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Chapter 313

The Yangzhou Guards and Suzhou Guards had about the same number of troops, both around 4,000 people, and were responsible for city defense.

However, the Yangzhou Guards Army had as many as 8,900 people, divided into six gangs, and twelve men led the transportation of thousands of households. This shows the important role and hard work of the Yangzhou Guards in the water transportation system.

However, for Wan Heng, the commander of the Yangzhou Guards, no matter how hard it is, he can't do it. He can just drink wine and sing songs in the city.

The city of Yangzhou is densely populated with government offices, each with more real power than the last. Not to mention the prefecture and county offices, there are also the Salt Inspectorate, the Salt Transportation Department, the Military Preparation Road, etc. Even the governor often visits Yangzhou.

Compared with the above government offices, the power of Yangzhou Wei is actually nothing.

But at any rate, being stationed in a place like Yangzhou City where gold and silver flowed, Commander Wan was much more comfortable than most military attachés in the world.

Commander Wan had nothing to do today. He was drinking wine and singing when he suddenly saw Wang Xianjun from the Department of Health rushing in.

"Something big has happened!" Wang Xianjun didn't even bow, but shouted directly at Commander Wan.

Commander Wan felt very disappointed and said displeasedly: "What big thing can happen to find me?"

The main reason is that there are so many yamen in Yangzhou city, and the governor is in Yangzhou right now. Even if the sky falls, there will still be tall people to hold it up, so Commander Wan does not feel that he has much responsibility.

Wang Xingcheng shouted: "The governor was captured by the rebels!"

Commander Wan: "???"

What does this mean? The words and sentences are obviously not obscure, so why can’t I understand it?

The governor was perfectly fine in the procuratorate, but why was he arrested? Who dares to arrest the governor?

Wang Xingcheng explained: "Just now the soldiers of the Governor's Procuratorate came to report that some rebels had stormed into the Procuratorate and kidnapped Yang Futai."

Commander Wan made sure that he was not in a dream, then interrupted Wang Qianqiang and asked the most critical question: "Don't talk about anything else, let's just ask, are these rebel soldiers from our Yangzhou Guard?"

Wang Chengcheng replied: "There is no movement in our Yangzhou Guards. I heard that this group of rebels came from other places, and their accent sounds like those from Suzhou."

Commander Wan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it wasn't the Yangzhou Guardsmen who did it, half of the responsibility would have been lost. It was fine, fine.

"What's going on?" Commander Wan finally put down his drink and asked again: "Isn't mutiny and kidnapping of generals a common thing in border towns? How can this happen to us in Yangzhou?"

What Commander Wan said is correct. Mutinies, large and small, are common in border towns, but relatively rare in the hinterland.

But it is not completely absent. For example, twenty-five or six years ago, the Zhenwuying mutiny occurred in Nanjing.

Liu Shiyan, the sincere uncle who had his leg broken by the official Lin, only became famous by quelling the Zhenwu Camp mutiny.

Wang Chengcheng spread his hands, "I don't know the details yet. I only know that these rebels took Yang Futai hostage, rushed out of Lijin Gate, and entered Shuicicang on the east bank of the canal!

The governor's soldiers came to our Yangzhou Guards and wanted the Yangzhou Guards to send troops to rescue Yang Futai."

There is only so much information available so far, but Commander Wan still feels that it is in the clouds and there are many things that are unclear.

But the incident happened in Yangzhou City, and the Yangzhou Guards were in charge of city defense, so he, the commander, had the responsibility.

You can't count on the salt men, minzhuang, etc. who belong to other government offices to rescue the governor from the rebels, right?

When Commander Wan hurriedly walked out, Wang Qingcheng followed suit and said:

"Every time there is a rebellion, there must be demands, but the governor's soldiers did not say anything; every time there is a rebellion, there must be a leader, and the governor's soldiers did not say anything.

So there are probably a lot of doubts about this matter, sir, please don’t use too much force.”

Commander Wan thought thoughtfully and then ordered: "Only five hundred people from Dongying will be dispatched. First, go to the formation outside Shuicicang. Remember, only formation!"

Then a second order was issued: "Send someone to go to Guazhou to report the news. Most of the governor's Biao camp is there. Let them come back to rescue Futai!

The Procuratorate has been raided, Futai has been captured, and these two idiots are still doing nothing in Guazhou!

Let them come back quickly to rescue Futai, it is their duty to protect Futai!"

There are currently 750 people in the Fengyang Governor's camp, 200 of whom are still stationed at the Huai'an base camp, and the remaining 550 people have followed the governor to Yangzhou.

Then another 400 people were transferred to Guazhou to guard, and the remaining 150 people were stationed at the Yangzhou Procuratorate.

Logically speaking, in today's peaceful era, and in a big city like Yangzhou City, one hundred and fifty people can guarantee the safety of the governor's office.

But no one expected that the accident would happen in broad daylight.

Not only were the governors abducted, but also the seven ministers of the imperial court who were also in the Procuratorate at the time.

While "mobilizing troops and dispatching generals", Commander Wan passed the city gate guards and finally pieced together some information.

These rebels dispersed into the city from the south gate and left the city from the east gate. The leader was very young, extremely tall and majestic, holding two whips, and carried the banner of Wei Guogong when he entered the city.

So the city gate guards didn't pay much attention and thought it was Wei Guogong who sent troops to engage in smuggling.

Commander Wan then cursed again, "When those Wangba soldiers in Futai came to report the news, they dared to deliberately omit the most critical information and not mention who the leader of the rebels was!

There are two different things between Lin Tailai and Lin Tailai among the rebels!"

There is also a key piece of information. The rebels led by Lin Tailai are flying the flag of Wei Guogong, so the water is a bit muddy.

Wang Xingli hurriedly offered another suggestion: "I heard that Lu Junbi, a student member of the government, had a good relationship with Lin Tailai at the beginning. It would be better to invite Lu Xiucai as a consultant."

Commander Wan followed Shan Ruliu and immediately sent people to find Lu Junbi.

Then Commander Wan, who was responsible for his duties, could not sit still and rushed to the east bank of the canal outside Lijin Gate.

From a distance, I could see that all water and land warehouse doors and passages were closed in Shuicicang, which was obviously on high alert.

On the way, Commander Wan also met more than 200 other Yangzhou officers and soldiers. It turned out that these officers and soldiers were all soldiers from Shuicicang.

A small commander reported to Commander Wan: "Today, two hundred Suzhou officers and soldiers suddenly arrived, took over Shuicicang with the imperial order, and expelled all Yangzhou soldiers on the spot."

Commander Wan asked again: "How many troops and horses are there in Shuici Cang now?"

The boss reported again: "Previously, there were one hundred Suzhou officers and soldiers standing in front of Shuicicang. Today, another two hundred came. Now there are more than three hundred people."

Commander Wan scratched his head in distress. The opponent had three hundred, and we had five to seven hundred. The advantage lies with the enemy. How could this be a good thing?

Looking at the closed warehouse door, Commander Wan fell into the anxiety that most officials in the world would have.

The biggest issue facing us now is not to rescue the governor, but how to relieve ourselves of all responsibilities?

Even though they were here, something had to be done. Commander Wan gave orders to Wang Qingcheng and said:

"Don't take it with force, lest you hurt Futai! So we surrounded it first and cut off food and water!"

Wang experience: "."

Can we cut off food and water under siege? Are you serious about this order? Guess why this place is called Shuicicang?

The state suddenly disappeared, and I had no idea at all. If I continue to overdo it,

This chapter has been completed!
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