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Chapter 478 Finally joined the job (please vote for me!)

Lin Tailai had never thought before that just a trivial matter such as being promoted to an official position would successively alarm the heads of the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Household Affairs, as well as Shen Shixing, the chief minister of the dynasty.

In other words, one-third of the senior officials of the imperial court's front-line cabinet were alerted, and only then did the matter be settled.

After declining Wang Xiangmeng's invitation to drink all night, the running official ran to Lin Tailai, who was exhausted and came out of Wang Situ's house, cursed and went home to sleep.

Can the Ming Dynasty still be better off if it is so difficult for me to even get promoted due to my merits?

Then, Lin Tailai, a high-ranking official who was very decisive most of the time, was finally taught the yamen style of life again.

The characteristic of dealing with yamen is that every time you think that things have been almost done, or that there is only one final step left, or that there is only one final step left, and you can temporarily relax, unexpected tricks will always appear to continue to challenge your patience.

The official appointment has indeed been decided, and Lin Tailai will be a doctor in the Imperial Academy's compilation of the Ministry of Rites and Guests.

However, the Ministry of Rites and the Hanlin Academy started to argue over whether this doctor should have a false title or a real job.

The Ministry of Rites still stubbornly continued to resist Lin Tailai's invasion, believing that the Hanlin official and the title of the Ministry of Rites were both empty and traditional titles.

For example, Chen Xueshi, the president of the Hanlin Academy, is also the right minister of the Ministry of Rites, but this is just a false title to indicate the treatment of the third grade. Chen Xueshi's real job is still the president of the Hanlin Academy and has nothing to do with the Ministry of Rites.

Lin Tailai was no exception. The title of official of the Ministry of Rites should be a false title. It only meant that the imperial court had given Lin Tailai the treatment of the fifth rank and he would still work in the Hanlin Academy in the future.

The Hanlin Academy firmly opposed the statement of the Ministry of Etiquette, believing that the title of Doctor of Host and Guest was a very clear official position in the business department and should be treated as a real job. From now on, Lin Tailai could work in the Ministry of Etiquette instead of going to the Hanlin Academy every day to practice his guns.

The Ministry of Rites and the Hanlin Academy were both responsible for the work on regulations and systems, and they were both masters of theory. The two sides argued with each other for more than ten days.

Wang Xiangmeng was excited to be appointed as the official wailang of the Literature and Selection Department, but Lin Tailai had not yet completed the appointment process.

This made Lin Tailai fall into deep thought. Could it be that the two parties wanted to use themselves as an excuse to start a fight and avoid sensitive national topics in disguise?

Although Lin Tailai's influence does not come from his official position, and he is not particularly rare among fifth-grade doctors, isn't it a joke to be hung up like this?

So on another dark and windy night, Lin Tailai came to the chief minister's house angrily.

"Are Chen Yubi and Yu Shenxing finished? The cabinet doesn't care!" Lin Tailai asked Shen Shixing.

Shen Shixing smiled bitterly and said: "On the surface, these two people are arguing about you, but in fact they are fighting for the position of Minister of Rites."

Lin Tailai was stunned, is this how the protagonist is treated? It seems that every move always involves a battle between the bosses.

I just want to add an official and upgrade my rank!

Yu Shenxing is the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Chen Yubi is the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and a scholar in charge of the Hanlin Academy. They are both the most qualified people to be promoted to the minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Previously, the meeting recommended the Minister of Etiquette and nominated several candidates, but these two were the most popular.

However, the two men have the same academic qualifications and similar resumes, so it is difficult to distinguish them from the perspective of qualifications.

Lin Daguan, who was a little angry, didn't think much and subconsciously shouted: "If the fight continues, I will make sure that none of them can become the Minister of Rites!"

Shen Shoufu said calmly: "No, you misunderstood. In fact, they didn't want to be the Minister of Rites. They both wanted the other party to be the Minister of Rites."

Lin Tailai: ""

I almost forgot when I was angry. Now that the great calamity of the country has begun, being the Minister of Rites is not a good job.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that whoever they treat is cannon fodder.

Shen Shixing, who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, added: "I heard that the two of them have made a private agreement to use you as a bet to engage in a gentleman's dispute, so as not to damage the harmony."

Lin Tailai stood up and shouted angrily: "How dare these two people look at me like this!

Imperial officials are not allowed to be handed over to each other privately, I have decided to make Yu Shenxing the Minister of Rites!"

Shen Shixing: "???"

What do you mean you have decided? Are you or me the first assistant?

Seeing Lin Tailai turn around and walk out, Shen Shixing quickly asked: "Why Yu Shenxing?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Chen Yubi just wants me to show up less often in the Hanlin Academy, so in principle he supports me going out to play in the wild;

But Yu Shenxing didn't want me to go to the Ministry of Rites to work in the field at all. He just wanted to restrict me to farming in the Hanlin Academy!

In comparison, Chen Yubi's reaction was normal, but Yu Shenxing was malicious towards me!

