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Chapter 314: Business cannot be done without righteousness

Some people think that Commander Wan is confused, but in fact Commander Wan’s thinking is very clear.

A forceful attack means risk and responsibility, so a forceful attack is impossible. Anyway, the governor's life is not in danger at the moment.

However, all postures other than a strong attack can be displayed with great fanfare, and solid pretending measures are taken to show that the Yangzhou Guards are working hard.

Anyway, people have been sent to Guazhou to report the news, and it is expected that the main force of Governor Biaoying will return to Yangzhou City tomorrow.

At that time, Governor Biaoying will have a headache. After all, the governor was trapped among the rebels, and Governor Biaoying is the first responsible party.

Even if a forceful attack is necessary, Biaoying should be responsible for carrying out the attack. If something goes wrong, it is none of Yangzhou Guard's business.

Just as Commander Wan was deploying at the scene, Lu Junbi, a scholar from the government school, ran over panting.

Lu Junbi was just an ordinary college student at the beginning, and he was also a distant relative of the great salt merchant Wang Yuanwai.

I met Bailong Yufu by accident half a year ago. When I first came to Yangzhou, Lin Daguanren also helped connect Wang Yuanwai and Lin Daguanren.

Later, Lin Daguan "rented" 7,000 salt citations from Zheng Zhiyan, the leader of the Huizhou salt merchants, and gave these salt citations to Lu Xiucai to manage, and at the same time asked Wu Sangui's grandparents to assist.

So Lu Xiucai became the public agent of the Lin Group's interests in Yangzhou, which was both painful and happy.

So this time when the Yangzhou guards heard that the leader of the rebels who was threatening the governor was Lin Tailai, they immediately asked Lu Xiucai to come to the scene to help solve the problem.

Commander Wan said to Lu Xiucai: "To deal with mutinies, there are generally two ways to appease and suppress them. For mutinies that are excusable, we should give priority to trying to appease them.

I invited you, Lu Sheng, to help me recruit the rebels. After all, Lu Sheng, you are related to Lin Zhuangyuan, help me persuade him."

Lu Junbi said a little embarrassed: "Our Lin is very independent and will not be influenced by others at all. It is useless for me to persuade him."

Commander Wan said nonchalantly: "You just need to help me heal him. Whether he can succeed or not depends on God's will, understand?"

Now you go to Shuicicang and help me send a message to Lin Zhuangyuan."

Lu Junbi instantly understood that what Commander Wan wanted was just the process of appeasement, not the result.

And his role is to ensure the safety of Commander Wan.

At this time, Lin Tailai paid no attention to the officers and soldiers outside and was patrolling inside Shuicicang. After all, in Lin Daguan's mind, Shuicicang was his future base.

The last time Lin Tailai passed by Yangzhou, after beating the warehouse officials in Shuicicang, he asked Zhao Dawu, the deputy Qianhu of Suzhou Guards, to temporarily stay in Shuicicang.

Today Lin Tailai "escaped" with his troops into Shuicicang and successfully joined forces with Zhao Dawu.

Now most of the grain in the Shuici warehouse has been shipped north, and grain will no longer be shipped north from here after August.

The remaining grain and the grain that will arrive will be stored as pressure grain. After next spring, if there is no famine, it will be shipped as the first batch of grain next year.

Zhao Dawu accompanied Lin Tailai to inspect the warehouse and said with some concern: "Guarding the granary has a heavy responsibility. If an accident occurs and he is easily dismissed from office, why should Chief Lin take on this responsibility?"

Lin Tailai pretended to be cool and said: "Do you think I am someone who cares about this official position and is afraid of being dismissed from office?"

Zhao Dawu: "."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. Whether Lin Daguan has this official position does not seem to have a great impact.

After inspecting the warehouses, Senior Official Lin came to the warehouse area. Those unfortunate ministers were brought here and imprisoned in the west corridor of the main hall of the warehouse area.

