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Chapter 359 The rules are gone

Governor Li, who "fell into the water", was fished out of the water by a sergeant. Fortunately, his pants did not fall off. He was lying unconscious on the shore. It is estimated that there is no other way to face other officials except being unconscious.

He knew that unruly slander and framing of Magistrate Shi would cause public outrage; he also knew that he might be seen as an undercover agent; but he never expected that he would be beaten like this and thrown into the water!

But other officials knew in their hearts that Governor Li was 100% going to resign and leave Suzhou immediately. He had no shame in continuing to work in Suzhou.

But the biggest problem now is that the angry crowd has not dispersed and is still gathering on the peripheral roads.

Official Lin said to the Imperial Envoy Li Shida: "Li Imperial Envoy! You are the biggest here now. Please order to calm the situation!"

Li Shida said unhappily: "Then you, Lin Qianhu, go and appease the people!"

In the face of chaos, it is nothing more than "stroking" or "suppressing". Today's scene is definitely not suitable for "suppressing".

One is that they don’t have the strength to suppress it, and the other is that Suzhou Guard Qianhu Lin Tailai, who is the main force responsible for the suppression, will definitely not suppress it.

"How can I be asked to appease the people?" Lin Daguan said in surprise: "It is Taishou Shi who should go!"

Then he said plausibly: "The people are calling Shi Qingtian, and they must be the most convinced of Prefect Shi.

So if you ask Governor Shi to come forward and say a few words to the people, the pacifying effect will definitely be much better than that of me, the Suzhou Guard Qianhu!"

From a superficial logic point of view, Lin Daguanren's words are impeccable.

Although everyone knew in their hearts that as long as Lin Daguan waved his hand, these rioters shouting "Shi Qingtian" and "Dog Governor" would disappear like the ebbing tide.

But everyone is pretending to be confused, pretending not to know who is behind the chaos.

This is officialdom, and superficiality only relies on superficial logic. And the current superficial logic is that these gangs of rioters came to fight against "Shi Qingtian".

So Li Shida could only say to Magistrate Shi: "Then there will be Governor Lao Shi."

Magistrate Shi didn't want to get involved with these rioters who shouted "Shi Qingtian" randomly, but he had no other choice at this time.

Sure enough, after Magistrate Shi persuaded them, the people who came to make trouble dispersed immediately.

No one else wanted to speak. Only Lin Daguan waved his thick arms and said angrily to Magistrate Shi:

"This matter is not over yet! The government cannot be held hostage by the unruly people! Your government office must investigate to the end and arrest a few rioters who are taking the lead in causing trouble!"

Magistrate Shi looked at the Imperial Envoy Li Shida and sent a message for help with his eyes.

A fourth-grade prefect like me might be able to take care of the chief minister's son, but he seemed unable to deal with Lin Tailai.

Li Shida helplessly warned Lin Daguan: "As a human being and an official, you must follow the rules in everything you do."

The sentence has no beginning and no end, as if it is a riddle, but everyone present can understand it——

Inciting the people to gather in crowds to beat up a governor like this is such a violation of official rules!

If the governor can be beaten, can the imperial envoys still be safe? Do other officials still feel safe?

Are we going to incite thousands of people tomorrow and beat up the imperial envoy again?

Official Lin turned around and said to Magistrate Shi: "The imperial envoy is talking about you, please listen carefully! Without rules, there is no rule!"

This means that now that you have broken the rules, don't want Fangyuan anymore.

Li Shida thought for a while and then directly ordered: "As the Imperial Envoy, I order you to lead 300 Suzhou Guard sergeants to protect our court in Suzhou City!"

Everyone understood Qin Envoy Li's order very well, and this was probably the safest approach.

Let Lin Tailai be the bodyguard, and if something happens to the imperial minister again, it will be Lin Tailai's fault for failing to protect him!

"Follow the order!" As a junior military attaché, Lin Daguan had no choice but to accept the order.

Then he added: "I'll tell you the ugly thing earlier. If Imperial Commissioner Li wants to take the initiative to commit suicide, I will not be responsible for it."

Everyone: ""

It seems unsafe to let Lin Tailai be a guard; but it is even less safe not to let Lin Tailai be a guard.

At this point, the atmosphere was so weird that the welcoming ceremony could no longer proceed.

So everyone immediately dispersed, and the imperial envoys also settled in the Gusu Post Mansion.

Previously, Governor Li accused the court that Magistrate Shi had transferred five thousand taels of silver from Wu County on the pretext of repairing the city wall and then embezzled it.

The main task of the imperial envoy this time was to investigate whether Magistrate Shi had embezzled public funds.

The itinerary for the next day is as follows. Magistrate Deng of Wuxian County and Magistrate Shi of Suzhou Prefecture will come to the mansion to meet the imperial envoy.

Then they went to the county treasury of the county government to check, and then went to the government treasury to check.

If there are no problems with the accounts and deposits of the two treasuries, then there is no corruption.

The next day, Magistrate Shi deliberately came a little early and spoke to the Imperial Envoy Li Shida alone.

"The humiliation Futai suffered yesterday was probably in vain." Magistrate Shi said soberly.

On the surface, Governor Li is a member of Shen Shoufu's party, but secretly he is with their Qingliu forces.

Even if this civil uprising was reported to the court, Governor Li, who caused public outrage, would not be able to get over it.

Because the source of the civil uprising was public anger, and this public anger ostensibly came from the fact that Prefect Shi was slandered and framed by Governor Li.

