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Chapter 320 A letter to the Nine Heavens

Shen Shoufu has been feeling miserable these past few days. Although he relaxed for a day during the Mid-Autumn Festival, he continues to feel miserable after the festival.

The biggest trouble is that the emperor is having sex with the ministers again!

Compared with this, things like the governor's arrest are minor cases.

The matter starts with the Zheng family, the royal relatives. Although Lin Tailai had previously taken away the Wu champion, the emperor still awarded the Zheng family a reward.

Concubine Zheng was directly promoted to the rank of imperial concubine, second only to the empress, while Father Zheng was promoted to the rank of first-grade governor and co-president, far exceeding the normal treatment for the father of an imperial concubine.

Although ministers generally opposed this kind of reward that did not require recognition by the civil service system, it could not stop the emperor's purpose.

A few days ago, there was a strange phenomenon in the capital, but the situation was not serious.

Therefore, the emperor does not need to issue edicts to offend himself, but he still has to follow the usual practice of issuing edicts to speak out, and let each government office report whether there is anything that harms people's livelihood, so as to rely on God's will.

As a result, many ministers went to court one after another, but what they discussed was the issue of Zheng being named the imperial concubine, the issue that the emperor's eldest son's biological mother was just an ordinary concubine, and the issue of why the emperor's eldest son was not established as the Eastern Palace.

This situation made Emperor Wanli very angry and asked all your yamen to investigate and correct themselves, but you are making random comments and making irresponsible remarks about the emperor's family affairs!

Emperor Wanli was so angry that he severely punished the two ministers who spoke the most vehemently, and then other ministers came to dissuade them one after another, and at the same time scolded Zheng.

So Shen Shixing, the first assistant, was caught between the emperor and the ministers again, and it was difficult to behave on both sides.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, because Shen Shoufu had a "feud" with the Zheng family, the emperor did not force Shen Shoufu to directly publicly express his position on the Zheng family issue, which made Shen Shoufu feel a little better.

We must thank Lin Tailai very much for this. "Enmity" with the Zheng family is the "political legacy" left by Lin Tailai.

Even if Shen Shoufu is vague and does not express his position, no one can take the opportunity to attack Shen Shoufu for protecting the Zheng family.

While having dinner at home, Shen Shoufu said with emotion to his eldest son Shen Yongmao: "Whenever there is chaos, I miss Lin Tailai a lot."

Although Lin Tailai only stayed in the capital for two months, he left such a deep impression on Shen Shoufu that he will never forget it.

Then Shen Shixing said: "You two brothers may have to rely on Lin Tailai in the future."

Shen Yongmao: "."

How does it feel to listen to your father praising "other people's children" when you are already working in your twenties?

Shen Yongmao couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Is Lin Tailai that good?"

Shen Shixing replied: "If Lin Tailai is here, he can at least help me share 80% of the pressure."

Shen Yongmao said with a bit of ridicule: "I heard at the Ministry of War that another memorial from Yangzhou was sent to the General Affairs Department. Father doesn't know about it yet, right?"

The General Affairs Department is the yamen that specializes in collecting memorials from all parties, and then sends the memorials received yesterday to the cabinet every morning.

Although no one has the power to deal with memorials before they are sent to the cabinet, some memorials will inevitably be peeked in advance.

It was for this purpose that Yan Song placed party member Zhao Wenhua in the General Affairs Department.

So Shen Shixing was not surprised that Shen Yongmao would know something about it: "What did the memorial in Yangzhou say?"

Shen Yongmao's sarcastic tone became even stronger, "Yangzhou Guards and Yangzhou Prefecture jointly announced that Lin Tailai has captured the patrol censor Ma Yongdeng again!"

"You're just playing the piano randomly!" Shen Shixing was taken aback and couldn't help but curse lightly.

The arrest of the governor before could be said to be "excusable". After all, the governor took the initiative to provoke him first, and he had the protective color of not punishing the public for mass incidents.

But if the horse patrolman who went to the scene to deal with it was arrested, it would be a big trouble.