Official Lin stood at the door and looked inside. The spirits of the seven ministers were all a little sluggish. Even Wang Yuanwai, who should have been enjoying the joy of being "rescued", was in a daze.

"No one committed suicide?" Lin Daguan said casually.

With just such a sentence, the great ministers were no longer sluggish, they all became excited with excitement, with colorful panic on their faces.

Yang Futai was placed in the east corridor. Official Lin was about to go over to check on him when suddenly the officers and soldiers from the warehouse gate came to report the matter.

It is said that Lu Xiucai sent a message on behalf of Commander Wei Wan of Yangzhou to negotiate with Chief Lin at Cangmen.

Official Lin gave Lu Xiucai face and came to the warehouse gate in person and said to Lu Xiucai:

"If Commander Wan has something to say, ask him to come here in person. I won't do anything to him."

Lu Junbi turned back and soon led Commander Wan outside the warehouse door.

"Lin Zhuangyuan! I have admired you for a long time!" Commander Wan took the initiative to say hello.

Official Lin nodded lightly, his attitude was very arrogant.

In terms of status, Commander Wan is the top commander of the Yangzhou Guards, while Senior Officer Lin's official position is not ranked among the top five in the Suzhou Guards Company.

But when the two met, Lin Daguan seemed to be the bigger person in terms of temperament and momentum.

Then Commander Wan said businesslikely: "If you have any demands, you can make them, but you might as well release the governor first."

Official Lin said jokingly: "My request is not to let the governor go."

Commander Wan persuaded with sincerity: "There is no one else outside today, but I am here to take charge. You and I are both military attachés of the guard station, so we can talk when we have something to say."

If we can't negotiate today, and someone else is sent to take over the scene in the future, they may not be as easy to talk to as I am."

Lu Junbi also said from the side: "Commander Wan is very sincere in his cooperation."

This made Lin Tailai a little confused. What does cooperation mean?

Commander Wan whispered: "Lin Zhuangyuan released two court ministers, it shouldn't have much impact on you, right?

But for these two court officials, it is equivalent to escaping from the tiger's mouth, so they should thank me for rescuing them, right?

At that time, no matter how much the thank-you gift from their family is, you and I will add two to one to make it five, no, you will have six and I will have four."

Lin Tailai: "."

The bottom line of Commander Wan is so flexible, even more flexible than his own! Does this mean he sees himself as a kidnapper who wants to blackmail someone with gold?

Commander Wan thought that Senior Official Lin was young and was ashamed of talking about profit, so he added: "Business cannot be done without benevolence and righteousness, so Lin Zhuangyuan will give you a warm word."

When Lin Tai came to his senses, he said: "I also have a cooperation, you might as well listen to it.

In fact, there is no need for the Salt Transportation Department to form a salt team, just let people from surrounding guard stations contribute."

Commander Wan: "."

Is this pattern a bit too big? I just want to get some "hostages" in exchange for some money. I don't want to directly subvert Jiangbei's biggest interest pattern!

On the ground in Jiangbei, the Salt Transportation Department system is very large and even self-contained, including three branches and 30 salt fields. There are also many batches of salt stations and checkpoints on the main transportation routes.

The reason why it is said to be a self-contained system is because the Salt Transportation Department system has its own armed forces, that is, thousands of salt soldiers, scattered in various places, places and cards.

Commander Wan clearly realized that if even part of the salt officers were replaced by guardsmen, it would be a huge benefit, but this proposal was unrealistic.

Lin Daguan seemed to be impatient and said: "Business cannot be done without righteousness. Commander Wan can give you a pleasant word. If you are interested, please work with me to figure out Futai."

Commander Wan cursed inwardly, "Damn it!" He was obviously here to recruit the rebel soldiers, but why did he turn around and become the rebel soldiers to recruit him?

There are always a few days every month when my brain is like a ball of mush, but after staying up all night, I finally get my thoughts out and it will be smooth the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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