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Chapter 263 If I take action

Lin Daguan was not surprised at all by Wang Xiangmeng's departure.

He and the Wang family didn't have close ties of interest to begin with, so helping Hushu with customs duties and making the capital of Wang the capital was just the icing on the cake.

Moreover, the relationship between him and the Wang Tax Envoy was more of a personal relationship and had not yet risen to the level of the entire Wang family.

After all, Wang Zhidu is not a core figure in the entire group of Wang family officials.

When the "trouble" he caused was greater than the value, the Wang family chose to avoid it, which was considered a kind of "reason".

After watching Wang Xiangmeng leave, Lin Tailai looked at Shen Yongmao again and said coldly: "You also want to say goodbye?"

Shen Yongmao felt that Lin Tailai's respect for him seemed to have plummeted.

After thinking about it, Shen Yongmao said: "It's useless for me to stay here. My father will return to the capital tomorrow. I will report the matter to my father first and then make a decision."

The main reason is that in their hometown in Suzhou, Shen Yongjia and Lin Tailai's interests are deeply tied, and it is impossible for the Shen family to completely ignore Lin Tailai.

The interests of their hometown are of special significance. From now on, father and son will always have to return to their roots and return to their hometown.

Lin Tailai added: "Then I will find a place to hide myself tonight. When Prime Minister Shen returns home tomorrow, we will see if Prime Minister Shen has received him."

Shen Yongmao was indifferent and did not invite him to go to Shen Mansion to escape.

This is to avoid giving others "an excuse". After all, some people have impeached "Shen Shixing for condoning the lawlessness of his disciples." Be careful and you will not make a big mistake.

After sending Shen Yongmao away, Lin Daguan made a decision after thinking about it for a while.

He ordered his men: "Now pretend to be panicked, leave something behind, and then go out and change places!"

Then, in front of a group of injured people on the ground, Lin Tailai and the guys left the Sanwu Guild Hall in a hurry, as if they were afraid that someone would come to retaliate again.

This is normal, after all, the other party is the Jinyiwei Police School.

After seeing Lin Daguan and his entourage leave, the dozen or so people who had escaped earlier came back.

First, in order to rescue an injured accomplice, one cannot just leave the accomplice lying on the ground.

Second, they rushed into the houses where Lin Daguan and his associates lived. Not only did they wreak havoc to vent their anger, but they also took away some of the property that Lin Daguan and his associates had no time to take away.

Lin Tailai jumped from the Dongcheng Guild Hall to Xicheng and arrived at Uncle Ningyuan's Mansion.

Although Li Rusong hung up his "war-free card" and refused to see guests, he was actually celebrating at home.

Upgrading to a higher level actually doesn't matter. The military attaché's rank is inherently high, and the double salary doesn't matter either. The Li family is not short of that little money.

What Li Rusong values ​​most is the imperial gift of flying fish uniforms, which is much more important than promotion and salary increase. If a foreign minister can obtain such a gift, it means that the emperor publicly expresses his great appreciation for you.

When he heard that Lin Tai had arrived, in order to express his gratitude, Li Rusong came out to greet him personally.

But Lin Tailai did not go in. He stood in the front yard and told Li Rusong what happened today.

Li Rusong said: "You can hide here with me first. If you want to leave the capital, find an opportunity to secretly send you out of the city in a few days."

Although Li Rusong is not very afraid of Jin Yiwei, he can't suppress Jin Yiwei. Moreover, Jin Yiwei is a very large and complex organization, and no one can tell to what extent it will be alarmed.

So what Li Rusong could do was to secretly send people out of the capital.

"There is no need to go to such trouble." Lin Daguan said calmly: "We will wait until the chief assistant comes back tomorrow."

Then he said to Li Rusong: "I heard that Emperor Luan will return to Beijing tomorrow, and all the civil and military officials in Beijing will go out of the city to greet him.

Governor Li, when you go there, if you see Shen Shoufu, tell me that the eldest son of the Shen family is not as good as the second eldest son!"

Li Rusong smiled bitterly and said: "What you said is full of resentment. Is it really appropriate to say it to the chief assistant?"

Lin Tailai said dissatisfied: "I just want the chief minister to know that I have grievances! I think the chief minister is so generous that he will not care about me, a fellow countryman and a junior!"

Historically, Shen Shixing was known for his generosity, especially in small matters, otherwise Lin, a senior official, would not have intentionally sought death.

That night Lin Tailai stayed in Uncle Ningyuan's Mansion again, and it was still safe here.

Most of the time, the Jinyiwei in the real plane are not like those in movies and TV shows, where they can run rampant and do whatever they want among the rich and powerful.

What most powerful people fear is not that factory guards will rush into their homes, but that they will be snitched on by factory guards at critical moments.

On the next day, Li Rusong set out early in the morning and arrived outside Deshengmen, where he was greeted by a group of civil and military officials.

