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Chapter 255 Three months

On the shore, Lin Daguan asked Zheng Yuanwai in a very discreet manner: "Are there any other important people who need to be greeted?"

Member Zheng's numbness could not be relieved for a while, and he shook his head numbly.

Lin Daguan said with encouragement: "Then the Pingshan Hall Gathering will be well organized and don't let me down."

Zheng wanted to say that it was none of your business! But he only thought in his heart and did not say it out loud.

Then Lin Daguan greeted Gao Changjiang and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

Lin Daguan's temporary residence is on Dongguan Street, just after entering the city from Lijin Gate. The distance is very close.

On the way, Gao Changjiang asked in a low voice: "I promised those Cao troops in the palace that each person would earn ten taels per year. For 800 people, that would be eight thousand taels per year. Isn't the profit a bit too much?"

Lin Daguan sighed: "Gold, pearls and jade cannot be eaten when hungry, and cannot be clothed when cold."

Gao Changjiang was speechless, "Don't think about it while you're sitting in the restaurant, who said this?"

"What's wrong with what I saw in the history textbook?" Lin Daguan replied nonchalantly.

What is a history textbook? Gao Changjiang was puzzled. Could it mean a history book?

Then Leng Buding heard Lin Zuiguan add: "What's the use of having so much money? It's better to do more charity, such as launching this plan to subsidize the Cao Army."

Gao Changjiang can be sure that he is either pretending to be stupid or showing off.

Fortunately, Zuo Guan was born in the Wanli Dynasty, where the atmosphere was both chaotic and open. If he had acted like Zuo Guan during the Hongwu period, he would probably not have survived more than a month.

As a time traveler, Lin Tailai is very clear-headed. In the feudal dynasty, especially at the end of the dynasty, although money was very important, there was no point in accumulating too much money and becoming a miser.

Being able to spend your money effectively and gather strength is the foundation of your career.

He "rented" 7,000 salt from the Zheng family, and then played an irreplaceable role in distributing it. Then he distributed the salt to the 800 Cao Army. From now on, the 800 Cao Army would be begging for food from themselves.


Compared with most of the civilians who were trapped in the land in this era, Cao Jun, who traveled all year round, was considered a talent with a relatively broad vision and more knowledge than ordinary civilians.

If you can gather a group of Cao troops in your own hands, it will not be a loss at all. If you develop new businesses in the future, you will have suitable manpower available.

But he said that on the bank of the Grand Canal, seeing that today's protagonists were all gone, the melon-eating crowd gradually dispersed, exchanging various details and experiences while walking.

But Zheng Yuanwai remained motionless, looking at the water of the Grand Canal for a long time and unable to regain his consciousness.

Although Yangzhou City is still blooming with flowers, Zheng Yuanwai has no desire to return to the city at this time.

At this time, no one else dared to provoke Yuan Zheng, and even the slaves of the Zheng family took a few steps away.

Only another big salt merchant, Wang Qing and Wang Yuanwai, slowly walked to Yuan Wai Zheng and advised: "Brother Zheng, please go back."

Today, Yuan Wang also infiltrated into the local representatives who welcomed the governor, but he could only be regarded as a little transparent and had no sense of existence.

Zheng Zhiyan raised his head and looked at Wang Yuanwai, and said unhappily: "Now I believe it. It turns out that you are really just a cover. Lin Tailai deliberately used your bluff."

Wang Yuanwai: "."

Although what you said may be a fact, are you polite to say so bluntly that others are just a cover?

Wang Yuanwai originally thought that if Lin Tailai wanted to enter the salt industry, he would have to find a big salt merchant like himself to cooperate.

A petty fight like that of the Wu family is meaningless and of little value to Lin Tailai's ambition.

So it’s not too much to say that he has a little bit of a wait-and-see mentality?

But Wang Yuanwai really didn't expect that Lin Tailai would take a big piece of fat from the Zheng family by relying on the little Wu family who was completely on the street.

Today I hid in the crowd and witnessed the whole process. Wang Yuanwai was greatly shocked by this kind of execution, this kind of on-site dispatching ability, and this level of demagoguery.

And his aura of neither being humble nor arrogant when facing senior officials from all walks of life made Mr. Wang even more stunned.

He thought again of the attractive conditions Lin Tailai had offered. He had doubts at first, but now he completely believed that Lin Tailai was really capable of doing it.

Similarly, I didn't believe that Lin Tailai could defeat the Zheng family in an away game.

Now it seems that Lin Tailai does have this ability, and the Zheng family, known as the number one salt merchant in Yangzhou, is not invincible.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuanwai's thoughts turned over and over again, but he pretended to be very concerned and said:

"Brother Zheng, please don't take it lightly. In my opinion, the crisis in your Zheng family has not been resolved."

Zheng Zhiyan, who gradually recovered, smiled bitterly and said: "The alliance under the city has been signed, so what's the crisis?"

Wang Yuanwai reminded: "Have you ever heard of the term beauty is a disaster?

Don't forget about Bai Ji. Lin Tailai used Bai Ji as an excuse to attack the Zheng family and win public opinion.

