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Chapter 221 Confusing Contrast

While still on the road, Zhao Zhigao and Lin Tailai received the news that Linhuai Marquis Li Yangong was dismissed from his post as Nanjing garrison minister and ordered to live at home.

Without their actual positions, Li Yangong and his son were just an idle marquis family with no power.

The contemporary Duke of Wei, Xu Bangrui, also got his wish and became the Minister of Defense of Nanjing.

Then eight families of the Xi family in Dongting Xishan and one family of the Shen family in Mudu were sentenced to a hundred canes and exiled for three thousand miles. Their property was confiscated. Wang Shizhen, the right minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Punishment, personally sentenced them.

From then on, the Xi family, the tycoon of the Dongting merchant gang, suffered a near-destructive blow. There were only a few families left in the family that could be beaten. Most of the family property was confiscated, and they suddenly fell from the top to the bottom.

It is said that after Wang Shizhen was sentenced, she fell ill again and immediately left home and returned to her hometown of Taicang.

However, Fan Yunlin, Huqiu's adopted son-in-law who conspired with the Xi family and also participated in the attack on Mudu Port, was not sentenced to a severe sentence.

Not to mention the traditional relationship between the Xu family and the Shen family, Fan Yunlin's father-in-law Xu Taishi was also a close friend of Shen Shoufu.

In the end, Fan Yunlin was regarded as an accomplice who did not know the truth and was coerced. He was permanently dismissed as a scholar, sentenced to 80 canes and fined 1,000 taels of silver.

The struggle that lasted for more than three months finally came to an end.

These disturbing things have become a thing of the past, and Mr. Lin must now look forward.

On this day, all the officials in Suzhou City who were able to take the stage were mobilized again and stood on the river bank outside Fengqiao.

Compared with the scene when Governor Wei visited Suzhou City more than three months ago, it was almost exactly the same, and even more grand.

Because this time it was also the governor who came to Suzhou City, and it was a new governor who took office.

Not to mention that there has been such a big disturbance recently, and officials at all levels must treat it with caution.

Near noon, we finally saw the large boat bearing the name of the Governor.

When the boat docked, Governor Zhao came out of the cabin. The officials, gentry, and local representatives on the shore saluted Governor Zhao.

Then I heard someone on the boat shouting: "No courtesy!"

Many people thought the sound was very familiar and subconsciously looked up towards the bow of the ship.

But just when everyone on the shore was bowing their heads and saluting, Wu Jieyuan, who was known to the whole of Suzhou City, was already standing in front of the governor.

It turns out that the beloved Lin Daguan followed the new governor and returned to Suzhou City, which was loyal to him!

The word "free of ceremony" also came from Lin Jieyuan's mouth.

For a moment, everyone on the shore didn't know whether to salute the governor or Lin Jieyuan.

All the officials and the people could not help but be stunned that something that only happened in novels could actually appear in reality.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup the new governor was fed, so that he could indulge Lin Tailai like this!

This is because the new governor Zhao Zhigao has no interest in Suzhou affairs itself, nor in establishing an image in Suzhou.

He just wanted to let Lin Tailai help him complete his political achievements, and then attack the third-rank minister.

Other than that, nothing else matters. As long as Lin Tailai can do what needs to be done, he will help where he needs to.

Although some officials who were hostile to Lin Jieyuan felt unhappy, they dared not speak out.

Lin Jieyuan and Governor Zhao then went ashore and met and exchanged greetings with representatives from all parties who came to greet them.

Logically speaking, the first person to greet the governor should be Magistrate Zhu, who has the highest political status.

But Lin Jieyuan waved to the crowd and called Mr. Shen over first.

Then he introduced to Governor Zhao: "This is Shen Jizi, the leader of our Renewal Society Alliance."

Zhao Zhigao felt slightly shocked. Is Shen Shoufu's youngest son really the leader of this update society?

When he was in Nanjing, he always thought that Lin Tailai was just making random boasts, and he didn't take Xinhua News Agency seriously, but he didn't expect that it was all true.

Then Lin Tailai introduced to Shen Yongjia: "This is my new friend Zhao Xueshi who is developing in Nanjing, and he happens to come to Suzhou City to be the governor."

Mr. Shen really couldn't see what kind of virtues and abilities this half-buried old man Zhao had, who was older than his father, so that he could be favored by Lin Tai and develop into the third member of the Update Society.

Lin Tailai greeted Yuan Hongdao, the magistrate of Changzhou County, and introduced Zhao Zhigao:

"This is the famous police officer Yuan Zhonglang! I am trying to persuade him to become a visiting professor at the Update Society!

It's just that Yuan Zhonglang is still hesitant and has not agreed. If Futai has some free time, you might as well give him some advice!"

Yuan Hongdao sighed and said quickly: "I agree without hesitation!"

Since I'm still in the officialdom, there are some rules that I have to abide by.

How can a small county magistrate really let the governor persuade him?