In the morning, the emperor's banner appeared in everyone's sight.

There is nothing surprising, everything is done step by step according to etiquette, most ministers just blend in with the crowd and follow the crowd.

However, there was a small accident during the etiquette today. Bi Qiang, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, who is already 70 this year, accidentally slipped and fell to the ground because of his old age and frailty.

Emperor Wanli forgave his old minister's disgrace and ordered his troops to escort Bi Shangshu home.

Anyone with a bit of political acumen can estimate from this scene that Bi Shangshu will probably apply for a job soon.

The Minister of Hubu was the second most civil servant in the foreign dynasty after the Minister of Civil Affairs, apart from the great scholar Zaifu.

Emperor Wanli's chariot drove into the city, and the ministers who had accompanied the emperor to Tianshou Mountain and the ministers who stayed in Beijing joined behind.

Li Rusong took the opportunity to find Shen Shoufu to send a message. Shen Shoufu pondered for a while and then said: "Ask him to come and see me at midnight."

In the past controversy over the location of the longevity palace, Li Rusong directly ended the controversy with a memorial.

This directly helped Shen Shoufu, who was involved in the whirlpool, so Shen Shoufu had to sell Li Rusong's face.

Lin Tailai also took these factors into consideration when he asked Li Rusong to help convey the message.

When Li Rusong returned to Uncle Ningyuan's house and told Lin Tailai Shen Shoufu's reply, Lin Tailai immediately asked the guys to pack their luggage again.

Li Rusong said in astonishment: "What are you doing? Has someone in the house treated you lightly?"

Lin Daguan said confidently: "After today, I will move to Shen Mansion!"

Although he spoke so confidently, before going to Shen's Mansion, Lin Tailai still thought about Shen Shixing over and over in his mind.

After all, this is the default figure, and it is also the high-level person in power that Lin Tailai is most likely to get close to so far.

In the political history of the Ming Dynasty, the changes in the power of the chief ministers and assistants are a thread worthy of study.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, there was a period of strong chief ministers, which meant that the chief ministers of the cabinet were the most powerful and could directly coerce the six ministries of the outer dynasty.

Some of the most famous chief assistants of the Ming Dynasty were basically from this period.

Generally speaking, it is recognized that the strong first assistant originated from Yang Tinghe, the peak was Zhang Juzheng, and the last afterglow was Shen Shixing.

When Shen Shixing was in power, he could still barely suppress the six ministries, but after Shen Shixing, the chief minister gradually lost control of the six ministries, especially the official department.

From this historical perspective, Shen Shixing can be regarded as an iconic figure, a symbol of the end of the strong first assistant period.

If you want to analyze Shen Shixing's character from literary and historical data, you will only find it very vague and lack clear identification.

He is kind-hearted, but he can also retaliate; he is diplomatic, but he also has principles, and he often saves officials who offend Yan Zhijian;

He had a good relationship with Zhang Juzheng, but he was also trusted by Emperor Wanli; he was generally a good person, but he had many desires and often formed cliques for personal gain.

Probably only such a complex figure can stand firm in the political whirlpool after the liquidation of Zhang Juzheng.

At night, Li Rusong sent more than a hundred servants and sergeants to escort Lin Tailai to Shen Mansion.

This time Lin Tailai was not turned away. A servant of the Shen family carried a lantern and led Lin Tailai to a study somewhere.

There was no one else in the study, so Mr. Lin saluted Mr. Chief Assistant and then took a few secret glances.

This first assistant has a good appearance. It can be seen that he had a vague appearance of Yanzu when he was young. After all, he was the number one scholar.

Shen Shixing said gently: "My unscrupulous dog lives in the countryside. Thank you for taking care of it."

Of course Lin Daguan pretended to be humble and said, "We always take care of each other no matter where we are."

Shen Shoufu changed the subject very smoothly and asked: "Li Rusong's memorial was written by you?"

Lin Tailai said: "Lao Ge was not in the capital that day, so I had no choice but to give advice to Governor Li."

"That's because my other son is blind." Shen Shixing added, "May I ask what the memorial contains?"

This question is the answer that all officials in the capital want to know, but few are qualified to get the truth from the mouth of official Lin.

With the value of Shen Shoufu, he is certainly qualified to listen to the advice of Lin Daguan, so at this time Lin Tailai stopped hiding it and replied:

"First, I heard that the emperor revered Emperor Sejong in his heart, so comparing the feng shui of Dayu Mountain with Emperor Sejong's Yongling Tomb will definitely satisfy the emperor.

Second, the regulations of Sejong Yongling were second only to Changling. If the longevity palace was built in the same name as Yongling, the emperor would definitely be satisfied.

So as long as Dayu Mountain is symmetrical to Yangcuiling, Shougong Palace must be symmetrical to Yongling, and regulations must be in line with Yongling, your Majesty will definitely adopt it!"

