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Chapter 201 People who cant be persuaded

There are three provincial examinations for the liberal arts section in brackets, on August 9th, 12th, and 15th.

The Nanzhili Township Examination in the thirteenth year of Wanli is about to begin. By then, the noise on the Qinhuai River will be much quieter.

After all, every rural examination process is very difficult. You need to line up outside the Longmen of Gongyuan in the early morning and take roll call. After entering, you have to stay in a small room for a day. It is very physically and mentally draining, let alone three times.

During the rural examination period, most of the scholars who participated in the rural examination were seizing the time to recuperate and had no energy to waste time.

Therefore, the task of "rectifying the atmosphere" undertaken by Lin Daguan can be regarded as passing a stage.

On this day, Lin Tailai came to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and gave a phased work report to Huanhai Qingtian.

“Since I took over the task of rectifying the public morals, I have implemented the policy of education first and prevention first, and have worked together from both the tenants and the guests to try to nip the violations before they started, thus greatly reducing the negative impact on society.

1. In terms of education, the young women in Lehu, Qinhuai Old Hospital, have set off a learning climax in the past fifteen days.

Nowadays, 35% of the people can recite the entire prescribed enlightenment poem, and 42% can recite half of the poem, basically covering the vast majority of young women under the age of thirty.

Second, in terms of prevention, we have extensively mobilized the grassroots, collected clues from multiple parties, strengthened front-line law enforcement forces, and strengthened inspections of key streets.

In the past fifteen days, as many as 105 illegal incidents have been prevented, an average of seven per day, which has effectively curbed the spread of bad habits.

Although the results are gratifying, we are also clearly aware that the current situation is still severe and we must not take it lightly.

In the future, we will further increase it.”

Lin Daguan's voice is loud, the intonation is sonorous and powerful, and it is very contagious.

But Hai Qingtian just listened with an expressionless face, feeling at a loss for words. What the hell is this horse-riding thing?

I heard that Lin Tailai studied the Book of Changes. Did he incorporate his Tai Chi experience into his work report?

"Hai Zhongcheng has any other instructions?" Lin Tailai asked.

Hai Rui replied: "This court just wants to exile you three thousand miles."

Lin Tailai was shocked. Was it because the data was not eye-catching enough or that his attitude was not correct enough?

"Why is this? I have worked hard and achieved fruitful results so far. Why did I end up being exiled?

In the past half month, I have been working hard day and night on my job, and I don’t want to be treated like this by the boss."

"Do you want to resign?" Hai Rui revealed Lin Tailai's thoughts with one word.

Lin Tailai was stunned, this Hai Qing was so naive.

Then he quickly responded: "Ah, since the boss thinks so, I will resign by the way."

The three rural examinations are about to end, and the most difficult stage of the work of "rectifying the atmosphere" is about to come.

It can be said that the more than ten days after the exam is over and before the results are announced are the most indulgent days for candidates taking the exam.

At this stage, there is no longer the pressure of preparing for the exam, and there is no psychological shock after the results are announced. Students who have just passed the tough exam are in urgent need of venting and relaxing.

Moreover, the exams have already been completed and we can no longer use the ban to deter scholars. What else are we afraid of?

As for the next provincial examination, it will be discussed in three years' time. Whether Hai Rui will still be alive by then will not matter.

At least a thousand scholars rushed to the south bank of the Qinhuai River while calling for friends. Just think about this scene and you will know how stressful it is.

Anyway, Lin Tailai felt that he couldn't handle it, and there was no way he could stop this wave of scholars unless the old Qinhuai courtyard was razed to the ground.

Facing such blatant collective violations, if we don't stop them, it would be blatant dereliction of duty.

If checkpoints were set up at various bridges and street intersections to forcefully stop this group of scholars, it would definitely cause serious conflicts, and even casualties would not be impossible.

Anyone who has experience in front-line work at the grassroots level knows how difficult it is to deal with this kind of thing caught between superiors and subordinates.

Faced with the fierce public opinion of thousands of scholars and countless relatives and friends behind the scenes, Lin Tailai was ultimately blamed, so Lin Tailai had the idea of ​​​​resigning.

"Why do you want to resign?" Hai Rui asked knowingly.

Lin Tailai replied: "The rural martial arts examination is coming soon, and I have to prepare for it."

Hai Rui asked again: "What if this court does not allow you to resign?"

Lin Tailai rarely contradicted Hai Qingtian and said: "It has been a virtue since ancient times to hang up one's title and leave. The worst I can do is not take the martial arts exam and just abandon my post and go back to Suzhou."

Although Lin Tailai wanted the martial arts fame in his heart, he always acted indifferently in front of others to avoid being picked on.

