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Chapter 459 One Night in the Capital (Part 2)

One of the most distressing things for those in power is that demand always seems to be greater than supply.

The resources in hand are always limited, but there are always more people who want to get resources from themselves.

For example, in the matter of electing the governor of Xuanfu Town, many people submitted their "demands" to Wang Yi'e, Minister of War.

But whose needs Wang Dashima should give priority to satisfy is a big officialdom knowledge.

Wang Da Sima asked his old mentor Xu Jie's grandson whether it was Lin Jiuyuan or Wang Situ who was behind you. It actually had a deeper meaning.

This does not mean that Lin Jiuyuan is necessarily more prestigious than Wang Situ. After all, Wang Situ is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs and is not that cheap.

But think about it from another angle, if Wang Situ comes forward to ask for help, then it is only Wang Situ's favor.

But if Lin Jiuyuan came forward to ask for help, it would be a favor between Lin Jiuyuan and Wang Situ, which would be double the happiness.

After all, Wang Xiangqian is Wang Situ's eldest son. As long as Wang Xiangqian is recommended, even if it is Lin Jiuyuan's request, Wang Situ will still be grateful.

This is what Wang Dasima meant when he said, "If it's Lin Jiuyuan, it's not impossible."

He also believed that Lin Jiuyuan came out to send a message to him just to express this "double favor".

Needless to say, communication between smart people is so simple and unpretentious.

One is Chaotang Supernova, who is indulged by the chief assistant without any bottom line, and has super lethal power, and the other is Da Situ, who ranks second in the six divisions. The combined weight of the two is comparable to that of an ordinary pavilion elder.

Moreover, the person who came to deliver the message was the grandson of his old mentor. Completing his repayment to his old mentor was also an official virtue, which could be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Before Xu Jie's grandson left, he suddenly said: "There is one more little thing, please help me, Uncle Shi."

On the same night, Shen Yongmaozheng, who was in charge of the Vehicle and Driving Department of the Ministry of War, chatted with his father, the chief assistant.

When I was at work today, I heard that the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of War would recommend the governor of the Xuanfu. Shen Yongmao couldn't help but be curious at home and asked Shen Shoufu: "Don't you have anyone you want to hire?"

As we all know, in terms of legal procedures, the cabinet does not have the power to directly intervene in personnel work, but Yang Wei, the official of the Ministry of Personnel, is a party member of Shen Shoufu.

If Shen Shoufu had ideas about personnel work, he would do it through Yang Tianguan. This is why many foreign officials were very dissatisfied with Yang Tianguan, believing that Yang Tianguan had harmed the rights and interests of foreign countries.

This time Yang Tianguan nominated Guo Siwei, an insider would know at a glance that it was Yang Tianguan's own idea, and Shen Shoufu should not have given any instructions.

Shen Shixing replied: "Lin Jiuyuan must have some ideas when he is doing this in Xuan Mansion, so let him do it."

Shen Yongmao looked at Shen Shoufu in confusion, Dad, are you already so open-minded?

Then I heard Shen Shoufu say angrily: "Didn't you two brothers teach you sincerely that as fathers, you should be more tolerant to Lin Jiuyuan and not compete with Lin Jiuyuan for profit?

If you don't fight for anything, fight for it, take a step back and the world will be brighter, and don't lose the future because of small gains in front of you."

Shen Yongmao was trembling and did not dare to speak. His father in this state felt even scarier than his angry father.

Shen Shoufu finally said: "Listen to you two brothers, I won't argue this time!

But if Lin Jiuyuan wants to be the governor of Xuanfu, he must ask me for help, he must grovel and beg me, beg me, and please me!

I’m looking forward to seeing Lin Jiuyuan’s face like this, so what you said is right, maybe it’s called fighting if you don’t fight!”

Shen Yongmao: ""

I wonder if my father has evolved again or become more perverted?

At this moment, I suddenly heard a sound that sounded like a whistle coming from the front yard.

