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Chapter 248 A Taoist test in a different place (please vote for me!)

After Lin Daguan appeared outside the gate of the Zheng Family Courtyard for four consecutive days, he did not go there on the fifth day.

This is not because Lin Daguanren's deep love for Bai Meiren has evaporated, but because today is the exam day.

The biggest exam in the world, nothing can stop Mr. Lin from taking the exam.

The examination location is located in the examination shed behind the Fu School. All large-scale examinations in Yangzhou City are held here.

According to the rules, before dawn, Senior Official Lin came to the entrance of the examination room and waited for the call to be called.

The great master of the Imperial Academy came to Yangzhou Prefecture, and today he first took an examination of the children of Jiangdu County, the capital city. This is commonly known as the Taoist Examination.

If you pass the Taoist examination, you will enter the scholar class and become a scholar. Of course, the acceptance rate of the Taoist examination is also impressive.

Today, hundreds of children from Jiangdu County came to take part in the Taoist examination. When Mr. Lin arrived, they attracted quite a lot of attention.

After all, Suzhou Lin Jieyuan has become very popular these days, and many curious readers have gone to see it live.

Today I saw Lin Jieyuan outside the entrance of the examination room. Everyone was confused at first. I heard that Lin Jieyuan was Wu Jieyuan. How could he appear here?

Then I got upset when I thought of something. A Suzhou native went to Yangzhou City to take the Taoist test. Could it be that he moved to Yangzhou to compete for the quota of students?

Facing some unkind looks, Lin Tailai also felt helpless, and he couldn't explain them one by one.

While waiting for your name to be called to enter, no loud noises are allowed.

Others were looking for classmates or friends, in small groups, but Lin Daguan was alone.

Just when he was bored, he suddenly saw his new friend Lu Junbi in Yangzhou City appearing outside the entrance of the examination room.

Lu Junbi had already recognized Lin Daguan's true face, and wanted to pretend not to see Lin Daguan and stay away from danger.

But he was held down by a pair of big hands on his shoulders, unable to move.

"My friend, I didn't expect to meet you today!" Lin Daguan greeted warmly.

Lu Junbi: "."

I have nothing to say. If you, Lin Jieyuan, really consider me a friend, can you pretend not to know me in public?

Lin Tailai asked curiously: "Isn't it a Taoist test today? Why is my friend Lu here?"

The Taoist examination is an exam that only young students can take part in. Those like Lu Junbi who have already passed the examination and have the title of scholar, of course do not need to take the Taoist examination again.

Lu Junbi replied: "The great master has decreed that the Taoist and scientific examinations will be combined and both will be completed today."

When a great master comes to a certain place, in addition to examining children, he also examines talented people, which is called a scientific examination.

The grade of a scholar is determined by the results of the scientific examination. Only those with a higher political status are qualified to further participate in the provincial examination.

Lin Daguan was surprised and said: "Two exams are combined into one, and the Grand Master is too anxious.

Yangzhou City is such a good place, but Grand Master doesn’t want to stay for a few more days.”

Lu Junbi said connotatively: "Maybe the Grand Master wants to come to Suzhou early."

Lin Tailai patted Lu Junbi on the shoulder and said loudly: "We are destined to meet each other. Since we met today, I will guarantee that you will get a first-class exam and be promoted to Linsheng!"

When other people around heard this sentence, everyone immediately turned their attention!

Isn't it a bit too arrogant to talk like this outside the examination room?

Immediately, there were a few righteous men who were furious and wanted to come over and argue.

But immediately dozens of big men emerged from the shadows and stood behind Lin Jieyuan.

Lu Junbi covered his face in shame, not wanting his fellow villagers to recognize who he was.

Logically speaking, staying away from the source of danger is the safest behavior, but the temptation to become a junior student is too great for Lu friends to move away.

Lin Tailai continued to ask loudly: "You're welcome! After all, you helped me say goodbye to Wang Yuanwai, a big salt merchant, a few days ago. I always want to thank you!"

I heard mixed reactions from people around me.

Lu Junbi felt like he was in a huge torment. It was too uncomfortable to stand next to Lin Tailai, but he seemed to be trapped in a tight net and couldn't escape at all.

Fortunately, at this time, the roll call began, which made Lu Junbi feel a little relieved.

At the same time, there was a little bit of damn expectation. This guy surnamed Lin wouldn't really help him attack the first class and seize Linsheng, would he?

You know, in a school such as a county school, the number of places for junior students is fixed, only twenty.

There is a radish and a pit. If you want to go up, you have to go down. How can it be that easy?

The admission and roll call procedures are as follows. The examiner, the Grand Master Fang Huan, has a list of candidates in his hand.

This list is submitted by the local government and records the candidates' basic information and description of their physical characteristics.

