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Chapter 415 He is impatient!

Morally speaking, Lin Daguanren's words were impeccable, and even Gu Xiancheng's friends could not speak out to object.

Gu Xiancheng also knew very well that the best way to deal with it at this time was to use force to blast Lin Tailai out directly, completely isolate Lin Tailai from the venue, and solve the problem in a physical sense!

In other words, if you can do it, don't beep! But it's a pity that they don't have this strength.

As a result, Gu Xiancheng felt a little regretful. Could it be that he had made a mistake in emphasizing civility over military affairs?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiancheng couldn't help but look at Gao Panlong, a fellow villager not far from him.

Historically, there were as many as nine scholars from Wuxi County who were admitted to the imperial examination in this department. Among the Eight Gentlemen of Donglin, Gao Panlong, Xue Fujiao, and Ye Maocai were all candidates for this department, and all of them won the Jinshi. They are all present at this moment.

In the development plan conceived by Gu Xiancheng, he originally wanted Xue Fujiao to be his right-hand man in the future.

Because Xue Fujiao's grandfather, Xue Yingqi, was an academic master. When they were young, brothers Gu Xiancheng and Xue Fujiao studied together at Xue Yingqi's place, and they had a very close relationship with Xue Fujiao.

But now Gu Xiancheng suddenly felt that Gao Panlong might be a more suitable assistant candidate. After all, Gao Panlong's family was a loan shark and he was much stronger than Xue Fujiao in terms of force.

So should we modify the plan and make Gao Panlong his deputy in the future?

At this time, Gao Panlong saw Gu Xiancheng looking at him, mistakenly thought that this was a hint to him, and asked him to quickly come forward and say something.

Gao Panlong was quite positive about this kind of thing where he could show his face, so he stood up, pointed at the knocked out beauty, and said to Lin Tai:

"You really misunderstood. The reason why this woman is present is because Mr. Gu wants to use this woman's special status to talk about the good and evil of human nature.

The theory of good and evil is one of the most fashionable topics in recent years, do you understand?"

Lin Tailai: ""

He thought that with hundreds of years of experience, he was invincible in talking nonsense with his eyes open, but unexpectedly he met his opponent today.

After blinking a few times, Lin Daguan said: "But Mr. Gu just admitted in person that he was enjoying himself with a prostitute."

Gao Panlong could only helplessly look at Gu Xiancheng again. He had tried his best to talk nonsense, but brother, the hole you dug was too big, so you should find a way to fill it yourself.

Gu Xiancheng had already recovered and said seriously: "Although I was next to a prostitute just now, all I was thinking about was the way of Mencius.

Although this woman has fallen into prostitution, she was born with a perfect and chaste body, which proves Yasheng's theory that human nature is inherently good."

Everyone on the left and right clapped and cheered: "Congratulations, Mr. Gu!"

In the late Ming Dynasty, Wang Yangming's theory of mind was particularly popular. These four sentences, "There is no body without good or evil, there are good and evil actions, knowing good and evil is conscience, doing good and eliminating evil is observing things." These four sentences were even more widely circulated.

Especially the first sentence "There is no good or evil in the body", which can be understood to mean that human nature is neither good nor evil, which caused a lot of controversy.

Because the orthodox doctrine of Confucianism is Mencius' "theory of the goodness of nature", which emphasizes the inherent goodness of human nature, and greatly conflicts with the theory of "no good and no evil" of Xinxue.

Therefore, the "problem of good and evil" is one of the core academic issues in the late Ming Dynasty. The focus is the debate between the "theory of good nature" and "no good and no evil". Generally speaking, this issue cannot be avoided in academic circles.

As a spokesman for orthodox Confucianism, Gu Xiancheng must firmly support the theory of human nature and oppose the view of "no good and no evil" in the mind.

Thinking of this, Lin Tailai knew that he had to go all out!

If you can't even bullshit your opponent, how can you gain academic reputation?

He didn't really care what his views were, he just wanted to gain some academic reputation from Gu Xiancheng.

So now Lin Tailai can only refute for the sake of refutation. No matter what Gu Xiancheng's views are, he can just stand on the opposing side.

"Although this girl was born with a perfect and chaste body, she didn't know whether it was good or bad when she was born. This is because her nature is neither good nor evil."

Gu Xiancheng replied: "You beat this girl unconscious. She has no consciousness now and doesn't know whether she is good or bad, but it does not affect the perfect virginity of her body when she was born.

In the same way, the inherent goodness of human nature is an objective principle of nature and does not change because of people's self-perception.

Mencius said, "When people first see a child about to fall into a well, they all feel wary and compassionate. Children all love their relatives and their elders, and all respect their brothers. This is the inherent goodness of human nature!"

After several rounds, Gu Xiancheng seemed to gradually gain the upper hand.

"You are sophistry!" Lin Tailai couldn't help complaining.

Gu Xiancheng said coldly: "When you come out to hang out, you can tell the truth if you can; if you can't, then admit defeat."

Lin Tailai took a deep breath, racked his brains to reorganize his words and said:

"You think that all human natures are inherently good, just like women are born to be perfect and chaste, so what's the difference between the natures of each person?

Confucius said: Nature is similar, habits are far apart, and the most important thing is the word "near".

The reason why Confucius said that the natures are similar rather than the same is because Confucius believed that people are not completely identical in nature and there are differences.

So the idea that human nature is inherently good that you advocate is contrary to the teachings of Confucius!"

