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Chapter 285 The protagonist without lines (please vote for me!)

April 18th was another day of impeachment for Wang Zhiyuan, the left minister of household affairs.

After finishing the basic work, Wang Shao Situ returned home early and put on a show of "Thanksgiving".

At this time, Wang Zhiyou, a member of the Ministry of Etiquette, was at home. Wang Zhiyuan asked, "What is Lin Tailai doing? I haven't seen him for three consecutive days since the martial arts test ended!"

Among the current three male owners of the Wang family, Wang Zhiyuan is too old and Wang Xiangmeng has some mental disorders. As a result, the one who is closer to Lin Daguan is Wang Zhiyou.

After all, Wang Zhiyou was also a person who had seen Lin Tailai with his own eyes and highly praised Lin Tailai's literary talents. He even compared Lin Tailai to Li Bai at home.

At the same time, Lin Daguan also had a good impression of Wang Zhiyou, and it was definitely not because the Ministry of Rites was in charge of the Jiaofang Division.

Upon hearing his brother's inquiry, Wang Zhiyou replied: "He goes out early every day and comes back late every day, going to Dongcheng to find those candidates who support Zheng Guotai's pursuit of justice, and he continues to convince people with his virtue."

Because the martial arts test was held at the Jingwei Martial Arts School, and Jingwei Martial Arts School was located in Dongcheng, most of the candidates stayed in nearby inns or guild halls in Dongcheng.

As for Lin Daguan's idea of ​​convincing people with virtue, everyone in the Wang family knows what it means.

Wang Zhiyuan said helplessly: "This Lin Tailai goes out every day, either blocking the door or beating people, making our Wang family seem like a clubhouse.

The impact he has caused on the streets is so bad that no one cares about him?"

Wang Zhiyou asked back: "Who is in charge? Factory Guard School? Military and Horse Division? Patrol Battalion?"

The public security forces on the streets of the capital mainly fall into the three types mentioned by Wang Zhiyou, each of which has its own emphasis but also has many overlaps.

The last time the Factory Guard School was defeated by dozens of people by Lin Tailai alone, it became one of the biggest laughing stock in the history of the Factory Guard.

And in the end, all the dozens of people were sent into the army, the factory owner was also punished, and the commander of the Jinyi Guards was also replaced.

So if there is no direct order from the top, who in the Factory Guard School will be well fed and able to meddle in Lin Tailai's business?

It's something that the Factory Guards, Officers and Schools don't want to take care of, but the Sixth Grade Yamen's Wucheng Military and Horse Division definitely doesn't want to take care of it either.

As for the officers and soldiers of the patrol battalion, the commander-in-chief is Li Rusong, so they will not embarrass Lin Tailai unless the emperor directly orders it.

Wang Zhiyou couldn't help but sigh: "Xinfeng has a wine fight with ten thousand, and I am a little envious of Xianyang Ranger for so many years."

Wang Zhiyuan was not in the mood to ponder poetry with Wang Zhiyou here, and asked:

"He just fights and kills like this every day? Now it seems like he can't see any achievements?"

Wang Zhiyou replied: "It can't be said that there are no achievements. At least Lin Tailai has successfully attracted most of the hatred.

Now the people in Qingliu regard Lin Tailai as the breakthrough point to defeat you."

This is a very common fighting idea. It is difficult to defeat a big man directly, but you can start with the little people next to the big man.

The downfall of many big figures is a chain reaction triggered by a seemingly inconspicuous little person and incident.

Wang Zhiyou looked at the second brother's face and then said: "Of course, this is also inseparable from the second brother's past achievements and character.

Precisely because they couldn't find any more clues from the second brother, they focused on Lin Tailai."

Wang Shao Situ still complained: "Then I can only stop hasting and be patient, and do nothing? Not even a line to express it?"

Wang Zhiyou replied: "Before Lin Tailai goes out today, let me tell you that he still has some lines, but not many.

It only adds up to two words, don’t even think about it! I’ll probably be able to use it tomorrow morning.”

The word "Don't think about it" has such a wide range of uses that Wang Zhiyuan couldn't figure out what scenarios it could be used in.

The next day, the impeached Wang Zhiyuan continued to thank guests.

