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Chapter 391 The fifteenth year of Wanli has also passed

The Wusong River, which originates from Taihu Lake, has abundant water and navigation is no problem at all, otherwise it would not be called a river.

The Wusong River outlet project envisaged by Lin Daguanren is not just about building a seaport.

It is necessary to re-dredge the dozens of miles of old routes downstream and re-enter the Wusong River, which became a tributary of the Dahuangpu River twenty years ago, into the sea.

In addition to the seaport, several river ports should be set up along the three hundred miles to serve as intermediate stations from Suzhou to the ocean.

In addition, three sufficiently wide branch lines will be built, leading to Songjiang Fucheng, Suzhou Fucheng and Xujiang Industrial Park respectively.

According to the historical trend, foreign trade will explode in the next few decades, and Jiangnan is a developed "industrial" area and the area with the largest export of goods.

Therefore, the Wusong River Estuary Project is definitely very profitable. If you can control this project, you can easily control the economic lifeline of Jiangnan in the future.

However, the difficulty of the project is still a bit high for Lin Daguanren's current strength. He needs to recruit people to share the project, and even the eunuchs want to join him as a partner.

Official Lin would not disclose all his thoughts to the court at the beginning, lest his ambition to control the economic lifeline of Jiangnan be exposed.

It only says that it is to dredge the old Wusong River, increase downstream flood channels, reduce upstream flood hazards, and at the same time try sea transportation.

But even this was rejected by the cabinet, not because the cabinet or Chief Shen had any objections to Mr. Lin.

The main reason is that after Zhang Juzheng, the court's governing style tended to be conservative and did not want to mess with things, especially unfamiliar projects with no precedent.

It doesn't matter if something doesn't work, but even if it does, some things may not work.

Lin Tailai sometimes felt helpless when faced with the conservative attitude of the entire bureaucratic collective.

Anyway, it will take a few years for the production capacity of the industrial park to explode. At present, the demand for overseas trade is not that urgent, so we can only look for opportunities and take our time.

And now Mr. Lin doesn't have much energy to think about the project, and Gao Changjiang is urging him to get married every day.

That's right, the person who is most active in urging Lin Daguan to get married now is Gao Changjiang, who is more active than Lin's father and Lin's mother.

As the chief engineer of the Canglang Pavilion Lin Mansion and the chief wedding steward of the Lin Mansion, Gao Changjiang had long been tired of Lin's housework.

He just wanted to finish all Lin Zuoguan's housework as soon as possible, and then make full preparations to go to Hengtang College.

The seventh day of the ninth lunar month in the year Dinghai is a good time to get married.

On this day, the first military champion of the Ming Dynasty commanded the defense of Suzhou City, and the governor of Suzhou Yunqianhu. Lin Tailai, a student member of the Suzhou Prefecture, married the daughter of the Wang family in Shandong Xincheng, the sister of Yaojiao, the Minister of Household Affairs.

To use a popular saying hundreds of years later, this wedding was the "wedding of the century" in Suzhou.

The daughter of the Wang family got married from Fuya Neiyamen and was carried to Canglang Pavilion Lin Mansion. The route was from Fuqian Street to Yinma Bridge, then turned to Wolong Street, and finally to Canglang Pavilion Lin Mansion.

Along the way are the main roads in the city, all decorated in red.

On that day, hundreds of guests and celebrities came to the Lin Mansion to congratulate him. Even the Lin Mansion and the Canglang Pavilion were opened to the public.

The consequence of the large number of guests was that Mr. Lin drank too much. When he entered the bridal chamber at night, Mr. Lin was already drunk.

There is a set of procedures in the bridal chamber, but it was the second time this year for Mr. Lin to go through the procedure, so he was no stranger to it. Even though he was drunk, he still completed the procedure smoothly.

When the maid left and closed the door, only the husband and wife were left in the room.

Lin Daguan lay on the bed with his arms and legs spread out, exhaled a breath and said: "With you as my good wife, I can finally relax in the future."

Wang Shiwu smiled softly and said: "What do you want me to do?"

Lin Tailai replied: "From now on, you will be mainly responsible for two major aspects! The first is the management of Lin's industry, and the second is coordinating the relationship between various houses in the family."

Wang Shiwu asked again: "I still don't know what to do with the two things my husband mentioned. Why don't you give me some more advice?"

The drunk Lin Tailai also talked a lot, "What don't you understand? For example, in the first aspect of industrial management, there is no need to cover everything in detail, as long as we grasp a few core industries.

For example, banks that control funds, agricultural warehouses with wide connections, and industrial parks with the largest number of industrial workers. As long as you have these items in your hands, you can have an impact on the whole body."

"My husband is really amazing. He can outline everything in just a few sentences and simplify the complex." Wang Shiwu seemed to have transformed into a little girl and continued to ask in an adoring tone: "What about the second most important thing? How can I satisfy my husband?"


