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Chapter 479 An ordinary day

Among the six people in Lin Tailai's circle of friends in the same year, Jin Shiheng had gone home to mourn his father's death, and Zhou Yingqiu and Dong Qichang were elected as Shujishi.

As for Wang Yusheng, Chen Yunjian, and Shen Jue, they are all still in the political observation period and have been arranged to intern at the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Mainly because Wu Shilai, the censor of Zuodu, was Shen Shoufu's party member and could be considered one of his own. Moreover, there were many seats in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so it was relatively easy to arrange.

In fact, for Lin Tailai, the most suitable place for arranging friends to observe the government is the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Wang Situ is truly one of his own.

Moreover, the Ministry of Revenue is also a large government office, with thirteen departments inside and a large number of external agencies such as customs offices, warehouses, and border town offices, making it easier to arrange people.

But it is a pity that Wang Yusheng, Chen Yunjian, and Shen Jue are not only the same age, but also from the same hometown in Suzhou.

There were rules in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty. People from Suzhou could not go to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

After many twists and turns, Lin Tailai finally succeeded in planting a flag in the Ministry of Rites, and then called a gathering of friends from the same year.

After drinking for three rounds, Lin Tailai said: "According to the system, the host and guest department has one doctor, one outsider, and two principals. They were all dismissed a while ago.

Now I have taken the position of doctor, and the rest are still vacant. You, the doctor, are not qualified, but are you interested in the principal?"

Excluding the Hanlin and Shuji scholars, after the Ming Dynasty's new scholars finished observing politics, the best result was to stay in Beijing, and the second was to be sent to the county magistrate and promoted to officials.

Among the initial official positions of the new scholars who stayed in Beijing, the best one was the director of the Sixth Department.

When the other friends were still hesitating for a moment, Zhou Yingqiu, the historical Pig Trotter General Constitution and Sun Wan Tian Official, immediately took the lead and said: "As long as Brother Lin allows it, I am willing to be the principal!"

"It's none of your business! Go aside!" Lin Tailai refused unceremoniously.

Zhou Yingqiu is currently a Shujishi studying in the Hanlin Academy. If he gives up being a Shujishi and becomes the head of the ministry, he will destroy his career in the officialdom. Why join in the fun?

Of course, Lin Tailai also knew that Zhou Yingqiu's statement was definitely not what he really meant, but hearing it made him feel very comfortable.

Therefore, Lin Tailai had to lament that for a bitch, Zhou Yingqiu was really the best.

No wonder people like Wei Zhongxian were able to securely serve as the censor of Zuodu and the minister of official affairs.

Dong Qichang, who was also a concubine, naturally did not need to express his position, so the two principal positions actually belonged to Wang Yusheng, Chen Yunjian, and Shen Jing.

Wang Yusheng, who came from a wealthy and famous family, smiled bitterly and said honestly: "I'd better leave this opportunity to my two brothers. I can't help but feel ashamed."

Being able to start as the head of the Sixth Department when he first joined the official career was naturally a golden start. However, his immediate boss was a classmate and the same year, which made the proud Wang Yusheng feel a little uncomfortable, so he simply quit.

Anyway, there are only two positions, and one of the three people has to withdraw.

Everyone has his or her own personality. If there is someone like Zhou Yingqiu, then there is someone like Wang Yusheng. Lin Tailai doesn't care.

Then he asked Chen Yunjian and Shen Jue: "This opportunity is rare, so it's just you two?"

After the two people looked at each other, they both thanked Lin Tailai.

Although Wang Yusheng couldn't let go of the airs of a famous family and was embarrassed to be Lin Tailai's subordinate, the two of them didn't mind.

There are more than 300 new scholars, many of whom have excellent backgrounds and connections, but how many of them can start directly as the head of the Sixth Department?

If you first work as a county magistrate for a few years and then be promoted to the head of the Sixth Department, you will be considered to be doing well.