He just signed a contract with the Zheng family, but he didn't mention Bai Ji at all.

This shows that Lin Tailai still retains the excuse of Bai Ji and continues to use it as an excuse to torment the Zheng family!"

Member Zheng was stunned for a moment. It sounded like alarmist talk, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was very possible.

"Do you want me, the Zheng family, to give Bai Ji to Lin Tailai? This is impossible, then my Zheng family will lose all face!" Zheng Yuanwai said angrily.

Wang Yuanwai said confidently: "I have a way, you can transfer Bai Ji's body deed to me.

Then I will give Bai Ji to Lin Tailai, so that in the eyes of outsiders, it will have nothing to do with the Zheng family.

At the same time, you can get rid of Bai Ji, the hot potato, and eliminate the source of trouble, so that Lin Tailai will no longer have an excuse to make trouble."

Zheng Zhiyan was exhausted mentally and did not want to think any more, "Today I will send someone to send Bai Ji's body deed to you.

The guards at Ganquan Villa already belong to your Wang family, you can take Bai Ji away at any time."

A camel is so skinny that it is bigger than a horse. Zheng Yuanwai did not ask for any money at all, and directly gave Bai Ji's body deed to Wang Yuanwai in vain.

In terms of today's losses, one thousand taels of silver was no longer worth mentioning, and Zheng didn't even bother to say anything.

When Wang Yuan returned home, he immediately sent his servant to fetch Lu Junbi.

He felt that it was not the best idea to contact Lin Tailai directly, and it would be best to let Lu Xiucai act as a middleman first.

But after the servant came back from Lu Junbi's place, he reported to Wang Yuanwai: "I have brought all the words to you, but Mr. Lu said that he would have a banquet with friend Lin tonight, so he will come to visit the master tomorrow."

Wang Yuanwai suddenly felt a little unhappy. This Lu Xiucai used to be close to him, but now he actually went to see Lin Tailai first and put himself behind?

Also, if Lin Tailai held a banquet to celebrate his victory tonight, why did he invite Lu Xiucai, a local?

And since Lu Xiucai, a local, was invited, why not invite a more important figure like himself?

In fact, Lu Junbi himself didn't understand why he turned down Wang's appointment and came to Lin Tai.

This was all based on intuition, and I instinctively felt that it would be better to go to Lin Tailai's side.

There were no outsiders at the banquet today, including official Lin, the Zhang family brothers who were guardians on the left and right, Gao Changjiang, Yu Gongjing, Zhao Baihu and others. It was really like a celebration party.

The only one who seemed like an outsider was probably the local Lu Xiucai who came by invitation.

After drinking for three rounds, Lin Daguan ignored those of his own people. Instead, he spoke to Lu Xiucai first and asked:

"Friend Lu! Do you want to live in the shadow of the Wang family forever?"

Lu Junbi was holding the wine glass, stunned and speechless. He had no answer for this.

Lin Daguan didn't need Lu Junbi to answer, and then pointed at Gao Changjiang and said:

"Although Lao Gao is currently in charge of handling Qiqian Yanyin's affairs, he cannot always be in Yangzhou.

And I will soon leave Yangzhou City and go north to the capital to take the exam. The future will be even more unpredictable.

Therefore, in Yangzhou City, I still need an agent who is familiar with the situation in Yangzhou City to help me handle matters related to these seven thousand salt quotations."

Before Lu Xiucai came, he had no idea that Lin Tailai would make such a proposal, and he felt a turmoil in his heart.

In Yangzhou City, no one wants to be a salt merchant. It can be said that this is the fastest industry to make a fortune in recent years.

Although these seven thousand salt coins did not belong to him, Lu Junbi, even if he agreed to Lin Tailai, he would only act as a "shopkeeper".

But as long as you can be responsible for the related operational affairs of Qiqian Yanyin, it is also a symbol of social status in Yangzhou City.

At present, the total number of salt nests in Lianghuai is 700,000, and the number gathered in Yangzhou City is about 500,000.

Generally speaking, those with a base of 5,000 yin can be considered as medium-sized salt merchants. Although the scale of 7,000 yin is still not close to the large salt merchants with more than 10,000 yin, it can almost be regarded as a medium-sized salt merchant, second only to the top dozen or so.


Taking charge of the operations of Qiqian Yanyin was something that Lu Junbi had never dared to think about before.

A few hundred years later, this would be equivalent to being suddenly hired as a general manager by one of the city's top 20 companies.

With his mind violently shaken, Lu Xiucai subconsciously declined and said:

"I have never been directly engaged in the salt industry before. I am afraid that I will mess up the matter and live up to the great trust of my friend Lin."

Lin Daguan smiled and said: "Friend Lu, why are you so humble? I invite you to come out, of course I have my own reasons!!

You and Wang Yuanwai have been traveling around a lot, so you should know some techniques under the influence of your ears and eyes.

And I will also ask the Wu family and his wife to assist you. With the guidance of these two skilled people, what else do you have to worry about?"

Lu Xiucai used up his last remaining reserve and said, "Let me think about it again."

Lin Daguan only said: "I will always welcome you to join me!"