The father and son were baffled and couldn't figure out why such a sound occurred.

Not long after, I saw the gate official coming over in a hurry, holding an arrow with a strange shape.

If you look closely, you can see that the arrowhead is made of animal bones, but it is not sharp and has very weak lethality. It is just hollow and has a few holes punched in it. There is also an envelope tied to the arrow.

The gate official reported: "Just now, a group of people rode past the gate, and then as the whistle sounded, the arrow fell in the front yard."

Shen Shoufu was also a man who read history books. He looked at the arrow, frowned and asked, "Is this Mingdy?"

The gate officer replied: "Among the guards in the front yard, there is an old soldier who has served in the border town. He said that these are also called rattling arrows. This style of animal bone rattling arrows is very popular in the Beilu people."

"Nonsense!" Shen Shoufu shouted: "Where did the Beilu Rangers come from in the capital? Are they still shooting Ming Dy indiscriminately in the middle of the night?"

The gate officer quickly continued: "The old army also said that in recent years, this style of Mingdy has also spread to border towns.

So it might be someone who just came back from the border town, deliberately hiding his head and making trouble at night."

Coming back from the border town? Thinking of this, Shen Shoufu looked at the envelope on Jian's body.

If it is in the realm of fantasy, immortality, or martial arts, big shots must not touch such letters of unknown origin.

But the doorman just touched it for a long time and found nothing, so it shouldn't be poisonous.

Opening the envelope, I saw what was written inside: "Participate in politics and serve as governor."

Shen Shoufu was so angry that he slapped the letter on the table and scolded from a distance: "Shuzi! Shuzi! Is this a gesture of asking for help?"

Shen Yongmao glanced at the content of the letter and shouted: "Father! Promise him! Promise him!"

Shen Shoufu: "???"

My dear, are you really out of your mind? Who is your father?

Someone is so arrogant that he shoots arrows into his own house, and you are still here to persuade your father to agree to someone?

Do you still have any dignity as a prime minister?

"I really want to make progress!" Shen Yongmao said.

Shen Shixing turned his attention to the letter again, read it carefully, and saw that after "participating in politics and serving as governor", there was also "the eldest son is a minister".

Da'er should refer to Shen Yongmao, and being Bu Lang means being promoted to Bu Lang in the Ministry of War?

Although the personnel power belongs to the Ministry of Personnel, according to the current official customs, the appointment of officials in each ministry still requires the nod of the head of the department, otherwise it will not be easy to work if the appointment is forced.

Uncle Shen was a Jinshi six years ago. He was only in his early twenties at the time and was very immature. He first worked as the chief of the Ministry of War.

It has now been six years since my second term, and I am now three years old. It’s time to make progress!

The meaning of this letter is that the Chief Sima of the Ministry of War has already given the nod? Shen Shoufu can make things happen without paying any additional transaction price?

"What exactly does father want to do?" Shen Yongmao asked cautiously.

Shen Shoufu replied without any doubt: "There is an urgent call for Lin, the imperial envoy of Xuanfu, to return to Beijing immediately!"

"What about the governor of Xuanfu?" Shen Yongmao always felt that his father was evading important matters.

Shen Shoufu waved his hand impatiently: "Except for recalling the imperial envoy Lin, I am too lazy to mention other unnecessary trivial matters!"

The same Mingdi also fell in the front yard of Yang Tian's official residence, and the letter wrote: "There is no words in the pavilion, the guests make the decision! There are many governors, why bother with border towns!"

Yang Tianguan read the letter and fell into deep thought. A person who can be a minister of the Ministry of Personnel must have the ability to think about human affairs.

The meaning of this letter is that a certain disciple speaks on behalf of a certain chief minister who is silent?

Then the other party also made a condition. If you want to arrange for one of your own to be the governor, it does not have to be in a border town. You can find another opportunity to go to the mainland.

