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Chapter 317 Black and White (please vote for me!)

Even though Zhao Zhigao's position was firmly on Lin Tailai's side, he couldn't help but want to make things difficult for Lin Tailai at this moment.

It seems that if Lin Tailai is not dealt with, it will be difficult to understand his thoughts.

The furious Governor Yang Junmin of Fengyang also came to his senses. He forcibly suppressed his intention to die with Lin Tailai and shouted again:

"You, Lin Tailai, detained the censor Ma Yongdeng without authorization, so what do you say?"

Mainly because Governor Yang felt that it was too embarrassing to always discuss the matter of his arrest.

It would be better to shift the topic of Lin Tailai's crimes to Ma Xunjian, so that he, the governor, would be less conspicuous.

Hearing Governor Yang mention Ma Xunjian, Lin Daguan was a little hesitant, "Ma Xunzhi has nothing to do with your Governor Yang's matter, right? It should be handled separately."

But after Zhao Zhigao thought about it, he also ordered Lin Daguan: "Let's not talk about your arrest of Governor Yang. Now bring out Governor Ma!"

Zhao Zhigao also felt that it was outrageous that one military attaché had arrested so many important and powerful officials!

Not long after, several more sergeants appeared and dragged Ma Yongdeng, the patrol censor, out of the warehouse.

Although Ma Xunjian is more than ten years younger than Governor Yang, for some reason he seems to look worse than Governor Yang.

Seeing Lin Tailai, Ma Xunjian seemed to have come back to his senses, gathered together and shouted with great breath:

"Lin Tailai! I am the imperial envoy on patrol. If you dare to detain an imperial envoy, you will be dead!"

Official Lin pointed at Zhao Zhigao and said in a pretentious manner: "The real imperial minister is here, and you, a prisoner of this rank, must not act arrogantly!"

But Ma Xunjian did not know Zhao Zhigao and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhao Zhigao introduced himself and said: "I am Zhao Zhigao, the governor of Yingtian, and I am here to quell the chaos."

Upon hearing this name, Ma Xunjian knew the identity and background of the other party, and sneered and said harshly:

"I'm just watching here. If Zhao Douxian dares to favor Lin Tailai, I will report it to the court. Don't say it was unforeseen!"

Zhao Zhigao refuted righteously and sternly: "This court acts only for the sake of seeking."

He was only halfway through speaking when he saw Senior Official Lin striding forward and slapped Ma Xunmen directly in the face.

He was still scolding: "Prisoners, please be more honest. If you dare to fart, you deserve to be beaten!"

Don't think that you have the support of Shen Li, Xin Zixiu, Song Hui, Li Shida, Sun Qin, Zhao Nanxing, Gu Xiancheng, Zou Yuanbiao, Li Sancai and Zhao Yongxian, Wu Zhonghang and the others, so you dare to yell in front of me!


Everyone present: "."

When Governor Yang next to him saw this scene, he was horrified and a little happy at the same time.

Compared to the horse patrol officers, my treatment is pretty good, at least I am not being served by a loudmouth in public.

Ma Xunjian was stunned. Before he could get angry, Zhao Zhigao got angry first.

He called Lin Taiguan by his first name and angrily said: "Lin Tailai must not be rude! Back off!"

However, Lin Daguan was so arrogant that he completely disdained the Imperial Envoy Zhao Zhigao. He pointed at Ma Xunjian and asked menacingly:

"Qin Envoy Zhao wants to ask you. When you arrived here, did you give an order to the Yangzhou Guards to prepare for a strong attack on us? Please answer!"

Zhao Zhigao: "???"

Lin Tailai, in addition to referring to deer as horses, also wants to falsely convey Jun's decree? When did he, an imperial envoy, want to ask this question?

Ma Xunjian gritted his teeth and said: "Why not order a strong attack? I am patrolling the hunting ground on behalf of the sky, and I have the right to make arbitrary decisions when encountering problems!"

Official Lin put down his momentum, tilted his head towards Zhao Zhigao, and said nonchalantly: "I've finished asking, you continue!"

Zhao Zhigao seemed to be filled with passion. He couldn't bear it anymore and asked Lin Tailai sharply:

"Lin Tailai! You arrested the censor Ma Yongdeng without authorization. Do you think you are guilty?"

Governor Yang looked at Imperial Envoy Zhao in surprise. Logically speaking, Zhao Zhigao and Lin Tailai were in the same group. Why did he sound like he was asking for guilt?

What's going on? Internal strife? Lin Tailai's trampling on the overall dignity of the civil service group can't even be tolerated by his own people?

Lin Daguan replied calmly: "We, the Suzhou Guards, were ordered by the imperial court to guard Yangzhou Shuicicang with due diligence. But I don't know what happened, but people outside said we were mutinied.

That day, the horse patrol suddenly appeared outside the warehouse gate and forcibly framed us for mutiny, and then threatened to storm Shuici warehouse.

When questioned just now, he also admitted that he had indeed ordered the Yangzhou Guards to prepare to storm Shuicicang!

