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Chapter 309: Big projects, big projects, big developments (please vote for me!)

The county seat of Wuxian County is half of Suzhou City, located in the northeast corner of the entire Wuxian area. Just looking at the map of Wuxian County, the geographical location of this county seat is very "remote".

Mudu Town, located in the hinterland of Wuxian County, is the geographical center point of Wuxian County. It is also the intersection of four or five waterways and is also a transportation hub in the hinterland of Wuxian County.

If Wuxian County Government was not located in Suzhou City, it would probably be located in Mudu Town. The importance of this place is evident.

Therefore, Lin Daguan will vigorously manage Mudu Port and Mudu Town, which have great potential, and gradually turn them into base areas, which will radiate to the entire county.

Official Lin came to Mudu Town not only to accompany Mrs. Fan, but also to inspect the territory.

In the minds of Lin Daguan, Mudu Town and Mudu Port are two different things. Mudu Town can be outsourced to agents, but Mudu Port must be directly controlled.

The main body of Mudu Town is on the north bank of Xujiang River, and currently Mudu Port is also on the north bank. Lin Daguan stood on the bank, but what he was looking at was the south bank on the opposite side, pointing and drawing circles in his hand.

Ma Yingming, the former director of Shen Family Yi Zhuang, who was poached by Lin Tailai to be the chief planner of Mudu Port, and now promoted to the chief official of Mudu Port, was accompanying Lin Tailai to introduce the recent situation.

“Last year, when the Shen family in Mudu Town participated in the riots and had their property confiscated, hundreds of acres of land were converted into charity fields for the Renewal Academy.

This year, according to the instructions of the sitting hall, we successively used various means to replace hundreds of acres of farmland to the opposite south bank, forming a complete plot of land.

Now standing here, all the land on the south bank that we can see is under our control.

Only the ten acres of land east of the row of willow trees do not belong to us."

Lin Daguan, who is a bit obsessive-compulsive, asked: "Why is this land included?"

On a whole piece of land, there is a small piece of other people's land. It looks awkward no matter how you look at it.

If you put it in a Tutu strategy game, you would rather lose money than declare war.

Ma Yingming said helplessly: "That land was bought by Mr. Zhang Youyu last year. Now he refuses to resell it at any cost, so we can only do this for now."

Hearing this, Lin Daguan also remembered Zhang Youyu's speculative purchase of land last year, and could only admit it.

Then he said again: "A few hundred acres of land are enough for now, and we can start building a new port on the south bank first.

After the new port is basically completed, the Mudu Port customs office will be relocated to the South Bank New Area and all transit ships will be directed there."

"Are there any other considerations for sitting in the hotel?" Ma Yingming knew very well that if it was just to move a tax customs, hundreds of acres of land would not be needed.

Lin Daguan then asked: "What do you think of building a weaving workshop on the south bank of Xingang?"

Ma Yingming was stunned and subconsciously asked, "What's the point of that?"

Compared with Lin Zuoguan's current business scope, setting up a weaving workshop with dozens of looms is like using a French cannon to swat mosquitoes.

It's like being a rich man with a fortune of millions and setting up a street stall on the roadside.

Lin Daguanren added: "I'm talking about workshops with hundreds or even thousands of looms."

Ma Yingming was stunned again. When he was talking about the weaving workshop just now, he subconsciously thought it was the kind with dozens of pictures at most. He didn't expect the number to be so big.

After thinking for a while, Ma Yingming replied: "Even if we get thousands of looms in a bureau, what's the point?

Nowadays, the main force in weaving is rural women. Almost every household in Jiangnan can weave, and can produce tens of millions of pieces of cloth a year.

This work can be done by one person at home, and the loom and raw materials can all be produced at home, so why would anyone else want to work in your weaving workshop?"

Lin Daguan could not help but look up to the sky and sigh, saying words that others could not understand, "Sure enough, the small-scale peasant economy is an obstacle to industrialization."

If the weaving technology is not more advanced than others, the profit rate is not higher than others, and there are no coercive means such as "sheep eating people", then why would others come to work for the capitalists?

He, Lin Tailai, was not a science student, could not invent new weaving technology, and could not technically create surplus value for exploitation.

"If it is difficult to run a weaving workshop, then try silk weaving first." Lin Daguan changed his mind.

Ma Yingming finally stopped saying "What's the point of this?" and nodded: "If it's silk weaving, it's not impossible. Nowadays, all the businesses in the city are actually silk weavers.

A loom requires three to five laborers to operate. The raw materials are more expensive and the technical links are more complicated. It is really beyond the reach of ordinary families.

Therefore, silk weaving machine rooms can still make a lot of money. There are large machine shops with hundreds of looms in the city, and their annual profits are no less than ten thousand acres of fertile land."

When he heard that it was possible, Lin Daguan said wildly: "Then we also build a computer room, which is wrong. I call this a factory!"

Just be careful in the early stage and plan the layout of a thousand looms."

Ma Yingming: "."