Lin Daguan replied smoothly: "The second most important thing is to coordinate the relationship between the houses. You can be a little biased."

Having said this, Lin Daguan suddenly became more than half drunk.

Wang Shiwu has always wanted to confirm from himself who he likes the most, but he was too relaxed today and almost fell into the trap.

Wang Shiwu stroked Lin Tailai's pectoralis major and said softly: "My husband, please tell me, which one should I prefer from now on?"

Lin Tailai immediately changed his words and said: "Of course I only favor you in my heart. As for you as the mistress, you still have to be impartial and fair to the sisters."

Seeing that Wang Shishi didn't say anything, he added: "In addition to the two things you mentioned, husband, there is actually a third matter."

Lin Daguan nodded solemnly and said consciously: "I understand, giving birth to a son."

As the Lin family established its business, every woman around her wanted to have a son.

Lin Daguan, whose family is big and has a large business, doesn't care about having more children. It's enough for now.

On this autumn night, Mr. Lin made another bride cry. There was nothing I could do, it hurt too much.

The next day, the exhausted newlyweds didn't bother to sleep. They got up early to worship their parents and then went to their family temple to worship their ancestors.

After finally staying up until the afternoon, the extremely sleepy newlyweds got some rest time.

When Wang Shiwu woke up again, she felt very empty. Because she was the only one in bed, and her husband had disappeared.

A bride who is married to a strange place feels somewhat dependent on her husband.

Wang Shiwu was no exception. He asked his maid: "Where has Mr. Lang gone?"

The maid replied: "The master went to the study and said that due to the recent preparations for the wedding, there was a backlog of letters that needed to be answered."

Wang Shiwu suddenly felt a little sentimental. He might not fully understand Lin Tailai.

I don't know why, but I always feel like there is a thin veil between Lin Tailai and everyone.

Even the person who is theoretically closest to me is no exception. Maybe it’s because we spend too little time together, right?

With the idea of ​​knowing as much as possible about her husband, Wang Shiwu walked to the study. She had never seen him before. What did Lin Tailai look like in the study?

After reading the letter, Lin Tailai waved to his wife and urged: "You came just in time, help me write the letter quickly."

Wang Shiwu sat next to him and asked with his chin propped up: "Doesn't the clerical affairs belong to Secretary Bai?"

Lin Tailai said: "Secretary Bai went to Hengtang Town and will probably come back in two days."

"What letter do you want me to ghostwrite?" Wang Shiwu held back his tiredness and yawned lightly.

Lin Tailai replied: "Write a letter to Hai Qingtian in Nanjing."

"My husband and Hai Qingtian are still in contact?" Wang Shiwu was very surprised. From a normal perspective, my husband and Hai Rui were completely incompatible.

Lin Daguan handed the pen to Wang Shiwu, "I'm going to be careless first, I want to hold Hai Qingtian accountable!"

Why was he so short-sighted twenty years ago that he cut off the Wusong River and turned a river leading to the sea into a tributary of the Huangpu River!

As a result, the city of Suzhou is now losing its ocean, and a visionary like me is in trouble, and it may take ten years to correct his bad engineering!"

Wang Fifteen: "."

She suddenly felt that the brush in her hand weighed more than a thousand pounds. When she thought that the person reading the letter was Hai Rui, she felt that she could not write her husband's arrogant tone.

I know that my husband has been upset because the Wusong River sea connection project has been blocked recently, but is it too brave to vent his anger on Hai Rui so directly?

Then I heard Lin Tailai say in an understatement: "The last thing I want to add is that I will go to Nanjing next year. I am going to question him face to face and tell him to take good care of himself and wait for me."

Wang Shiwu felt again that he might not know his husband well enough.

People in this era generally did not have the habit of taking long vacations, unless they were traveling far away from home.

So after a few days, Lin Daguan returned to his normal life rhythm. Generally speaking, he went to the government school to sign in in the morning, and in the afternoon he went to the garrison office to check on things.

That day, Senior Official Lin entered Minglun Hall of Fuxue. After scanning around, he saw Wang Heng and Li Hong sitting in the corner.

Then he said in surprise: "I am already married, and you are still studying in the government?"

Transfer duo: "."

Is there any necessary connection between your marriage and our studying in the government?

Lin Daguan sighed: "You have been in the sixth grade for three consecutive times, why are you still unwilling to leave the school?

I have not used force for a long time, what do you want from me to drive you away?"

Wang Heng said angrily: "If we leave Fu Xue, where can we go?"

Official Lin slapped the case and said, "You had told me earlier! I could have shown you a way!"

At this time, Professor Cui walked in and was about to give a lecture.

Official Lin raised his hands and shouted to Professor Cui: "Is it time to recommend Gong students to the Imperial College? Can our Imperial College recommend two?"

Professor Cui nodded and said: "It is true."

Speaking of the future of school students today, the best is of course to pass the exam. This is the so-called clear path.