After learning the inside story, Shen Shoufu was stunned for a long time and pondered the news carefully.

The root of everything is actually one sentence: Today's Emperor Wanli admires Emperor Jiajing very much in his heart.

Shen Shixing was speechless for a long time, this was really a huge secret.

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely start studying how to use this mentality to please the emperor.

However, Shen Shixing sat in the position of chief minister and had no chance of advancement, so there was no need for such deliberate efforts to please the emperor.

No matter how much he pleases the emperor, there is no room for promotion, so Shen Shoufu has more things to consider.

If the current emperor worships Emperor Jiajing, will he follow Emperor Jiajing's pattern of hiding in the palace and not coming out in the future?

As the chief assistant sandwiched between the officials and the emperor, how should we deal with it?

Official Lin waited for a while, but saw that Shen Shoufu seemed to be deep in thought about the long exam. He didn't speak for a long time, and he felt a little impatient.

He asked tentatively: "I heard that when Governor Li's memorial was read out that day, Li Zhi and others were impeached?"

Shen Shixing forgot to ask how Lin Tailai knew what the emperor was thinking. When he heard Lin Tailai take the initiative to ask the question, he subconsciously replied:

"It is indeed true, but the person Li Zhi impeached was not you Lin Tailai, but a retainer of the Shen family. So you don't have to worry, I will naturally bear the responsibility."

Lin Daguan sighed: "There should be many people in the court who are willing to help Mr. Ge speak, but none of them are worthy of use!

There is a great opportunity in front of us, but it is really embarrassing to have Li Zhi walk away after being impeached!"

Even the city government in Shen Shixing did not understand what Lin Tailai meant.

Later, I heard Lin Tailai say with shame: "If I had been at the scene that day, the grass on Li Zhi's grave would have been three feet high!"

Official Lin's arrogant attitude made Shen Shoufu frown.

If Shen Yongjia were here, he would tell his old father that Lin Tailai is actually very restrained now, even one-tenth of the normal level.

Shen Shoufu couldn't help but shouted softly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Lin Tailai said disdainfully: "There must have been many censors at that time, and there were also ministers and ministers, but none of them could fight!

If I had been present, I would have impeached him on the spot, and Li Zhi secretly colluded with the factory guards, colluding internally and externally!"

Shen Shoufu only said: "There is no joking in front of the emperor. In front of the emperor, you must speak responsibly."

Lin Tailai continued to output: "The reason is very simple. I disabled Uncle Chengyi in Chongwenmen, and you didn't even know about it.

Tianshou Mountain, which is also a hundred miles away, why did Li Zhi know the news accurately and also knew my identity as a retainer of Shen Mansion?

So the most likely possibility is that Li Zhi colluded with the factory guards, so the information is so well-informed!"

Shen Shixing added: "Then do you have any evidence?"

Lin Daguan smiled and said: "What kind of proof do you need for this kind of thing? What do you mean by rumors, do you need proof?

It’s enough to arouse the emperor’s suspicion and allow the emperor to freely testify!

If you think about it, you will know that the affair between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, both internal and external, has only been in the past few years. How can the emperor not become suspicious?

The person with the best information in the capital and the channels to transmit information is the factory guard spy.

If he hadn't colluded with factory guards, how would Li Zhi have learned the news?

If Li Zhi is not convinced, then ask him to explain how he can know what is happening in the capital a hundred miles away in the first time.

So there is no need for empirical evidence at all, just analysis of cause and effect is enough!”

Shen Shixing was speechless. Maybe what Lin Tailai said at the beginning was not purely arrogant, but that he really had the ability?

Lin Tailai concluded: "Those three clowns, Li Zhi, Jiang Dongzhi, and Yang Keli, have been making trouble for you since they jumped to power, and they are annoying you!

To be honest, the officials you have promoted are so useless that they cannot even deal with these three clowns.

If it had been up to me, I would have cleared them out of the court long ago!"

Shen Shixing was angry and asked: "You are not in the court, how can you take action?"

Li Zhi and other three famous people were the first advocates to oppose Zhang Juzheng. They had won the emperor's trust and were able to talk directly with the emperor.

Any attack on the Three Reds would often be suspected by the emperor as a counterattack by Zhang Juzheng's forces. So if they were so easy to clean up, they would have been kicked out long ago.

Lin Tailai immediately took out a handful of notes from his arms, "These notes list ways to deal with various situations. As long as you follow the notes, cleaning up Li Zhi will be just around the corner!"

Shen Shixing: "."

These three red men have been trying to unseat him as the first assistant. If they can be completely eliminated, it will relieve a lot of pressure.

After coming back to his senses, Shen Shixing said a little absent-mindedly: "Let's talk about the incident where you injured the Jinyiwei Police Officer School yesterday."

Lin Tailai shook a bunch of notes in his hand, "How is this my business? It's clearly your business, Mr. Ge. Just look at these notes."

This chapter has been completed!
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