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Chapter 356 The people in the song never leave

Human energy is limited, and the ability to accept is also limited within a certain period of time.

At today's Hirayama Hall conference, the information density can be said to be highly saturated.

Not only are people constantly colliding with each other, but all kinds of new viewpoints and new theories are emerging one after another, and even more and more.

In particular, Lin Tailai actually mentioned the four major poetic theories in one breath. Which one does not need to be digested by everyone?

Pure theory itself is very boring and extremely time-consuming to figure out and understand, not to mention that most of the big names in the literary world present are over fifty years old and their energy is far less than when they were young.

So by this point in time, most people are already extremely sleepy and have the idea of ​​​​leaving.

When they heard Mr. Lin say, "Don't worry, it's not over yet," most of the people present wailed inwardly.

If everyone's mentality at this time is more like that of primary and secondary school students hundreds of years later, they met the teacher in the last class before school.

The most frightening thing is that this "trouble with the teacher" has no sign of ending yet.

At the critical moment, an upright and outspoken person finally stood up. Zhang Fengyi shouted: "Lin Tailai! That's enough for you!"

In this moment, Zhang Fengyi became a hero in the eyes of others.

Then I heard Zhang Fengyi continue to say: "You said you have access to all factions, but I don't believe it!"

So in the next moment, Zhang Fengyi changed from a hero to an undercover agent!

When Zhang Fengyi talks like this, doesn't it give Lin Tailai a chance to continue showing off?

Zhang Fengyi had no choice but to give her old friends a look with profound meanings such as "Be patient" and "Bear the burden".

If you don't let Lin Tailai finish pretending happily, how can the show end?

Lin Daguan immediately followed Zhang Fengyi's words and said: "I have traveled to and from Yangzhou several times in the past two years, crossing the river from Jingkou Guazhou and sneaking across from Zhenzhou.

Next, I will use the same theme of crossing the river and write four poems using four poetic methods.

You can make your own comparisons, and you will be able to better understand the characteristics and differences of the four poetic theories."

The literary bigwigs looked at the sergeant outside the door and could only accept the fate of being forcibly ridden in the face again.

Only Zhang Jiayin wisely said: "Just say quatrains!"

Poetry can be long or short. If Lin Tailai planned to write four long poems of one to two hundred words, would others be alive today?

Lin Daguan felt very sorry, but Zhang Jiayin, the "master", had a bad reputation.

No one else was interested in speaking. They just wanted to get through this. Only Lin Daguan's clear reciting voice resounded throughout Pingshan Hall:

“The first song, Shen Yun!

Going west from Yangzhou is Zhenzhou,

The river water is clear and the river flow is clear.

The solitary sails moored one after another in the setting sun,

The sound of the flute rises from the Mujiang Tower."

"The second song is style style!

Thousands of miles of golden waves illuminate my eyes,

The canvas has ten broken empty lines.

The long wind passed through Jingkou in an instant,

Chu tail and Wu head are infinitely affectionate.”

"The third song, texture style!

Autumn soaks the moon in the sky,

A thatched cottage with several rafters rests on Jiangguan Pass.

Weishan lake water is like a polished mirror,

It illuminates the mountains south of the Yangtze River and the mountains north of the Yangtze River."

"The fourth song, Xingling Pai!

The spring water of Hanjiang River is as green as oil,

Boats see off passengers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

There are more and more bright and beautiful things, and fewer and fewer dangers.

The clear willow color is close to Yangzhou."

Everyone looked at each other, were there really four songs composed on the same theme?

Although no one wants to express shock because of their perception of Lin Tailai, it does not mean that there is no shock in their hearts.

The four poems are similar on the surface, and most of them are about riverside scenery. However, if you carefully understand the details, the connotations are different. It is almost like they were written by one person, but they were all written by Lin Tailai.

Until now, Lin Daguan has a clear mind. How can he not be allowed to write poems when he participates in a cultural gathering based on his ability?

Zhang Jiayin sighed deeply. From today on, the literary world will be in chaos.

If Wang Shizhen is compared to the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, he would be the Western Zhou Dynasty before him, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty after him.

The Wuzhong faction represented by Wang Zhideng and the Xin'an faction represented by Wang Daokun have both abandoned their submission to the retro faction, and there will definitely be more chain reactions in the future.

Everyone wants to find their own position again in the new situation, but Zhang Jiayin can't figure out what position Lin Tailai should be?

Wang Laoden stood at the door and did not return to his seat. Seeing that Lin Tailai had finally finished pretending, he reminded: "The song is over, can you let me go?"

The sergeants blocking the door still did not disperse, so Officer Lin asked:

"The person these rebels are holding hostage is Young Sima Duke Yanzhou. Although you and Duke Yanzhou see things differently, after all, they are both heavyweights in the literary world. Can you bear to leave Duke Yanzhou behind like this?"