First, because the horse patrol officer has done nothing wrong according to the procedures, catching the horse patrol officer can be regarded as defying the imperial court;

The second reason is that Ma Yongdeng is a member of the Qing Dynasty. Unlike Governor Yang, an orphan who died of his relatives, he has a strong background in the court.

So when Lin Tailai captured Ma Yongdeng, it was like poking a hornet's nest.

Shen Yongmao said with a bit of schadenfreude: "Father, let's think about how to clean up Lin Tailai's mess first.

Don't always think that Lin Tailai is good at cleaning up troubles, but also remember that Lin Tailai is also good at making troubles!"

As expected, Shen Shoufu was subsequently besieged by the Qingliu forces, and more than a dozen memorials were filed accusing Shen Shoufu of harboring Lin Tailai.

This put Shen Shoufu into a huge passive position, racking his brains every day to figure out how to deal with it.

It stands to reason that Shen Shoufu has rich experience in being besieged and can deal with it with ease. He should not be so passive and embarrassed.

But this time is different from before. In the past, most of the criticisms made by others were based on rumors or even fabrications.

This time, others criticized the chief assistant for shielding Lin Tailai. This was not a fabricated crime, but a real thing, so it was more troublesome to deal with it.

All the above things are mixed together, which is why Shen Shoufu is so miserable around the Mid-Autumn Festival.

During this period of continuous distress, the memorial from Zhao Zhigao, the imperial envoy to quell the rebellion, finally arrived at the court.

This memorial immediately caused a sensation, because the wording "no mutiny" was really bullying.

If it weren't for the seal of Zhao Zhigao on the outer cover of the memorial, the courtiers would even suspect that Lin Tailai wrote it under his own name!

However, Zhao Zhigao, the imperial envoy, was appointed by Chief Minister Shen, and Lin Tailai was a disciple of the Shen family. It was too blatant to come to such a conclusion in the end.

So the Qingliu forces impeached Shen Shoufu and worked harder, feeling that with more effort, they could unseat Shen Shoufu.

As for what will happen after Shen Shoufu is deposed, I can't think of it yet. Let's do it first.

But for some unknown reason, Zhao Zhigao's memorial was ignored by the emperor, which triggered various speculations inside and outside the court.

Even Shen Shoufu felt a little numb. Originally, as long as the emperor still supported him, he didn't have to worry too much no matter how big the turmoil in the court was.

But what does it mean to leave out key parts of the memorial?

Many people speculated that the emperor wanted to use this incident to manipulate Shen Shoufu and force Shen Shoufu to express his position on the Zheng family and the East Palace issue?

Shen Shoufu felt a little out of control and asked the emperor once. The emperor replied: "I will meet with the court at the banquet tomorrow."

So the emperor took the opportunity to turn boring lectures into slightly less boring meetings.

The ministers were very happy after hearing the news.

Since the monarch and his ministers quarreled over the issue of Zheng's reward, the emperor has not gone to court and has not seen his ministers.

More than half a month has passed and the emperor will finally be able to show his face tomorrow.

On the second day, all the ministers who were qualified to go to the palace gathered outside the Wenhua Palace, waiting for the emperor to be enthroned in the imperial palace.

The emperor's thoughts were unclear, and even Shen Shoufu was a little uneasy, not knowing what the outcome would be today.

Most of the ministers were preparing drafts for the emperor's inquiry. Only Wang Zhiyuan, the Minister of Household Affairs, was still taking advantage of every opportunity to distribute "Lin Tailai's Mid-Autumn Poems".

Shen Shixing couldn't help but ask: "Are you not worried at all?"

Wang Situ replied rationally: "What's the use of worrying? Is it possible to regret breaking off the engagement?"

In this era, regretting and breaking off an engagement is a moral stain and will be caught and attacked by political opponents.

Next to him, Shen Li, the Minister of Rites, interjected: "I heard that Lin Tailai founded the Renewal Society, and there has been a lack of a serious leader. You two gentlemen would be suitable."

