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Chapter 377: Meat Bun Beats Dog (please vote for me!)

A few drops of sweat broke out on Ge Cheng's forehead, realizing that he might have encountered a brand new version of the game.

What should we do? Do we really want to spend the blood of hundreds of workers to safeguard the so-called interests of the textile industry?

"Stop! Everyone stop!" Suddenly someone appeared from the county government wall and shouted loudly.

Then he shouted: "Good news to Wu County! No loom tax! Good news to Wu County! No loom tax! Good news to Wu County! No loom tax!"

Everyone: "."

You are here in the Changzhou County government office, shouting about the benefits of Wu County. How tough is your background?

After attracting everyone's attention, the person on the wall of the county government shouted again: "The industrial park will provide free housing for the whole family for one year, or provide a one-year rent subsidy!

The industrial park steadily provides two low-price meals every day!

Weavers in the industrial park can give priority to applying to borrow grain from the Jinongcang!"

In fact, the daily salary provided by the industrial park is still five cents, which is common in the industry. It is not too exaggerated. After all, it is not a charity.

But among other benefits, the main focus is "living guarantee", which is already very attractive to people who do part-time jobs.

Lin Shoubei pulled out a big knife, pointed at the wall and shouted: "Get off here! Don't stop me from suppressing the uprising with swords, guns, bows and arrows!"

The people on the wall of the county government said sadly: "You have changed, you really have changed!

How righteous you were back then, leading your brothers from rough backgrounds to work hard for your career, but now that you are in a high position, you have become inhumane!"

Everyone outside the county government gate was stunned. Who is this person? How dare he rebuke Lin Shoubei like this?

The people on the wall shouted to the weavers at the top of their lungs:

"I am Lin Fulai, the director of the industrial park! Lin Shoubei over there is my fourth brother. You should all have heard of his reputation!

Originally, my fourth brother wanted to mobilize thousands of troops to kill you all directly!

But as a kind-hearted brother, I can’t bear to see you end up dead on the street, so I’m recruiting workers on the spot!”

"How to sign up?" someone among the weavers shouted.

Brother Lin pointed to the west alley: "As long as you pass through the army formation and get to the bridge at the alley, there will be people to welcome you!

Put a hundred people into a team, and go over one team at a time! If something happens in front, those behind you will naturally hear the noise!"

Then the third brother Lin shouted to Lin Tailai: "Fourth brother, you must show mercy! Otherwise, I, as your brother, will not recognize you! Our parents don't want you to commit murder!"

After Lin Guards thought twice, he sighed, threw down his sword, and then ordered the officers and soldiers to make way for a passage.

Brother Lin, who was standing on the wall, hurriedly urged the weaver: "It's not easy for me to convince my fourth brother. Please hurry up and sign up! Otherwise, my fourth brother will regret and commit murder again!"

The elected leader Ge Cheng was stunned, still saying the same thing in his mind. This scene was completely different from what Taigong Shi had predicted.

Years of experience in demonstrations and riots have completely failed!

In the Weaving Industry Office near Fengmen, eight managers gathered together, waiting for news from the "front line."

Ge Cheng walked in dejectedly, looking like he was not in a good state of mind.

But the stewards didn't care about this. Steward Shi asked hurriedly: "How is the situation at the county government?"

Ge Cheng replied bitterly: "In the end, we only had more than a hundred people left."

Upon hearing this result, Manager Shi immediately became excited like a shark smelling blood.

Then Lin Tailai really dared to suppress it with force? The other six to seven hundred people were killed, injured and scattered.

Like a marshal commanding thousands of troops, Manager Shi couldn't wait to issue orders continuously:

"First, spread the news throughout the city immediately, saying that the Changzhou County government is competing with the people for profit, and Lin Tailai is helping the tyrants to do evil and working as an accomplice to the tiger!

Second, write a letter to all official relatives and friends in the two capitals, as well as textile industry colleagues in the surrounding counties south of the Yangtze River, asking for support!

Third, mobilize more weavers to go out of business! Organize more weavers to prepare for the struggle, at least 3,000!

Don’t think that the number of people is too large, as long as you can deal with Lin Tailai, it will be worth it!”

In Ge Cheng's mind, Taigong Shi had always been an image of a man of great control, decisive in means, and outstanding in strategy.

Therefore, in the past few decades, Cai Cai has always had the upper hand in various games and kept as much profit as possible in the weaving industry.

But today, in Ge Cheng's eyes, Taigong Shi's words and deeds are like a clown who cannot keep up with the times.

Although Ge Cheng is very young now, he still has some knowledge to become a figure who will leave his name in history.

I didn’t know it before without comparing it, but now I have new thoughts after comparing it.

Compared with the Lin family brothers over there, Taigong Shi and the other stewards here are not at the same level at all.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Keep doing things!" Manager Shi noticed that Ge Cheng was still in a daze and shouted softly.

Ge Cheng sighed and reported: "What I mean when I say there are only more than a hundred people left is that the others have been recruited by that industrial park."

The eight managers were all stunned. How could the industrial park still be able to recruit workers?

The reason why they dared to launch the weavers' riot was of course carefully calculated.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Manager Shi jumped up at the crime! He was angry because his prediction failed!

After calming down, Manager Shi said to other managers: "Immediately close down a group of weavers, and then organize 3,000 unemployed weavers to go to the county government to demonstrate!"