Everyone: ""

What do you mean? Do you, Lin Tailai, want them and Wang Shizhen to be "hijacked" by the rebels?

Lin Tailai, don't go too far!

"No, no, don't misunderstand!" Lin Daguan urgently pleaded for the old leader Wang: "I mean, why don't you lend a helping hand to Duke Yanzhou? Now Duke Yanzhou urgently needs your help!"

Leader Wang raised his head and wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

Official Lin took out another notebook and said: "The source of the rebellion lies in the Salt Affairs Office. I have a way to rescue Mr. Wang, but it requires everyone to work together to sign on it, and the rebellion will naturally be dispelled."

Many people suddenly realized that Lin Tailai had been waiting for this day since the old alliance leader Wang was trapped by the rebels and fell into weakness?

The entrance fee of 20 taels was charged for the first two times, which implicitly hinted to everyone that Alliance Leader Wang and Lao could meet.

The old friends in the literary world among them will definitely come to visit the old leader Wang; the rebellious ones among them will definitely take the opportunity to come and add insult to injury!

Leader Wang is like a bait, luring everyone to take the bait! No matter what their mentality is, they will definitely fall into this trap!

It's really ridiculous to think about it. Wang Laodeng tried his best to connect at the foot of the mountain and was able to hold a cultural meeting in Pingshan Hall. In the end, they all made Lin Tai a wedding dress!

It turns out that Lin Tailai deliberately allowed the literary meeting to be held today, not just to show off in the literary world, but also to lure people in.

While everyone was daydreaming, Lin Daguan pointed to the door and said: "If you don't want to help Duke Yanzhou and have the heart to leave Duke Yanzhou alone here, I won't stop you. You can leave on your own!"

All the literary figures looked outside the door. When Lin Tailai said this, wouldn't it be more sincere to remove the sergeant blocking the door first?

Who can withstand the moral kidnapping on one hand and the siege by force on the other?

In the spring of the 15th year of Wanli's reign, the Pingshan Hall Wenhui was full of mystery in the eyes of the outside world.

There are different opinions on the specific details in the rumors, and there are even many contradictions.

However, they all noticed that this literary conference was like a watershed. After this literary conference, the pattern of the literary world completely changed.

Although the retro faction is still there, their hegemony has collapsed, allies have rebelled, and vassals have become independent.

Just when Lin Daguan was leading the direction of the literary world in Pingshan Hall, in the back hall of the Salt Inspectorate, Cai Yushi was holding a letter in his hand.

Although his face was expressionless, his slightly trembling hands showed his uneasy heart.

Master Qian hurriedly came in from outside and reported: "I contacted Lu Junbi today and the situation is still not optimistic. They did not give any accurate information."

Since the mutiny occurred, in order to settle the matter, Cai Yushi was determined to "sell out" the Salt Transport Department in order to gain peace. The subsequent contact with Lin Tailai was what Cai Yushi was most concerned about.

But something was a little unusual today. Cai Yushi did not respond to Master Qian's report.

Master Qian was a little anxious and reminded: "The Salt Transportation Department's Fee Transport Envoy is also in contact with Lin Tailai, and it is very likely that they will turn against him!

If the Salt Transportation Department colludes with Lin Tailai, it will be very detrimental to our Salt Inspectorate!"

Cai Yushi suddenly laughed "haha" several times, and all the anxiety he had accumulated for several days was swept away, and he said to Master Qian: "Lin Tailai is nothing to worry about!"

Master Qian was stunned and asked quickly: "Why did the proprietor say this?"

Cai Yushi also wanted to share the joy with his confidants, "I just received a letter saying that Shen Shoufu has submitted his resignation and has been behind closed doors for many days!"

Master Qian, who has a certain understanding of court politics, was also overjoyed. He asked again, "Why is this?"

Cai Shiding replied: "The Shen family built a garden in Taohuawu, Suzhou City, but the Shen family slaves were too overbearing and accidentally injured people.

The prefect of Suzhou was upright and arrested the slaves of the Shen family and prosecuted other members of the Shen family.

At this time, Governor Li of Jiangnan suddenly accused the prefect of Suzhou of embezzling five thousand taels of silver.

The courtiers were in an uproar, thinking that Governor Li had been instructed to deliberately frame the Suzhou magistrate.

In order to prove his innocence, or pretend to accept the court investigation, Shen Shoufu had to close the door and thank guests."

Master Qian finally understood why the proprietor was suddenly so relaxed.

Lin Tailai's biggest reliance was the support of his chief minister. As long as he could hold his own, the court would basically lean towards Lin Tailai.

For the same thing, there are two completely different results if there are people in the court and there are no people in the court.