Our Cang army has the responsibility to defend the warehouse. How could we let Ma Xun press attack Shuicicang? So we had no choice but to detain Ma Xun press!"

Zhao Zhigao: "."

No wonder Lin Tailai asked Ma Xunqin first if he had given orders to prepare for a strong attack.

If the premise of mutiny did not exist, then the act of storming Shuicicang would certainly be a major crime.

Zhao Zhigao always felt that his heart was blocked and continued to ask angrily: "There is also Xiong Bingbei, what's going on?"

Lin Daguan didn't seem to have much interest in Xiong Bingbei, and replied casually:

"That was obviously a misunderstanding. It's all because our warehouse army was too vigilant and detained Xiong Bingbei who was wandering outside the warehouse door as a thief.

Later, we found out the situation and verified Xiong Bingbei's identity, and immediately released Xiong Bingbei.

As a Cangjun who is responsible for guarding warehouses, if it is a sin to be too vigilant and take one's errands too seriously, then I, Lin Tailai, have nothing to say!"

Zhao Zhigao: "."

As the minister of imperial envoy to quell rebellion, it may be superfluous for him to come here. It seems that it would be the same no matter who becomes the imperial envoy?

Listening to the exchange between Zhao Zhigao and Lin Tailai, Ma Xun covered his face and laughed angrily: "Hahahaha! You, Lin Tailai, don't hesitate to say what you say, it's extremely ridiculous!

Everyone in Yangzhou knows that you launched a mutiny, so why don’t you say you didn’t? It’s just stupid cover-up, ridiculous!”

Lin Tailai did not directly respond to Ma Xun's words. He looked around and finally found Commander Wan in the crowd, who was trying his best to become a transparent person.

Then he waved with a smile and shouted: "Commander Wan, please come over!"

Commander Wan, who was hiding in the crowd and eating melon, suddenly heard the call and was immediately filled with despair and walked slowly over.

Lin Daguan asked: "On the first day when I led my troops to Shuicicang, Commander Wan rushed over and was present the whole time. So, Commander Wan, is this a mutiny?"

Commander Wan sent Zhao Qin, Ma Xun, and Governor Yang to read them all, and repeatedly said:

"If you want to ask whether this is a mutiny, you must first ask me to clarify the definition of mutiny, that is to say, what kind of behavior can be called a mutiny. Then I can use the definition to determine whether this is a mutiny."

Lin Daguan replied directly: "The definition of mutiny is that for the sake of interests, the officers and soldiers do not obey the orders of their superiors, abandon their original duties, and forcibly launch a rebellion!"

Commander Wan was forced to have no choice but to hesitate and replied: "If we follow this definition, the Suzhou Weicang Army did not seek any additional benefits from the imperial court, nor did they disobey their superiors' orders.

He did not give up his duty to guard the warehouse, nor did he invade places, seize government offices, kill people, set fires, betray and surrender to the enemy, or engage in any other rebellious behavior."

Although Commander Wan did not directly state the conclusion, every sentence said that the behavior of the Suzhou Guardsmen did not meet the definition of mutiny.

As the Yangzhou Guard Commander where the incident occurred, Commander Wan's "testimony" is very "authoritative".

Official Lin turned to the horse patrol officer and shouted: "You said that everyone in Yangzhou knew about the mutiny, but now you have asked the commander of Yangzhou Weiwan, where is the mutiny? Is it only in your mouth, Ma Yongdeng?"

Ma Xun presses: "."

Can he and Governor Yang sacrifice all their remaining lifespans in exchange for Lin Tailai dying now?

Everyone present was so shocked that they were speechless for a while, and gained a deeper understanding of the idiom "reversing black and white".

All I could hear was that official Lin was still chattering: "In emergency situations, you have to do extraordinary things. What's wrong with me arresting the patrol censor Ma Yongdeng?"

If our Cang Army turns a blind eye and allows Ma Xunjian to organize troops to attack Shuicicang, we will be derelict in our duty! At that time, who will understand our Cang Army?"

The logic is so clear and simple. If there is no mutiny, then Ma Xunqian's attack on Shuicicang itself is a serious crime, and he deserves to be arrested by the Cang army.

Ma Xunzhen felt that his brain had turned into a ball of mush, he almost lost his ability to think, and he had no idea where to argue.

I was a dignified patrol censor who performed his duties normally, but was arrested and beaten. In the end, he was said to have committed a crime. Is this justified?

While looking around in confusion, Ma Xunjian accidentally caught a glimpse of someone named Yang, the governor of Fengyang. He suddenly sobered up a little. This man named Yang was the culprit!

Pointing at Governor Yang, Ma Xunjian shouted to Lin Tailai: "If it's not a mutiny, what is it if you arrest the governor and take him to Shuicicang?"

Governor Yang was very unhappy. It was enough for you, Ma Xun, to embarrass yourself, so why did you involve him again?

Lin Daguan said calmly: "Actually, you should have asked this question when you arrived at Shuicicang instead of ordering to prepare for a strong attack. Otherwise, you would not have been captured later.