Hai Rui slapped the case and said angrily: "If you are as greedy for life and afraid of death, and afraid of difficulties, how can anything be accomplished in the world?"

This is because the values ​​​​are different. Lin Tailai feels that Hai Qingtian is too nonsense sometimes and competes indifferently.

This kind of sacrifice is meaningless. If it is for the sake of the family and the country, that's fine. But there is really no need to sacrifice oneself for the sake of "anti-pornography" work.

Lin Tailai replied: "No matter what the boss thinks, I dare to say that this is the best result.

No one else could have done better than me.

All aspects of the past can be explained, and the boss will not lose his prestige by imposing bans.

I sincerely advise you to stop when things get better and don't wait until you lose control under high pressure, especially when you are most afraid of casualties.

Otherwise, facing the slander of thousands of people, how can I deal with myself then?"

Hai Rui has many advantages, but he is also a paranoid person, otherwise he would not have done so many inappropriate things.

Lin Tailai's words to persuade Hai Rui to stop, seemed to provoke the general's plan and aroused Hai Rui's temper.

He shouted to Lin Tailai: "How can this court not understand what you are thinking? Don't you just think that our court is suspended from above and will only force low-level officials like you to work hard, and you think it is not worth it to work hard?

The ancients said, "Don't neglect doing good deeds because they are small. How can our hospital be inferior to the ancients?"

Since you are greedy for life and afraid of death, then I will personally go to the Qinhuai River to supervise the formation. Don’t think that I am someone who only cares about yourself!"

Lin Tailai said helplessly: "Sir, please don't do this, it won't happen! It won't happen!"

Then he added: "Have you never thought about what reputation you will leave behind if there is an accident?

Now you are already a famous minister, with an almost perfect reputation.

If the final outcome is that he leaves the stage sadly because he competes with the fireworks girl from Qin Lou and Chu Pavilion, it won’t sound good.”

Such rhetoric is enough to make ordinary upright officials want to give up. Upright officials do not cherish their own feathers, but it has no effect on Hai Rui.

Hai Rui sneered and said, "Do you think I care about these people with false reputations?"

Lin Tailai had never seen anyone like Hai Rui in his entire life.

He immediately forgot his identity and said bluntly: "There are so many important national affairs. As a second-rank minister, I don't pay attention to national affairs, but only talk about these small things.

To intensify a big conflict because of a small issue and ignore it is to be a bit indifferent."

Hai Rui asked back: "Do you think this court doesn't want to plan for military and national affairs?

The only things this court can do now are these small things."

Lin Tailai: "."

This is the first time I meet such a person who can't be persuaded no matter how hard I try. A person who made his fortune by his reputation doesn't even care about his posthumous reputation. So what else can be done to him?

If Hai Rui could be persuaded, he wouldn't be Hai Rui.

After thinking about it, Lin Tailai added: "If Mr. Boss insists on having his own way, it will definitely intensify the antagonism and intensify conflicts. I can't just watch this happen."

Hai Rui said unceremoniously: "You have resigned, this matter has nothing to do with you!

You don’t have to worry about this court forcing you to take any responsibility, just go away!”

Lin Tailai didn't know why he was angry, so he couldn't help but said to Hai Qingtian: "Don't say you didn't predict what you said!"

"Get lost!" Hai Rui directly chased the guests away.

Lin Tailai asked greedily: "Then, should I still promote my collection of poems?"

Hai Rui replied: "As long as I do something that I think is right, I will never regret or modify it!

Your collection of modern Yuefu poems is worthy of promotion, and I will not stop because of your resignation!"

As a result, Lin Tailai was kicked out of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and all the credentials related to his errands, including his official badge, were confiscated.

When Lin Tailai returned to the old Qinhuai courtyard, he went directly to the home of Ma Xianglan, the first of the Twelve Hairpins in Jinling and the first of Nanquxing.

He stayed until evening and then returned to Zhao Caiji's house, only to see Zhao Caiji, the second among the Twelve Beauties of Jinling, sitting in the front hall, her pink face as cold as ice.

"Didn't I say not to go to Ma Xianglan's house? Do you know that I can only be the second best because of her pressure?" Zhao Caiji asked with a straight face.

At the beginning, Zhao Caiji made an agreement that Lin Tailai could live with her for free, but the condition was that he was not allowed to go to other Twelve Hairpins, especially Ma Xianglan's house.

Lin Daguan, who had little money, couldn't stand the temptation of free money, so he agreed to this condition.

Lin Tailai replied: "I didn't do anything. I just asked Ma Ji for help if I had something."

Zhao Caiji asked again: "Then why don't you find the slave family?"

Lin Tailai replied again: "You can't do this."

Zhao Caiji questioned angrily: "Is there something that she can do that I can't do? Has she learned any new styles even though she is so old?"

