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Chapter 387 The most arrogant candidate

At this time, no one at the scene dared to speak, and everyone kept their mouths shut.

On one side is Lin Tailai, the number one bully in Suzhou City, and on the other is the son-in-law of the chief minister and the son of a bachelor. Who dares to talk casually?

Many people just don't understand why Lin Tailai is so aggressive. Logically speaking, Lin Tailai and Shen Shoufu's son-in-law should be in the same group.

Although Lin Tai just said that he was afraid of being implicated by these two dudes, it sounded far-fetched.

Of course, what Lin Daguan said was indeed true, but it was beyond the cognitive scope of the young scholars present, and it was normal for them not to understand it.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Official Lin suddenly turned his head and shouted to the public room next door: "Professor Cui! Come here!"

Then Professor Cui slowly walked out of the room, looking very reluctant.

Official Lin pointed at Li Hong and Wang Heng and asked: "What's going on with these two people? Why do they appear in the government school?"

Professor Cui replied hesitantly: "I just transferred from Taicang Prefecture School and Changzhou County School."

Lin Daguan asked again: "Then why should Fuxue accept it?"

Professor Cui felt that this question was so stupid that there was no need to answer it at all.

The chief minister's son-in-law and the grand bachelor's son wanted to come over. How dare he, a small professor of civil studies, refuse?

Besides, this is a win-win result, so there is no need to refuse.

Lin Daguan sneered: "Don't you just think that with these two people here, the government school will be able to win two more candidates this time!

For the sake of some performance as an instructor, you ignore the rules, what do we, the students, think of you?"

In this era, the assessment of academic instructors in county schools actually relied on the "progress rate". The most intuitive indicator was the number of people who passed the provincial examination.

There are only 135 admission quotas for each subject in the provincial examination in Nanzhili. The total number of prefectural schools, prefecture schools and county schools is more than 100. On average, how many can each school have?

If you can pass two more exams, it will be a very popular achievement for the instructor.

Therefore, "talents" such as the son-in-law of the chief minister and the son of a bachelor are very popular among instructors.

Professor Cui looked around and said to him, "Everyone is here, let alone useless. From now on, we will all be classmates from the government school."

Official Lin snorted coldly and said, "Don't enroll in school for the time being without my permission."

The Lin style of this sentence was so distinct that it left everyone speechless.

What is Lin's style? It just sounds like grandstanding.

Professor Cui, as an instructor of the Fu School, felt particularly strongly and subconsciously asked, "What did you say?"

Official Lin said in more detail, "First, regarding the transfer of these two people, they did not inform me in advance;

Secondly, these two people knew they were coming to study in my hometown, but they didn't come to me first to pay homage to the dock.

Based on these two reasons, I suggest that the government schools should not allow them to enroll for the time being, and they can wait until the provincial examination is over next year before enrolling again."

Everyone present was shocked when they heard what Lin Daguan said.

This is no longer excessive, but quite excessive. Not only is it excessive, it is also a bit mindless.

Why should you, Lin Tai, give permission for someone else's admission to school, regardless of whether it is against the rules or not?

No matter how powerful you, Lin Tailai, are, you are just a student in the government school. What right do you have to suspend others from enrolling?

Originally, many scholars in the government, especially those with average academic performance, did not like Li Hong and Wang Heng in their hearts.

Because these two children of the Prime Minister suddenly came to enroll, they took up two places in the provincial examination.

But Mr. Lin successfully used his arrogant words and deeds to draw away the hatred.

"Lin Tailai! You are too arrogant and have no manners as a student. You are really an ugly scholar!" Li Hong, the chief assistant's good son-in-law, shouted.

Although Lin Tailai's words were stupid, they were so infuriating that he couldn't help but fight back.

Lin Daguan responded proudly: "Sorry, I usually talk directly to Shen Xiang, and I have no common language with a junior like you."

Then he pressed Professor Cui and asked, "What do you think? Should their enrollment be suspended?"

Professor Cui took a deep breath, and his heart was already filled with anger!

I have tolerated you, Lin Tailai, for so long, it doesn't matter if I continue to tolerate you.

But you Lin Tailai really touched the bottom line this time, and you even interfered when others transferred to another school!

As an instructor, I have endured it no longer and no longer need to endure it!

After all, this is for the son-in-law of the chief minister and the son of the grand master, and the chief minister and the grand master will support him!

No matter how ruthless you Lin Tailai is, you are still a student in the government school, and you still dare to be so rebellious and ask the school instructor to "commit suicide"?