Do you know the concept of laying out a thousand looms?

The Suzhou Weaving Bureau only has six halls, two to three hundred looms, and thousands of weavers!

Speaking of the cost of the loom alone, each piece is five taels. How much is a thousand pieces? This does not include other investments.

According to the official Qin Lin, is this still just an "initial" scale?

Before Ma Yingming could think of how to respond, he heard Lin Daguan suddenly become inexplicably excited and said impassionedly as if performing:

"Then the silk weaving industry will drive upstream and downstream related industries such as silk reeling and embroidery, forming an industrial cluster in Nan'an New Area, relying on Mudu New Port to further reduce supply chain costs, create the most competitive products, export overseas, and go global!"

In fact, anyone who knows a little bit about history knows that a big explosion in overseas trade is coming. This is the confidence that Lin Daguan people dare to launch a large factory.

Ma Yingming said quickly: "Isn't the step a bit too big?"

Lin Daguan waved his arms vigorously and said firmly: "If you don't even dare to think about it, how can you achieve anything? Let me tell you something, how big the dream is, how big the stage is!

A place must have big projects to achieve great development!"

Then Lin Tailai still refused to give up and said: "But silk fabrics are luxury goods after all, while cotton is a mass product with greater influence. We cannot ignore the needs of the people at the bottom."

Nowadays, Lin Daguanren's subordinates get headaches whenever they hear the word "influence". They feel that Lin Daguanren always does things to throw money away for these three words.

It's such a big business, but the financial situation has been tight.

Later, Ma Yingming heard Lin Daguan say: "Although the current conditions are not mature, we still need to think more about ways to start a weaving workshop in the future.

If we could have tens of thousands of weavers and produce millions of pieces of cloth every year, where in the world would we not go?"

Ma Yingming wanted to ask, if you have tens of thousands of people who depend on you for food, where do you want to go?

Mainly because Lin Daguan suddenly thought that Shandong is the largest cotton producing area after Jiangnan, and it is also the largest cotton "export" province. It is also connected to Jiangnan by a canal. I wonder if there is anything that can be done here.

If Lin Daguanren's performance was not "consistently correct", Ma Yingming would have wanted to complain about Lin Daguanren's "extreme success".

I don’t even have a few thousand dollars in my pocket, but I talk about big projects but don’t talk about big projects. I make plans and build everywhere. If I ask, I will be ahead of the curve, and if I ask again, I will lay out the layout.

Ma Yingming has only seen this kind of eagerness to make decisions on planned projects in the history books of Emperor Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty.

Ma Yingming felt that Lin Daguan's current mental state was exactly the same as that of Qin Shi Huang after he unified the six kingdoms or Emperor Sui Yang after he ascended the throne.

But he looked to the left and saw that Song Quan, the customs chief, was an elder of Lin Daguan;

I looked to the right again and saw that the leader of the Customs and Excise Department was Lin Daguan's third brother.

In the end, Ma Yingming could only sigh secretly. What choice did he have? He could only do whatever Lin Daguan wanted to do.

Anyway, the first step is to build a new port on the south bank. This will always come in handy and will not be a waste of time.

In the next few days, Lin Daguan's people repeatedly jumped between Hengtang Town and Mudu Town.

Not only do you take turns to spend the night in two places, but the stay time must be accurate to the minute to ensure that the stay time on both sides is exactly the same.

Of course, Lin Daguan could not be idle except accompanying pregnant women. As a member of the Update Society, he met with all the group leaders and above of the Xinwulian affiliated societies and the Xutai Water Group.

In Suzhou City, activities mainly focus on an official identity, but in the vast rural areas outside the city, they are still mainly on a corporate identity, which is very characteristic of the Ming Dynasty.

Seven or eight days have passed in a row, and the time has entered late July.

Official Lin was in the Lin Family Courtyard in Hengtang Town, advising Lu Yibin, the leader of Anle Hall and the leader of the New Wu League, not to retire.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Da Longtou occasionally made an appearance at club ceremonies, many club members would have almost forgotten that this is the nominal eldest brother of New Wulian.

Today, the eldest brother, Mr. Lu, went to the Lin family compound and said that he was getting old and was ready to wash his hands and withdraw from the world.

Of course Lin Daguan, a man of righteousness, disagreed and tried hard to persuade:

"Old Lu! Once you enter the arena, time has passed. As long as you enter the arena, there is no way out!

Some people have grievances, and whenever there are grievances, there are rivers and lakes. People are rivers and lakes, how do you quit?

You are only over fifty, I think you are going strong and strong, take good care of yourself, you will have no problem working for another twenty years!"

At this moment, Gao Changjiang rushed over from the dusty Suzhou City ten miles away.

"Did you forget something about the city of Suzhou?" Gao Changjiang asked angrily.

Lin Daguan thought for a while and said doubtfully: "I have already given instructions on all the tasks that should be given. What else can be forgotten?"