Supporting Governor Li is tantamount to denying the legitimacy of public anger, and thereby denying him, Governor Shi.

Therefore, on this issue, the Qingliu forces cannot give strong support to Governor Li as an undercover agent, and who else in the court will help Governor Li come forward?

The cunning Lin Tailai probably knew this, so he dared to organize a civil uprising to attack Governor Li without restraint.

If you don’t fight, you won’t fight. If you fight, you will fight in vain!

Li Shida replied: "You are acting too hastily and there are indeed some bad rules. No wonder Lin Tailai wants to vent his anger on the governor who took the blame.

But now that the matter has come to this, Lin Tailai can only vent his anger and nothing can be changed."

The key link in this struggle is that Governor Li, as a member of Shen Shixing's party, framed Magistrate Shi with unruly slander.

As long as this step is completed, Governor Li's role will be completed. Now it will be useless even if he beats Governor Li to death.

And no matter what, the investigation result of the Imperial Envoy must be that Magistrate Shi was not corrupt, and reported the truth to the court.

Later, others naturally put Governor Li's shit basin on the head of the chief minister.

Lin Tailai could no longer stop the general trend. Could it be that Lin Tailai could still force the imperial envoy to revise the investigation results?

"There is Mr. Lao below," said Magistrate Shi.

At this time, Magistrate Deng of Wu County also arrived, and Li Qinchao and Magistrate Shi stopped their insider talks.

As we all know, investigation is just a formality, but this procedure is essential.

Lin Daguan, who was in charge of the security work, stood outside the lobby and shouted: "The time has come. I would like to invite some gentlemen to go on their way!"

The group first came to the Wuxian County Government Office, checked the account books together, and then checked the county bank balance.

After an inspection in the morning, the accounts and warehouse balances were generally fine. There were a few arrears, but they were innocuous and had nothing to do with this investigation.

There is also a clear record of delivering five thousand taels of official silver to the treasury, as well as a receipt stamped with the magistrate's seal.

These can prove that the prefect did indeed transfer 5,000 taels of silver from the county treasury to the prefectural treasury on the grounds of repairing the city wall.

Since there were no problems with the county treasury, we moved to the government office in the afternoon to continue the investigation of the treasury.

Lin Qianhu, who was protecting the imperial ministers, the prefect, and the county magistrate, walked into the courtyard of the government office and asked casually:

"Would you like to go to the back hall to drink tea for a while and let Magistrate Shi prepare first? It would be bad if something goes wrong during the inspection in the treasury."

Li Shida said without hesitation: "Without further delay, go directly to the warehouse!"

How could something go wrong during the inspection? How could Magistrate Shi embezzle five thousand taels of silver?

Don't say there is no problem, even if there is a problem, he will pretend not to see it today!

So there must be no problem in the treasury, as his imperial envoy Li Shida said, even after the emperor comes, it cannot be changed!

At this moment, several officers suddenly rushed over and shouted: "It's bad, the candles in the county treasury's account room just caught fire, and all the account books this year have been burned!"

Li Shida: ""

Isn’t it? No way? Such a classic accident can also happen?

However, the premise for a classic accident like the burning of the account books to occur is that there is an invisible problem in the warehouse, and the account books are set on fire in order to cover up the problem!

There is definitely no problem in the treasury today, and he, the imperial envoy, will never find out the problem. The account books are absolutely innocent, so what reason is there to burn the account books?

The group of people rushed to the treasury, and sure enough they saw the smoke of human beings coming out of the accounting room window outside the treasury.

How to check if there is no account book? It is meaningless to just count the total amount of money in the warehouse, because we don't know whether the amount is in short supply.

Thinking of this, Li Shida suddenly realized the problem!

But if the treasury cannot be scrutinized, then there is no way to prove the innocence of Magistrate Shi?

"Lin Tailai! Did you do it?" the imperial envoy shouted angrily at Official Lin.

Official Lin rubbed his chin and said after careful consideration: "How could Qin Envoy Li accuse someone of his innocence out of thin air?

I believe that only those who have embezzled money from the treasury would have the motive to set fire to the account books.

I am a Suzhou guard with thousands of households, how can I have the power to get involved in the government's treasury, and the motive of burning the account books is even more impossible to talk about!"

Li Shida's head was as big as a bucket and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He is not an inexperienced officialdom novice. Of course, he also knows that if there may be a problem in the warehouse, he must pay attention to secretly protecting the account books.

But I didn’t expect that when there was definitely no problem with the warehouse and the account books, someone would burn the account books!

This reverse thinking is simply outrageous! It doesn’t follow any of the rules of the world!

When the group of people looked at each other, suddenly another officer rushed over!

He stood outside the moon gate and shouted: "Something serious has happened! The master of the palm print committed suicide by hanging himself from the beam in the back hall!"

The official seal master refers to Chang Suili, the close confidant of the prefect, who is responsible for keeping the seal and is an absolute confidant.

Such a person suddenly committed suicide, which shocked everyone who heard the news.

After coming back to their senses, they all looked at Lin Tailai in unison!

Official Lin stopped pretending and sneered at Magistrate Shi unabashedly.

Who gave you guys the courage to act unruly on one-third of an acre of land in Suzhou City?

Use human life to convict Master Shen? Use an undercover agent to detain Shen Shoufu?

Now the rules are gone, you have to bear the consequences.


This chapter has been completed!
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