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Chapter 273 Please die quietly (please vote for me!)

Ministers who have just been transferred from other places in the past two years may not particularly understand what Shen Shixing mentioned about Feng Bao's lethality.

And why did Zhang Jing change his face when talking about Feng Bao and Emperor Wanli towards Li Zhi?

In the first ten years of the Wanli Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao formed a strong political alliance, but Feng Bao's situation was a little different from Zhang Juzheng's.

After Zhang Juzheng's death, Feng Bao was still powerful and still controlled the Supervisor of Ceremonies and Factory Guards.

At the same time, the emperor was still thinking about Feng Bao and could not make up his mind.

So at that time, the risk of impeaching Feng Baoyuan was greater than impeaching the dead Zhang Juzheng.

When Emperor Wanli made his final determination and wanted to get rid of Feng Bao, Li Zhi took the initiative and was the first to impeach Feng Bao, thereby gaining the emperor's greatest trust.

In the eyes of the emperor, impeachment of Zhang Juzheng may not be a big deal. After all, Zhang Juzheng is dead. How can he still crawl out of the graveyard to take revenge?

But those who dare to show their sword to Feng Bao, who still controls the Supervisor of Ceremonies and Factory Guards, are the true "loyal ministers" who are worthy of trust.

Today Shen Shixing said "Li Zhi and Zhang Jing work closely together", as if "a word awakened a dreamer", subverting the feeling of Emperor Wanli.

Take recent events, when Li Zhi wanted to impeach Shen Shixing, factory guards were hundreds of miles away and promptly delivered the news that Shen Shixing's followers were committing lawlessness.

After Li Zhi's impeachment failed, the factory guards and police officers immediately found the victim to seek quarrel and cause trouble in retaliation.

The occurrence of these situations is enough to show that there is indeed something between Li Zhi and the factory guard.

Let’s talk about the factory supervisor Zhang Jing. At the beginning, Zhang Jing was just a close eunuch around Emperor Wanli, who was the main force in plotting to overthrow Feng Bao.

Is it possible that Li Zhi learned the emperor's final thoughts from Zhang Jing before he dared to attack Feng Bao, thereby defrauding the emperor's unreserved trust?

So at this time Emperor Wanli felt as if he had been emotionally deceived.

Li Zhi and Zhang Jing knelt in front of the throne together and shouted: "We have been riding for His Majesty for several years, and we have never had other thoughts!

Shen Shixing created a trap for us out of thin air and alienated our monarch and ministers. Your Majesty must not ignore it!"

None of them thought about explaining, because the more they explained, the more suspicious they became, so they only played the emotional card.

Shen Shixing asked in surprise: "I didn't impeach you, nor did I accuse you of your faults, so how can I frame you out of thin air?

If you must say that it was a frame-up, you have always wanted to accuse me, so how dare you beat me up?"

At most, he could only say that Li Zhi cooperated closely with the factory guards and Xungui, so that Lin Tailai was constantly besieged from several sides, and was in a similar situation to Feng Bao back then.

As for the emperor's own association and imagination, what does it have to do with him, Lin Tailai, or Shen Shixing?

Zhang Jing couldn't help but glared at Shen Shoufu. The civil servant's heart was so dirty!

Other ministers secretly analyzed that Li Zhi and other celebrities and Zhang Jing all had a problem. Their rise was too smooth, and they were a bit like the nouveau riche among the people.

The mentality is more "arrogant", which in turn leads to impatience and roughness in doing things, which can easily expose flaws.

At this moment, except for Li Zhi and Zhang Jing's pleading voices, there was no other sound in the palace. Even Emperor Wanli fell into a long silence.

In fact, this is a bit abnormal, because in the three years after the liquidation of Zhang Juzheng, Emperor Wanli made most of his decisions very decisively in order to show his wisdom and prowess.

The main reason is that Emperor Wanli now feels that he cannot step down. Li Zhi and other celebrities are deliberately set up as anti-Zhang Juzheng models, which is a very strong political symbol.

To abolish these "political models" personally would not make the emperor look good, and he would also worry about causing misunderstandings between the government and the public.

