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Chapter 376 Completely different (please vote for me!)

In the original history, Ge Cheng, a commoner, became a special symbolic figure of an era by organizing weavers to resist taxes, and was repeatedly included in the historical textbooks and papers of later generations.

When Ge Cheng died decades later, he would be worshiped in a temple by Suzhou people and worshiped as General Ge, turning him into an artificial god.

If a Chinese man-made god must have a priesthood, General Ge’s priesthood is probably the god of strikes and tax resistance?

Although Ge Cheng is only in his twenties this year, he usually fights against injustices and often gives away money. With his charisma, he has gathered dozens of good brothers around him, and he is quite prestigious among the weavers in Dongcheng.

That's why he was selected by Manager Shi as a key weaver leader to be trained, responsible for fighting on the front lines.

After Ge Cheng was summoned to the Weaving Industry Office, Manager Shi warned: "Tell the weavers that if the profits of the weaving industry are taken away by outsiders, it will be a loss for the entire industry!

If you can't keep your profits, you weavers won't be able to maintain even five cents a day, and I'm afraid it will drop to four cents in the future!"

There is no problem in bringing people to make trouble, but Ge Cheng was a little doubtful and asked: "What if the Xujiang Industrial Park went to the site to recruit workers?"

In the past, when encountering "problems", weavers had nowhere to go unless they made trouble, but now there are other "ways out".

"Impossible!" Manager Shi said with certainty: "Their looms are already full and there is no spare time to recruit more workers!"

When people talk about looms hundreds of years later, many people may have the impression that they are small single-person spinning wheels. They think that this thing is not difficult to make, and they can just build thousands of them.

However, the common silk looms in this era were often about one to five feet in length, which was as tall as a person, and required three or four weavers to operate.

In this era, silk looms can be regarded as large-scale precision production tools, which are two different things from small homespun spinning wheels.

Therefore, a loom is not cheap, nor can it be produced casually.

If you could conjure thousands of looms with just one mouth, it would be a fantasy novel rather than a historical novel.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou City has accumulated over two hundred years, and now it has a production scale of 10,000 looms.

Xujiang Industrial Park is expanding at a rate of one hundred pieces, which is already shocking enough in the eyes of the world, making the Textile Industry Office highly nervous.

Two months ago, the industrial park poached a large number of weavers from the city.

And looms cannot be manufactured quickly on a large scale. How can there be too many spare looms to recruit workers in the industrial park?

Even if we can have an extra ten or twenty cards now, it won't change the overall situation.

A few days later, the young weaver Ge Cheng led more than 800 workers to the county government gate to demonstrate.

At this time, the more than 800 workers around the future General Ge were almost out of food because they had not worked for several days.

As for why work has not started for a few days, according to Shi Taigong from the Weaving Industry Office, it is because the county government wants to exploit the weaving industry, so many machine operators were forced to go out of business.

Therefore, with the help of Shi Taigong, Ge Cheng successfully organized more than 800 unemployed workers through the connection of brothers. Today they came to demonstrate outside the county government gate.

Taigong Shi once pointed out that if the emotions are in place, you can rush into the door and smash it if necessary.

As long as you don't pass through Yimen and don't invade the county government hall, you'll be fine.

Taigong Shi also pointed out that if you encounter the newly appointed Suzhou City garrison chief Lin who comes to suppress you, don't be afraid or shrink back.

Mr. Lin doesn’t dare to make a big deal out of it. The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. There are tens of thousands of co-workers behind you to support you!

Also, if more than 800 people don’t succeed today, more workers will join in!

Looking at the gate of the county government, the future General Ge felt a little excited. This was the first time he organized workers to challenge authority!

But he also knew very well that he should not be excited at this moment, but should feel angry.

Probably because he was too young, his mood was not harmonious.

At the same time and space, at the corner of the Yamen Street in Changzhou County, Lin Shoubei looked down at the gate of the county government, with a panoramic view of the crowd.

That's right, it's a bird's eye view. Because Lin Shoubei stood on a roof in order to have a wide view.

Look at the nearly 1,000 weavers who were furious and were not afraid of the government and soldiers, and then look at the county government, which was facing a formidable enemy but did not take the initiative to suppress it.

Lin Shoubei could only sigh in his heart. This was the legendary small government that couldn't even collect taxes, but he liked it.

As a controller of a large-scale Concern organization that evolved from a tax collection society and whose business covers tax collection, transportation, agriculture, industry, commerce, smuggling, engineering, real estate, charity, security and other industries, how could he not

Like small government?

If you don’t understand what a Concern organization is, for example, consider the chaebols of two developed countries in East Asia in later generations. Many of them start with the character “三”.

Thinking of the imagination of later generations of otakus about East Asian plutocrats, Lin Shoubei suddenly became excited, turned around and said to the guardians: "Send someone to the school book office to ask if there are any new girl groups that have debuted recently?"

Zhang Wen looked confused: "What is a girl group?"

Lin Shoubei thought for a while and explained as closely as possible to the times: "It's a fixed group that debuts in a group and performs dramas together.

Everyone has a relatively fixed role, some are in charge of Tsing Yi, some are in charge of Hua Dan, and some are in charge of being a minor actor."