When the sun rose, the eunuch summoned the ministers to come to the palace to see him.

After the ceremony, Emperor Wanli on the throne took the initiative and said: "I saw Zhao Zhigao's memorial the day before yesterday, and there are many things in it that are worth discussing."

Although everyone knows the contents of the memorial, they still pretend not to know at this time.

Because according to the process, after the memorial was sent to the emperor, the emperor had not yet issued it, so in theory, ministers from other dynasties should not know the content of the memorial.

After that, I heard Emperor Wanli command: "Read it!"

There was an attendant from the Zhongshu Keshe who held Zhao Zhigao's memorial and read it aloud.

Although everyone had some understanding of the content of the memorial before, they had not directly read the memorial and did not know what the full text of the memorial looked like.

After listening and reading it at this time, everyone realized that this memorial seemed to be a bit off topic.

Except for the sophistry theme of "there is no mutiny", the memorial only uses a short paragraph to criticize Governor Yang, who is supposed to be the protagonist. Most of the remaining space is spent cursing the censor Ma Yongdeng.

Therefore, this memorial was so detailed that all the ministers in the palace could not understand it.

Normal people can understand that Ma Yongdeng is not the main party involved. What problem can be solved by scolding Ma Yongdeng?

Could it be that scolding Ma Yongdeng, who later put out the fire, would make Lin Tailai not guilty of setting the fire?

Only Shen Shoufu was certain that this memorial was either ghostwritten by Lin Tailai or directed by Lin Tailai.

Who else but Lin Tailai could come up with such inexplicable writing skills?

Just like when Lin Tailai encouraged Li Rusong to write a memorial about the longevity palace, it was equally inexplicable, but it had a miraculous effect.

Emperor Wanli asked: "Who sent Ma Yongdeng?"

Zhao Huan, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, said: "As for the most important positions of the censor, they are all dispatched after consultation with Duxian. The inspector Ma Yongdeng is nominated by Xin Zixiu, the censor of Zuodu."

Now Xin Zixiu could not help but come forward, and he also wrote a memorial: "What Zhao Zhigao said in the memorial is all one-sided, and many of it confuses right and wrong.

What's more, the cause of the mutiny originally had nothing to do with Ma Yongdeng, but the memorial heavily criticized Ma Yongdeng, which is suspected of evading important matters and taking lightly."

Emperor Wanli sneered and said: "Maybe there was no mutiny in Yangzhou, but because of Ma Yongdeng, there was a mutiny."

Xin Zixiu was shocked and said subconsciously: "Why did your Majesty say this? It will chill the hearts of the ministers who are doing the work."

Emperor Wanli said very harshly: "What did Ma Yongdeng do? He failed to attack and was captured instead?"

None of the ministers understood why a mere memorandum that "confused right and wrong" caused the emperor to have such distinct likes and dislikes?

If you can make the emperor hate someone so casually, then what the hell is wrong with everyone else!

Xin Zixiu's words were blocked, and Shen Li, the Minister of Rites, asked, "What exactly is Ma Yongdeng's fault? Please tell me if you dare."

Emperor Wanli said: "If there is real trouble in the local area, whose responsibility is it to respond immediately?"

Shen Li thought for a moment and then replied: "The minister in charge of military affairs, or the garrison officers and soldiers."

Emperor Wanli asked again: "What are the responsibilities of Ma Yongdeng, the inspector?"

Shen Li then replied: "Inspect local areas, supervise government affairs, and evaluate officials."

Emperor Wanli said: "When the accident occurred that day, Yangzhou Guards had already arrived at the scene to deploy and began contact negotiations.

Why did Ma Yongdeng, who did not have the authority to supervise military affairs, dare to take over the scene, directly dispatch and command the Yangzhou Guard, and order a storm?

If Ma Yongdeng hadn’t overstepped his authority and indiscriminately commanded, irritating the rebels, maybe the situation would have calmed down long ago!”

Everyone: "."

The patrol censor has a special status. He is a third-level official. This has long been an established official rule. What does it mean to command the army on the spot?