After the banquet, Official Lin returned to his residence and saw Wu Tian sitting in the front hall waiting.

"Do you have anything else?" Lin Tailai asked strangely.

Wu Tianshi was still in a daze, feeling that what she experienced today was like a dream.

Previously, she was unwilling to show her face in public, but she didn't expect that what happened next was really unbelievable.

The big scene created by Mr. Lin today shocked even people like Wang Yuanwai, let alone a woman like Wu Tian.

She always felt that it was unreal, and she had to talk to Lin Daguan for a few words before she could feel at ease.

In fact, Lin Daguan didn't really want to talk to Wu Tian, ​​a beautiful young woman.

Due to the recent tense situation, Lin Daguanren has been avoiding women in order to avoid being plotted in the away game in Yangzhou, so he is very angry.

In this state, it would be a bit uncomfortable to be in close contact with the Wutian family and not be able to do anything.

Wu Tianshi saluted and said sincerely: "I am waiting here. I just want to thank you for your great kindness. I really don't know how to repay you."

Lin Tailai replied casually: "I rented 7,000 salts from the Zheng family today. In the future, someone else will be the supervisor. Let your husband be the deputy supervisor and assist the supervisor well. This will be considered as repayment to me!"

Wu Tianshi added: "Sitting in the palace is really a magnanimous person."

Previously, their lives as a couple were precarious, and they were always in danger of being silenced by the Zheng family.

So he held the five hundred salt in his hand and led Lin Tailai to him for safe shelter.

But after Lin Tailai obtained 7,000 salt yin from the Zheng family, he no longer looked down upon the 500 salt yin from the Wu family.

Therefore, they magnanimously allowed the Wu family to continue to keep the five hundred salt coins. This could be considered as a way to win over people's hearts, so that the Wu family, who were experienced in the salt industry, could work for them with peace of mind, or at least pass on their experience to their own people.

After all, the society is in urgent need of professionals in the salt industry, and the Wu family is almost the only relatively reliable candidate that can be found in the short term.

"These are all trivial matters, so why bother! What I, Lin Tailai, admire the most is win-win cooperation!" Lin Daguan is a good man who will do his best to the end and waved his hand proudly.

Wu Tianshi sighed. He had never imagined that he could still keep the five hundred salts and nests.

But compared to Lin Daguan's elegant demeanor, her husband's style is a bit unsatisfactory.

A grown man was hiding in a salt field by the sea and didn't dare to come out, but he allowed himself, a woman, to show up and look for help!

The next day, Lu Junbi came to visit Wang Yuanwai.

Wang Yuanwai knocked and said: "You can be considered promising now, and you are very close to Lin Tailai."

Lu Junbi was not a fool, and said calmly: "I went there first last night, and it happened for a reason.

My friend Lin said that he would put the affairs of Qi Qian Yan Yin in my charge!"

Damn it! Even Wang Yuanwai was surprised now. The matter involving 7,000 salts was really not a small deal in the field of salt industry in Yangzhou City.

Also, if Lin Tailai means to let Lu Junbi be the spokesperson of Yangzhou City, does Wang Yuanwai still have a chance?

Could it be that the conditions set by Lin Tailai previously will be implemented by Lu Junbi in the future?

Ma Xianglan is so old, and she is not a good match for Lu Junbi, who is in his twenties!

Lu Junbi asked again: "Do you think I should agree or refuse?"

Wang Yuanwai came back to his senses and sneered: "You have asked me this, so it is already clear what your intentions are!"

Invisibly, he has regarded his distant relative Lu Junbi as a competitor.

Then Wang Yuanwai could not sit still and ordered his servants: "Get ready to visit Lin Jieyuan!"

Less than half an hour later, Wang Yuanwai appeared outside the gate of Lin Jieyuan's residence.

He also found that there was already a queue outside the gate, with many people asking to see Lin Jieyuan.

But for some reason, the door was closed and no one was allowed in.

Relying on his position, Wang Yuanwai knocked on the door, but only the "strategist" named Gao came out.

Gao Changjiang didn't waste any time and said directly: "The exam period is tense, and our Lin Zuoguan has left Yangzhou and gone north to the capital!

It will take about three months, after the exams at the capital are over, before you can return to Yangzhou City!"

Wang Yuanwai: "."

Could it be that he was so insignificant in Lin Tailai's mind? He just left without saying goodbye?

Don't you even want the white oiran? Also, do they have any drama with Wang's daughter? I would like to give you an answer!

Gao Changjiang added: "There is still a message left while sitting in the hotel. If the beautiful lady has an appointment, I will send it to the member's wife's home temporarily for a period of three months. We will talk about it in the future."

Seeing Wang Yuwai's expression of pain in his balls, Military Master Gao felt a sense of superiority in his heart.

It seems that Wang Yuanwai's resistance is the same as last year.

The previous stage is over and the next stage is beginning. It’s the most troublesome time to conceive, let alone the much-anticipated capital copy.

Don't scold me if I stop updating tomorrow. I'll make up for it in the second half of the month. Most of the updates for this book will be fulfilled.

This chapter has been completed!
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