The candidates will have the voucher issued after registration. When entering, they will be checked against the roster in the examiner's hand, which is called roll call.

If someone like Mr. Lin wants to cheat, it is basically impossible for him to resort to the method of "a gunman physically entering the exam to take the exam".

Because Lin Daguan's appearance characteristics were too obvious, no gunman with a similar appearance could be found.

If the roster says "height is 10 feet and waist is 8 feet", where can you find a substitute gunner who has such a body type and is good at reading and taking exams?

Soon it was Lin Daguan's turn to enter, but when he walked to the roll call in the dragon gate, a procedural accident occurred.

Because this is Yangzhou City, and today’s test is for children from Jiangdu County, the roster Fang Tixue has in hand was submitted by the Jiangdu County government.

Lin Daguan was born in Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture. Of course, there is no information about Lin Daguan on the Jiangdu County register.

Fang Tixue sat behind the examination papers, looking at Lin Tailai expressionlessly, feeling gloating in his heart.

A program is a program, and you can cheat, but you can't live without it. If you can't complete the roll call process now, you won't be able to enter.

If you, Senior Official Lin, can't make reference because you can't enter the venue, then you can't blame him as the academic advisor for not taking care of it.

By the way, the five hundred taels of silver will not be returned! Because the responsibility does not lie with him, the tutor.

Suddenly, low roars of laughter spread around. Lin Jieyuan, who came from out of town, had been so arrogant just now, but it turned out he was also a fool.

I can’t even understand the procedures for entering the examination room, so I’m still taking the exam!

Official Lin suddenly smiled evilly, slowly took out a large thick booklet from the examination basket, and shook it towards Fang Tixue.

"This is the list of children taking the exam in Wu County this year. The county government asked me to submit it to the Grand Master!

It also has the county government’s seal on it, so it cannot be faked, and I, a student, don’t have the guts to forge the official seal!”

Fang Tixue: "."

Official Lin slapped the list of children in Wuxian County on the examination form and said loudly: "Please call the names of the great master!"

The candidates who were still laughing around them immediately became silent!

It is simply unheard of for a candidate to personally take the candidate list from the county government and then photograph it directly in front of the examiner!

Fang Tixue looked at the thick roster and was still stunned.

Now I truly understand how much power Lin Tailai has in Suzhou City.

Lin Tailai's previous threat to prevent him from leaving Suzhou City safely was probably not bragging.

Lin Tailai became a little impatient and repeated again: "Please call the name of the Grand Master!"

Damn it! The Grand Master angrily opened the list of Wu County. No need to search carefully, the first person on it was Lin Tailai.

Verified, get in!

Although the Taoist examination is very important, it is still not comparable to the provincial examination and the provincial examination. The examination room is still very simple, and candidates still do not have private rooms.

In the examination booth, there are still rows of wooden tables and long benches nailed up, where candidates sit side by side to answer their questions.

Lin Tailai occupied the width of two people. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and rested.

I don’t know how long it took, but two exam questions were released.

The difficulty of the questions in the road test has begun to increase. It is no longer simple and easy to understand complete sentences like the county test and the prefectural test. There will be all kinds of abnormal cut-and-close questions.

For example, the first topic that Lin Tailai saw today was "Shooting on Japanese Tarts". Without certain training, he would be confused and confused when he saw this kind of topic.

Lin Daguan, who had already "beat" the points and was confident in his heart, took his time and answered the paper normally, writing a draft first and then copying it carefully.

By afternoon, Lin Tailai had finished writing his answer sheet, and then stared idly at Lu Junbi not far away.

At the top of the examination room is the five-room main hall. The examiner, Tixue, is sitting in the middle at this time. Candidates can just hand in their examination papers to the examination table.

Lin Tailai walked to the case and handed in the examination paper but did not leave. He saluted Fang Tixue and said, "Be brave and ask the great master for an interview."

This is an unspoken rule. After academic advisors see candidates they like, they will often take a test on the spot, which is called an interview.

If the interview is satisfactory, it is basically equivalent to a public announcement, and it is certain that the candidate will be admitted.

For example, in the story of Fan Jin's passing the examination, the part where Fan Jin was questioned by the academic master when he submitted his paper for the Taoist examination can be regarded as an interview.

The reason why Lin Daguan asked for an interview was because he still didn't trust Fang Tixue's character enough.

What if Fang Tixue lost his mind and refused to admit him when he arrived in Suzhou, and he was far away in the capital at that time and could only be out of reach.

So he wanted to further confirm his admission through an interview, which was equivalent to forcing Fang Tixue to publicly express his position.

But under normal circumstances, candidates taking the initiative to ask for an interview when handing in papers will take a great risk.

