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Chapter 354 Do you think

It was another bright spring morning. Old Alliance Leader Wang was looking at the patrolling sergeants outside. While he was in a trance, Lin Tailai suddenly walked into the courtyard in a hurry.

"Mr. Yanzhou! Your old friends must come to see you! Do you want to see them?" Lin Daguan stood outside the hall and shouted.

Alliance leader Wang Lao replied without thinking: "No!"

What’s the point of seeing yourself like this? Let others see how you were ravaged?

Lin Tailai added: "But they put pressure on me, and I couldn't resist it, so I could only help them go to Pingshan Hall."

The old alliance leader said angrily: "Then what are you asking me for?"

Lin Daguanren said: "I just want to say that they must see you, not that I arranged for them to come.

All in all, no matter what they say or do after they see you, it has nothing to do with me, please understand in your heart."

Having dominated the literary world for thirty years, Wang Lao, leader of the alliance, has rich experience in struggle. When he heard Lin Daguan's words, he felt vaguely that something was wrong.

I am in the most embarrassing moment right now, and my old friends must come to see me at this time. What is their intention?

In other words, it’s okay for others to want to come and see you, but it’s very problematic if they want to come and see you through Lin Tailai!

Not everyone may have malicious intentions, but you can't rule out that there are one or two bad elements in the crowd, right?

It doesn't matter. I have encountered countless challengers over the years, but haven't I been able to deal with them all by various means? Except for a few barbarians.

Official Lin waved his hand at the courtyard door, and then saw more than ten people filing in. They were all heavyweights in the literary world who were only under the leader Wang Lao, as well as Wang Shizhen's younger brother Wang Shimao.

Everyone was sitting in the Pingshan Hall chatting. Old leader Wang said a few greetings, his eyes swept over everyone one by one, and finally locked on Wang Daokun.

In the mind of the old alliance leader, if there are bad elements in the crowd, the Wang Daokun brothers must be the most suspected.

Going back to the ancient school under the banner of the retro school is Wang Daokun.

As the hegemon in the literary world, Alliance Leader Wang didn't like passive defense and counterattack, so he directly probed: "I heard that Wang Taihan took the Three Hundred Poems as his sect and compiled ancient and modern poems, each under the Fengya Ode, into a "Book of Poetry"? "

Wang Daokun replied: "There is indeed this book."

Alliance leader Wang Lao said again: "I also heard that there are actually poems from the Song and Yuan dynasties in the "Book of Songs"?"

Wang Daokun also answered calmly: "Indeed."

The old alliance leader Wang snorted coldly and rebuked: "The people of the Song Dynasty look old but are indifferent, and the people of the Yuan Dynasty seem handsome but are simple and vulgar. They are useless!"

Wang Daokun directly retorted: "To select the classics of poetry, we should weigh them according to the three hundred standards of style, elegance and praise in "Poetry".

Regardless of the time period, poetry from the Song and Yuan dynasties should also be included in the selection."

After a few rounds, the old alliance leader Wang understood that at least the Wang brothers came with bad intentions.

As we all know, the slogan of the retro school is "Poetry must flourish in the Tang Dynasty". This is a tradition inherited from Li Mengyang, one of the older generation leaders and one of the first seven sons. They regard the poetry of the Song and Yuan Dynasties as rubbish and completely abandon it and ignore it.

Leader Wang said calmly: "Several years ago, Li Yulin compiled a collection of poems, "Ancient and Modern Poems", which selected poems from ancient Yi, Han to Tang dynasties and other dynasties, excluding Song and Yuan dynasties.


At that time, you, Wang Daokun, also said that only ancient Taoism was foreign, and you changed your considerations and sought Tang style. Why do you repeat it today?"

Wang Daokun replied: "From youth to old age, through sedimentation, the state of mind naturally becomes enlightened. How can we live in the past and not change?"

The principles of learning from ancient poetry that you mentioned only satisfy the specific poetic aesthetics of the elders like Li Mengyang and others, and narrowly limit the scope of poetry learning.

As early as the Jiajing Dynasty, this principle of learning was slightly disliked by the later generations of heroes, and many people preferred the style of the early Tang Dynasty.

Today, it’s time for some changes.”

Alliance leader Wang Lao asked: "With such criticism of Li Mengyang, it seems that you, Wang Taihan, want to establish another branch?"

Wang Daokun could not avoid it and responded positively: "The way of poetry cannot only be based on learning from the past, but also requires learning from the past. Li Mengyang's theory..."

Li Mengyang is the leader of the First Seven Sons, the founder and source figure of the retro style. When talking about poetry theory nowadays, Li Mengyang cannot be avoided.

At this time, the most angry person was not Alliance Leader Wang Lao, but Wang Zhideng.

He felt that he was looked down upon again. You, Wang Shizhen, only looked for Wang Daokun, but you didn't even look at him, Wang Zhideng.

I have been looking down on myself like this since twenty years ago!

So Wang Zhideng stood up and forcibly intervened in the conversation: "Wang Fengzhou, as a Wu native, you don't care about the predecessors of the local literary circle or the contemporary people who interpret strange things, but you only complain about Li Mengyang in Kansai, and you are destined to die."


