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Chapter 3 Internet articles are deceiving

Chapter 3 Internet articles are all lies

Author: Let the breeze go

Chapter 3 Internet articles are all lies

Lin Tailai slept in the woodshed on his first night after traveling through time. Without Hall Master Lu's words, others would not let him out.

In his sleep, Lin Tailai seemed to have returned to the 21st century.

At an academic conference where people were drinking and drinking, a group of academic experts in the field of ancient literature, Ming and Qing prose were talking, and Lin Tailai was among them.

During this period, someone asked Lin Tailai: "This teacher looks very unfamiliar. What kind of literary research are you doing?"

Lin Tailai answered truthfully: "Eight-legged essay."

This answer caused a burst of laughter, and I actually saw a living person studying the eight-legged essay.

This may be the most unpopular professional direction. There may be less than ten people in the country who are engaged in the study of Eight-part essay.

A mean person ridiculed: "This is an academic conference on ancient literature, can eight-part essay be considered literature?"

Dr. Lin Tailai was very sad in his heart. As one of the top ten figures in the country in the field of eight-part literature, he would suffer such ridicule.

He drank a few more glasses of wine that night, and then woke up in the thirteenth year of Wanli.

What kind of era is this?

The young Emperor Wanli's liquidation of the powerful chief auxiliary Zhang Juzheng has been completed, and the court has opened a new chapter and entered an era of great chaos without absolute authority.

In the Northeast, a certain ambitious chieftain had already raised an army with thirteen suits of armor and started the process of unifying the women in Jianzhou.

In the woodshed in the east courtyard of Anletang, Hengtang Town, Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture, Lin Tailai once again had the dream of changing his destiny by writing questions.

Wen Neng mounted his horse to control the imperial court, Wu Neng wrote the three great expeditions, and everything was possible in his dream.

After the cockcrow and dawn, someone brought in a bowl of rice porridge, but Lin Tailai couldn't eat it at all.

This made Lin Tailai feel uncomfortable. No matter what he wanted to do in the future, he had to find a way out first.

At this moment, the second leader of the society, Song Quan and Uncle Song, came over again and asked Lin Tailai: "How are you thinking about it?"

Lin Tailai shook his head. He really didn't have the habit of recognizing someone as his father, and he felt uncomfortable.

"Aren't you afraid of what I said yesterday?" Song Quan asked again.

Lin Tailai replied: "I thought about it carefully. Even if the Fan family or the Shen family are causing trouble, they are targeting Anletang. They are not deliberately targeting me personally. What should I be afraid of?"

Song Quan sighed: "I don't know whether you have become smarter or stupider. There is obviously a chance to become the young hall master, why do you refuse?"

Lin Tailai said categorically: "When I walk in the world, Lin Tailai, I pay attention to loyalty and filial piety!

My biological father is still alive, how can I accept someone else as my father for the sake of temporary wealth?"

Today's social atmosphere has long passed the stage of simplicity and robustness, and has entered what may be the most impetuous era in the entire ancient Chinese history.

If you want to become a celebrity, you need hype and a prominent personality, so start now!

Song Quan chuckled a few times: "I asked your father. Your father said that the seven or eight members of the family only farm forty acres of official land and cannot afford to support you. You can go wherever you like!"

Anyway, you still have three brothers at home, so you don’t need to support them until they die."

Lin Tailai: "."

These are not moral qualities. If your biological son says you don’t want them, then you don’t want them! No wonder the sage said, “The storehouse is enough to know etiquette!”

Song Quan asked again: "Do you have any other questions?"

Lin Tailai changed the topic and said, "Uncle, why are you so active and want to persuade me to become the young master?"

Song Quan was stunned, what is the problem?

So Lin Tailai's eyes shone with wisdom, "I came up with a guess based on my extensive experience in reading films.

Could it be that as the chief planner of Anle Hall, you embezzled money and food from the society, and then you want to help me rise to power, so that you can cover it up for you in the future?"

"I'll beat you to death, you little bastard!" Song Quan's face suddenly turned red, he picked up a slender wooden stick and hit Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai quickly jumped out of the way, "Uncle, are you feeling guilty?"

After a while, Song Quan got tired of beating himself and stopped panting, "Tell the truth! What do you want to do?"

Facing the only person who could possibly help him at the moment, Lin Tailai thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

Although it sounds crazy and unbelievable for a club member at the bottom of the society to say that he wants to take the imperial examination.

"I want to take the imperial examination and give it a try." Lin Tailai said cautiously.

"That's it?" Song Quan responded with two words lightly.

