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Chapter 443 Thousands of Miles Away

According to the usual practice, after the Spring Festival Competition, each new scholar can write a gold-plated post to announce the good news to his family, and the court will be responsible for delivering it to his home.

At the same time, the imperial court will also announce the results of the competition to all parts of the world in the form of official documents.

Around major transportation lines, official documents and information usually arrive first; while in remote places, it is possible that Jinshi's personal golden annunciation invitations arrive first.

By April, basically all the prefectures and counties along the main transportation lines had received news of the big competition in Kejing City.

Everything is low-grade, only reading is good! In the morning, he was a farmer, and in the evening, he ascended to the emperor's hall!

As the most important way for people to rise in class today, the results of the competition affect the hearts of many people.

Jinshi are still a scarce resource in most areas. If a county has a Jinshi who can speak up in the court, maybe the county will benefit in the future.

In the end, Chunwei wandered south along the canal and arrived at Huai'an Prefecture, the first state southeast of Huai River, surrounded by mountains and pheasant battlements.

Pan Jixun, the top water conservancy expert in the Ming Dynasty and the fourth river governor, was shocked when he saw the name of the number one scholar.

Last year, the young man from Suzhou who passed through Huai'an and was so boastful was able to win the first prize, and even claimed to win nine prizes in a row. Has the power of the chief assistant, Lao Shen, increased again?

Governor Pan recalled the young man surnamed Lin, who enthusiastically invited him to discuss water conservancy issues.

But Governor Pan could tell at that time that this person knew nothing about water conservancy practices, but he dared to give him suggestions. He didn’t know who gave him the courage!

For example, this person said that the nature of water can be favorable or unfavorable, the conditions of rivers can be divided and combined, and the terrain can be dangerous and rugged. Only by serving for a long time can one become familiar with the situation.

Therefore, this person believed that the most important task for him as the governor of the river channel at the moment was to find someone to serve as his replacement, and to explain to the court that the governor of the river channel could not be replaced easily.

At that time, Governor Pan only felt that this young man did not understand technology but was good at personnel matters.

It seems that my initial judgment was correct, this guy is really good at human resources work.

As a result, Chunwei continued southward and was sent from Huai'an Prefecture to Yangzhou City. Luyang City was the Yangzhou of Yangzhou.

In the Salt Patrol Court, a fierce quarrel was taking place. The newly appointed Salt Patrol Inspector Cui was in a dilemma and was helpless.

Since the great turmoil in the salt industry in the 15th year of Wanli, the Lianghuai salt industry system has undergone some reforms.

For example, salt merchants should be registered and fixed, and generally no new ones will be added in the future.

From now on, only registered salt merchants are allowed to hold Yinwo and participate in the subscription of new salt, and Yinwo transactions can only be conducted between registered salt merchants.

In other words, they are merchants who are eligible to receive salt quota directly from the government, and the quota has been fixed since then.

In the future, outsiders can only serve as subsidiaries to the existing nest operators, subcontracting various aspects of the business, or spend money to rent the nest capital from the nest operators.

This is a good thing for most existing salt merchants, as it restricts outsiders from entering the salt industry, making them more valuable and becoming vested interests.

But the biggest problem is that this time the government has registered 180 nest merchants. In most cases, each family has one quota, but Lin's Salt Industry has more than ten quotas!

If this impostor wants to establish a semi-official salt industry guild, Lin's Salt Industry and his family will account for nearly one-tenth of the "voting rights". Who can bear it?

The traditional salt merchants represented by Zheng Zhiyan were extremely dissatisfied with Lin's salt industry, so the two sides quarreled in front of Cui Yushi.

Cui Yushi sat in the middle, with Zheng Zhiyan and Zheng Chaofeng on his right, and behind Zheng Chaofeng were seven or eight Huizhou salt merchants.