A steward hesitated and said, "Isn't that right? We haven't figured out Lin Tailai's tactics yet, so it's best not to act rashly."

Manager Shi's confidence was also restored, "I'm sure that Lin Tailai must have used some of the financial resources he had accumulated previously to spend money to eat up those hundreds of people!

I don't believe it. He can forcefully eat hundreds of people. How can he forcefully eat another 3,000 people?

There are not many jobs that are more profitable than the silk weaving industry. He offers a daily salary of five cents plus other benefits, and spends several thousand taels of silver every month. How long can he sustain it?

So as long as we continue to pile up the number of people, Lin Tailai can't resist it at all, this is called a saturation attack!"

When everyone thought that this was indeed the truth, they said: "Tai Gong Shi has great advice."

However, some people still say: "Three thousand people going out of business are a bit too destructive, so let's limit it to two thousand people."

Manager Shi said decisively: "Okay! While two thousand people are shutting down, we will send people to the industrial park to inquire about the news!"

Xujiang Industrial Park is more than 20 miles away from Dongcheng. In addition, it takes time to find out accurate information. You won't be able to come back in a few days.

A few days later, two thousand unemployed weavers led by Ge Cheng went to the county government again to demonstrate.

Taigong Shi instructed that if he wanted to make a big fuss this time, he could break into the Yimen!

After noon, Ge Cheng came back, looking dazed, as if he had suffered a huge mental trauma.

"He and the others were all recruited away, and only two or three hundred of the two thousand workers were left."

If 2,000 people call for a break and make trouble on a large scale at one time, if nine out of ten people run away in an instant, what a fuss!

Taigong Shi, who was in his seventies, jumped up from his chair, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Lin Tailai is crazy!"

Counting the group after the new year, this industrial park has hired a total of three thousand and several hundred people!

The salary on the surface alone is as high as 5,000 taels, not including the promised benefits!

But there should be only a hundred or dozens of looms in the industrial park, so how come so many people are using them!

"Three thousand people! Another three thousand people will go out of business!" Taigong Shi seemed to be possessed.

The good days of the silk weaving industry in Suzhou City probably started in the Hongzhi Dynasty, and it has been a hundred years now.

The profit rate of the silk weaving industry is not low and stable, but a hundred years of struggle experience should be enough to cope with all games!

He didn't believe that a hundred years of struggle experience could all fail in front of Lin Tailai!

He didn't believe that the laws of economic operation could fail in front of Lin Tailai!

When the other stewards heard Steward Shi's words, they were all startled, and they all advised: "In the art of war, if you know yourself and your enemy, it's better to find out the information first!"

Since this year, their weaving office has lost 3,000 and hundreds of weavers, many of whom are still skilled workers.

If we lose another 3,000 people, it will be really debilitating! In this era, industrial workers who can completely abandon the land are still very valuable.

Otherwise, why would Lin Tailai fight so hard to grab workers?

Just at this time, the person sent to Xujiang Industrial Park to inquire about the news came back.

The man reported: "Some of the weavers who were poached have worked on looms, while others have followed the old craftsmen to make looms.

Most of the remaining people are actually building houses in industrial parks!”

The stewards of the Weaving Industry Office were very surprised, "The weavers ran over to build houses? Are they willing?"

The man replied: "I heard that workers who participate in building houses can be exempted from rent for a certain period of time if they move in in the future!"

All stewards: "."

So you Lin Tailai poached a large number of weavers and asked them to build looms for you while also building your own houses?

Manager Shi still thinks that this makes no sense according to economic laws!

"Isn't it free to build a large number of houses? With more than 3,000 weavers, raising a family would require at least several thousand houses, or even tens of thousands!

It is tentatively estimated that the construction cost of each house is five taels, and Lin Tailai spends money everywhere, how many tens of thousands of taels can he get?"

The person who went to inquire about the news continued to report: "I heard that a real estate development club has been set up over there in the industrial park.

Then this real estate development club issued bonds to the outside world and sold them everywhere in the three major commercial districts of Shangtang, Shantang and Nanhao in the west, encouraging others to invest in the club, but there was no movement here in the east.

Roughly for every ten taels invested, one tael of interest will be given every year for a period of time."

"It still doesn't make sense!" Manager Shi still thought that this violated the laws of economics, "Why should others believe that this bond can be worth tens of thousands of taels just based on his three words, Lin Tailai!"

The man reported helplessly: "Yangzhou Lin's Salt Industry used the ownership of 5,000 yinwo and the lease of 12,000 yinwo as mortgage to endorse the real estate development club.

If the real estate club cannot pay its debts, it will be borne by Yangzhou Lin's Salt Industry, and there will always be people who believe it!"

Manager Shi: "."

I always thought that you, Lin Tailai, were trying your best to grab workers to start the industry, but it turns out that you ended up doing it just to get into real estate!

With economic fundamentals such as port taxes and industrial parks, as well as the popularity that has begun to gather, and with the gimmick of drawing a big pie, land and house prices will definitely rise faster!

I heard that the land you Lin Tailai bought on the south bank of the Xujiang River was basically for free! The port and customs were also built with government money!

The beginning of the month is not over yet, keep asking for monthly tickets! I’m so exhausted, I’m going to bed first! See you tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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