Gao Changjiang asked: "Did you remember when you were sitting here that you still need to go to Suzhou Guard to take office? Commander Li asked me to pass on a message, when will you take office?"

Official Lin suddenly slapped his forehead, "Old Gao, imagine how busy I am! As an official, I even forgot to take office."

He turned around and shouted to Leader Lu: "Old Lu! I'm already so busy, and you still want to cause trouble. Do you really want to get rid of it once and for all?"

Brother Lu, the leader of Anle Hall and the leader of the new Wulian University, failed in his attempt to withdraw from the world and left in depression.

Official Lin quickly ordered Gao Changjiang: "Please reply to Chief Li, and I will report to the Department of Health to take up my post tomorrow."

It just so happened that during this time, I was mentally exhausted from being tortured by two pregnant women, so I went back to the city to relax for a few days.

The next day, Lin Daguan ran to Suzhou City.

In fact, the Health Department of Suzhou Wei and the Fuyamen of Suzhou Prefecture are on the same street, but the door in front of the Fuyamen is called Fuqian Street, and the door in front of the Health Department is called Weiqian Street.

Originally, a few years later in history, it was all changed to Daoqian Street by the Qing Dynasty.

Lin Daguan often passed by the Ministry of Health, but never went in. Apart from being arrested twice by a city gate guard named Nian, he never had any dealings with the military attache of Suzhou Guard. After all, there was no business connection.

This time, when Senior Official Lin came to Suzhou Guards to take up his post, all the military attachés above the fifth rank, as well as officials from the Experience Department and the Town and Fu Department showed up to meet him.

Palm Commander Li Tianyou asked the Experience Department to go through the formalities, and then invited Lin Tailai to the main hall for tea.

Commander Li said: "I briefly introduced the situation of our guards when we were at Fengqiao. If I have time today, I will say a few more words.

There are more than 6,000 people in our main army, and more than 2,000 of them belong to the Yun army. You will be in charge of it. You are also clear about your responsibilities.

The other four thousand people belong to the garrison, which is divided into land camp and water camp, and is mainly responsible for guarding Suzhou City.

There are tens of thousands of people in Dingkou who belong to the guard. They are usually responsible for farming and supplying the main army, or serving as governors, deputy generals in Jinshan and other camps.

After all, there are seven battalions stationed in various counties in Suzhou Prefecture, and there are still a lot of errands, but those battalions have nothing to do with our Suzhou Guards, we only care about Suzhou City."

Official Lin did not interrupt and listened carefully. Although he was not the commander of the palm seal and was only responsible for supervising operations, he should still have a grasp of the basic situation of the Suzhou Guard.

After introducing the basic situation, Commander Li asked again: "Earlier, you said you wanted to open a Suzhou Health Transport Military Branch Office, but have you chosen a location?"

Official Lin said distressedly: "I'm still in a dilemma."

There are two options: far and near. The far option is to build the branch office outside the city, such as Hengtang Town, and the closer option is to build it in the city.

Both options have their own pros and cons, and Lin Daguan has always had a hard time making a choice.

Commander Li asked again: "If you build a branch office, you must have pacesetters. Who will lead it?"

The pacesetter here means the personal soldiers assigned by the chief officer. If there are more people, it will be the standard camp.

Regarding this question, Lin Daguan did not have any entanglements and replied: "Just ask the city gate general to come over."

When you don't know who to use, use someone you know.

After talking about the Department of Health, Lin Daguan asked in turn: "Will the last batch of grain be shipped to Yangzhou Shuici warehouse this year?"

Commander Li replied: "It is expected to start at the end of the month or the beginning of next month, and you should have already taken over the job by then."

Lin Daguan said: "Then I will personally supervise the transportation, and please ask Chief Li to arrange the garrison troops and warehouse officials in Shuicicang, Yangzhou, and I will take them there together."

"It's easy to talk about!" Commander Li said there was no problem here.

Any job that can find a way out for military children, as long as they don't serve as cannon fodder on the front lines, will be welcomed.

Commander Li always felt that Lin Daguanren, the newly appointed military attaché of Suzhou, seemed to be more interested in Yangzhou affairs than Suzhou.

How did he know that on the surface, Lin Daguan, who had a big business and probably had thousands of people working for him, had an extremely tight capital chain and was desperately short of money?

Canglangting scenic spot restoration project, Taohua Temple expansion project, Jinongcang privatization, Mudu South Bank New Area construction and other projects, which one does not require money? Which one does not require a long capital operation cycle?

I don't even bother to forget about other small expenses such as donating gifts to the government school and sponsoring cultural celebrity Teacher Zhang to collect works.

The key is that Lin Daguan does not like to dilute his equity and introduces venture capital from local business gangs.

It is enough for Xinshe News Agency to have one honorary chairman from the Shen Alliance Leader, and there is no need to find so many honorary directors. People are unpredictable, and having too many directors will be troublesome!

Therefore, Yangzhou City, the Pearl of the Yangtze River, became the other shore in Lin Daguan's heart.

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