On the left hand side is Lin Yunlai and Lin Er Ge. Behind Lin Er Ge are Lu Junbi, the great shopkeeper of Lin's salt industry, the unidentified Wu Tianshi, the representative of Suzhou Jinongcang, the representative of Lin Wangshi, etc.

Anyway, everyone at Lin's Salt Industry has Yan Yin Yin Wo under his name, and they all meet the government registration requirements.

Zheng Chaofeng, the leader of Huizhou salt merchants, pointed at Lin's second brother and said solemnly to Cui Yushi: "Lin's Salt Industry must have gotten wind of it in advance and deliberately scattered the nests to defraud the registered nest merchants!"

In order to enhance his persuasiveness, Zheng Chaofeng handed Cui Yushi a two-foot-wide note!

"Mr. Xu Ge from the imperial court is also very concerned about this matter!" Zheng Chaofeng said.

The second assistant, Mr. Xu Ge, was the backer of Huizhou merchants. This was an open secret.

Zheng Chaofeng knew that it was actually very low-level for him to use Xu Ge's old name like this. But he had no choice, the other party was so shameless, and he had to be low-level.

Lu Junbi, the big shopkeeper of Lin's Salt Industry, couldn't help but sneer: "You yourself are reluctant to disperse your nests and concentrate all the nests under one person's name. Who can blame you when you register by head?"

Cui Yushi felt a little shaken. Lin's Salt Industry was indeed a bit too unreasonable this time.

There are only 180 places in total, and your Lin family only occupies a dozen of them. Can such an industry be healthy?

"Can you take the initiative to reduce it by half?" Cui Yushi asked Lin Er Ge, the nominal boss of Lin's Salt Industry.

Brother Lin, who was not good at dealing with others, had an expressionless face and vacant eyes, staring straight at the rafters.

Lin Yunlai doesn't even know how to communicate with the official!

At the beginning, Ah Si thought that he had the weakest personality, so he let himself come to Yangzhou to be the titular boss!

Cui Yushi felt the arrogance and dissatisfaction of the Lin family, and asked again: "What about subtracting one-third?"

Zheng Zhiyan said dissatisfied: "Just subtracting a few, is there any essential difference from before?

Mr. Xu Ge must be dissatisfied with this result, and Lin's Salt Industry must show sincerity in rectification!"

At this moment, Cui Yushi's master suddenly walked in and whispered a few words to Cui Yushi.

Then he handed Cui Yushi a list of more than 300 names, which he had just copied.

After Cui Yushi looked down for a few times, he shouted at Zheng Zhiyan unceremoniously: "How dare a profiteer make fun of me? Get out!"

Zheng Zhiyan: "?"

The master sneered and said: "Mr. Xu Ge selected the fourth master of the Lin family to be the first in the examination and became the fourth master of the Lin family. What kind of close relationship is this?

He also sent the fourth master of the Lin family to win the first prize in a row, leading to an unprecedented ninth prize.

And you, a profiteer, dare to bring out Mr. Xu Ge here and deceive Mr. Patrol Salt to suppress the Lin family. You are so cruel!"

Zheng Zhiyan: ""

Lu Junbi, the big shopkeeper of Lin's Salt Industry, poked Brother Lin in the back to bring him out of his daze.

"Is it done?" Brother Lin saluted Cui Yushi, stood up and left.

As soon as I arrived at the Yangzhou Lin Mansion on Dongguan Street, I saw Commander Wan of the Yangzhou Guard standing at the gate.

"What's the matter with Lao Wan?" Brother Lin asked casually.

Commander Wan hurriedly said: "I think the engagement ceremony between Quanzi and your beloved should be held as soon as possible and announced to the world."

Brother Lin scratched his head and said, "How old are these two children? Isn't it a bit too early?"

"It's not too early! The dog is only a hundred months away from reaching sixteen years old. It's time to confirm the engagement!" Commander Wan said repeatedly.

Brother Lin smacked his lips a few times, nodded and said, "Okay, you go and do it."

Anyway, it was the fourth brother who decided on the daughter's marriage, and it didn't matter if he, the father, said it.

