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Chapter 375 Provocation and reaction (please vote for me!)

These pieces of major economic news have caused a certain shock in the industrial and commercial circles of Suzhou City.

It's not because everyone is ignorant and making a fuss, but because these news are either released by Mr. Lin Daguan or are related to Mr. Lin.

The reason is also very simple. If a passerby tells the same news, no one will pay attention to it at all. No matter how boastful it is, it will still be flattering.

But if it were said by Lin Daguan, a socially virtuous person who has achieved great success in various fields, the effect would be different.

But in the minds of those who know it, it is very strange.

They knew that there was a conflict between Lin Daguan and the Zhiye Industry Office, and they also knew that the Zhiye Industry Office had issued an "ultimatum" to Lin Daguan.

According to the behavior of Lin Daguan, a famous local social figure, he should have led hundreds of workers to smash the textile industry office.

Or they could find several large loom manufacturers' workshops and smash them together with the looms. This would be in line with Lin Daguan's status as a social elite.

But like now, after a conflict occurs, only a bunch of economic news is released around the textile industry, which is really not like Lin Daguan's style of doing things without making noise.

These pieces of news are also being discussed within the Textile Industry Office. In the eyes of the directors of the Textile Industry Office, these pieces of news are like a demonstration against the "ultimatum" of the Textile Industry Office.

The Weaving Industry Office does not have a general manager, only eight equal stewards discuss affairs together. Of course, the prestige of the stewards also varies.

The oldest among them, Steward Shi, said: "The most important things at the moment are two things. The first is to resist the government's intention to tax, and the second is to stabilize the minds of the weavers."

Another person said: "It is easy to boycott taxation. It is nothing more than calling for a break and petitioning. But how to stabilize the minds of the weavers? Does Shi Taigong have any good ideas?"

When Shi Guanshi was young, he was elected as a Confucian businessman and regarded himself as a Confucian businessman, so his acquaintances all respectfully called him Taigong Shi.

At this time, he said to everyone: "The whole industry can establish new regulations, and the wages of weavers will be paid every three or five days. If the weavers go to work in places prohibited by the government, the original wages will not be paid.

We can also consider in the future that weavers working in our factory must pay a deposit in advance to prevent weavers from switching jobs to places that violate industry regulations.

These are just some of my rough ideas, there are many other ways, and it still depends on everyone’s collective efforts.”

When everyone heard Taigong Shi's encouragement, they started talking about it.

At this moment, the doorman of the office ran in and said in a panic: "Lin, Lin, Official Lin is here!"

Manager Shi asked a very crucial question: "How many troops did he bring?"

The disciple then reported: "There are only about ten followers, and this number of people does not seem to be here to besiege and smash."

Not long after, Lin Tailai walked into the hall, glanced around for a few times, and said loudly: "I have something to inform you!"

Manager Shi replied on behalf of the Textile Industry Office: "What advice does Mr. Lin have?"

Official Lin corrected him and said, "Manager Shi said it wrong! It's not an instruction, it's a notice!"

As eminent social figures in Suzhou City, Lin Tailai and Manager Shi often attended various official ceremonies or ceremonies, and had met and known each other.

Manager Shi added: "It seems that the Suzhou Guard or the Garrison Department cannot control the Weaving Industry Office? What did Chief Lin inform us?"

To be honest, if the Textile Industry Association mobilizes all its strength, the number of people it can gather will be no less than that of Suzhou Wei Zhengbing. This is the greatest confidence that the Textile Industry Association can successfully resist taxes.

Lin Daguan explained impatiently: "Changzhou County is preparing to count the number of looms in the territory. Because the county government is short of manpower, we appointed Suzhou Guards to assist in the statistics!"

Manager Shi did not expect this to be the case, and subconsciously asked: "Why does Changzhou County count the number of looms?"

"Then you go ask the Changzhou County government. How do I know the reason? I only know that I will fully cooperate with the county government in accordance with the commander's orders."

Manager Shi also felt that he had asked an idiot question. What else could be the reason for counting the number of looms? It must be to prepare for taxation!

According to far-reaching rumors, the basis for taxation is the number of looms, and each loom is taxed at five cents per year!

At this moment, after official Lin announced the notice, he became full of official power and said arrogantly: "I advise you, those of you, to cooperate with the government honestly!

Without the good environment created by the government, how could you have developed your business?

So you should know how to be grateful and repay, bleed when it’s time to bleed, and don’t try to do small things in private!”

Official Lin's appearance and remarks directly angered all the officials of the Weaving Industry Office present.

In previous years, even if there were people in the government who wanted to collect taxes from time to time, their attitude was not as abominable as that of Mr. Lin!

Just point at their noses and say, the government wants you to bleed some because they think highly of you, so don’t be shameless!

Why is this person, who is more of a villain than the villain in the novel, still more successful as time goes by?

Official Lin turned around and left, muttering loudly as he walked: "Fight with me? I won't kill you all!"

After watching Official Lin leave, Steward Shi was the first to speak: "The soldiers are coming to block the water and cover up the soil. Now we should give priority to suppressing the county government's intention to collect taxes."

Regarding how to resist government taxation, the textile industry is familiar with it, and everyone knows how to do it.

It is nothing more than organizing a group of weavers to go out of business, and then, under the leadership of some core figures, mobilize a large number of unemployed weavers to cause trouble.

As for the specific size, it depends on the situation, usually ranging from hundreds to thousands.

Someone asked: "Is this reaction too fast? Do you want to wait and see?"

Manager Shi replied: "Today Lin Tailai openly came to provoke us. If we don't respond, then where is the face and prestige of our textile industry office?"

If we lose our prestige, what can we do to compete with the government and unite people's hearts?"

Seeing that no one had any objections, Manager Shi suggested again: "There is a young weaver named Ge Cheng, who is generous with his wealth and loves to fight against injustice. He has gained great prestige among the weavers in recent years.

You might as well let Ge Cheng give it a try this time. The number of people gathered doesn't need to be too large, just five hundred to one thousand people.

After all, the government hasn’t announced the start of taxation yet, so we just need to warn the government.”

There are too many successful precedents, and the mentality of the public officials no longer regards gathering people to resist taxes as a big deal.

Someone else said: "Why do I feel that Lin Tailai is deliberately leading us down this path? Does he want to lead his troops to suppress it violently?"

The main reason is that after much deliberation, I can't think of any benefits to Lin Tailai if the weavers go to the county government to protest?

The only possibility that can be thought of is that Lin Tailai wanted to use violent suppression to intimidate the textile industry office.

After all, Lin Tailai comes from a social group and is used to using violence and intimidation when encountering disputes.

After thinking for a while, Manager Shi said fiercely: "I really hope that Lin Tailai will do this! If he can, let the weavers who went to the county government to protest bleed like rivers!"

I need a monthly pass urgently! I was in a bad state after drinking today. I’ll save the climax for writing tomorrow. I’ll do the math with my fingers and I should be able to add an update tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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