Of course, this rule is not clearly written into the system, just like the power of the cabinet is not written into the system. In the "Da Ming Huidian", the cabinet is only a branch of the Hanlin Academy.

In the official system of the Ming Dynasty, many of these actual practices were different from or even misaligned with the Ming Dynasty system.

Therefore, if the emperor does not acknowledge the power of the patrol censor at this moment, then others cannot theoretically refute it.

No one knows how this Ma Yongdeng offended the emperor and was whipped repeatedly by the emperor.

I also heard the emperor reprimanding Xin Zixiu resolutely:

"Ma Yongdeng was sent out by your Dudu Procuratorate, and you, the Zuodu Censor, can hardly absolve yourself of the blame!"

Being accused like this by the emperor, Xin Zixiu could only kowtow and apologize.

Emperor Wanli said unceremoniously: "You must go to court and take care of yourself!"

The implication of this is that you should resign on your own initiative to give you the last chance of dignity!

It was not a trivial matter that Zuodu Yushi, one of the Seven Qings, was forced to resign. This change was so sudden that most of the courtiers were shocked.

Shen Li, the Minister of Rites, hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, think twice! Important matters for the country must not be acted upon by one's own will."

Shen Li was once the official lecturer of Emperor Wanli, so he was able to speak in such a teaching tone.

At this time, a minister jumped out and said: "A few months ago, the Imperial Examiner sent a censor to cheat on the martial arts test, and Xin Zixiu has been demoted and retained!

I don’t want Ma Yongdeng, the patrol officer he nominated and dispatched, to make a big mistake again this time. Shouldn’t he be held accountable?”

Shen Li also wanted to say a few words for Xin Zixiu, but Emperor Wanli said: "I have made up my mind, no more words!"

Looking at Xin Zixiu leaving sadly, some ministers wondered in their hearts, could it be that Yan Guan had angered the emperor recently, so the emperor took advantage of the situation and directed his anger towards Xin Zixiu?

Emperor Wanli said again: "As Zhao Zhigao said in his memorial, Ma Yongdeng was guilty of two crimes. First, he overstepped his authority indiscriminately; second, he acted arbitrarily without reporting to his superiors!

As a result, the chaos became bigger and bigger, and even if there was no mutiny, a mutiny was forced!

Not only the Metropolitan Procuratorate should reflect on these lessons, but all officials must learn from them!"

Facing the emperor's teachings, the ministers could only listen with gratitude.

Finally, Emperor Wanli took the opportunity to announce: "In order to prevent Ma Yongdeng from such random behavior, I have formulated regulations for officials to refrain from speaking and doing things in the future.

First, it can only be limited to the responsibilities of the yamen or the individual, and is not allowed to exceed the authority indiscriminately;

Secondly, the submission must be approved by the chiefs of each yamen and cannot be presented directly!"

Ministers: "."

The emperor had been playing tricks for a long time, but it turned out that the problem was here, and he used Ma Yongdeng to counterattack the Yan Guan who was jumping up and down recently!

Before the ministers could react, Emperor Wanli waved his sleeves, retreated from the court, and hid in the palace.

The leader of the Qingliu forces and the Minister of Rites, Shen Li, suppressed his anger and said to Shen Shixing: "The first assistant is very calculating! Get rid of a general constitution without bloodshed!"

Shen Shixing: "???"

He didn't do anything. He didn't say a word in the meeting today. So what does it have to do with Xin's self-cultivation and his own unlucky fate?

To be honest, even he sympathized with Xin Zixiu, his political opponent.

Who would have thought that while Lin Tailai was punching and kicking in Yangzhou, the most unlucky person would be the censor of Zuodu, two thousand miles away?

Thinking that Xin Zixiu's dismissal from office had no direct relationship with him, Shen Shoufu suddenly felt a little disappointed.

If Lin Tailai could directly synchronize brain waves with the emperor, how useful would he be as the first assistant?

The coding status feels so-so.

This chapter has been completed!
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