Chunwei News passed through Yangzhou, crossed the river, and went downstream to Taicang Prefecture.

Taicang Prefecture, which was not considered a cultural center in the past, has become an important place in the literary world in the past two decades, because Wang Shizhen, the leader of the literary world, is here.

Leader Wang is old, really old. He lies in bed all year round and rarely leaves his beloved Taiyuan.

Accompanying the old alliance leader Wang is his favorite youngest son Wang Shisu.

In the warm spring of April, the extremely weak Alliance Leader Wang leaned against the flowers and enjoyed the fragrance of spring.

Wang Shisu reported to his father: "There are letters from Mr. Feng Shike in Yunjian and Mr. Zou Diguang in Xishan. They are planning to visit my father and ask whether a literary conference will be held this year."

Alliance leader Wang Lao asked calmly: "Are they just the two of them?"

Wang Shisu was silent for a moment, and then answered truthfully with a little sadness: "Just these two people."

In previous years, this number would have been at least twenty, but now only Feng Shike and Zou Diguang are left.

At a young age, Wang Shisu has already realized what is meant by the impermanence of ups and downs.

"Where is Hu Yinglin?" Alliance Leader Wang asked again. This man is considered a rising star of the retro school. Alliance Leader Wang has known him for many years and is a successor in literary criticism.

Wang Shisu replied: "I heard that Hu Yinglin fell seriously ill on the way to take the exam. After recovering, he went to Huizhou to join Wang Daokun, and also joined the Baiyu Society of the Xin'an sect."

Leader Wang, who has been used to seeing storms for decades, said calmly: "It's nothing, the weather is always changing, and there is reincarnation."

At this time, a customer came over in a hurry and handed Wang Shisu a list of more than 300 people.

"Is that the list of the Chunwei Golden List?" Wang Shizhen asked very sensitively.

Wang Shisu glanced at it briefly and pretended to be happy and said: "It's a big happy event for my Wang family. My eldest brother has won! There is someone in my Wang family's follow-up!"

Alliance Leader Wang Lao was completely unmoved. The eldest son's title on the gold list was already expected and not worthy of surprise at all.

He was concerned about another person and continued to ask calmly: "Where is Lin Tailai?"

Wang Shisu was silent, not wanting to tell his father.

Alliance leader Wang Lao immediately grabbed the list, and after just one glance, the list fell to the ground.

Because the name is right there in the first place, there is no need to look at it a second time.

The old alliance leader, who could no longer grow old, was in a state of despair. His previous calmness had disappeared, and he kept repeating:

"The illustrious retro, the illustrious retro, the annihilation of the nine elements"

"Father?" Wang Shisu couldn't help but call out, the damn inner demon was here again!

But this call seemed to stimulate Old Alliance Leader Wang again. He raised his arms high, looked at the sky, and shouted hoarsely:

"The retro style that has existed for hundreds of years is over! It's over in the hands of me, Wang Shizhen!

Right and wrong, success or failure turns into nothing, literary hegemony is just a dream! What is the meaning of my Wang Shizhen’s existence in the human world for only a few years!"

Wang Shisong burst into tears, "Father! You still have "New Golden Ping Mei" to finish!

As the saying goes, your body and name will be destroyed, but the flow of rivers will not be destroyed forever!"

After crossing the river from Yangzhou and walking upstream, you will reach Nanjing City.

Hai Qingtian, the biggest mascot in Nanjing, has long been unable to serve as a director of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and has been bedridden at home for the past two years.

Since the death of his benefactor Huang Guangsheng, Hai Qingtian has been overly sad and his body has collapsed. Now he looks terminally ill and is getting worse day by day.

On this day, the deputy capital censor Wang Yongji went to visit Hai Rui on behalf of the organization. He saw Hai Qingtian lingering on the sick bed, and his energy was like a gossamer, like a candle in the wind, which might be blown out at any time.

