even if he was framed and framed, it had to be based on the power of law enforcement.

If he is not qualified to govern Lin Sheng and has no law enforcement power over Lin Sheng, then it is fundamentally wrong!

"Who are you?" Fang Tixue blurted out.

But Lin Tailai saluted the people watching around him and said loudly:

"I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I am Lin Tailai from Suzhou. I am the first person to take the county and government examinations this year. I am also the only martial arts student in Suzhou City who has passed the examination."

Anyone who hears this civil and military qualification for the first time will be shocked.

It’s not too unusual to have two exams in the literature test, but what does it mean to pass the martial arts examination only?

According to normal logic, it is impossible to select only one person for all levels of Ming Dynasty exams. Is it possible that you have eliminated all other candidates?

Then I heard Lin Sheng say: "I am in Nanjing this time, especially for the Wuxiang Examination!

Therefore, I have set a small goal for myself, which is to seize Wu Jieyuan!

I wonder if you think I have this strength?"

Fang Tixue's bad conduct earned him a bad reputation among scholars in Nanzhili, and no one minded watching him enjoy himself.

Immediately, someone started booing and saying, "Take my friend Lin's martial arts as a martial arts solution!"

Someone else shouted: "As seen by thousands of people today, Wu Ke Jie Yuan is well-deserved!"

Lin Tailai laughed a few times and chanted loudly:

"My thoughts are deep in the north, south and east, and I look at the sea of ​​talents and the empty space.

I started to participate in Zhou Shixi last year, but unfortunately I fell into Jin Xianfeng for many years.

Only when you have achieved great success and become an immortal can you feel the energy in your intestines.

If the Zen barrier is broken, the beauty will be like a jade sword or a rainbow!"

Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of War was so angry that he was the examiner of the rural examination of martial arts!

He should have the final say on who to admit, and who should be chosen as Wu Jieyuan!

You unscrupulous people, how dare you make your own arrangements!

Now he was a little suspicious that Lin Tailai deliberately fought in public, not to resist Fang Tixue's frame-up, but for martial arts.

The reason is very simple. Thousands of people have seen such a talented candidate. If he can't even pass the martial arts provincial examination, it must be a shady situation.

If there are more talented people who failed in the liberal arts provincial examinations who are resentful and use the topic to make trouble, it will be a big trouble.

Wang Shangshu never dreamed that the martial arts rural examination, which no one paid much attention to in previous years, could create such huge pressure.

And the key thing is that he didn't know how to deal with the scene.

Lin Tailai felt complacent in his heart. This is called turning a bad thing into a good thing. This wave of Wuxiang Examination is probably stable!

When I went to register before, I paid to inquire about it!

You, Wang Shangshu, were Jinshi in the 26th year of Jiajing, the same year as Wang Shizhen, so you must be careful!

Since ancient times, it has been very rare to get a three-yuan degree. If you can get a three-yuan martial arts degree, will you be the first person in history?

When Lin Daguan was proud of his wit, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Fang Tixue sneaking out.

He quickly shouted: "Fang Censor, please leave! The matter has not been explained clearly, how can it end without results?"

Tixue Yushi Fanghuan's face was darker than Wang Shangshu's. At this point, things were no longer clear!

He just made a mistake that officials all over the world make, that is bureaucracy!

When he heard "Suzhou Linsheng", he assumed that he was a scholar from Suzhou!

I was too lazy to check Lin Sheng's identity carefully against the student roster. I didn't even bother to find a Suzhou scholar to inquire!

Otherwise, it would not have been the case that the Procuratorate overstepped its authority to arrest the military officers, and it would have become a laughing stock and a handle!

Lin Tailai turned his back and asked: "I have no enmity with the Grand Master, so why would you bother to trap me?"

Fang Tixue said forcefully: "Someone reported you, and my officer made an oversight, that's all."

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no point in trying to shake off the commander. If you can protect it, protect it.

"Who reported it?" Lin Tailai immediately continued to ask, this was the question he was most concerned about.

This so-called whistleblower must be the instigator behind the scenes.

Fang Tixue turned to Wang Shangshu and asked for help: "We officials are sensible and reasonable. We can't leak the whistleblower at will, right?"

Based on the principle that officials protect each other, Wang Shangshu agreed: "If it is unnecessary and it does not affect the handling of the case, there is really no need to say it to avoid accidents."

Lin Tailai said dissatisfied: "This is not a report, it is a false accusation!"

Fang Huan flicked his sleeves and said, "I am guilty of negligence, and I will go to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to receive my punishment!"

Lin Tailai nodded, "Then I understand. It seems that the person who instigated Ti Xueguan to imprison him without authorization must be the old leader of the literary world, Wang Danzhou Gong!"

Lin Tailai's voice was very loud, which triggered discussions among nearby scholars.

Wang Lin and Wang Shangshu said in astonishment: "This is simply unreasonable! What evidence do you have?"

Lin Tailai sneered: "I'm not a criminal judge, so what evidence do you want?

Since he refuses to tell me clearly who is falsely accusing me, then whoever I think is the one!"

It's understandable that you guys are engaging in bureaucracy, but don't do it to Lin Tailai.

Wang Lin: "."

Suddenly I started to sympathize with the old man. God knows what Wang Shizhen has been through this year. How did he get into trouble with such a person?

The state is not good, ah ah ah, I feel that the writing is lackluster. Please give me some monthly votes to stimulate me, so I can get up and start working tomorrow if I have nothing to do!

This chapter has been completed!
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