Official Lin was speechless. What was on Zhao Caiji's mind?

The reason for looking for Ma Xianglan is that she is heroic by nature and has high prestige. She is considered a eldest sister among the women in the old courtyard. How can you, Zhao Caiji, have such weight?

Zhao Caiji snorted coldly, turned around and walked inside, "I have been tired these past few days, so I will rest for two days."

Lin Tailai said impatiently: "Don't you just want to be the number one? Once this is done, Ma Xianglan will not be able to retire, and then you will be the number one!"

Zhao Caiji immediately turned around, "But you have been running around all day today, so you must be even more tired. It's getting late, so why not take a rest together earlier."

"Aren't you tired?" Lin Daguan said jokingly.

Zhao Caiji blinked her big watery eyes and said, "Yes, I am tired and you are tired, so we need to rest together."

After Lin Tailai rested for a while, he felt hungry again, so he ordered food to be served.

Only halfway through the meal, the disciple came to report: "A man claiming to be Dong came to visit."

Lin Tailai thought for a while and found that he only knew one person named Dong, so he invited the person in.

Sure enough, it was Dong Qichang, a young man in his mid-20s. Lin Daguan thought for a moment and said, "You came just in time, I have something good to tell you.

But since you came to me, you must have something to do, so I’ll let you talk first.”

When Dong Qichang heard that there were good things to come, he immediately became more motivated and started talking about it without any hesitation.

"There are two things. The first is that there is a rumor among scholars recently that the essence of the poetry collection "Jin Yuefu" lies in the preface.

He also said that the diction and conception of this preface are much higher than those of poetry, and that it contains great meaning and is worthy of careful consideration."

Lin Tailai slapped the case angrily and said: "No one except the Donglin sect can tell such despicable and shameless rumors!

Just a preface by Gu Jingyang, does it still want to overwhelm me?"

This matter should not be ignored. There is a saying that goes as follows: a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth.

If three people really become a tiger and "Preface to Today's Yuefu" outshines "Poems of Today's Yuefu", it will be ridiculous, and then it will be a great shame for myself.

After all, Gu Xiancheng's communication ability in Shilin is indeed higher than that of Lin Tailai, and Lin Tailai's "fame" relies more on the popularity of civil society.

Therefore, if we only compare the communication ability of pure Shilin channels, Lin Daguan is obviously far inferior to Gu Xiancheng.

Dong Qichang, who came to report the news, did not comment on this, but continued to talk.

"The second thing is that it took a lot of effort to find out Mr. Gu Jingyang's next move."

"Speak quickly!" Lin Tailai urged impatiently.

Dong Qichang said: "Before every major exam, Nanjing Taixue will open the Dacheng Hall of the Master's Temple for candidates or scholars to worship."

"Puch!" Upon hearing this, Lin Daguan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In fact, there were two upgrade systems for scholars in the Ming Dynasty, one was the imperial examination upgrade system, and the other was the school upgrade system.

The imperial examination is to select people, one is born as a Jinshi, and one who goes to study in the Imperial College is one who is born as a Jiansheng.

In today's era, the imperial examination system, which is determined by examination, is more valued and regarded as a clean stream.

Those who go to the Imperial College to study are all old people who can't do well in the imperial examination. They go to the Imperial College to study and gain a good background if they can't go on the imperial examination road.

Simply put, going to the Imperial College to study in the Ming Dynasty meant failure in the examination.

So Lin Tailai couldn't understand what exactly those candidates who went to the Imperial College to worship and pray for blessings before the exam five hundred years later were trying to protect themselves from failure in the exam?

Dong Qichang didn't understand what Lin Daguan was laughing at, so he explained: "The candidates all go to worship the saints, not the Imperial Academy!"

Official Lin waved his hand, "You should continue talking about business!"

Dong Qichang added: "Anyway, I heard that since there are so many candidates going to Taixue Xianshi Temple, Mr. Gu Jingyang will also go to show his sage in front of people tomorrow!"

Lin Tailai said in surprise: "How does he want to show his holiness?"

Dong Qichang shook his head and said: "That's not clear. How to do it is the most confidential matter. Only Gu Jingyang and a few friends who are in the same camp know.

If they hadn't formed an alliance with the retro faction, they wouldn't have even revealed the news."

Lin Tailai pondered for a while and decided that there was nothing wrong with going to the scene to take a look anyway.

Fortunately, I had made friends with Zhao Zhigao, the supervisor of the Imperial Academy, and this actually came in handy.

Isn't it just pretentious? Can Gu Xiancheng still pretend to be higher than himself?

I had to go out for the past two days, so I could only make up the code here and there. I will go back and make up for what I owe yesterday in two days.

This chapter has been completed!
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