The servant next to him reported: "Hai Gong has been so ill that he has been unable to speak for three days in a row, and the doctors did not dare to give medicine."

Wang Yongji had always admired Hai Rui the most as a person, but now he saw with his own eyes that a generation of Qingtian seemed to have reached the end of his life, and he could only cry silently to himself.

After walking outside the door first, Wang Yongji gave a few instructions to his entourage to prepare for Hai Qingtian's funeral first, so as not to be caught off guard when the incident came.

Then Wang Yongji walked into the house again and stood guard in front of Hai Qingtian's couch.

Suddenly Hai Qingtian took his hand out of the quilt and stretched out two fingers.

Wang Yongji quickly came closer and asked, "But you still want to see two relatives? The third daughter and third son-in-law from your hometown?"

Hai Qingtian stared and shook his head.

Wang Yongji asked again: "But there are two more things to tell you?"

Hai Qingtian stared again, shook his head, and then forced out a few sounds from his throat: "Mu Mu Mu"

Wang Yongji said doubtfully: "Tomb? Second tomb? Which lady does Hai Gong want to be buried with?"

The concubine Hai Qingtian who was over fifty years old next to her wiped away her tears and said: "What you said, Mr. Wang, is irrelevant. The wood my master mentioned should be the wood of the wood, and the second wood is the forest.

It seems that a man named Lin wrote to my master earlier, telling him to open his eyes and see how he got on the gold medal list."

Lin Wang Yongji suddenly realized that all the Nanjing officials knew that Hai Qingtian had a bad relationship with a certain Lin. It is said that he almost made a mistake and became an eternal hatred. Even now, he received a letter and was provoked.

Wang Yongji added: "Haigong Haojiao learned that Lin Tailai came to Beijing to take the exam and became the number one scholar in the imperial examination. It is said that he is the only nine-yuan auspicious person in civil and military circles in ancient times."

This means that you should rest in peace and stop competing with Lin Tailai. He has now achieved complete fame and no one can compete with him.

Suddenly Hai Qingtian sat up straight, startling Wang Yongji.

To be honest, this time it always feels like a "hoax".

Did Lin Jiuyuan stimulate Hai Qingtian so much? He even stimulated Hai Qingtian, who was on the verge of death, to the point of "returning to the light".

In a fit of anger, Hai Qingtian's stagnant voice was suddenly opened again.

I only heard him keep saying: "What auspiciousness, this is a monster, monster, the country will perish."

Wang Yongji quickly stopped him and said, "Hai Gong, be careful what you say! The Emperor also acquiesces to the Nine Yuan Auspiciousness."

Hai Rui said angrily: "If Lin Tailai doesn't cheat, then he is not Lin Tailai!"

Wang Yongji said very objectively: "In the palace examination, the craftsmanship was also tested, and the emperor personally made up the questions on the spot. In the end, Lin Tailai still ranked first."

Hai Rui's eyes widened. His outlook on life was greatly challenged. What part of Lin Tailai's temperament made him look like he could write eight-legged essays?

Although he still didn't have the strength to get out of bed, Hai Qingtian actually felt hungry again under the rush of breath, and said to the concubine: "Bring me a bowl of porridge! I want to live to see him collapse the house!"

Wang Yongji: ""

It seems that all those sad tears I shed just now were in vain? Or, in other words, they were shed too early.

After crossing the Yangtze River from Yangzhou, Chunwei arrived at Jingkou on the other side, continued southward along the canal, and entered the most prosperous hinterland of Jiangnan in the world.

In Wuxi County, it directly detonated the whole city. The glory of nine Jinshi in one county has been rare since ancient times! Gu Tida is indeed Gu Tida, so awesome!

As for the first name, the scholars in this county forcibly ignored it.

As the Chunwei list entered Suzhou Prefecture along the canal, the first name began to shine!

After that, Lin Zhuangyuan’s illustrious achievements crossed Xushuguan and reached the most loyal city of Suzhou!


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