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Chapter 266 A famous teacher

Although Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang are now an elderly mental patient, and although he is a wife murderer who almost died in prison, he is actually a very comprehensive genius.

But for such a talented person, it is as if he has been cursed, and his life experiences rarely go well.

From family to career, from childhood to old age, there have been headwinds throughout his life. So many people can quite understand why Xu Wenchang became mentally ill.

Let’s not talk about family and fame. Just take the literary career as an example. Xu Wenchang has always been excluded from the mainstream.

It can be said that in today's mainstream literary world, Xu Wenchang does not have the position and name. This is all due to the full suppression of Xu Wenchang by Wang Shizhen, the leader of the literary world.

Anyway, the grievances between Xu Wenchang and the retroists began more than 20 years ago.

Xu Wenchang scolded the retro-style literature as the song of birds, while the retro-style literature scolded Xu Wenchang's literature as vulgar and vulgar.

After being blocked by the retro school for more than 20 years, Xu Wei and Xu Wenchang are now very famous.

Senior figures all know this person, but young people don't know much about him; literary bigwigs all know this person, but ordinary scholars don't know much about him.

All in all, the current literary world is really unfair to Xu Wenchang. Xu Wenchang should not even have a name.

Of course, Mr. Lin doesn’t care who is right or wrong. He just wants to hold high the banner of justice and justice. He will support anyone who allows him to raise the banner!

The banner of Qi Shaobao was raised in Suzhou and the banner of Hai Rui was raised in Nanjing, both with good results.

Today in the capital, we must raise the banner of Xu Wenchang and expand our literary reputation to the northern capital!

But when he heard Lin Tai said that he wanted to seek justice for Xu Wenchang, Zhao Yongxian seemed to have heard a big joke and couldn't help laughing "haha" a few times.

Then he asked condescendingly: "What justice do you want?"

There are three retro-style bosses here, the biggest is Zhang Jiayin, as well as Shi Xing and Zhao Yongxian.

Lin Tailai had a good impression of Zhang Jiayin in history. He did a lot of practical work in the local area and was promoted from local official to minister of the Ministry of War based solely on his outstanding performance.

He is different from Wang Shizhen, Zhao Yongxian and other literary giants who are only pragmatic, and they are worthy of respect.

But Lin Tailai didn't like Zhao Yongxian, so he pointed at Zhao Yongxian and replied impassionedly:

"I see that people like you are better off than Mr. Xu Wenchang. This is because God is unfair and the world is unfair!

I felt very angry about this and wrote a poem in memory of Xu Wenchang!"

Someone asked in surprise: "Wait a minute! Although Xu Wenchang was half dead due to old age and illness, isn't he still alive? What are you mourning for?"

"Ah, this" Lin Daguan was really smooth with his words. He made a mistake and quickly made up for it:

"In my mind, Xu Wenchang has been killed by the world, so I wrote a poem in advance to mourn him!

I heard that Xu Wenchang even wrote an epitaph for himself and committed suicide many times, so he must not mind others writing eulogies for him!"

Everyone: "."

Never would have thought that Lin Tailai could even accomplish this.

Lin Tailai took advantage of no one to stop him and quickly chanted:

"Recalling the past when the United States hosted the Literary League, a handful of beads and a plate were shared in memory.

Seven sons and five sons are broad and continuous, not leaving others alone.

There is an old man walking in a poor alley, who has risen to power and refuses to follow the world's agenda.

People with broken hats and blue shirts worship the Xiaoling Mausoleum, and all the famous schools and art gardens have lost their place.”

The "Yuanmei" in this poem is the word of Wang Shizhen, an old leader in the literary world, "Seven sons and five sons are wide and continuous". The irony is that the retro sect keeps launching disciple groups.

But the most eye-catching sentence is "all the famous science and art gardens have lost their place", which can be said to be the final conclusion of Xu Wenchang's life achievements.

This poem is full of bitter ridicule of the retro school, as well as indignation and sympathy for Xu Wenchang's experience.

Can the elegant gathering not have people reciting poems and writing lyrics? So they used such a war poem, and Lin Daguan took the lead!

Most people were speechless after hearing this. Xu Wenchang is really a special person.

Just as Zhao Yongxian was about to open his mouth to speak, Tang Wenxian quickly came to Zhao Yongxian and whispered in a low voice:

"Teacher, please listen to my advice and never compete with Lin Tailai in poetry!"

Anyone who has never seen Lin Tailai deliver poetry live cannot imagine how powerful Lin Tailai's suppressive power is in the field of poetry.

Without this kind of absolute strength, how could it be possible to single-handedly defeat the retro faction in Jiangnan?

Zhao Yongxian was stunned for a moment, then he followed the good advice and said to Lin Tai contemptuously:

"How Xu Wenchang positions himself is a matter for the literary world. What does it have to do with you, Mr. Lin?

You are not even a member of the literary world, so what qualifications do you have to participate in the literary world?"

