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Chapter 240 Career, Reputation and Love (Part 2)

Official Lin saw Wang Yuanwai in a daze, so he emphasized again:

"If I solve all the problems and ensure smooth transportation of salt in Suzhou, can you rent me the base and let us work together?

I don’t know where your current salt-producing area is. Whether it’s the Two Lakes or anywhere in Jiangxi, it’s definitely not as good as Jiangnan!”

The officially designated salt production area of ​​Lianghuai Salt Industry is Nanzhili, Lianghu, Jiangxi, and Yangzhou salt merchants can only sell salt within this range.

Of course, the above are just official regulations.

Wang Yuanwai's current main salt sales area is the Lianghu area, and generally goes to Hankou for specific distribution. Although it is not bad, from transportation costs to consumption power, it is definitely not as good as the Jiangnan area in all aspects.

Faced with Mr. Lin's "proposal", Wang Yuanwai didn't know how to answer for a while.

His idea was to bring the other party in, rather than package himself up and rent it out! He was not mentally prepared to talk further!

Who knows why I didn't stop talking just now, and unknowingly brought the topic to this point.

Lu Junbi saw that Wang Yuanwai was a little embarrassed, so he had to come out to smooth things over and said: "Today I am hosting a banquet for friend Wang, who is a friend of our fellow scholars. Wang Yuanwai, you always talk about business matters!"

Wang Yuanwai quickly got off the hill and said, "That's right, it was me who ruined Yaxing by overstepping my authority! I will punish myself with three cups of wine!"

Then Wang Yuanwai gave Lu Junbi another hint with a wink. Lu Junbi understood instantly and said again:

"The most exciting thing in our Yangzhou literary world recently is the reopening of Pingshan Hall by the Zheng family.

It is spring, and the Zheng family is about to hold a grand gathering in Pingshan Hall, inviting celebrities from all over the world, and at the same time soliciting poems from people all over the world.

I remember earlier that my friend Wang was very interested in the affairs of the Zheng family, so why did he suddenly say goodbye to Yangzhou in the face of such a grand event?

Don’t you, at such a young age, not want to take advantage of the opportunity of the grand event to become famous in one fell swoop?”

We can't continue the topic of career, so we have to move to reputation.

In Shilin, reputation is also hard currency and can be exchanged for many things, including money, beauty, sex, and power.

Lin Tailai pretended to be modest and said: "I have figured it out. The world's talented people are like crucian carp crossing the river, but my own talent is like a faint light.

So even if there is a grand gathering, how much can I show? After thinking about it, I just won’t show off my shame and just go back and prepare for the exam with peace of mind!”

Lu Junbi shook his head and said, "Friend Wang, please don't underestimate yourself. Whether you can become famous in this world depends on your own efforts."

Everyone knows the words "It all depends on man-made things." It refers to both artificial hype and human manipulation.

Wang Yuanwai also said: "I still have some abilities in Yangzhou City, which can help Wang Sheng take the opportunity to become famous."

This is not bragging, Wang Yuanwai really has the ability to win over people in Yangzhou City. As long as he spends money, there is nothing he can't solve from his ranking in the cultural society to his popularity?

Official Lin responded: "I would like to thank Yuan Wai in advance for his kindness, but after seeing what the Zheng family did, Yuan Wai, weren't you yourself touched?

On the surface, this move of the Zheng family is to enhance their reputation, but in fact it is to gain tickets for socializing with Shilin!

This can make the family safer, which is equivalent to spending money to buy a protective amulet for wealth."

At this point, how could Wang Yuanwai, who is also rich, not be touched?

He pointed at Lu Junbi and couldn't help but sigh: "I understand the principle, but it is not easy to practice it in practice.

Among all my relatives and friends, the one with the best reputation is Lu Xiucai. If I want to make friends with scholars and celebrities, I lack the opportunity.

Even if you want to hold a grand gathering, how many real celebrities are willing to be invited?

So there is no need to rush, we can only take it step by step and slowly.”

Lin Tailai then said: "The Zheng family has already used this method of rebuilding historical places and creating momentum. If you try it again in a short period of time, you will feel like you are imitating others.

But I will give you four tips. If you do it well, within three years your reputation will surpass that of Zheng Zhiyan and you will become a cultural celebrity in Yangzhou City."

Speaking of this, Wang Yuanwai was no longer sleepy. He said with great interest: "Which four?"

When it comes to gaining prestige, Lin Tailai is so professional that he speaks without thinking.

"First, to open an academy, it is best to rebuild an academy that has appeared in the history of Yangzhou City and hire a great scholar to take charge of it. Then local scholars will naturally flock to it.

If you can't hire a scholar from other places, you can always hire someone from Yangzhou and surrounding counties.

In addition, your Yangzhou Xinghua has produced a number one prime minister Li Chunfang in recent years. Go and find out if he has any descendants with decent knowledge. You can pay a lot of money to invite him to name him!

If that doesn't work, you can spend a lot of money to invite famous people from two different academic disciplines to come here to debate, such as the debate between Yangming's theory of mind and traditional Cheng and Zhu. As long as there is a quarrel, it will be popular.

If that doesn't work, I can help you invite Wang Shizhen, the leader of the literary world, to increase your popularity.

Second, if you have so much money, don’t always think about opening a pawn shop, you can open a bookstore!

Without seeking profit, printing books for readers at low prices and printing their own collections of essays and poems will definitely be popular among readers.

You can even announce that you will print a number of books for free for readers every year! Then set up a review committee to review those who apply for free book printing!"