As for why the governor was arrested, it was because the Suzhou Guards Army went to Yangzhou Shuicicang to garrison on the imperial edict and encountered the governor on the march."

Ma Xunjian felt that he was being treated as a fool and asked: "Shuicicang is beside the canal outside Yangzhou City. The normal marching route should be to cross the river from Guazhou and go north along the canal!"

But your so-called marching route took a detour to cross the river from Yizhen, and actually passed by Yangzhou City and even the Procuratorate, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

Lin Daguan said disdainfully: "If Ma Xunjing doesn't understand the art of war, please shut up! As the saying goes, soldiers are impermanent, power is impermanent, and water is impermanent. Is it true that the marching route is fixed and cannot be changed?"

Ma Xunjian held back his anger this time and watched quietly as Lin Daguan continued to make up his story.

"Anyway, we, the Suzhou Guards, passed by the Governor's Office when we were marching, and then we remembered that the Governor was preventing us from carrying out the imperial edict.

So we, the Suzhou Guards, went to the Governor's Court and asked to see the governor, but who knew that we broke up the conspiracy between the governor and the big families in Yangzhou, triggering public outrage among the officers and soldiers."

Hearing this, Ma Xunjian sneered: "What kind of public outrage? Is it so easy to have public outrage?

What did Governor Yang do that was so outrageous that it aroused public outrage? So it was all fabricated by you, Lin Tailai, right?"

Lin Daguan made a fuss and said, "No way? Ma Xunjian wouldn't be so forgetful, would he?"

Governor Yang has a criminal record! Half a year ago in February, when Governor Yang first took office, he caused a mutiny in the Suzhou Cao Army by shielding the salt merchant Zheng Zhiyan. Fortunately, I was present and worked hard to calm the situation.

This time, our Suzhou Guard officers and soldiers saw that Governor Yang was making trouble against the Suzhou Guards again, and was conspiring with wealthy businessmen to prevent us from properly executing the imperial edicts. How could we not generate public outrage?

At that time, Governor Yang was almost beaten to death by the angry officers and soldiers, but I, Lin Tailai, tried my best to protect him and saved Governor Yang's life."

Ma Xun presses: "."

It's connected, all the logical chains are connected, and it's self-explanatory from beginning to end.

"Stupid pig! Stop asking!" Governor Yang suddenly became furious and cursed directly at Ma Xunjian.

Ma Xunjian was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, and he immediately retorted angrily: "I have never seen such a stupid and stupid governor, and he was almost beheaded!"

The two big bosses in Jiangbei Fu suddenly left their common enemy Lin Daguan alone and started scolding each other.

In this noisy background, Official Lin remained calm, turned to Imperial Envoy Zhao who had been silent for a long time, and said sincerely:

"Although we went into the procuratorate to see Governor Yang, although we invited Governor Yang to come to Shuicicang, where we were stationed, and although we asked Governor Yang for an explanation, we really did not mutiny."

Zhao Zhigao: "."

He realized it, he really realized it. The thought of working so hard to help Lin Tailai get away with it is just self-indulgence!

It was not that Lin Tailai needed to be an imperial envoy himself, but that Lin Tailai wanted to be an imperial envoy himself.

Anyway, it's completely out of the question now, and all the plans before coming here are of no use.

Official Lin looked at the clerks on the left and right of Imperial Envoy Zhao and asked, "Have you written down the questions I asked just now, as well as my responses?"

The scribes looked at each other and replied, "I have remembered it all."

Official Lin then ordered: "As for Imperial Envoy Zhao's memorial, it will be based on my speech. You should draft it first and show it to me before submitting it.

In case the chief assistant is dissatisfied and sent back, it won't be troublesome enough!"

Commander Wan, who had been trying his best to be a transparent person among the big bosses, suddenly took two steps forward and coughed violently several times.

Watching Mr. Lin being treated as a defendant and treated as a judge, he is left to write his own verdict. If he doesn't move closer, he would be a fool!

Fortunately, I responded flexibly during the incident and did not confront Mr. Lin! There is still gray between black and white!

Official Lin glanced at Commander Wan a few times, and then told the imperial clerk: "You can add Commander Wan's remarks as circumstantial evidence."

The scribes had never seen such an arrogant subject under investigation. They were at a loss for a moment and then all looked at Imperial Envoy Zhao.

Zhao Zhigao sighed, waved his hand and said, "Do as he said."

Forget it! Even though he was a governor and imperial envoy to quell chaos, while Lin Tailai was only a fourth- or fifth-grade military attache. Officially, his status seemed to be superior to his own, but in Shen Shoufu's private mind, it was another matter.

Not to mention that within the Update Club, Lin Tailai was a member of the club, while he was just an ordinary member.

Accept your fate! Whether you can become the legendary Minister of Civil Affairs depends on Lin Tailai's strength.

Please vote for me! I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, no, I want to be on the list!!

This chapter has been completed!
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