Lin Tailai replied: "My poems are well-known in Suzhou, and I have a collection of poems published in the world. How can I not be a member of the literary world?"

Zhao Yongxian laughed "haha" again and said very mockingly:

“Don’t think that just because you have read a few books and can write a few crooked poems, you are a person in the literary world!

There are so many scholars in the world, thousands of them, but not everyone is a member of the literary world!

If you want to have a place in the literary world, may I ask who you studied under? Are there any seniors in the literary world who can support you? Are there any allies who can advocate for you?

If there is no inheritance and orthodoxy, you can just entertain yourself behind closed doors. How dare you say that you are a member of the literary world?"

There are many "people in the literary world" who want to applaud Zhao Yongxian, and these are a good rebuttal!

From the perspective of debate techniques, if we fundamentally deny that Lin Tailai is a figure in the literary world, then no matter how good Lin Tailai's poetry is, it has nothing to do with the literary world in theory.

Moreover, although Zhao Yongxian's logic is a bit overbearing, it also reflects social reality.

Today's literary world is a circle, with various rules for personal connections. You, Lin Tailai, really didn't follow these rules to get around.

To a certain extent, Zhao Yongxian used his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

Use strong connections, organizations, and systems to suppress personal talents so that your talents will not be recognized!

Shi Xing, one of the five successors of the Restoration Sect, Shi Xing, the left deputy capital censor, said to Zhang Jiayin, one of the last seven sons of the Restoration Sect and Minister of War, Zhang Jiayin:

"Brother Zhao Xian's comments are very similar to those of senior Yuan Mei, and he can be the future leader of the alliance."

When Wang Shizhen and Li Panlong expelled Xie Zhen, they adopted the method of directly expelling Xie Zhen from the retro school and not recognizing Xie Zhen as a member of the literary world. It was simple and crude, but very effective.

But Zhang Jiayin didn't say anything and didn't comment.

He knew in his heart that Zhao Yongxian had ambitions to become the next leader of the alliance, but Wang Shizhen disagreed.

When Zhao Yongxian finished speaking, Lin Tailai was not in a hurry and said calmly: "Who said I don't have the orthodoxy of the literary world?"

People who are familiar with Lin Tailai, such as Dong Qichang and Tang Wenxue, speculate that he may move out of the Shen family again.

It's like when he was in Suzhou City, Lin Tailai just set up an update club, and then he forced Mr. Shen to become the leader of the alliance.

Even Shen Yongmao himself was thinking about what expression he should use in the next moment.

But objectively speaking, no one else in the literary world recognizes the Update Society. Whenever we talk about the sects and literary societies in the world of literature, no one includes the Update Society.

Lin Tailai glanced at Shen Yongmao as if accidentally, and then Shen Yongmao stood up subconsciously.

But then I heard Lin Daguan say loudly: "Speaking of the literary tradition, it is a blessing from the leader Wang Lao!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked! How dare you, Lin Tailai, to make nonsense in front of the public and insult everyone's IQ!

Old alliance leader Wang Shizhen only wishes that he could physically destroy you, Lin Tailai, so how could he give you the orthodoxy of the literary world?

Even if it's a fabrication, I don't know if it's more like making it up?

Zhao Yongxian thought to himself, Lin Tailai doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with. He is not as scary as the rumors say, but looks like a clown.

He then said jokingly: "Can you tell the gentlemen at this table how Senior Wang bestowed upon you the orthodoxy of the literary world?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Last year at the Suzhou Literary Forum, leader Wang publicly denounced me as a literary thief, declaring that I was an enemy of the retro style, and even more so an enemy of the literary world!

You, Master Zhao, had also been to Suzhou at that time, so you should have heard about this, and you are not making it up, right?"

In fact, Zhao Yongxian's experience in Suzhou last year was quite unpleasant, and the old alliance leader Wang did not intend to continue to support him.

But Zhao Yongxian still suppressed his excess emotions and continued to watch Lin Tailai's performance as a clown.

Lin Tailai also continued: "Have you never thought about it, Master Zhao, if you are not a member of the literary world, how can you become an enemy of the retro style?

Isn’t the retro-style school a sect in the literary world, and its enemies are not in the literary world?

If I am not considered a member of the literary world, how can I become a literary thief? How can I become an enemy of the literary world?

Whether we talk about literary thieves or enemies of the literary world, we are all talking about it within the realm of the literary world.

If we break away from the literary world, there will be no way to talk about literary thieves or literary enemies!"

Zhao Yongxian: "."

During the banquet, everyone was whispering and discussing. Lin Tailai's logic was a bit unbelievable but it was self-explanatory.

If Zhao Yongxian's logic just now was a bit overwhelming, then what Lin Tailai showed was the purest sophistry technique, which can be called a creation out of nothing!

Lin Tailai announced sonorously and forcefully: "So the literary orthodoxy I have is personally given by the leader Wang Lao!