Gu Xiancheng: ""

Lin Tailai asked aggressively: "You are talking about Mencius, and I brought out Confucius. How do you deal with it? Who is the younger or the Yasheng?"

"You are sophistry!" Gu Xiancheng said angrily.

Lin Tailai said coldly: "When you come out to fool around, you can tell the truth if you can, and if you can't, you should admit defeat."

At this point, Gu Xiancheng, who could not afford to lose, could not spare any effort and said with full force:

"Although Mencius had a glimpse of the fundamental nature of human nature, he only demonstrated it through compassion, shame, resignation, the four principles of right and wrong, and the love, affection and respect of children.

Therefore, in the way of expression, Mencius did not reveal the source of the inherent goodness of nature, but only used emotions to test nature and make superficial arguments.

Since the origin of good nature lies in the way of heaven, how can it be completely restricted to Confucius and Mencius?"

Lin Tailai continued to retort: ​​"Since you talk about the way of heaven, the way of heaven is originally soundless, tasteless, formless, and cannot be expressed clearly, so it cannot be defined and expressed by "goodness" at the empirical level.

If you say that nature originates from the way of heaven, it should not be limited by good or evil, and it should be neither good nor evil."

Gu Xiancheng asked again: "Since the mind theory uses 'nothing' to express nature, why do we still emphasize the addition of 'good' and 'evil'?

Therefore, Xinxue still believes that "nothing" is higher than "being", and the nature of "nothing" includes "being". Therefore, good and evil all come from the nature.

This trend of thought blurs the distinction between good and evil, and is equivalent to obliterating goodness! If this is not heresy, what else is heresy?"

Lin Tailai sighed: "Don't regard the good that ordinary people know as good, but regard the absence of goodness as good; do not regard the elimination of evil as the ultimate, but regard the absence of evil as the original proof.


Gu Xiancheng said sternly: "The destruction of the world's teachings began with Yangming's words that there is no good or evil!

The ancient sages and sages upheld the teachings of the world, relying solely on their everlasting belief in the goodness of nature. Therefore, they said that what the people like is good, and what the people hate is evil.

Only this belief in good nature cannot be destroyed, so no matter how bad the world is, it can always be restored. Changing customs and changing customs will bring back the pure, because human nature is inherently good.

The belief that there is no good or evil in mind-based learning has obliterated the belief in good nature. If this kind of thought spreads, it will do great harm to the world!"

Listening to Gu Xiancheng's eloquent talk, Lin Daguan felt like his stomach was almost empty.

If I continue this lengthy debate, I will definitely run out of words soon.

After all, Gu Xiancheng is the most professional, and in his previous life, he only dabbled in it a little because of his professional connections.

Faced with this situation, he had to find a way. Lin Tailai suddenly said: "How did Mr. Gu tell the program of your Qingliu Party?"

Gu Xiancheng: "???"

How did you, Lin Tailai, figure out such a hidden connection?

Lin Tailai went on to say: "The problem for people with insufficient virtue in the world is that they have evil and hide it; while for people with strong morals, the problem is that they have good things and are attached to them.

People with insufficient virtue like to hide evil and be hypocritical, and they often go with people who insist on good deeds.

And those people who insist on goodness are the so-called wise men and gentlemen in the world. They don't know that they are not good, but they mistakenly have good views.

When encountering people, he does not rub sand in his eyes. He always distinguishes between ourselves and our enemies, and denounces all those who are not my kind as evil people.

Such people are sincere but their intentions are not sincere. They say they are righteous but their hearts are not righteous.

Mr. Xiangshan of the Song Dynasty said: Evil can harm the heart, and good can also harm the heart.

By the way, according to your view of good and evil, if the emperor does not approve your memorial, what kind of memorial does it count as?"

Hurry up and go online, talk about politics! Mr. Lin showed off his unique skills in academic debates!

Gu Xiancheng was not able to answer directly and shouted: "The debate now is academic, don't involve other aspects!"

Lin Daguan shook his head and said: "So Mr. Gu, you are trying your best to defend the theory of human nature, is it just to create your Qingliu sense of justice and moral superiority?

But it is not good for you Qingliu to do this. Looking at the disasters caused by party strife in the past generations, even good people cannot help but join in the fight; and the new law is harmful to the people, and even gentlemen can hardly abstain from their responsibilities.

In the end, it brings disaster to the country, brings disaster to the people, and causes unbearable pain. Is it because those people lack kindness in nature?

All in all, people who are obsessed with kindness are also terrible!"

Gu Xiancheng stood up and emphasized: "I just said that the academic dispute does not involve anything else. Since you insist on not listening, that's it for today!"

It was obvious that Lin Tailai's remarks were so harsh and hit the nail on the head that Gu Xiancheng was a little afraid to continue.

And if it spreads, it will seriously damage the image of the Qingliu forces, so Lin Tailai cannot be allowed to talk anymore!

Lin Daguan breathed a sigh of relief. He has been waiting for you to stop! Otherwise, he would have nothing to say!

Then he raised his hands and waved, and said loudly to the people on both sides of the seats:

"Please bear witness, Mr. Gu couldn't argue with me academically today, and he was so impatient!

Mr. Gu and I have debated scriptures three times. The first time we studied in Wuxi County, I didn’t lose; the second time we studied in Nanjing Imperial College, he didn’t win; and the third time is today, he got impatient and took the initiative to stop it!”


This chapter has been completed!
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