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Chapter 433 Things about the No. 1 Scholar (Part 2)

The Qionglin Banquet can be regarded as the last climax of this imperial examination. At this time, after a series of activities, the new scholars have become familiar with each other and can be more relaxed.

Moreover, after the Qionglin Banquet, it means the end of the personal imperial examination era, and you will officially enter the officialdom from now on.

Therefore, the Qionglin Banquet was very lively and had the look of a "graduation season" carnival.

Lin Jiuyuan Tailai, as the number one scholar, was definitely the most eye-catching figure in the imperial examination activities, and there were always many people around him.

Although Lin Zhuangyuan's reputation is well known, there are still many people who want to make friends with Lin Zhuangyuan.

On the occasion of the Qionglin Banquet, no one bothered to discuss the classics.

Among the four great joys of life, only poetry can express the excitement of being inscribed on the gold medal list. There are allusions to poems on the wild goose pagoda since the Tang Dynasty.

When it comes to writing poems, everyone can't help but look at Lin Zhuangyuan, who entered Taoism through martial arts and single-handedly broke the hegemony of the retro school.

Lin Jiuyuan did his duty, and after taking a few more gulps of wine, he began to show off his poems: "I'm so happy that Kui Yuan wrote three poems by himself!"

"First of all, I have thousands of words on the policy against Tong Ting, and I sing the emperor's praises. The country's favor is only extended by the ministers, and I have won the first prize in civil and military affairs in three years!"

"Secondly, because of the luck of destiny in the literary field, a unique talent will come to the fore. In the prosperous dynasty, there will be three yuan of auspiciousness, and the heirloom of Gengyin will have nine leaks, nine leaks, and nine talents!"

"Third, Your Highness Hanyuan has five new clouds, and the sun and the moon are kissing each other in the sky in the palace. The Holy Lord cherishes talents and has joined the nest. From now on, the nest has become a vassal!"

After listening to it, everyone first felt that he was indeed an expert in composing poems. He could recite poems in groups with just one mouthful.

It is this quality, how should I put it, that it is just a standard proposition that can no longer be made.

In other words, if it were any of them who won nine yuan in a row, they would be able to write this kind of poem.

But Lin Zhuangyuan seemed to have written a good poem that would be handed down from generation to generation. His drunken eyes looked around triumphantly, as if he was expecting other people's cheers, compliments, and compliments.

But no one spoke. Although everyone was embarrassed to speak up, they couldn't belittle it.

After all, the compositions for propositions are like this, and most people’s entertainment compositions are not as good as these few.

Lin Zhuangyuan looked left and right again, frowning slightly.

Even if these people of the same age have not been polluted by officialdom and are embarrassed to brag shamelessly, why are there not even villains who have made disparaging remarks?

Suddenly, Wang Shiqi was seen in the crowd, the eldest son of the leader of the old alliance Wangji.

The father's legacy should be inherited by the son, and it's you! Lin Zhuangyuan put down his wine glass, pointed at Wang Shiqi drunkenly, and said, "My nephew, tell me! Are my poems good?"

Wang Shiqi responded: "How is your style of literary overlord different from my father who has been in the past ten years?"

Lin Zhuangyuan: "???"

Is it possible that the Nizi style has been popular recently?

Taking advantage of Lin Zhuangyuan's absence, Wang Shiqi continued:

"These three songs of yours have no connotation at all except for arrogant showing off and unabashed boastfulness! They are just mediocre entertainment works!"

This time it finally felt right! Lin Zhuangyuan came to his senses and said lazily:

"What? After working hard for several years, can't you enjoy the glory?"

Wang Shiqi added: "Even my father said that most of your works in the past one or two years are mediocre and routine!

Now he has almost fallen to the same level as Feng Er, without the aura he had three or four years ago!

Although you made great strides in the imperial examinations, you may have exhausted your talents in poetry!

Now you only have the four major schools of poetry left to talk about, and your actual creative ability has been exhausted!"

Lin Zhuangyuan directly picked up the wine bottle, drank several large gulps, was silent for a moment, then sighed, closed his eyes and chanted:

"The palace flowers cover their eyes with wine and tears, and the newlyweds are worried about hearing about the new affairs of the court; the newspaper bundles in the residence are made into a basket of ashes, and the court clothes and flowers are planted in the market.

There are more than a thousand words in the new poems every day, but there is not a single word of concern for the people in the poems; others say that I am really mediocre, and I can't answer the questions about the green mountains.

Since Lao Du got the name of his poem, loyalty to the emperor and patriotism has become a child's play; there is a cup of spring in the eyes, crying for the young people in Luoyang!"

Wang Shiqi: ""

Damn! I don’t know why, but I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap?

Everyone was a little confused when they suddenly heard such a long and shocking poem.

Everyone has the ability to appreciate, and they can immediately feel that there is something special about this poem.