So the leader of the Renewal Society, the visiting professor, and the two members chatted and laughed happily, as if they had formed a small circle.

Other people who came to greet the governor seemed to be excluded spectators.

Then I heard Lin Tailai smiling at Yuan Hongdao: "Your opportunity has come, Mr. Yuan. If you can get Futai's support, why worry about not being able to start the Sanjiangkou dredging project that you have been thinking about so much?"

Sanjiangkou is a very famous ancient place name. It is even mentioned in the Four Books and Five Classics, but unfortunately it has disappeared long ago.

If this ancient place name can be restored through dredging projects, it will leave a name for future generations like Su Causeway and Bai Causeway. No literati can resist this temptation, and Yuan Hongdao is no exception.

Seeing Lin Tailai take the initiative to bring it up, Governor Zhao also took the initiative to ask: "What are the current problems?"

Yuan Hongdao took the opportunity to complain and said: "Otherwise, the Jinongcang is under the control of the government and it is difficult for the county to use it, so the project cost is out of the question."

The agricultural warehouse was originally a discretionary fund for each county, but it was collected by the government. Naturally, the county's fiscal expenditures were tight.

Everyone began to wonder in their minds that at the new governor's unveiling ceremony, all the statements made were not without purpose, and might be the focus of future work.

Suddenly, the matter of Jinongcang was mentioned, and it reminded me of Lin Tailai's original attitude towards Jinongcang.

Everyone present knew that the matter of Jinongcang must still be unavoidable. Lin Daguan's interest in Jinongcang had never diminished.

So Magistrate Zhu, who was supposed to be the first to speak, but was left in the dark for a long time, was finally seen by Lin Tailai.

"Prefect Zhu should return the power of dispatching agricultural warehouses to the counties!" Lin Tailai advised: "Otherwise, the counties will have no funds available and nothing can be done."

Magistrate Zhu said with a cold face: "I have clearly explained the reason why the government office has taken over the dispatching rights of agricultural warehouses in various counties.

In the past two years, Jinongcang has made more accounts and received less, and its grain stocks have been declining.

Therefore, in order for the Jinong Warehouse to be effective, the dispatching power of the Jinong Warehouse should be taken away from the lower levels and unified arrangements can be made to ensure safety."

When everyone thought that Lin Tailai was going to rely on the governor's power to directly refute Magistrate Zhu, they saw Lin Tailai nodded and agreed: "Prefect Zhu's words make sense!"

Then Lin Tailai continued: "Only by taking back the dispatching rights of Jinongcang, can we ensure the stability of Jinongcang in each county. What Zhu Taishou said is right.

Therefore, according to Zhu Taishou's idea, we might as well hand over the dispatching power of agricultural warehouses in each county to the governor.

In this way, better unified dispatch can be carried out at a higher level than the government office, which must be what Zhu Taishou would like to see."

Everyone was speechless after hearing this. Although it sounded ridiculous, Lin Tailai's logic was correct.

Magistrate Zhu could use the excuse of "unified dispatch from superiors" to take over the dispatching rights of agricultural warehouses from lower counties.

Of course, the governor could also use the same excuse to take away the dispatching power of the Jinong warehouse from the government office.

It is impossible for your government office to only be a superior, but not willing to be a subordinate.

At the beginning, the county government, under the instigation of senior official Lin, fought for a long time, but could not get the farmhouse back.

Today, it was probably Lin Daguan who changed his perspective as governor and reached out again.

Magistrate Zhu did not answer Lin Tailai directly. He looked at Governor Zhao and asked, "Is this Lin's own idea or the procuratorate's idea?"

Zhao Zhigao took up the responsibility and said: "This is the idea of ​​​​this court."

Magistrate Zhu said unceremoniously: "The governor's job is to take charge of the overall situation, check for leaks and fill vacancies, and inspect and rectify, rather than putting the cart before the horse and meddling in local affairs in too detail!

Otherwise, what is the use of waiting for me to wait for the county government?"

Everyone was quite surprised. Magistrate Zhu was a bit tough in his mood. Could it be because he had been left alone for a while?

In terms of job position, the prefect is definitely the subordinate of the governor.

However, Magistrate Zhu is of the fourth grade, and Governor Zhao is also of the fourth grade. In terms of pure status, the difference is not big.

But from a normal perspective, this still does not constitute the confidence for Magistrate Zhu to be tough. No one knows where Magistrate Zhu’s confidence comes from.

Then I heard Magistrate Zhu say: "Also, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you make friends with the children of powerful officials in the cabinet."

I don’t know who this sentence was addressed to, but it seemed to be to Governor Zhao or to Lin Tailai.

But the so-called "cabinet power officials" children obviously refer to Mr. Shen.

Magistrate Zhu made such public remarks, which shocked everyone present.

If Magistrate Zhu contradicted the governor just now, it is within the scope of everyone's understanding.