I think that Li Mengyang has great merit but little career, his poems are high-pitched but straightforward in meaning, great in talent but sparse in emotion, correct in style but mediocre in rhythm, and he has more than enough power but not enough skill!

Nowadays, the scholars all over the world are talking about idle words and gossiping. Isn’t it sad?”

If just now Wang Shizhen and Wang Daokun were discussing matters and arguing about theoretical lines, then Wang Zhideng directly attacked them.

Lin Daguan, who was watching from the side, finally couldn't stand it anymore. Is this the most high-end literary fight in the world?

Add a few more curse words and you'll be scolding each other in public, and you'll finally have a place to be useful.

As expected, the literary world of the Ming Dynasty would not be able to survive without him, Lin Tailai.

So Lin Daguan stood up, his tall and majestic figure seemed to envelope everyone.

Then I heard Lin Daguan say: "Does Wang Laodeng think that Li Mengyang's works are too artificial, not as peaceful as they are peaceful, imitating profoundly, but not fully integrated, and lacking in human touch?"

All in all, Li Mengyang's level is not good at all, and he is not as good as several seniors from Wuzhong School, such as the Four Great Talents from Jiangnan.

Does Wang Laoden still think that Li Mengyang was able to strengthen the retro faction and become a leader in the literary world just because he was good at forming cliques, and because other people of his generation were worse?"

Everyone: "..."

The best thing you can say is just Li Mengyang.

Also, what is Wang Laodeng’s nickname?

Also, does Lao Dengzi really think so?

Wang Shizhen was not without help. His younger brother Wang Shimao glanced at Lin Tailai angrily, and then chose to fight back at Wang Zhideng:

"In recent times, there are many people who love the ancient times, especially those who are not knowledgeable. They cannot learn from Li Mengyang's spirit, but love to take risks, pretend to be stupid, and like to make shocking words, but their elegance is dull.

There are a lot of works that like to imitate the retro style, and naturally the good and bad are mixed, and there are so many fake works that people in the world have misunderstandings!"

Lin Daguan stood up again and added to Wang Zhideng: "Does Leader Wang and his brother think that the reputation of the retro sect has declined because you, the so-called Buyishan people who failed in the imperial examination, are too rubbish?

After all, there are more and more people who claim to be Buyi Mountain people, and the number is huge.

Does Mr. Wang, the leader of the alliance, still feel that the Buyishan people obviously don’t know much about the purpose of retroism, but because of the huge retro trend, they deliberately imitate the ancients for the sake of reputation and advancement, and copy them mechanically and spread them widely. Instead, they

Is retroism getting a bad rap?”

Wang Shimao was stunned, who "felt" like riding a horse?

This map cannon is so big that it directly includes the entire mountain people group.

How could this "uneducated person" as he calls himself become a Buyishan native?

Also, his name is Wang Shimao, not Alliance Leader Wang’s brother!

So after Wang Zhideng, the world's best civilian poet, listened to Lin Daguanren's additional explanation, he became even more angry at Wang Shizhen!

This Wang Shizhen actually didn't even scold him personally, but only used his younger brother Wang Shimao to scold him!

Also, the two Wang brothers who passed the imperial examination and became officials really looked down on me, a commoner from the mountain!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhideng's attitude became more intense and he scolded him directly:

"Wang Fengzhou, you have no control over your articles in recent times. In the past twenty or thirty years, who dares to disobey your authority?

The trend of writing poems, plagiarizing and imitating is also indulged by you under the banner of retro, so so many people regard it as a shortcut to the south, and the group imitates it to flatter you!

Although your disciples and disciples are spread all over the sea, you can only gain fame for a moment, and will eventually be destroyed for all eternity!"

But for some reason, everyone here subconsciously looked at Mr. Lin. Do you have anything to add?

But official Lin said to Wang Zhideng: "Old man, please calm down! Don't be so excited!"

Then he said to Wang Shizhen: "Old leader, please say something!"

Alliance leader Wang Lao said: "I would like to hear Master Wang Taihan's noble opinions."

Wang Daokun secretly cursed Wang Zhideng. Just now he should have started talking by himself, but Wang Zhideng jumped out to talk.

Now that the conversation finally came back, Wang Daokun said in a very profound tone: "My writings are born from my heart, and my heart is used by my spirit. If I use my writing to serve my heart, my spirit will be suppressed, and if I use my heart to serve my writing, my spirit will act."

Alliance leader Wang Lao did not respond directly, but turned to Lin Tailai tactfully and asked: "What do you think?"

As a figure who has dominated the literary world for thirty years, he is still very capable.

Official Lin frowned and replied: "Wang Taihan, can you speak to others?"

Wang Daokun glanced at Lin Tailai and said smoothly: "If there are shallow people, it doesn't matter if they don't understand."

Wang Daoguan, the younger brother of the Wang family, heard his brother's words and secretly screamed "Oh no!"

My brother has never seen Lin Tailai show off his power with his own eyes, and has never dealt with Lin Tailai directly. The tone of this sentence is too contemptuous!