Zhang Wen suddenly realized, "Isn't that a female theater troupe that performs plays? But most of the female theater troupes are family troupes. Mr. Zhang Fengyi and Mr. Shen both have them at home. The school office rarely introduces female troupes.

If you are interested in the female theater troupe, just contact Mr. Zhang Fengyi or Mr. Shen directly!"

Lin Shoubi replied: "It's meaningless to raise it privately! Later, you should ask the school book office to adapt to the trend of the times, and don't stand still.

The routine of always playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, singing, playing, playing, playing, and singing will only make people tired of aesthetics. Let’s get more girl groups that perform in public!

Remember, you must declare to the outside world that you are performing arts and not selling yourself! This is the essence!"

Zhang Wen was speechless and pointed to the weavers outside the county government office. Could you please be more serious while sitting in the office?

You are currently serving as a garrison, receiving help from the county government and coming to suppress the weavers' riot!

To talk about a girl group at such a tense time and place is as outrageous as Cao Mengde in Wancheng.

Lin Shoubei, who was shouldering the heavy responsibility of suppression, said casually: "Don't worry, as long as I can get rid of the responsibility, I don't care what they do!

First, it was the county government that directly triggered the weavers' riot, not me. Second, as long as it can be controlled locally and does not affect the court, it doesn't matter. Third, the reason for their riot was to resist taxes, and the emperor could not bear to blame us poor local officials.


Speaking of this, Lin Shoubei suddenly said to Zhang Wu, the right protector, very strangely: "You usually talk a lot of nonsense, why didn't you say a word today?"

Zhang Wu said deeply: "We used to follow the people's uprisings and riots in the palace, but today we are standing here to be responsible for the people's uprising. It is really embarrassing."

Lin Shoubei slapped Zhang Wu and said, "Don't think useless here. Judging from the rioting weavers, everyone should be there. Let's get down!"

Immediately, Lin Shoubei jumped off the roof and walked towards the county government gate.

A thousand officers and soldiers also came to the scene and blocked the alley.

With these thousand people, Lin Guards did not have to worry about being besieged by rioting weavers.

"Who is the leader? Come out and say a few words!" Lin Shoubei shouted at the weavers.

If it is a more mature and stable leader, he will definitely not expose himself easily.

But the future General Ge was only in his twenties at this time, and his energy and blood were hot, so he also stood up.

Lin Shoubei shouted: "Why are you gathering people here to cause trouble?"

Ge Cheng answered mechanically: "The government is harsh and the people are in dire straits. Many workers have been hungry for several days and their families are wailing."

At this time, most of the weavers worked as daily workers, just like those in later generations who worked part-time jobs to make a living. They stopped working after a day or two without any income.

Listening to Ge Cheng complaining about the misfortune, Lin Shoubei asked abruptly: "Since you weavers have been starved to the point of running out of food, why don't you go to the Jinongcang to apply for relief?"

"Ah?" Ge Cheng was stunned. This response was beyond the scope of the plan. He subconsciously said: "Is this okay?"

To be honest, in this era, although farmers have a heavy tax burden, their lives are indeed more secure than those of early urban industrial workers.

"Why not? Don't you know?" Lin Shoubei said as if he was looking at a fool: "As long as you go to work in Xujiang Industrial Park, you can apply for relief from Jinongcang first.

Just for you people, each of you has one bucket of rice, which is equivalent to one hundred and eighty shi!

The Jinongcang in Wu County and Changzhou County will be merged soon, and the current inventory is at least 50,000 shi, which is more than enough to support you!"

Ge Cheng, the leader of the weavers' riot, was speechless for a moment, "Ah, this"

What happened today is completely different from what Taigong Shi said?

The weavers standing behind Ge Cheng were whispering to each other.

At this time, Lin Shoubei suddenly changed his expression and shouted sternly: "But! You guys obviously have a way to make a living and don't have to suffer from hunger, but you still dare to gather people to riot in the county government office. This is deliberately plotting evil and taking the opportunity to rebel!"

Since you dare to regard the official law as nothing, I will let you know how powerful the official law is!"

Immediately, Guard Lin raised his hand, and all the officers and soldiers raised their weapons, and even two hundred archers began to draw their bows and draw arrows!

The situation is suddenly serious and conflict is about to break out!

Damn it! The young leader of the riot, Ge Cheng, was taken aback. Will he see blood when he comes up?

Many Ji households were actually from Jin gentry families, and there were many people who took the imperial examination and became officials. They had connections from the local government to the imperial court. At the same time, they were also part of the Suzhou official network.

Moreover, it can manipulate public opinion under the guise of "competing with the people", and all actions to tax government households can be framed as excessive taxation and exploitation of the people.

Therefore, local officials are usually timid in confronting the tax-revolters and are unwilling to suppress them, fearing to trigger a backlash from all sides.

Today, Ge Chengcheng did not expect that what his predecessors in the weaving industry had done in the past generations, how could he get out of control?

Why aren't you, Lin Shou, afraid? Why aren't you timid?

Lin Shoubei looked at the future General Ge with interest. At this time, General Ge was still a little green.

First, please send me a monthly ticket! There will be a second chapter soon! Also, thank you to the leader of the old friend Repeater!!

This chapter has been completed!
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