When the time comes, you will have the support of the chief minister, and the Minister of Household Affairs will help you nominate, recommend and go through the procedures. Are you still afraid that you will not be accepted?

After understanding the meaning of the letter, Yang Tianguan decided to send his trusted aide to the Shen Mansion to inquire about it tomorrow morning.

Still tonight, Zhao Nanxing from the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel went to bed early and was suddenly awakened by a harsh whistle.

The residence of Zhao Bulang, who prides himself on being clean and honest, is not very large, with only two entrances from the front and back.

As a result, the whistle with a whistle went directly across the hall and onto the paper window of the bedroom in the backyard, making Zhao Bulang stunned for a moment.

Could it be that the political struggle in the Ming Dynasty has evolved to direct assassination?

The letter tied to the arrow said: "The political mediation was successful, the governor's life was saved, and the good news will fly to the capital tomorrow!"

Zhao Nanxing's eyes were fixed on the words "save the governor's life", and finally his eyes focused on the word "life".

For a governor who has been dismissed from office, in the Xuanfu where there are rioters everywhere, whatever happens is very reasonable, right?

This former governor is your most beloved fellow countryman, Zhao Bulang!

If you are dismissed from office, you still have a chance to recover, but if you lose your life, you can never get it back.

By the next day, officials living in high-end communities in Xicheng were talking about it. They didn't know what happened last night. Whistles were sounding everywhere, disturbing people's dreams.

Wang Situ, the Minister of Hubu, was not in the mood to chat about urban gossip with others. Next door to the Hubu was the Libu. When Wang Situ passed by the Libu, he couldn't help but stop his sedan chair and hesitate.

Today was another day for the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of War to make recommendations, and he really wanted to go in and have a look.

At this moment, Wang Situ was thinking, is he too thin-skinned to risk anything?

Suddenly Wang Yi'ou, the chief commander of the Ministry of War, came over. When he saw Wang Situ, he took the initiative to say hello and said:

"Situ shouldn't hang around here. If your son is elected as the governor of the Xuan Mansion, I'm afraid someone will gossip. Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, Situ should leave quickly!"

Huh? Wang Da Situ heard a different meaning from Wang Da Sima's words. Is this implying something?

Wang Situ returned to the Ministry of Finance, but sent a clerk to pretend to go to the Ministry of Personnel to collect first-hand information at any time.

In the lobby of the official department, Yang Tianguan and Wang Dasima sat side by side, smiling and greeting each other.

"Tsukazai will speak first." "Da Sima will speak first." The two of them began to give way in unison.

After all, the sudden change of words and the change of nominees seems to be a bit inconsistent, and I feel embarrassed to say it. It is better to let the other party speak first.

Zhao Zhigao, the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel, suggested: "The two principals might as well write down their favorite candidates on paper and then compare them."

Immediately, the two ministers each picked up their pens, wrote a name on the paper, and then put it on the middle table together.

Everyone looked up and saw that there was only the same name on the two pieces of paper, and that was "Wang Xiangqian".

Zhao Zhigao touched his palms and smiled: "Heroes have the same views!"

When electing a border town governor, if the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs nominate the same candidate, then the candidate can basically be decided.

Shi Xing, the left minister of the Ministry of War, who nominated Yang Junmin, couldn't help but look at Chen Younian and Zhao Nanxing of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but the two biggest troublemakers in the personnel system remained silent at this moment.

There is no doubt that a left minister of the Ministry of War not only has a relatively low status, but is also unable to make any waves alone.

The news reached the ears of Wang Situ of the Household Department next door, and he could not recover for a long time.

What happened? Why did the wind completely reverse overnight?

At the same time, Shen Shoufu held a cabinet meeting in the middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion.

The other pavilion elders were cursing in their hearts, there have been so many fart meetings recently.

"I propose that, in view of the recent situation of the Xuanfu, we urgently summon Lin Tai, the imperial envoy of the Xuanfu, to return to Beijing to report on his duties!" Shen Shoufu said confidently.