Lin Daguan immediately said loudly: "Wang Taihan, don't you just think that when writing is born from the heart, it should have a peaceful and peaceful spirit. Since the heart is the spiritual body, supported by the spirit of the divine king, it can serve as a leader and slaughter hundreds of people.

Then the official of Qi is almost non-human.

Do you still feel that poetry can only express one's ambitions and express one's inner voice? Poetry is outstanding, and it can only be obtained by those who concentrate on it. When you sit down and forget, you will be in meditation, and when you are official, you will be walking in spirit. His heart is latent, and if he is latent, he will be deep and natural.

The environment comes from it.

Is this true or not? Do you think so?"

Wang Daokun: "..."

I don’t want what you think, I want what I feel!

"Who doesn't know how to speak other people's words?" Mr. Lin finally said proudly.

Everyone was inexplicably surprised. Although Lin Daguan often did not speak human words, this was the first time that he did not speak human words like this.

Wang Daokun, who was about to sit down and talk, suddenly fell silent after fighting Wang Shizhen for 300 rounds. He felt that if he continued to elaborate, he would not be more inhumane than Lin Tailai.

The old alliance leader Wang smiled slightly and took the opportunity to speak: "The clothes in the house and the advantages of the boat are all created by the ancient saints, and they have been masters for hundreds of generations. The works of later saints cannot be changed.

Therefore, when discussing, we must refer to the ancestors, and when we make weapons, we must follow the rails. It is said that the ancients created the law and taught it for hundreds of generations. You cannot learn from the heart and learn from the ancients."

Wang Daokun just said why we need to learn from the heart, and Wang Shizhen said why we need to learn from the ancients.

I have to say that it makes sense for Wang Shizhen to be the leader of the literary world. This theory is explained in simple and simple terms, very easy to understand, and its dissemination is much better than Wang Daokun's human words.

Wang Daokun was still sinking into the sadness of not being as good as Wu Zhuangyuan if he didn't speak human words, so he forgot to respond to the old leader Wang.

His younger brother Wang Daoguan quickly used a move to "repay the favor" and asked Lin Tailai: "What do you think of what Fengzhou said?"

Official Lin turned around and faced Wang Shizhen: "Old leader, your life is so rough that I can't even stand it.

If you want me to help you summarize it, it only takes one sentence. Do you think that the ancients got my heart first, and learning from the ancients is the heart of a teacher?"

Alliance leader Wang Lao also fell silent for a moment. A long paragraph of his own words was far less subtle than Lin Tailai's sentence "The ancients first gained my heart, and learning from the ancients is the teacher's heart"!

Everyone: "."

The biggest question today is, where are you, Lin Tailai, from?

In order to protect his brother, Wang Shimao had to stand up and work hard to smooth things over: "The teacher's mind is outward to learn from others, but the teacher's mind is inward to learn from himself. It is said that there is no intention to learn from the ancients, but there is success in the mind of the teacher."

My brother once said that when you are full of energy and speak fluently, you can speak with your own talent, stop with your own style, and speak with ambiguity, this is the best in the world."

What does it mean to "exercise your own talents and stop with your own style"? Now most people really didn't understand, and they all turned to look at the old leader Wang.

Alliance leader Wang Lao gave an explanation that lived up to expectations: "The so-called coming out of one's own talent and stopping one's own style means that we need both the normative consciousness of the Style School and the emphasis on freedom and naturalness.

Finally, a poetic expression method is achieved that does not reveal the hidden path and does not show traces of imitation."

Everyone suddenly realized that this theory sounded perfect. It could integrate the teacher's heart and teacher's past, style and nature. Could this be the latest literary thought of Mr. Wang?

While everyone was trying to figure it out, Wang Zhideng suddenly laughed "hahahahaha" several times, disturbing others' thinking.

I also heard Wang Zhideng say: "It suddenly sounds reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that under the surface perfection, it is completely inconsistent with itself!

Using talent and thinking under the premise of the existence of stipulated style is equivalent to dancing in shackles. It is not impossible to form, but it is difficult to truly achieve the state of God and state, forgetting both things and myself. On the contrary, it is easy to focus on one thing and lose all charm!"

Wang Shizhen said unceremoniously: "Your abilities, Wang Baigu, are limited and you can't do anything you can't do!"

Finally being directly named by leader Wang Lao, Wang Zhideng counterattacked directly: "It is not so much that you have a new enlightenment, but it is better to say that it is the product of your reluctant integration of the two concepts of teacher's heart and teacher's past, style and nature!

This is so difficult, I don’t think even Wang Fengzhou can do it! It can even be said that no one in the world can do it!"

Pingshan Hall fell into silence again, and everyone asked themselves, indeed they couldn't do it.

This theory is just an ideal perfect model, but it is unrealistic and more like a fantasy.

At this time, Lin Daguan's figure suddenly enveloped everyone again, and he said with a playful smile:

"I feel that if I can do it, I may be the only one in the world who can do it. Except for me, no one else here can do it."

This is the first time Lin Daguan said "I think" today.

This chapter was so difficult to write. I wrote it for two days and lost a handful of hair! This kind of content is really thankless. I’d better write less in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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