The leader of the alliance, Mr. Wang, personally appointed me to establish myself in the literary world as a literary enemy!

Mr. Zhao, you may think that I am a heretic, but you cannot deny that I also belong to the literary world!

Unless you don’t admit that Duke Wang Danzhou is the leader of the literary world and the head of the retro school!”

Everyone was speechless. If they only listened to Lin Tailai's proud tone, they would have thought that the old alliance leader had awarded you some honorary title.

Many people who don't know about last year's Suzhou Literary Forum are asking what happened at that time to allow Mr. Wang to break through his defenses like this.

Lin Tailai looked around again and said to everyone: "Anyone who was far away from the capital last year may not know what happened in Suzhou."

"That's enough!" Zhao Yongxian shouted unbearably and interrupted Lin Tailai.

Just now, Zhao Yongxian felt that I had the advantage and was teasing Lin Tailai, but in the blink of an eye, he seemed to be the one being teased, feeling a little frustrated.

"There is an injustice, and there is a debtor. You and Xu Wenchang are not related, so what qualifications do you have to stand up for Xu Wenchang!

You talk about seeking justice for no reason, maybe it’s not for your own selfish desires, but to use Xu Wenchang’s name to create quarrels and troubles here!”

Official Lin waited patiently for Zhao Yongxian to finish speaking and calm down, and then replied:

"Li Rusong, the eldest son of Uncle Ningyuan, and Governor Li had worshiped Xu Wenchang as his teacher and entrusted him to seek justice for Xu Wenchang. How can this be said to be unprovoked?

The Book of Rites says that a teacher must have a reputation, and I still understand this truth."

Zhao Yongxian: "."

He needs help, waiting online!

Lin Tailai inadvertently glanced at Shen Yongmao again, but Shen Yongmao said nothing and stopped standing up.

"Is my reason for seeking justice for Mr. Xu Wenchang very far-fetched?" Lin Tailai took the initiative to ask Shen Yongmao.

Shen Yongmao replied from the bottom of his heart: "It's really far-fetched, it's really forced splicing, just for the sake of forcing it together!

If I were you, I would never give such a ridiculous reason!"

After disparaging Lin Tailai, Shen Yongmao felt happy and enlightened.

Official Lin said: "I didn't expect that even you could see the distress in my heart."

Shen Yongmao: "???"

Please Lin Tailai, please tell me in detail, what exactly did Uncle Shen see?

Lin Tailai sighed and looked up at the blue spring sky at a forty-five-degree angle, asking and answering himself:

"In fact, rather than seeking justice for Mr. Xu Wen, it is better to say that I am seeking justice for myself."

No one could understand this sentence, and everyone felt that they were not thinking on the same channel as Lin Tailai.

But it doesn’t matter. Lin Daguan will not allow everyone to continue to understand, and explained:

"Since Mr. Wang took charge of the literary world, he has designated three literary enemies. The first is Xie Zhen, the second is Xu Wenchang, and the third is me!

But when I see Mr. Xu Wen’s experiences over the past twenty years, how can I not, as the third literary enemy, resonate with my feelings, empathize with him, and feel doubly emotional?”

Everyone at the banquet: "."

Your thinking, Lin Tailai, is like riding a horse with no trace of a flying fairy from the sky! How did you jump here!

Lin Tailai lamented and sighed repeatedly: "The ancients said that the people of Qin had no time to mourn themselves, so that future generations would mourn for them; future generations would mourn without taking note of it, which would also make future generations mourn for future generations again.

So after seeing the lessons learned from Mr. Xu Wen, as a descendant, I must do something!

Otherwise, the tragedy of Mr. Xu Wen will befall me again!

Therefore, I must seek justice for Mr. Xu Wen, and this is also to save myself!

I think that since I was designated as the third literary enemy by the leader Wang Lao, it may be my destiny to seek justice for Xu Wenchang."

Everyone had nothing to say and could only watch Lin Daguanren's one-man performance.

Alliance leader Wang Lao personally unlocked such a character, is it also a kind of fate?

Lin Tailai turned to Zhao Yongxian again and said in a deep voice: "Who dares to say that I am not qualified to seek justice for Mr. Xu Wen?

Who dares to say that I borrowed Mr. Xu Wen’s name to deliberately stir up trouble?”

At this moment, Lin Daguan's whole body was exuding the light of righteousness, and there seemed to be eight bright characters above his head: "If you are a teacher with a reputation, you will be invincible."

Zhao Yongxian felt like he was going crazy. Wang Shizhen went to Suzhou to hold some kind of literary conference!

If we didn’t go to Suzhou to hold a literary conference, how could we release a monster like Lin Tailai!

Could it be that if you become the new leader of the literary world in the future, you will have to face people like Lin Tailai all day long?

If I had known earlier, I might as well have had a poem exchange with Lin Tailai!

Anyway, Wang Shizhen has lost several times, so there is no shame in losing once!

This chapter has been completed!
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