This is why the proprietors became anxious after the mutiny occurred.

Cai Yushi added: "If the first assistant is not in the cabinet, then the second assistant will replace the first assistant.

However, the current assistant Xu Guo was from Huizhou and had close relations with Yangzhou salt merchants, so he definitely did not like Lin Tailai.

Another scholar, Wang Xijue, was a close friend of the literary leader Wang Shizhen from his hometown.

So in the cabinet, no one can speak for Lin Tai now.

We should take advantage of this time to get rid of all the troubles quickly!"

Master Qian was convinced that without the support and endorsement from the top, Lin Tailai would have been sent three thousand miles away based on what he did.

After thinking about it, Master Qian reminded him: "Shen Shoufu just stayed behind closed doors, and he was not dismissed from office.

Even if we settle the matter now, it will still be a bit troublesome if Chief Shen returns to the cabinet in the future."

Cai Shiding did not answer directly, but said with a strong hint: "Someone asked me to try my best to detain Lin Tailai in Yangzhou City before. I didn't understand what they meant, but now I finally understand."

What this implies is that our forces have long planned a conspiracy against the chief minister. The current situation is a natural outcome and is irreversible.

If you can understand it, just understand it. If you don't understand it, forget it.

Cai Yushi further analyzed: "To say the least, Shen Shoufu is too busy taking care of himself now, so how can he have the extra energy to take care of Lin Tailai?

Even if he returns to the cabinet, he must be cautious in the short term and not dare to bend the law for personal gain to protect others.

All in all, at least in the recent period, Lin Tailai's good days are over."

Master Qian and Yushi Cai have a mutually exclusive relationship. They have been running around for peace recently, and their mood is quite depressed.

When I heard the good news today, I immediately felt a lot more relaxed and said with a smile: "It's too late and the opportunity can't be missed. Please tell me how to do it, the proprietor!"

Cai Shiding then ordered: "There are two things at present. First, spread the news about the chief minister and shake everyone's confidence in Lin Tailai!

If you lack confidence in Lin Tailai, who would dare to cooperate with him again?

Second, you go to Commander Wei Wan of Yangzhou and persuade him to take care of himself and take back the rebels first!

Then, tell everything about how you colluded with Lin Tailai, and it doesn't matter if you put all the blame on Lin Tailai!

You also need to remind him that if there is no one to protect the court and he is just accused of condoning mutiny, he, the commander, will not be able to bear it!"

Master Qian wrote them down one by one, and then asked: "What about the Salt Transportation Department?"

Cai Yushi sneered: "The capricious clown is of no importance at this time!"

Lin Daguan, who just came down from Shugang, actually also received the news.

The Second Master of Shen Yong and Jiashen sent a slave from his hometown named Shen Zhong to Yangzhou to find Mr. Lin.

When Shen Zhong saw Senior Official Lin, he immediately begged: "Something happened in Suzhou City. My second master asked Senior Official to return to Suzhou as soon as possible!"

After Lin Daguan asked a few questions, he sighed: "Why would something happen without me?"

Shen Zhong said anxiously: "Second Master, I don't know what to do. I really need help from senior officials!"

Official Lin asked people to take Shen Zhong down first to settle down, and suddenly he saw Lu Junbi hurriedly stepping into the study.

"Have you heard about the news circulating outside?" Lu Junbi said a little annoyed: "I knew earlier that it would not have been delayed between the Procuratorate and the Yunsi. I didn't expect such a change at the top."

After Lin Daguan had the upper hand, both the Salt Inspectorate and the Salt Transportation Department had the idea of ​​betraying each other to ensure safety.

Lu Junbi, as the spokesperson of Lin Daguanren, raised the price back and forth between the Procuratorate and the Salt Transportation Department in order to demand more benefits.

Therefore, what these two yamen fear most is that Lin Daguan will file a complaint with the court.

Now that Shen Shoufu is gone for the time being, they must no longer be afraid of sitting in the hall, and may even beat him up, so what else is there to talk about?

Lin Daguanren said: "I really didn't expect that such an accident would happen during the period, but it's not a big problem."

Lu Junbi quickly asked: "In this situation, what are the instructions for sitting in the restaurant?"

Official Lin seemed to have just remembered, "Didn't I file a complaint? The Procuratorate has never given a reply. If you go to press tomorrow, how will they decide?

Also, I haven’t seen Commander Wan of Yangzhou Guard for several days, please go see him on my behalf!”

Lu Junbi said in astonishment: "I'm the one going? Then why are you sitting in the restaurant?"

Lin Daguan said: "Yangzhou City is unstable. It is safer to hide in Shuicicang. After all, they are all our own people from Suzhou."

Damn, I don’t know what to write anymore. I feel like there’s nothing to write about.


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