So I want to send Yu Shenxing to the position of Minister and serve as cannon fodder for two years!"

There were so many new words in Lin Tailai's mouth that even a veteran like Shen Shoufu could barely understand them.

Moreover, Shen Shoufu also couldn't understand why Lin Tailai was so malicious towards Shen Xing, even though he had no grievances in the past.

Mainly because a normal person's imagination would never have imagined Lin Tailai's "honest man's plan" to remove Zhao Zhigao's thorns.

When Shen Shixing finds out one day that he can only nominate Zhao Zhigao, who is more than ten years older than himself, into the cabinet, he will probably understand.

The next day, after Lin Tai came to work at the Hanlin Academy, he supervised Wu Daonan to copy the "Records of Lei Chao Xun", and helped Tian Yijun guide the newcomer Shu Jishi, and then got involved with Chen, the bachelor of the academy.

In His Majesty's court.

Bachelor Chen said helplessly: "Weren't you injured internally by Zhao Nanxing? Why don't you stay at home to recuperate?"

Lin Tailai asked bluntly: "Xueshi Chen! I heard from the chief minister that although you are one of the popular candidates for nomination, you don't really want to be the Minister of Rites?"

Bachelor Chen: ""

When did Mr. Shen Ge, who had always been cautious in his words and deeds, become so loud-mouthed?

Is this Lin Tailai the long-lost wild son of Mr. Shen Ge?

Immediately, Bachelor Chen lowered his face and put on the air of a bachelor in charge of the academy, "I don't think you are qualified to discuss this issue with me, please step aside!"

Lin Tailai said quickly: "Don't be like this! If you don't want to be cannon fodder, Bachelor Chen, you should have told me earlier! I will help you get it done in a few days!"

To be honest, it's useless for you to find the chief assistant, he has too many ideas, only I can help you wholeheartedly."

Scholar Chen gradually began to believe Lin Tailai's nonsense and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Lin Tailai said easily: "Master Chen, remember, you just owe me a favor."

Favors are so difficult to repay, and Bachelor Chen is not stupid, "Can you do something more practical?"

Lin Tailai said without thinking: "Then I might as well help the Minister!"

"Deal!" Chen Xueshi gritted his teeth and said.

After leaving the Hanlin Academy, Lin Tailai once again visited the Ministry of Rites, which was surrounded by enemies on all sides.

Although he has not yet worked in the Ministry of Rites, the place is already full of legends about him.

Standing at the gate of the Ministry of Etiquette, Lin Tailai waved to the factory guard officer school who was responsible for monitoring the activities of the Ministry of Rites, and shouted: "Official School! Come out to work!"

Several officers in the school were puzzled. You didn't hit anyone here today, so you didn't need them to clean the floor.

Lin Tailai said: "Now I want to have a secret conversation with Minister Yu. Aren't you the detective in charge of the Ministry of Etiquette?

Follow me in and write down the conversation, isn’t it a piece of information that can be handed over?”

Official schools: ""

Is this still a secret conversation? Even if they are spies, they still have professional dignity. How could they listen to Lin Tailai's deliberate arrangement like this!

Lin Tailai threatened: "Do you still want Ansheng to work as a detective in the Ministry of Rites?

I have beaten so many official schools, and the emperor has never punished me seriously. Do you want to be the next shame of factory guards?"

The Factory Guard School, which was regarded as an evil force, had no choice but to succumb in the face of even more evil forces and followed Lin Tailai into the Ministry of Etiquette.

Lin Tailai ignored the obstruction, walked into the left hall in the backyard of the Ministry of Rites, and stood in front of Minister Yu.

"What else do you have to do?" Yu Shilang said impatiently, "If it's for the host and guest, go back and wait for news."

Lin Tailai opened his mouth and said: "As the saying goes, good advice is harsh to the ears, but good medicine is bitter to the mouth. Today I have a few honest words of advice that are harsh to the ears, and I will share them with you, the Minister!"

Although Yu Shilang didn't want to listen to Lin Tailai's nonsense, he had the label of "loyal advice that offends the ears" and he had a very positive personality, so he had no choice but to listen first.

Lin Tailai continued: "I heard that more than ten years ago, when you were still an official at the banquet, the young emperor personally wrote the four characters "Clam Chen Shan" in his handwriting and gave it to you. It was immediately known as a great event in Ci Lin!

What does it mean to blame Chen Shan? It means to carefully answer the questions and then make useful suggestions!

But how do you repay these four words now? Are you entangled with others every day for trivial matters like mine, completely ignoring the current situation? "

Yu Shilang was so angry that he slapped the table and said: "Lin Tailai! I don't need you, a rude and crazy person, to teach me how to behave!"

Lin Tailai turned around and left without saying a word.

His back looks like a game player who has completed the task and received the reward, and is not interested in listening to the NPC's chatter anymore.

Yu Shilang: "???"

Are you, Lin Tailai, mentally ill? You came here just to say these words?