But the probability of winning the examination was too low after all, so the imperial court gave other ways out. For example, students could be recommended every year and sent to the Imperial College in the capital to study, and they were called Gongsheng students.

But this way out is much worse than recruiting students. Generally, the default rule is to sort by seniority, and let the person who has been in school the longest go to the Imperial College, which can be regarded as a consolation prize for the old students.

Only those scholars who are completely desperate for the imperial examination would think of going to the Imperial College to become a prison student.

Lin Daguan suggested: "It happens that there are many people coming to the school today, so let's book the name of Gongsheng student!"

Everyone looked at an old student named Liu who was in his fifties. He was the earliest among the students in the school to enroll. According to the default rules, he should be a tribute student and go to the Imperial College.

The old scholar surnamed Liu suddenly stood up and sighed: "Come on, fame is like a dream, I will not take the provincial examination! I will go to the Imperial College to study for a better background!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a big hand pressing the old scholar Liu's shoulder, forcing him back to his seat.

"No, you don't want to go to the Imperial College." Lin Tailai, the master of Dashou, said.

Liu Laoxiucai: "."

Another old scholar in his early fifties subconsciously asked: "What about me?"

Lin Tailai replied very firmly: "I believe you don't want to go to the Imperial College."

Under the sharp gaze of Lin Daguan, all the scholars, according to their seniority, expressed that they did not want to go to the Imperial College to study.

In fact, it is not against one's will. Anyone who still has some pursuits and wants to compete in the provincial examination will not be willing to go to the Imperial College to become a supervisor.

After everyone else had finished expressing their opinions, only the transfer duo who had been enrolled for the shortest time were left.

Official Lin smiled at the two of them and said, "What a coincidence, the more than ninety seniors in front of you don't want to go to the Imperial College.

According to the order, there are two places available for you now. If you are not willing to go, it will be a waste."

Only then did the transfer duo realize that this was the way out that Lin Tailai was talking about.

He actually stopped more than 90 people, and gave the prison quota to the two lowest ranked people.

I also heard Lin Tai say: "In fact, the Imperial College also has quotas for the rural examination. It selects a number of supervisors to participate in the Beizhili Township Examination, but it is not easy to get the opportunity.

But I believe that your good father-in-law and father will definitely find a way to allow you to take the Beizhili Township Examination after you arrive at the Imperial College.

The only pity is that you may not be able to catch up with the provincial examination next year. You will have to wait three more years and will not be able to participate in the provincial examination in the same class as us.

Now answer me, should you go or not?"

Wang Heng gritted his teeth and replied: "Go!"

The duo who had transferred to another school were already in dire straits in their respective schools, watching their papers being graded into the sixth grade again and again.

Previously, there was no place to go, so I had no choice but to endure. As long as there was a place that could accept them, they would not stay in the government school and suffer humiliation.

It doesn't matter if you go to the Imperial College, at least there's no Lin Tailai there!

It doesn't matter if I take the provincial examination three years later. Anyway, if I continue to study in the government, I will be in the sixth grade every time, and I won't be able to take the provincial examination in this subject!

So this month, the transfer duo disappeared from the school, and peace returned to the school.

After sending away the two people who were "stealing resources", Lin Daguan thought that Shen Shoufu should understand what he wanted.

In this provincial examination combined with the general examination, there can only be one person who can protect all the resources of the first assistant, and that is Lin Tailai!

The fifteenth year of Wanli was a year in which not many major events occurred. If the major event of the year was selected, it would probably be the Suzhou Civil Uprising.

As Senior Officer Lin prepares for the exam, the end of the year is slowly approaching.

The number of new Wulian franchised halls under the control of Mrs. Fan has reached 13, and the area has expanded to Changzhou County and Wujiang County.

There are more than 20 cities directly under the jurisdiction, and they directly control one-tenth of the Suzhou Prefecture's money and grain, one percent of the world's grain collection, and one-fiftieth of the grain collection quota.

The number of looms in the industrial park reached 800, which was lower than the plan of 1,000 looms designated by Lin Daguan. There were more than 6,000 new houses, exceeding Lin Daguan's planning progress, which made Lin Daguan curse Niang Xi.


Even more unfavorable news is that the Weaving Industry Office, out of patience, raised the daily wages of weavers in the city to six cents, which caused certain obstacles to the recruitment of workers in the industrial park.

After the government government supervised the construction, a new waterway was built connecting Xujiang River and Wusong River. Huang Wuniang's water transportation business expanded to Wusong River and went deep into Wujiang County.

After the Jinongcang in Wu County and Changzhou County were merged, it was named Gusu Jinongcang. After the new grain harvested in the autumn was put into the warehouse, the grain storage reached 150,000 shi.

Of course, from the perspective of future generations, the biggest economic news is that a store named Xinwu Bank opened on Nanhao Street, but most people at the time did not understand what it was for.

There is nothing to write, just prepare to open a copy of the imperial examination!

This chapter has been completed!
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