It can be seen that it is not an easy task for a new Jinshi to be directly appointed as the director, but no one present asked Lin Tailai if you could do it.

If asked, it would be disrespectful to Wang Xiangqian, the governor of Xuanfu Town, Wang Xiangmeng, a member of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel, and Yu Shenxing, the Minister of Rites.

After talking about the most important things, everyone laughed and chatted while eating and drinking.

After the future became clear, the excited Chen Yunjian talked a little too much and said: "According to my observation in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, some censors may be liaising with each other again, and I don't know what they plan to do."

Chen Yunjian is a person who is relatively good at dancing. It is not surprising that he heard some rumors when he was observing politics in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Lin Tailai said nonchalantly: "What else could be the reason for the recent tandem? There are no other major events, it can only be related to the dispute over the country.

But this has nothing to do with you newcomers, just don’t stand out."

In Lin Tailai's mouth, the words "you newcomers" were spoken very naturally, and others did not find it strange.

Although everyone has only been in the DPRK for more than two months, Lin Tailai's experience in these two months may not be as good as others who have spent twenty years.

Wang Yusheng suddenly said: "Lin Jiuyuan, you should take a leave of absence and go home for a few months, otherwise you will always jump like this, and the dispute between the country and the country will affect you sooner or later."

Zhou Yingqiu rarely had the same opinion as Wang Yusheng, "This is reasonable. Brother Lin is too popular and can easily attract disaster."

Lin Tailai nodded: "You must hide when you are hiding. Didn't you see that I have been writing homesick poems recently? This is just to lay the groundwork."

Nowadays, everyone is a newcomer to the workforce, so it’s not easy to party all night long and then break up after an hour of drinking.

Wang Yusheng did not return to his residence, but went directly to the Shen Mansion. As a direct descendant of the famous Dongshan Wang family in Suzhou, he could certainly talk to Shen Shoufu.

Now that the futures of his friends in the same year are clear, he has to work harder and ask Shen Shoufu to help him make arrangements.

Shen Shoufu happened to have nothing to do tonight, so he met with Wang Yusheng and said a few words.

After learning the purpose of Wang Yusheng's visit, Shen Shoufu said in surprise: "Can't you just go to Lin Jiuyuan? Aren't you two in the same group?"

Wang Yusheng: ""

I was just embarrassed to let Lin Tai arrange it, so I asked you, the old chief assistant!

Why do you sound like you, old chief assistant, as if Lin Tailai is about the same strength as you?

Lin Tailai, who was mentioned by the chief assistant, did not go back to his home, but went to Wang Situ's house to sober up.

Wang Situ had some entertainment and was not at home at the time, so he could only have tea with Wang Xiangmeng, the newly appointed member of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Lin Tailai said: "My good nephew, you just went to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, do you feel very isolated?

I came here tonight just to help you open up the situation in the official department."

Wang Xiangmeng asked with great interest: "What good advice does my uncle have?"

Lin Tailai took out a piece of paper with the names of Chen Yunjian and Shen Jue written on it, and said: "I have two people of the same age. You can arrange them to be the directors of the Ministry of Etiquette."

Wang Xiangmeng: ""

Do you want to insert someone private, or do you want to help me open up the situation?

Lin Tai came to see Wang Xiangmeng with a sad face and said doubtfully: "This is very simple, isn't it? It can also help you establish your prestige, why not do it?"

Wang Xiangmeng sighed, "How can I, a new member of the Communist Party of China, who has only been here a few days, be able to decide on the appointment of two principals in one go?

It’s not like you don’t know what the internal staff is like and who is in each department.”

Lin Tailai shook his head, "I thought you had made a lot of progress, but the result is still not much.

Just spread the word within the Ministry of Personnel, I, Lin Tailai, have planted my flag in the Host and Guest Department of the Ministry of Etiquette, and I want all the subordinates and officials who are not to my liking, whoever comes will die!"

Wang Xiangmeng: ""

Will the rumored tricks used by the younger brother-in-law in Suzhou's gangster finally be used in the sixth film?