However, if he did not deal with Li Zhi and other red men who deceived their feelings, Emperor Wanli was not clear-minded, so he was in trouble.

Standing at the head of the class of civil servants, Shen Shoufu saw the emperor's difficulty and said thoughtfully:

"Although Li Zhi and others are talented and have been discovered and cultivated by His Majesty, they ultimately lack experience and performance.

After his sudden promotion, there was a lot of criticism in the court, so he could only hang around in the temple prison, and it was difficult to move up to the next level."

Li Zhi, who was still kneeling in front of the throne, turned around and shouted bitterly: "Shen Shixing! You don't have to pretend to be a good person!"

For three years, he could only rely on His Majesty's decree to get promoted. He worked in yamen such as Guanglu Temple and Taipu Temple, but he still could not enter the core of the ministry!

Why is this happening? Don’t you, Shen Shixing, have any idea?

Shen Shixing ignored Li Zhi, "For the current plan, we might as well release Li Zhi and others and transfer them to other places.

This can make up for the shortcomings of lack of qualifications, and stop the courtiers from talking, and then return to the court and enter the ministry for important positions, in order to fulfill His Majesty's original intention of loving talents!"

Before some people could react, Emperor Wanli said without hesitation: "Sir, this is a great idea!"

The steps provided by Shen Shoufu were really comfortable, so I walked down them.

Li Zhideng's face was ashen at that moment. He was really unpredictable, as if he had become the abandoned son of the emperor in the blink of an eye.

While he was still in the imperial court, Shen Shixing could block him from entering the core yamen of the ministry. If he went to another place, would he still have a chance to return to Beijing?

Who doesn’t know that Yang Wei, the current Minister of Civil Affairs, is Shen Shixing’s yes-man!

Thinking of this, Li Zhi turned to look at University Scholar Wang Xijue in desperation, "I can show my loyalty to Your Majesty every day! I beg you, teacher, to tell the difference for me!"

Wang Xijue: "."

Damn it! If you are going to die, please die quietly and don't drag others down like a drowned man!

Although you, Li Zhi, recommended me to the emperor to join the cabinet, I, Wang Xijue, am not a party member! I don’t owe you anything!

Shen Shixing turned to look at Wang Xijue, his expression was very meaningful and seemed to be expecting something.

Wang Xijue's brain was spinning crazily, and he slowly responded to Li Zhi:

"As a minister, it is your duty to be loyal, but you must not form cliques everywhere. As long as you are eager to form cliques, selfishness will inevitably invade your loyalty."

Forming a party? When Zhang Jing heard this, he turned to glare at Wang Xijue. Do you, Wang Xijue, also want to add insult to injury? Who are you talking about forming a party with Li Zhi?

However, Wang Xijue continued: "I heard that Li Zhi and Zhao Yongxian have been in close contact with each other recently, and it seems that they have the intention of forming an alliance and forming a party. This is really wrong. It is better to avoid the court and go to other places to practice for a few years."

Zhao Yongxian: "."

Damn it! If you are dragged into the water by a drowned ghost, please reincarnate quietly and don't become a drowned ghost and drag others with you!

Wang Xijue didn't care whether Zhao Yongxian lived or died, and only smiled gently at Shen Shixing.

Emperor Wanli probably couldn't stand it any longer, so he stopped asking his ministers for their opinions and issued an edict:

"Li Zhi, Jiangdong Zhi, and Yang Keli are all transferred from outside, and the Ministry of Personnel will handle the selection!"

It only talked about the arrangements of Li Zhi and other three celebrities, but did not involve the factory supervisor Zhang Jing.

Shen Shoufu did not give any instructions on how to deal with Zhang Jing, and the emperor did not deal with Zhang Jing in front of the ministers. This is the tacit understanding between the emperor and his ministers.

But the ministers all understood that even if Zhang Jing did not die, he would have lost at least half of his authority.

Let me start by asking for the last monthly ticket of this month! I still have it tonight, and I will be busy during the entire holiday. I am really trying my best to update a few thousand words.

This chapter has been completed!
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