It not only responds to the doubts about the declining quality of poetry with strength, but also portrays a cold-eyed observation of the current situation of the imperial court as a newcomer who is about to enter the imperial court.

There is also anger and satire towards today's literati, scholar-bureaucrats and court officials. This absurdity reflects the reality to a very high level.

The ability to perfectly integrate the above themes into a poem must be amazing.

Lin Zhuangyuan was neither sad nor happy, and silently recited "sin, sin, sin" in his heart. Yuan Xianzun, who was still wasting his time in Suzhou, was about to write this poem. If he didn't copy it, it would be too late and he would break the precept once.

At this moment Zhou Yingqiu jumped out, skipping the process and started directly: "He is worthy of being the poet of the world! The leader of hundreds of schools of thought, he has a comprehensive understanding!

No longer restricted by styles and genres, poems of all kinds can be picked up at your fingertips without leaving any trace, and they are as exquisite as the work of God!"

Then he looked at Wang Shiqi fiercely and asked, "Do you still dare to say that Brother Jiuyuan Jiang Lang has exhausted his talents?"

Wang Shiqi shrank: "The following are all my father's comments."

Zhou Yingqiu nodded and replied: "What you relayed does seem to be the comments of Mr. Wang.

For example, saying that only poetry theory can be used to talk hard, but the actual creative ability has been exhausted, this is probably the life experience of Mr. Wang in recent years, right?

Therefore, only leader Wang Lao can make such comments based on his own life experience and apply them to others.

But it is a big mistake to apply it to Brother Jiuyuan, a great poet.

A new generation has replaced the old ones, and the old leader Wang can no longer shoulder the burden of the literary world, and it is time to give up!"

Everyone: ""

I admit that Zhou Yingqiu is talented, but why don't he use it on the right path?

Even Lin Zhuangyuan was deeply shocked. Zhou Zhuti's words were absolutely free and not Lin Tailai's words!

Suddenly, Lin Zhuangyuan felt a strong sense of crisis again. Now everyone is paying attention to Zhou Zhutu, and his limelight seems to have been robbed!

This won't work! The strong fighting spirit was rekindled in Lin Zhuangyuan's heart!

Bang! The wine bottle in Lin Zhuangyuan's hand accidentally fell to the ground. After re-entering other people's sight, he sighed again: "Any talk about poetry is just a cloud! In fact, I envy you all!"

"In terms of poetry and literature, you can still follow the directions of the four major schools, move forward step by step, and enjoy the fun of improving yourself.

But I no longer know where the direction is and what a higher realm is.

From the sea to the boundless sky, who is the peak?

What was displayed in front of me was endless mist and dead ends, but I could only be alone, embarking on a meaningless exploration that might last a lifetime."

In order to use the wine to soothe his emotions, Lin Zhuangyuan showed off too much at the Qionglin Banquet, and finally pretended to be broken.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already lying in the Wang family, Wang Situ's Wang family.

My good nephew Wang Xiangmeng followed the maid in and shouted happily: "You are finished!"

Lin Zhuangyuan had a splitting headache. He didn't want to speak, but he still asked: "I was just pretending to exert too much force last night. Why did it end?"

Wang Xiangmeng continued: "You even asked Shen Shoufu to write a poem!

In the past thirty years, there have been two champions, and there is a story about my Wu family in the Bamboo Forest. Who knows how many years have passed since Panshui has passed, and there will be an old master with more aura.

In the East Pavilion of Hanyuan and Dayin, all the articles and careers are in vain. The Prime Minister holds a heavy gold pot in his hand, and it is difficult to turn around with a hanging poplar tied to it.

After seeing this, Shen Shoufu was very angry and felt that you were mocking him for not doing anything, so he might as well retire and make way for you!"

Lin Zhuangyuan said angrily: "Isn't this a literary prison? I just compared myself with the first assistant, he is not even three yuan! But the first assistant used the topic to make use of it!"

Wang Xiangmeng did not argue with Lin Tailai and continued: "Then my second uncle gave you a poem, but you thought the poems given by my second uncle were not good enough, so you wrote one on the spot!

You also know that my second uncle has always been very concerned about his lack of literary talent and his inability to join the literary circle! His face turned dark last night!"

Lin Zhuangyuan: ""

Then Wang Xiangmeng shook his head and chanted:

"Today a happy feast is held in the east bed, Hanyuan Wenguang takes over the stage. Looking at the lintel of the Thousand Miles Gate, the crane counts, and the nine-fold favor orders Xiluan to return.

The wine is poured with pearls of autumn dew, and the flowers reflect the spring light. The nine poems of three yuan ascend to the first place, and the born immortal descends to the earth."

It was a drunken accident. Lin Zhuangyuan covered his head in pain. Once the film was broken, the two bosses were completely offended.

No wonder Li Bai couldn't get along well in official circles. There were reasons.


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