Wealth is found in danger, maybe this is an opportunity for the chief assistant and the bachelor to pay attention to him at the same time!

After preparing himself mentally, Professor Cui straightened his spine and said, "They are here to enroll today, and there is no such thing as a pause or postponement.

And this matter has nothing to do with you, Lin Sheng. As a student member, you should not interfere with things that you shouldn’t."

Lin Daguan seemed to have seen something incredible. Professor Cui, who had always been submissive for more than a year, was so distracted today that he couldn't find his way to the north?

But Lin Tailai's look at the weak once again stung Professor Cui's heart, and he was thinking of saying something else to express his toughness.

However, Wang Heng took the initiative to stand up and defend Professor Cui, saying: "Lin Tailai! As a student, you must respect the instructor!

Although it is the Grand Master’s responsibility to inspect the scholars, the instructors can also put forward opinions for the Grand Master’s reference!”

There was something in the words, as if they meant something. Anyway, Wang Heng felt that his speech was quite clever.

But official Lin sneered and said: "Don't show off your poor words in front of me! If you are the elder Wangge, you can still say a few words to me!"

Wang Heng said angrily: "I said! I am me, and my father is my father! When you talk to me, don't always bring up my father!"

What he hates most is that others always use his father's halo as a reference! With his own talent, Wang Heng can get ahead without relying on his father!

Lin Daguan said disapprovingly: "Without your father, you wouldn't even be qualified to stand in front of me today!"

Professor Cui shouted: "Lin Tailai! Don't mess around anymore! If you disrupt the order of the school again, you will report it to the Grand Master for punishment!"

This is the strongest sentence Professor Cui has ever said in his more than 40 years of life!

However, Lin Daguan was not angry. Instead, he couldn't help but chuckle a few times, "Professor Cui! The reason why many people fail is because they make random bets when they don't know the truth!"

Professor Cui has a strong heart and remains unmoved. What truth is not the truth? With the support of the chief minister and the bachelor, it is the truth!

Lin Tailai said: "Actually, the truth is that Mr. Wang Ge has only been in the cabinet for a short time, and he is not the first or second assistant, and he does not have enough control over the court. There is no guarantee that he will send his son to the imperial list.

So for Mr. Wangge, the best way is to ask fellow Suzhou native Shen Xiang for help. You don’t have any doubts about Shen Xiang’s operational strength, right?

And Prime Minister Shen happened to want to support his son-in-law Li Hong this time, so he simply agreed to the matter with Wang Heng.

It all requires operations anyway. There is not much difference between operating one and operating two. It can also make Mr. Wang Ge owe a favor, so why not do it?

That's why Wang Heng and Li Hong transferred to the Fu School together. If it wasn't the arrangement of the elders, how could it be such a coincidence?"

Everyone has a heart for gossip, especially gossip from high-level people, and all the scholars can't help but listen to it intoxicated.

I just don’t know, is this true or false? Could it be that Lin Tailai made it up in a letter?

The young man was thin-skinned and unwilling to associate himself with the inside story, so the chief minister's son-in-law said angrily: "What on earth, what does it have to do with you, Lin Tailai! How dare you talk nonsense here!"

Lin Tailai ignored the son-in-law of the chief minister and continued: "The reason why the two sons-in-law of the chief minister transferred to the government school may be because it is easier to obtain the provincial examination quota in the government school.

But more importantly, I, Lin Tailai, am studying in the government! Chancellor Shen probably wanted to package Wang Heng, Li Hong and I, Lin Tailai, together."

Everyone: "."

How confident are you, Senior Official Lin, that you dare to believe that in the eyes of the elder, your status is no less than that of the son-in-law of the chief minister and the son of a bachelor?

Official Lin suddenly turned to Li Hong and Wang Heng, smiled contemptuously and said: "We have reached this point, I wonder if you two juniors understand?

The elders packed you with me just so that I could protect you!

If you encounter any trouble in the future, I, who is tied to you, will have to step in to sort it out!"

Such words were deafening to the ears of a group of young scholars.

If what I just said about "packaging and processing together" is an inside story, then this is an even bigger inside story!

The real intention of Mr. Ge is to let Lin Tailai protect his own son-in-law and son?

With their level of thinking, they can't imagine this at all, and they don't even have the ability to judge whether it is true or false!

Professor Cui, who had only been tough for a quarter of an hour, was now feeling numb.

Just now I was imagining that with the support of the two pavilion elders, I would fight against Lin Tailai, but it turns out that the clown is actually me!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Li Hong cried out. If this was the truth, he would never accept it!