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, it was not uncommon for subordinates to contradict their superiors, and it was still within the normal framework of fighting for power and gain.

But Magistrate Zhu directly named Mr. Shen, which made others confused.

Moreover, Second Master Shen did not do anything directly to Magistrate Zhu, so Magistrate Zhu could not offend Second Master Shen, the chief assistant son.

This abnormality made Lin Daguan puzzled. Did you, Zhifu Zhu, eat the heart of a bear or the courage of a leopard?

I couldn't figure it out for a while and didn't dare to act rashly.

So Lin Tailai looked at Mr. Shen and gave him a sudden look.

This means that Second Master Shen, relying on his status as the first assistant master, will rush forward to confront Magistrate Zhu first.

One is to suppress Magistrate Zhu's momentum, and the other is to take this opportunity to find out the details of Magistrate Zhu.

Anyway, Mr. Shen's identity has an aura of invincibility. No matter what he does, he can't die. If he doesn't use it, he won't use it.

Just like the last time when Mr. Shen confronted Governor Wei, nothing happened after the confrontation. Governor Wei also had nothing to do with Mr. Shen.

But something even more shocking to Official Lin happened: Second Master Shen actually remained indifferent to the provocation from Magistrate Zhu!

I don't know if it's because I'm scared or for some other reason.

If anyone in Suzhou City dares to be more arrogant than Lin Jieyuan, it can only be Mr. Shen.

But the Second Master Shen in front of me, who doesn't even dare to be arrogant, is he still the Second Master Shen?

Lin Tailai couldn't help but mutter in his heart, Second Master Shen wouldn't have been taken away too, right?

Or is it that during his absence, something happened in Suzhou City that he didn't know about?

Just when Lin Tailai was deeply confused and puzzled, Zhao Zhigao suddenly remembered something and whispered to Lin Tailai:

“I heard that Zhang Fengpan’s rule in Hedong has ended and will be restored soon. He will definitely return to Beijing before the end of the year!

Before coming to Suzhou, I collected the resumes of officials from various prefectures and counties, and found out that Governor Zhu and Zhang Fengpan were of the same year."

Lin Tailai: "."

Damn it! I was confused for a long time, what a shame!

The Hedong Zhang Fengpan mentioned by Zhao Zhigao was the original chief assistant Zhang Siwei.

After Zhang Juzheng passed away, it was Zhang Siwei who took over the position of chief assistant.

For this political tycoon who comes from a wealthy businessman family in Shanxi, he has received an unusual amount of negative criticism.

From personal qualities to political character to family ethics, Mr. Zhang Siwei is full of countless shortcomings.

To put it simply, the combined smuggling business done by Huang Xiaomei and Mrs. Fan is no more than 1% of the Zhang family's.

But these criticisms could not affect Zhang Siwei's decision to become the first assistant, because he was very determined to stab the late Zhang Juzheng in the back.

But not long after, because of Ding You, Zhang Siwei had to return to his hometown to live in mourning, so Shen Shixing was able to become the chief minister.

Calculating the time, Zhang Siwei's defense system is about to expire now, and he can start to recover soon.

According to common practice, after the mourning period ends, officials must be appointed to posts of the same level even if they cannot be reinstated.

But how can the chief assistant have a position of the same level? So Zhang Siwei probably can only resume his original position and continue to be the chief assistant.

Moreover, Cilin officials are very particular about the order of their seniors. As the current first assistant, Shen Shixing, as a junior of Cilin, in terms of officialdom ethics, he can only give way to Zhang Siwei and retire to the rank of second assistant.

After understanding this, Senior Official Lin could finally understand why Magistrate Zhu suddenly became tough and why Second Master Shen was not arrogant.

But Lin Tailai really wanted to laugh, not because he was laughing at anyone, but simply because it was so funny.

History played a big joke on Zhang Siwei. When he was about to return to the political arena after the end of his rule, and when he was about to regain his position as a minister, he suddenly fell ill and died.

In Lin Daguan's subconscious mind, the original chief assistant Zhang Siwei was automatically considered dead and had completely withdrawn from the Ming Dynasty's political arena, and could not have any impact on him.

So when he made his calculations, he never considered Zhang Siwei's influence and factors.

So there was a little blind spot in my thinking just now, and I didn't think about Zhang Siwei at all.

But Lin Tailai knew that Zhang Siwei had rushed to the street, but others didn't know it yet.

Think about Zhang Siwei who rushes to the street, and then look at the tough Magistrate Zhu in front of him, and the cowardly Second Master Shen, how can we not make people laugh?

If Lin Daguan remembers correctly, Zhang Siwei died either early or late, in mid-October.

Zhang Siwei has probably died of illness for a few days now, but the news has not yet reached Suzhou City.

Official Lin sighed helplessly. He, Lin Tailai, really didn't like to show off, but opportunities always came to him. If he didn't pretend, it would be wasted. It was a pity.

Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, say it three times!

This chapter has been completed!
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