Sure enough, in the morning, a servant suddenly ran over and reported: "About 200 patrol battalion officers and soldiers have arrived outside the gate! The leader is none other than the Governor Li Rusong!"

Wang Shao Situ asked incomprehensibly: "What are they here for? Isn't Li Rusong very grateful to Lin Tai for coming?"

The servant reported again: "He said he was here to capture the murderer and asked Wang Shao Situ to hand Lin Tailai over."

"Don't even think about it!" Wang Shao Situ refused without even thinking.

The servants at home immediately conveyed the master's words truthfully to the officers and soldiers outside: "Don't even think about it!"

Standing outside the gate of the Wang family, Li Rusong said loudly: "Since Young Situ is determined to protect the murderer Lin Tailai, I have nothing to say and can only ask the court to make a decision!"

After finishing speaking, he simply stopped the team and left.

An old bureaucrat like Wang Zhiyuan understood that Li Rusong was putting on a show and deliberately created a scene in which Young Situ was shielding Lin Tailai.

Then Wang Shao Situ saw Lin Tailai yawning and passing by the front hall.

"Lin Jieyuan!" Wang Shao Situ greeted.

Lin Tailai stopped and asked, "What advice do you have, Young Situ?"

Wang Shao Situ greeted: "The weather is very good today, you didn't go out to beat anyone?"

Lin Tailai was speechless. He said this as if he, Lin Tailai, only had violence in his mind.

Lin Tailai's violence mostly serves politics and culture, okay?

So he responded: "Young Situ has something to say, but there is no harm in saying it."

Wang Zhiyuan asked directly: "Do I have any lines?"

Lin Tailai thought about it carefully and said with certainty: "It should be gone!"

Wang Zhiyuan: "."

How can you compete for Best Actor if you only say two words of dialogue from beginning to end? No, Tobe Shoshu?

Wang Zhiyou also walked out and asked with great concern: "With the commotion outside, is there any hope for you to get the first place in the martial arts test?"

Lin Tailai replied: "At present, it seems that the hope is not small. The Chief Sima of the Ministry of War is forced to support me to win the first place."

Last month, Lin Tailai and Zhang Jiayin "negotiated terms" at the gathering, and Wang Zhiyou saw it with his own eyes.

But I still can’t understand, what does it mean to be forced? How can you, Lin Tailai, force the Minister of War?

Lin Daguanren said confidently: "I am not forcing it, but those Qingliu forces must force Zhang Da Sima!"

There are several crimes collected by Fang Yushi, the most important of which is unfair examination.

In an officialdom based on the imperial examination system, unfair examinations are almost the most sensitive issue.

Specifically, the examiners favored Lin Tailai and deliberately lowered Zheng Guotai's score.

But if the examiner is unfair, then Zhang Jiayin, as the examiner, cannot escape responsibility.

Therefore, the only thing that Grand Sima Zhang Jiayin can do now is to firmly support Lin Tailai to deny that the examination room is unfair.

Even an old bureaucrat like Wang Zhiyuan found this funny.

Shen Shou Fu drafted a decree to ask the Metropolitan Procuratorate to investigate Lin Tailai. As the left minister of the Ministry of Revenue, he refrained from being impatient and said nothing.

The only big shot in the court who spoke for Lin Tai was a retro-style boss.

At this time, the censor Wang Xiangmeng hurriedly walked in and said, "Many candidates jointly went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to sue Lin Tailai!

The Metropolitan Procuratorate was originally on a mission to investigate, so after receiving the complaint, it sent a notice and asked Lin Tai to come to the court for questioning!"

Lin Tailai was not surprised by this situation and just asked: "Where is the driving post?"

Wang Xiangmeng was very embarrassed and took out a document from his arms: "This is it. The other censors didn't dare to come over to deliver it, so they asked me to run errands."

Lin Tailai took the driving ticket and asked suspiciously: "Aren't you very happy?"

Wang Xiangmeng said seriously: "You misunderstood, I am just doing business."

Lin Tailai greeted the guys in the hall: "Young men! Get your belongings ready and set off! Change places today!"

I'm still undecided, so I'm asking for monthly tickets! The addition of new collections has slowed down, and I saw that the monthly tickets have indeed fallen off the list. Please continue to support me!

This chapter has been completed!
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