On the contrary, Lin Tailai was surprised, "Don't you find it whimsical, shocking, or unbelievable?"

Song Quan said angrily: "I'm shocked to the core! There are hundreds of thousands of people in the county and millions of people in Suzhou. Who doesn't want to take part in the imperial examination?"

Lin Tailai was speechless. Suzhou is one of the best places for imperial examinations in the world, and the imperial examination culture is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Song Quan continued: "Do you know how many people took the county test last year? Eight thousand people! How many passed the test in the end? Fifty!

After the county examination, there are government examinations and Taoist examinations! After that, you can only become a student member and scholar, but you are still far away from becoming a master!"

Hearing this, Lin Tailai was also very moved. It would be great if he could travel to Guizhou.

I heard that in very remote counties in provinces like Guizhou, as long as you can write, read and read the Four Books, you can be admitted as a scholar!

Otherwise, there would really be no one in those counties.

Finally, Song Quan asked: "So tell me, why do you take part in the imperial examination?

Just talking about the most basic county examination, there are dozens of thousands to choose from. Why do you let the county magistrate choose you?

There is no one in the county government who can speak for you!"

In the end, Uncle Song concluded: "If you want to take the imperial examination, you must rely on three things! Be rich, powerful, or famous!"

Lin Tailai said confidently: "I know what I'm doing. I plan to make a name for myself through poetry first, and then look at the next step."

There are so many seniors in the Internet who have demonstrated how to rely on poetry to become famous and prosperous, and step by step to reach the pinnacle of life. Who can’t copy homework?

Song Quan asked doubtfully: "When did you learn to write poetry?"

Lin Tailai puffed up his chest and planned to start showing off.

But Song Quan didn't give him a chance. He skipped the "inspection and shock" procedure and said directly:

"Okay, even if you can write poetry, what's the use? If you can't join the sect, who will make a name for you?"

Lin Tailai asked in surprise: "Do you need to join a sect to write poetry?"

Song Quan looked at Lin Tailai as if he were watching a joke, “Even I know that today’s literary world is dominated by our Suzhou Taicang Wang Shizhen!

What kind of combination of the Guangwuzi, the Continuing Wuzi, and the Last Wuzi under the sect, the same Qi and the branches echo each other!

How is your literary talent better than that of Xu Wenchang? Xu Wenchang was dismissed as rubbish by the Wang Shizhen sect!

But when a sect accepts people, it depends on their background and status! They will definitely not accept a dirty thug like you!"

This time it was Lin Tailai's turn to frown. The reality seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

Song Quan continued to ask: "You want to leave Anletang and take the imperial examination as a career, then what will you do for a living? Even reading the Four Books and Five Classics is not enough for food!"

Lin Tailai said stubbornly: "I can sell poems and articles. Even if I am a little poor, I can live in poverty and be happy!"

Song Quan laughed loudly when he heard this, "How can anyone sell poetry in this world? Poetry can also be sold?"

Is it good for Tang Bohu to write poems? You must have heard that Tang Bohu sells calligraphy and paintings, but have you heard of selling poems?

If you plan to sell poetry for a living, you will not only be poor, but starve to death!

Articles are indeed for sale, but how much can you get for selling them? The price of the article matches the fame!

For example, if Ge Lao sells an epitaph, it may be worth a hundred taels of silver. And with your status, who wants your article?"

Lin Tailai: "."

This is unscientific. Many protagonists in online articles make money by copying poems. Have you been deceived?

"Then the lower-class literati who have no industry can't survive?" Lin Tailai said a little dissatisfied.

Song Quanke said: "What the lower class literati can really make a living from are calligraphy and painting. If they become famous, the value of calligraphy and painting will be even greater!

For example, the Shihu Writers Family started from their ancestor Wen Zhengming, who made their fortune by selling calligraphy and paintings, and became one of the major families in the county!"

Lin Tailai really didn't know how to calligraphy and painting. He didn't expect that the path he envisioned would be completely rejected by Uncle Song. Could it be that the way he traveled through time was wrong?

Then I heard Uncle Song sigh: "Be more down-to-earth. When we negotiate with Heyi Tang tonight, people from the county government will be present.

I will find a way to take you there to see if there is any chance of contacting anyone from the county government.

If you ask someone from the county government to help you say a few words, you might still have a chance to pass the county exam!"

Lin Tailai was not interested in "talking about numbers" in the club, but when he heard that the venue was in the "club", he became interested again.

Many seniors in online articles have verified that if you want to become famous in this era, public opinion spread depends on the circle of literati and the women in the club.

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(End of chapter)

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