Official Lin said loudly: "That's right! I also think this is impossible! So I refuse the arrangement of the elders!

You two kids, don't come over here, don't get together with me!"

Official Lin's words were indeed from his heart. He really didn't want to take these two with him.

I have to say that the elders are very insightful and have foreseen that the real trouble lies not in the exam, but after the exam.

That's why they arranged it like this, thinking of letting him, Lin Tailai, be a nanny for the second generation. But he, Lin Tailai, is not a bad person who doesn't know how to refuse. He will accept any task without any reason.

No matter how other people want to arrange it, Lin Tailai must accept it without complaint!

Moreover, historical experience also shows that these two second generations are simply incompetent and cannot be brought along.

After being reported after the provincial examination in the 16th year of Wanli, the two men temporarily withdrew from the imperial examination. Although they still won the Jinshi, it was many years later and they had no achievements.

There is absolutely no benefit in being tied up with them. Lin Daguan doesn't have the patience to wait "many years later" together.

Everyone came back to their senses, thought about it carefully, and were shocked to find that the sensational and sensational remarks made by Lin Daguan earlier seemed to be understandable.

Official Lin looked around and asked: "Do you still think that their enrollment has nothing to do with me?

Is it not kind enough for them not to say hello to me before they arrive at the school?

After they arrived at Fu Xue, wouldn't it be impolite if they didn't pay my respects to my dock first?

Is it necessary to allow such unkind and rude people to enter school?"

The same words sounded stupid to others just now, but when they heard them again now, they actually felt that there was nothing wrong with them.

The behavior of these two second-generation people is indeed not respectful enough to Lin Tailai!

At this time, Professor Cui was more excited, "Their admission was arranged by the elders!

What qualifications do you, Lin Tailai, have to refuse the arrangement of the pavilion elders! Aren't you afraid of being retaliated by the pavilion elders?"

Lin Daguan smiled and said: "How can a low-level instructor like you understand our world?

If Prime Minister Shen is willing to help me, that's what I deserve. It's what I earned with my strength. There are no preconditions required!

Even if I refuse to protect Li Hong, Prime Minister Shen should still help me!

Between me and the elders, Li Hong and Wang Heng are all insignificant, do you understand?"

If sons-in-law and son-in-law play minor roles, then what about an instructor at a government school?

Professor Cui instantly seemed to have aged ten years. For the first time, he had clearly touched the class gap.

Jin Shiheng couldn't help but asked Lin Daguan: "Are the inside stories you just told true?"

Lin Daguan laughed a few times, "Haha", "I made it all up, you don't really believe it, do you?"

Jin Shiheng was still confused, "It can't be made up, right? It sounds like that to me."

Lin Daguan said nonchalantly: "Then you have to believe that I will have noble people to help me. With the help of noble people, I will definitely be able to pass the provincial examination and be proficient in the examination!"

The scholars in the government couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment when they heard Lin Daguan's "lofty words".

This is the first time they have heard someone say publicly that they will definitely be able to pass both exams by cheating! Is this the most arrogant candidate in history?

After the oral pleasure, Mr. Lin returned home and was inspecting the furnishings of his new home when several important guests suddenly arrived.

Mr. Shen Erye, who returned from an inspection trip to Shanghai County, Songjiang Prefecture, Mr. Zhang Fengyi, who returned from opening up the calligraphy and painting market in Yangzhou, and Mr. Feng, a big dog owner in Songjiang Prefecture and the last gravekeeper of the retro style.

Lin Daguan was very curious, how did these three people get together?

He often sees Mr. Shen and Zhang Fengyi, but he and Mr. Feng have not had many opportunities to meet each other in the past two years.

So I greeted Mr. Feng alone: ​​"Mr. Feng is always around the old alliance leader. Why do you have time to visit today?"

Feng Shike sighed and said, "You'd better be nice to Duke Yanzhou!"

Lin Daguanren: "Why did I treat him badly? Last time in Yangzhou, if I hadn't come to the rescue, he would have been killed by Wang Zhideng and Wang Daokun!"

Feng Shike was speechless. What do you mean by calling for a rescue? If you use the metaphor of rescuing hostages, you Lin Tailai would kill the kidnappers and the hostages together.

Later, Feng Shike said: "You don't know, the Duke of Yanzhou has been rewriting "Jin Ping Mei" in the past two years to vent his anger.

I'm just embarrassed to release it out of shame. You don't want the book based on you to be exposed by the Duke of Danzhou, right?"

Lin Tailai: "."

In difficult moments when you are in a sluggish state, you need monthly tickets to cheer up!!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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