"Wonderful!" Upon hearing this, Wang Yuanwai was suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but pat his thigh.

Ideas like these cannot be thought of by anyone who is not a proficient expert.

But when he said this, Lin Daguan stopped, did not continue talking, and started eating and drinking.

Although Wang Yuanwai was anxious to continue listening, he still had the patience to watch Lin Tailai eat a few bites of meat.

Then he toasted and said, "What about Articles 3 and 4?"

Lin Tailai said with waning interest: "It's meaningless to talk about these bullshit tactics used by scholars to undermine the literary world.

Let’s talk about the salt industry. You have taken up so much capital, please consider renting it out. I will take all of it."

Wang Yuanwai urged: "Sheng Wang, let me talk about the third and fourth things first. If the salt industry is not urgent, can I still run away?"

Lin Daguan said calmly: "As for the third item, it is to operate the calligraphy and painting market in Yangzhou City!"

Wang Yuanwai didn't know much about this place, so he asked doubtfully: "How much money can you make from buying and selling calligraphy and painting?"

Lin Tailai pointed out: "This is not a matter of making money, but of gaining influence and voice by operating the calligraphy and painting market.

Wang Yuanwai, don’t underestimate the calligraphy and painting market. In our Suzhou, why did the Wen family become one of the four major families after Wen Zhengming?

Just because Wen Zhengming and a bunch of his disciples and disciples monopolized most of the calligraphy and painting market in Suzhou City, Wen Zhengming became an ancestor-level figure in the cultural circle."

Wang Yuanwai was not ashamed to ask for advice and said: "I am really a layman when it comes to the calligraphy and painting market. I have no idea how to do it."

Lin Tailai said: "The most prosperous literati calligraphy and painting market in the world is in Suzhou City, and the biggest trader in the Suzhou calligraphy and painting market today is Zhang Fengyi. I am very familiar with their brothers.

Zhang Fengyi became a top celebrity in Suzhou City by operating the calligraphy and painting market. Even Wang Shizhen, the leader of the literary circle, wanted to cooperate with Zhang Fengyi when he arrived in Suzhou.

Nowadays, Yangzhou city is prosperous and prosperous, and Suzhou culture is respected. Zhang Fengyi must also be interested in exploring the Yangzhou market.

I can introduce Zhang Fengyi to cooperate with you, Yuanwai. By then, Yuanwai, you will also be a well-known figure in the Shilin literary world.

In fact, among all my suggestions, this one is the most important, the easiest to implement, and the easiest to bear fruit in the short term.

The value of scholars and the price of calligraphy and painting are largely determined by operations. If you are asked to operate, what is your status among scholars?

Moreover, you are guarding the transportation thoroughfare of Yangzhou City, and there are countless famous people traveling from south to north, which is a wider range than Zhang Fengyi who is limited to Suzhou City."

Wang Yuanwai was so happy that he drank three glasses of wine to express his gratitude, and then said:

"Then I have to leave it to Wang Sheng! As long as Mr. Zhang Fengyi is willing to cooperate and jointly develop the calligraphy and painting market in Yangzhou City, money is not a problem!"

At this time, Lu Junbi next to him suddenly coughed violently, not knowing whether he was choked or not.

Wang Yuanwai casually glanced at Lu Junbi, only to find that Lu Junbi was carrying "Friend Wang" on his back and winking fiercely at him.

At first Wang Yuanwai did not realize the problem, but then he heard Lu Junbi say dissatisfiedly: "Today my friend Wang and I are meeting friends through literature, Yuan Wai, you are interrupting too much."

Wang Yuanwai was surprised at first. Did you, Lu Xiucai, take the wrong medicine? How dare you contradict yourself?

Immediately, I felt something was wrong. Did I really talk too much?

By the way, my initial plan was to use my reputation to deceive young people, so why did I do it the other way around?

For the past half day, I have been listening to young people telling me how to gain prestige.

After hearing the end, I wanted to ask for something from the young man. Don't I have to rely on this person to invite Zhang Fengyi and Wang Shizhen?

So after Wang Yuanwai came to his senses, he found that it was difficult to continue the conversation.

As long as he opens his mouth again, the young friend Wang will definitely mention the salt industry, nest capital, etc.

The main thing is that the nest is the core and fundamental interest of all salt merchants. It is the home that the salt merchants need to settle down and live. It is an heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation. It must not be discussed casually.

Wang Yuanwai had originally planned to conduct a face-to-face inspection today, but now he felt that if he got this son-in-law, what else would he want?

You have to have a pattern, you have to be courageous, you have to have means. I really don't know how the Wang family in Dongshan cultivated such children.

If we really become a family, even if we are just one family, what else is there to discuss?

Thinking of this, Wang Yuanwai winked at Lu Xiucai again. He could no longer talk about his career or his reputation. Now it was time to talk about love.

Lu Junbi sighed secretly, feeling that he was just here to smooth things over today. Why is this rhythm getting more and more chaotic?

Wang Yuanwai started out with his father when he was a teenager. He traveled along the river for more than 20 years and gained great experience.

As a result, today I watched Wang Yuanwai at his home court, and his rhythm was thrown into chaos.

Especially when the person opposite me was just a young man who was younger than me, I was really speechless.

Anyway, Lu Junbi felt that he was completely out of control. He was no match for Friend Wang, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and speak.

Another chapter has been published. This is today’s normal update. I bite the bullet and continue working on it. There are still supplements to be written. Everyone who has a monthly vote should vote first!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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