Generally, examiners do not like candidates who take the initiative to be interviewed. They regard them as opportunistic people who want to get ahead, and they will often reject candidates who take the initiative to ask for interviews.

Fang Tixue also didn't like Lin Tailai who took the initiative to ask for an interview, but he had no choice.

He first opened Lin Tailai's test paper and read it from beginning to end.

Although Fang Tixue had a bad character, he still had a good eye for writing, otherwise he would not have been able to sit in the position of Tixue Censor of Nanzhili.

I saw that Lin Tailai's test paper articles abandoned the Hua Mi style. The writing style was concise but very powerful, the logic was very clear, the reading was particularly smooth, and it also mixed in some refreshing little ideas.

From a technical point of view, the real author of this article can be admitted.

Fang Tixue raised his head and glanced at Lin Tailai doubtfully.

He really couldn't figure out what method Lin Tailai used to cheat under his nose?

The test questions were just set this morning, and there was absolutely no possibility of them being leaked before.

So Lin Tailai's cheating can only be done in the examination room, but how exactly is he done?

Looking at Fang Tixue's expression, Lin Daguan could definitely guess what the other person was thinking, and could only be speechless about it.

In several examination rooms, Mr. Lin has encountered such misunderstandings many times.

Haven't these people ever thought about the possibility that the article on the test paper was really written by Lin Tailai himself?

Why can no one dare to believe that Wu Jieyuan and Lin Tailai, who beat all the invincible opponents in Jiangnan with an iron fist and a golden whip, can also write excellent eight-legged essays?

With his writing skills like Lin Tailai, he always has to rely on other dishonorable means to get through. This is the tragedy of the world!

But faced with various misunderstandings, Lin Daguan was too lazy to explain, and today was no exception.

Only immature people will become frustrated because others don't understand them well enough.

The less others understand you, the more cards you have hidden, and the less alert others will be.

If you encounter an examination room that is maliciously blocked and completely impossible to cheat in the future, you still have the ability to make a last-ditch effort to break through the difficulties with your "trunk cards".

At this moment, Fang Tixue put down the test paper. He didn't want to communicate with the test paper article at all. He felt that this kind of false work was meaningless.

Raising his head, Fang Tixue said to Lin Tai: "I heard that you have always been talented and can write a poem in seven steps.

If you fail this time, what kind of poem will you write to dedicate to me?"

Lin Tailai: "."

What does hypothetical failure mean? Who are you looking down on? Which candidate wants to hear the word "failure"?

Generally speaking, most of the poems that failed candidates dedicate to the examiner are begging for mercy.

If Lin Tailai produced such a work and recited it on the spot, Fang Ti would learn to feel mentally happy.

Of course, there are also many frustrated candidates who fail and will curse and ridicule the examiners.

And if Lin Tailai dares to take the opportunity to curse like this, he is openly insulting the examiner in the examination room, and he will definitely be punished severely!

So this school entrance exam is totally disgusting. In addition to being verbally enthusiastic, Fang Tixue also had some tricks up his sleeve to lure Lin Tailai into taking the bait.

After Lin Tailai thought about it for a while, he accumulated anger and said: "I really have a poem that I will dedicate to the great master if I fail the exam. The title of the poem is "Qin Yuan Chun, Hate"."

Then Lin Tailai stared at Fang Tixue fiercely and chanted:

"The flowers are ignorant, the moon is boring, and the wine is dull.

Cut off the young peaches to ruin the scenery; cook the parrots and serve them with my cup of soup. Burn the inkstones to burn the books, crack the vertebrae and the harps to destroy the paintings, destroy all the articles and obliterate the reputation.

Zheng, Xingyang, came from a Mu Ge family, and was a beggar. His bones were cold and it was difficult to change, and his smiling mat hat and blue shirt were too thin.

Look at the autumn grass on the gate, the alleys are ruined every year, the drizzle is sparse on the windows, and the lanterns are alone every night. Is it possible that God still clenches his mouth and refuses to let out one or two sighs?

He is so crazy that he takes the peach blossom and the golden gun and dances wildly in the clear air."

Lin Tailai's expression was very vivid. While chanting, he gritted his teeth and was very involved.

In Fang Tixue's eyes, he felt a little frightened, especially when he heard the words "peach blossom golden gun" suddenly jumped out at the end.

It seemed as if Lin Tailai would pull out a big gun at any time, poke seven or eight holes in himself, and then put it in a pot to cook.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Fang Tixue found that he couldn't even get high, so he hurriedly ended the more boring exam.

Lin Daguan asked again: "How about the test paper articles?"

Fang Tixue helplessly picked up his ink pen and drew three red circles on the top of Lin Tailai's test paper. This was a clear sign of priority for admission.

I believe you still have monthly tickets, just like I believe there is still light, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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