Not for anything else, just to show the authority of the imperial court. If I want you to come back, I have to come back! Have you heard of the twelve gold medals?

The other elders were astonished. Chief Assistant, did you take the wrong medicine?

It's only been half a month, why did you suddenly call Lin Tailai back? Wouldn't it be better to let the capital be quiet for a few more days?

Although I heard that there was a tall and majestic man in Xicheng last night, shooting Ming Dy indiscriminately, but as long as I don't know who this is, isn't it okay?

However, this matter has nothing to do with most of the elders. Since the chief minister has spoken out, others are too lazy to object.

Suddenly, at this time, someone from Zhongshushe came over holding a memorial and reported to Shen Shoufu:

"Urgent report from the Xuanfu! Because the northern barbarians admire Lin Tailai's majesty and bravery, the ceremony of canonizing Baihutai of the Kalashen tribe as the governor and magistrate outside the side wall of Zhangjiakou Fort has been designated to be presided over by Lin Tailai!"

The other elders looked at Shen Shixing, what is the situation between you and Mr. Lin?

How did Lin Tailai win the admiration of Beilu? After Shen Shoufu was stunned for a moment, he slapped the case and said, "This is taking advantage of others!"

Everyone continued to look at Shen Shoufu without saying a word.

Shen Shoufu slapped the case again, stood up and said: "The meeting is dismissed!"

Still this morning, Zhang Jing, the eunuch of Dongchang, came to the Dongchang Yamen Office outside Dong'an Gate to work.

But he saw his right-hand butler Xing Shangzhi lying in the lobby, with all his limbs broken, and he didn't know whether he could survive.

"Who did it?" Zhang Jing was furious. Although Xing Shangzhi was a small figure, he was the face of his majestic factory boss!

Xing Shangzhi’s entourage quickly reported: “After dusk yesterday, I was suddenly attacked by a group of strongmen near my home, and Butler Xing was kidnapped on the spot.

In the middle of the night, Butler Xing was left outside the house again, looking roughly like this.

At that time, Butler Xing was blindfolded and did not hear any useful information. He did not know where he was being taken.

All in all, Butler Xing seems to have been avenged."

"Who are that group of strongmen? Or what are their characteristics?" Zhang Jing asked again.

He and Butler Xing have had too many enemies over the years, and it was difficult to start tracing them from the list of enemies. They could only ask about the characteristics of the murderer first.

The attendant replied: "The leader is a tall and majestic man who calls himself Zhang Erhe, but he does not wear a long gown or official robe."

The implication is that I am not sure whether it is someone named Lin, and it seems that the person named Lin has no motive.

Although it is said that Dongchang often does not need to be sure when doing things, only suspicion is enough.

But when facing the murderous man named Lin, it's better to confirm. The consequences of misjudgment are not worth it.

You can't win a fight, you can't slander, so what can you do?

At this time, another officer from the school came to report: "Last night, the dynamite was flying in the west city. According to eyewitnesses, it was an extremely tall knight who committed the crime."

Zhang Jing said coldly: "We just want to know where this person is?"

The official school added: "After investigation, it was found that this person and a group of more than ten people rode out of the city from Deshengmen early this morning!"

"Lawless! Lawless!" Zhang Jing was suddenly furious, "This thief has absolutely no law in his eyes!"

The major stalls in the surrounding Dongchang: ""

Isn’t it a little weird for a factory boss to accuse others of being lawless and lawless?

"We want to enter the palace! Report to Your Majesty personally!" Zhang Jing shouted again.

In the capital, such an awesome person is absolutely not allowed to exist!

At each stall, the official school sighed secretly, disengaged from morality.

This factory owner is so useless. He can do nothing but exact excessive taxes. He is simply the most useless factory owner in the past thirty years.

If the factory owner hadn't had a good godfather who defeated Feng Bao in a fight, this godfather would have been dead for two years.

It's better to let the man named Lin be in charge of the factory guard!


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