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Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Two women fighting for husband?

Author: Let the breeze go

Chapter 34 Two women fighting for husband?

In the heart of the county magistrate, he was inclined to support the filial woman surnamed Fan in her claim, but this was not because of any transaction relationship.

It's because the filial woman surnamed Fan has just proved through some performances that she is familiar with laws and human relations, so she is a person who knows how to "make trouble".

As long as one's own interests are not involved, the verdict will generally be in favor of those who are good at "making trouble" so as not to cause more trouble. This is human nature.

The county magistrate then said to Mrs. Fan: "If Mr. Lin only pays you a small amount of silver, it would be unfair to you.

But he can’t pay you endless compensation from his future income, it’s not fair!”

Mrs. Fan responded: "Although I heard that some people wanted to give gold and silver to Mr. Lin, the women of the people did not ask for much and would not want gold and silver that could not be produced.

Mr. Lin only needs to take out 30% of the property investment within one year and pay it to me as compensation.

If Mr. Lin has no intention of buying a property, he will pay half of the gold and silver as compensation."

Hearing this, Lin Tailai was finally sure that this woman was not trying to make money or repair herself, but was really trying to bind herself.

She could help herself get five hundred taels of "venture capital", and then she wanted to determine the shareholding ratio in this way.

By replacing shares with compensation, the magistrate's judgment is legally binding! It must be said that Mrs. Fan's idea is quite clever.

No wonder she agreed to help him attract investment when he didn't even come up with a project.

It turns out that I didn’t look at the project at all, but only for myself!

After thinking about it calmly, Dr. Lin found that he had no reason to refuse unless he didn't want the five hundred taels of silver at all.

At this time, Huang Suzhen, another five-dollar girl who was on trial, suddenly had alarm bells ringing in her heart!

A woman's intuition tells her that there is something wrong with the unruly dutiful woman in front of her!

After her thoughts suddenly changed, Huang Xiaomei immediately said to the magistrate: "Master Qingtian is here, but this little girl also has another complaint!

The law stipulates that half of the family property should be compensated if the injury was unprovoked, but this time there was a reason for the incident, not without reason.

That night, the Nu family deliberately told Lin Zhuangshi their experiences, which aroused Lin Zhuangshi's indignation, which led Lin Zhuangshi to take action against Wu Yikui.

The slave family is willing to replace Lin Zhuangshi and compensate Widow Fan for the crime of assault and injury!"

Mrs. Fan looked back at Xiaomei Huang in surprise, and she felt strong hostility from her.

I snorted coldly in my heart, who wants compensation from you, a drinking fan? If you want to fight, then fight!

Then he reported to the county magistrate: "It is prohibited by law to take the blame for someone else's crime. It was Lin Tailai who injured my late husband, not the girl surnamed Huang.

What's more, the close relationship between Lin Tailai and the daughter named Huang is not that of father and daughter, husband and wife, or brother and sister, so what qualifications do they have to blame each other?"

Huang Xiaomei immediately retorted: "It was the slave family who deliberately lured Lin Zhuangshi into action, so the slave family was the instigator.

There has always been a distinction between principals and accomplices in the same crime. The one who instigated the crime should be designated as the principal. Therefore, it is only right that the slave family should be responsible for compensating Widow Fan.

A man like Lin Zhuangshi, who has a strong body and a simple mind, was completely bewitched by the slave family before taking action in anger, and can only be regarded as an accessory."

Lin Tailai was speechless. What does it mean to have a developed body and a simple mind?

Five Money Girl, you are so confused. If this was not in court, I would have asked you to organize your speech again!

Madam Fan over there was not to be outdone, and she refuted it without falling behind: "There is no actual evidence to prove that there are principal culprits and accomplices!

All we can say is that both of them were responsible for the death of her late husband! Now Huang Xiaomei has been sentenced, but Lin is still blameless.

It would be a blasphemy against the law if Xiaomei Huang was allowed to bear all the blame and someone Lin was left unpunished!

What's more, as the victim's widow, the woman is only willing to ask Lin to be punished and pay compensation! Please also ask Mr. Qingtian to be kind and understand the plight of the woman!"

Seeing the two women talking to each other and quarreling back and forth, everyone watching the trial felt a little weird.

How could the scene of a good trial show the feeling of two women fighting for their husbands?

One wants Lin Zhuangshi to live or die, while the other would rather bear all the blame himself than let Lin Zhuangshi out.

If that was the case, Lin Zhuangshi must have been feeling very bitter when being pushed to the limit by such two powerful women, and it must have been difficult to make a choice.

The county magistrate was also confused, and the case became more and more bizarre as it went through.

He immediately stopped the two women from continuing to bicker, and turned to Lin Tailai and asked, "I want you to come up and make a statement!"

Lin Tailai replied without hesitation: "How can I, a tall and dignified man, let a woman take the blame for me? I accept this punishment!"

Then he said to Huang Xiaomei: "I didn't intend to hurt Wu Yikui that day. If I use you to take the blame, wouldn't you become someone who wants to repay a favor?"

Huang Xiaomei didn't know about the five hundred taels of venture capital. The look in her eyes when she looked at Lin Tailai was full of grief and anger!

While he was in prison, Lin Zhuangshi had indeed hooked up with another woman, and she was also the enemy's woman!

The people watching outside the lobby didn’t know the truth, but they all cheered for Lin Zhuangshi! Don’t evade responsibility, act like a man!

After hearing the applause, Dr. Lin had an idea and started composing a poem: "There is a poem below. Seven Feet is full of spirit. It is more likely to cause accidental injuries when you are drunk! If you reject the girl righteously, the world will feel cold!"

After finishing chanting, Lin Tailai glanced at the county magistrate.

As a strong man like myself, it is definitely a rare thing to suddenly be able to write poetry!

If it could arouse the interest of the county magistrate, wouldn't it immediately lead to prosperity?

However, after the observation, I only found that the county magistrate just frowned and didn't express much.

So Dr. Lin increased the pressure again and continued to recite poems and said: "There is another poem below. How can a man of seven feet sink? He is born with strong bones and strong energy! How can you become a hero if you are afraid of sin? I follow my heart one after another!"

The county magistrate raised his head and subconsciously asked, "How can you only be seven feet tall?"

Lin Tailai was very surprised that the county magistrate seemed completely indifferent to his ability to write poetry.

It's strange, why does this method fail? Isn't this the case with all Internet writing routines?

After thinking about it, I still can't figure it out. Dr. Lin really doesn't understand, where is the problem?

The magistrate probably had a good-natured character, and kindly reminded him: "I will be retiring in a few months, so it is useless for you to show off your talents here!"

Lin Tailai: "." It's really flattering to a blind man.

This unlucky guy finally managed to talk to the county government's supreme leader, but he will leave in a few months!

No wonder the most important task of the county government in the first half of the year is to collect last year's tax arrears, which is directly related to whether the county magistrate can safely step down from office.

I don’t know who the next county magistrate will be. It would be great if he is a great talent, so that he and I can have a lot in common.

Yuan Hongdao, a literary figure of the Xingling School, had served as the magistrate of Wuxian County during the Wanli Period, and was probably the most famous magistrate of Wuxian County. He might be the next one.

Today I am mainly focusing on figuring out the details of the next stage, because I have to push 100,000 words on smart posts, and there may be more updates in the next two days, so stay tuned.

(End of chapter)

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