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Chapter 308 Dont reason with pregnant women (please vote for me!)

Today, Grand Official Lin was sitting in Peach Blossom Temple and received more than ten people in succession.

Seeing that it was almost evening time again, Gao Changjiang reminded: "Although Taohua Temple is very close to Changmen, if you don't leave after sitting in the restaurant, you won't be able to leave the city today."

Official Lin seemed to ask casually: "You are so concerned about whether I can leave the city. Who asked you to deliver the message?"

Although Lin Daguanren's tone seemed casual, Gao Changjiang, a veteran employee of the Lin Group, certainly knew that his answer could not be casual.

So he thought carefully and said, "It was Huang Wuniang who asked someone to find me and asked me when I would return to Hengtang Town so that she could prepare early."

Lin Tailai asked again: "Where is Madam Fan? Isn't she looking for you?"

Gao Changjiang replied: "No."

Then Lin Daguan understood, "It seems that the two of them have already coordinated on their own. Let me go to Huang Wumei's place first, and then to Mrs. Fan's place."

If Gao Changjiang realizes something, could it be that he did not visit Huang Wuniang or Fan Niangzi in the past two days to let the two women negotiate the order among themselves?

I can only say that the routine of sitting in the restaurant is too deep, and it always refreshes my understanding.

But Gao Changjiang was not in a violent mood today and said very honestly:

"It's appropriate to go to Hengtang Town first. After all, Hengtang is between Mudu and Suzhou City. If you go to Hengtang and then go to Mudu, you don't have to travel any further."

A year ago, after Hengtang Town was "set on fire" by the enemy, Huang Wumei and her men temporarily "retreat" to Mudu Town and fought with Fan Niangzi who was originally entrenched in Mudu Town.

It was not until both of them became pregnant that the war gradually subsided, but the conflicts remained prominent.

After Mr. Lin left Suzhou in February this year, under the auspices of Uncle Song, after seven rounds of arduous negotiations, the two sides finally reached an agreement in May.

Huang Wumei led her men to leave Mudu Town and return to the rebuilt Hengtang Town, but they could retain their power in Mudu Port.

At the same time, Mrs. Fan is not allowed to enter the Thirteenth Capital and the Fifth Capital, and she is not allowed to interfere in affairs on the water.

At this point, all the senior executives of Lin Group finally breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise it would be difficult for everyone.

After hearing the contents of the agreement, Lin Daguan only said: "The pattern is too small, but it is enough to maintain it."

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Tailai got up and left Taohua Temple, exited the city through the nearest Changmen, and headed for Hengtang Town.

Now Huang Wumei definitely doesn't have to live in Old Man Tang's house. After the arson incident last year, when Hengtang Town was rebuilt, a courtyard was built for Huang Wumei to live, which was known to the outside world as the Lin Family Courtyard.

After Lin Tailai entered the Lin family courtyard, he met his mother Lin Song at the inner courtyard gate.

Probably because the delivery date was approaching, Mrs. Lin Song personally came to take care of the pregnant woman.

After Lin Tailai saluted Mrs. Lin Song, he asked worriedly: "If mother is here, what will happen over there in Mudu Town?"

As the saying goes, don't worry about scarcity but inequality. Favoring one and favoring others is the most likely to cause problems. It makes no sense to talk about two pregnant women.

Mrs. Lin Song replied: "Don't worry, Mudu Town has sent your sister-in-law to take care of it. Our family will always try our best to serve a bowl of water."

Then Mrs. Lin Song asked: "Si'er, you are going to have two children. It would be shameful for you not to get married yet."

After being urged to get married so many times, Mr. Lin finally felt confident this time.

"Don't worry, mother, we already have a wife! I'm going back to Suzhou this time to ask you two for permission.

It’s just that these two days have been going on so fast that I haven’t had time to tell you in detail.”

Mrs. Lin Song beamed with joy and asked, "Whose lady is she from? Have I heard of her?"

Lin Tailai replied proudly: "Prime Minister Shen will be the matchmaker, and the other party is the sister of the then Minister of Household Affairs. She will be sent to Suzhou next year to get married."

Mrs. Lin Song was immediately shocked. Although she also expected her fourth son to get married as soon as possible, she did not expect that her fourth son would set off such a big firecracker.

"Isn't this too high-spirited?" Mrs. Lin Song was in a daze for a while and said hesitantly.

Lin Tailai replied: "No! It's the Wang family who insists on marrying their daughter to me, so I reluctantly accepted it."

Although Lin Daguan and others said so, Lin Song still found it a bit difficult to "accept" it.

After all, the family situation of the other party described by Lin Tailai was completely different from that of the Lin family. The gap was so huge that it seemed that they were not from the right family.

Lin Daguan could only say: "The Wang family has produced several Jinshi scholars in the past two generations. This time I marry a daughter from the Wang family, so that I can cultivate the seeds of study for our Lin family in the future."

The information about her fourth son's marriage was beyond Lin Song's knowledge, so she could only subconsciously murmur: "Then it's good to be in love, that's good to be in love."

Lin Daguanren pretended to be a coward in front of his mother, and then went into the room to talk to Huang Wumei.

"How is the situation? When will the delivery take place?" Lin Tailai asked, sitting on the edge of the soft couch.

"It should be the end of August." Huang Wumei stroked her belly and said, "Lang Lang, what do you think this son will do in the future?"

Lin Tailai said casually: "It's not necessarily his son, right?"

Huang Wumei said stubbornly: "No, it must be my son!"

As a time traveler hundreds of years later, Lin Daguan does not have the concept of favoring boys over girls in his subconscious, "My daughter is also very good, the little girl is so cute."

Huang Wuniang's face fell down, tears were about to come out, "Don't you hope it's your son?"

Lin Tailai: "."

Again, don’t reason with pregnant women.

"Yes, yes, he must be his son." Lin Daguan could only say it first.

On the second day, he stayed with Huang Wumei for another half day. In the afternoon, Lin Daguan headed west along the Xujiang River to Mudu Town.

Lady Fan also touched her belly and asked Lin Daguan: "Do you think this is a son or a daughter?"

"It must be his son!" Lin Daguan replied without hesitation.

Lady Fan frowned and said, "If it's my daughter, you don't like it anymore?"

Lin Daguan had no choice but to say, "No way, it's the same for boys and girls."

Madam Fan snorted coldly: "How come it's the same? If a son is born over there and a daughter is born here, I'm afraid we, mother and daughter, will be forgotten by you and go to Java immediately!"

Lin Tailai: "."

Although I can't reason with pregnant women, everyone has a different brain circuit, so it's really troublesome to deal with it.

"How could it be?" Lin Daguan said with rare patience, "Whether it's a son or a daughter, it doesn't matter to me at all."

Mrs. Fan said worriedly: "After all, she is young and has never been married, and I am a second-hand person, so my status is inferior by nature.

If there is any further difference in terms of children, then I will not be able to survive in your Lin family."

Lin Daguan could only say the most boring words: "Don't worry, I love both carrots and cabbage. Adults never make choices. There is no distinction between high and low in my heart."

"Then who is the carrot and who is the cabbage?" Mrs. Fan suddenly asked again, as if she was ten years younger.

Official Lin squatted on the ground, looking at the sky speechlessly.

Please get a guaranteed monthly pass. There is no official recommendation for this book at all. If you don’t have a monthly pass and can’t be on the list, you won’t be able to get around.

There is a serious problem with the recommendation system now. If you don’t count the recommendation I had to ask someone for in September, the recommendation system has not recommended this book for four consecutive months. This is still the early stage of new books! I will elaborate on it when I have time.

This chapter has been completed!
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