Walking outside the door, Lin Tailai asked the factory guard officer who was "eavesdropping" outside the door:

"Did you all take note of what I just said? As today's secret report, report it to Dongchang.

What is the name of Mr. Sun of the new factory? Forget it, it doesn’t matter what his name is. If he is sensible, he should report these words of mine to the emperor!"

The next day, Emperor Wanli, who recalled "blaming Chen Shan" and had some expectations, issued an order to the cabinet to promote Yu Shenxing, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, to the minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Ever since Shen Li ran away with the bucket, the position of Minister of Rites that had been vacant for more than a month was finally filled.

Shen Shoufu looked at the decree and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It is understandable to use certain small things to influence the emperor's decision-making. It is a method of making a big difference.

But how did Lin Tailai know so much about the old affairs of the inner court more than ten years ago?

Yu Shenxing moved from the left hall in the backyard of the Ministry of Rites to the main hall, but he was not happy at all.

When the country is in catastrophe, how long can you sit in this cannon fodder position? Half a year? One year?

And although the office location has changed, the people blocking the door remain the same.

Lin Tailai stood outside the door and shouted loudly: "Yu Shangshu! How did you get this official position? You didn't rely on my help, Lin Tailai!"

Is it possible that you are ungrateful and insist on preventing me from being promoted to the Ministry of Rites?"

"Get out!" An inkstone flew out from the main hall of the Ministry of Rites.

So there was new gossip in the official circles of the capital, and people's words were frightening.

Two days later, Lin Tailai's appointment was officially issued, and Lin Tailai could finally join the Ministry of Etiquette.

The Secretary of the Department of Rites and Affairs, who was in charge of miscellaneous matters, was at the gate to welcome the newly appointed host and guest doctor, Lin Tailai.

To the Ministry of Rites, Lin Tailai is the most familiar newcomer.

"I wonder if Mr. Lin has any other instructions?" the secretary asked.

Lin Tailai replied casually: "I think the security of the Ministry of Rites is too poor. I want to organize the officers and soldiers stationed at the Ministry of Rites to conduct training."

Secretary: ""

Is this a joke? This must be a joke, right?

There are many foreign offices affiliated to the Ministry of Rites, such as Taichang Temple, Imperial College, Honglu Temple, Jiaofang Division, Huitong Hall, etc., all of which listen to the orders of the Ministry of Rites.

However, the Ministry of Rites headquarters does not have many internal institutions and the number of personnel is not large, so it is a bit empty, and the office space per person is not small.

Arriving at the courtyard where the Host and Guest Office belonged, Lin Tailai entered the main hall and had three rooms to himself, so he took office.

Except for a few scribes, no subordinate officials came to see the newly appointed doctor.

It's not that these subordinate officials are deliberately neglectful, but that there are currently no subordinate officials at all.

Previously, the host and guest department had been cleared, and no other subordinate officials were added until the doctor confirmed it.

While Lin Tailai was sitting in the main hall in a daze, he, together with the ambassador and deputy envoys, came to see the new chief, and they also brought a large pile of official documents on Korean affairs.

When he heard that it was "North Korea affairs", Lin Tailai's eyes lit up. Isn't that the reason for working in the Host and Guest Department?

He quickly took over a large stack of official documents and read them with interest. What he saw inside was: "The next batch of North Korean envoys have entered Shanhaiguan and will arrive in the capital soon.

In order to receive the mission, the Huitong Pavilion needs to prepare some wine, some pork, some firewood, some horse grass, and some waiters."

The imaginary business of host and guest: scolding Fang Qiu to guide the country, draw a diplomatic blueprint, and establish a new world pattern.

Real-life host-customer business: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, horse and grass, restaurant owner

Lin Tailai put down the official document in his hand dissatisfied, "Do you need me to take care of these trivial matters?"

The ambassador of the Huitong Pavilion cautiously replied: "There should have been a director responsible for supervising the affairs of the Huitong Pavilion, but now that there is no one, we had to alert Mr. Lin.

Moreover, when the mission arrives, I will ask you to come forward and count the tribute items."

Lin Tailai instructed: "North Korean missions can come in several batches every year, right? Everything should be done as usual!"

To say which vassal state is the most diligent in pilgrimage, it is definitely North Korea. According to statistics, it sent more than a thousand missions throughout the Ming Dynasty, an average of several times a year.

It is most basic to send envoys to pay tribute during the winter solstice, New Year's Day, Wanshou and other major festivals every year, and other additional missions will depend on the situation.

After sending away the ambassador, Lin Tailai thought it was time to add more officials from the host and guest department.

Otherwise, if you have to take part in even trivial matters, how can you still have the energy to think strategically and make decisions?

Suddenly, I thought of my friends of the same year who were still interning in government administration. Can I appoint two of them to be in charge?

For most Jinshi, the first step in the officialdom is to stay in the capital rather than go outside, especially if you are an official in the Sixth Ministry, it is definitely a golden start.


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