"This method should work, right?" Lin Tailai asked again.

Wang Xiangmeng said from the bottom of his heart: "It will definitely be useful."

With Lin Tailai's current reputation, as long as he utters these words, no one will dare to become Lin Tailai's subordinate.

Lin Tailai said with great satisfaction: "After you decide on the appointment of the two principals on your own, the work situation will open up. This is the opportunity I gave you, why don't you thank me more?"

After that, Lin Tailai went to the Hanlin Academy to sit in the morning, because most of the Hanlin Academy's morning classes and lectures were in the morning, and in the afternoon he went to the Host and Guest Department of the Ministry of Etiquette to work.

This morning, after Lin Tailai entered the Hanlin Academy, he happened to meet Tian Yijun giving a lecture to the Shujishi.

Standing on the edge and looking around, Lin Tailai nodded with satisfaction and did not see Wu Zhengzhi, a fellow countryman from Gu Xiancheng who had spread negative news in the crowd.

Later, he was called over by Master Chen, the headmaster, but he didn't know what was going on.

Anyway, Bachelor Chen’s attitude was very enthusiastic, “There’s a great job here, and I’m just thinking about you!”

Lin Tailai asked in confusion: "What good things can the Hanlin Academy do today?"

The Hanlin Academy serves the emperor, and its greatest privilege is that it is closer to the emperor than other departments.

But now that the emperor doesn't come out much, what good things can the Hanlin Academy do?

Scholar Chen seemed to be very happy for Lin Tailai and said: "The inner library is short of a teacher. I can recommend you to go there. This is one of the best jobs in the Hanlin Academy."

"No!" Lin Tailai replied concisely and concisely.

The Neishu Tang is a place where outstanding young eunuchs are selected to study. The big eunuchs, especially the eunuchs who are responsible for rituals, are basically born in the Nei Shu Tang.

Under normal circumstances, the job of teaching in the Nei Shu Tang is very good. As a teacher, you can get to know future powerful eunuchs and become your political allies.

According to incomplete statistics, the probability of a CI minister who has been taught in the Nei Shu Tang to become a cabinet minister in the future is as high as one-third.

But the above are normal situations, and these are abnormal times

Emperor Wanli's innermost concern was to be the next Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, so it didn't make much political sense to associate with eunuchs.

Besides, if there really are some powerful people among these young eunuchs now, why will they not be able to defeat even the illiterate Eunuch Wei in the future?

Finally, Lin Tailai suddenly remembered something and said in a serious voice: "Scholar Chen, I know you want to return the favor, but don't be so anxious.

When I really need it, I will naturally take the initiative to talk about it. Normally, you don’t have to worry about owing me a favor."

When dealing with these old bureaucrats, you really can't relax at all. If you are not careful, you will be taken advantage of.

What if I agreed today without thinking clearly, wouldn't it be equivalent to making things clear with Bachelor Chen?

Scholar Chen was speechless. Outsiders only saw that Lin Tailai was reckless, but after more exposure, they could understand that the most terrifying thing about Lin Tailai was that he was not reckless.

In the afternoon, Lin Tailai went to the Ministry of Rites. The good thing about the Ministry of Rites was that it was "vast and sparsely populated".

Not only are there fewer officials, but there are also fewer people coming to do business than other yamen. The host and guest department has its own separate courtyard, and it is also very quiet at this time.

No other officials had arrived yet, only the scribes carefully chatted with Dr. Lin.

Looking at the courtyard, Doctor Lin suddenly sighed: "It's such a good place, it's a pity not to use it for gun practice. I'll bring a big gun and put it in front of my house tomorrow."

Scriveners: “???”

Is there any mistake? We are in the Ministry of Rites, the most cultural place among the six ministries!

Lin Tailai seemed to know what others were thinking, and said again: "Don't make a fuss, I also put a big gun over there in the Hall of Champions of the Hanlin Academy."

No matter how educated your Ministry of Rites is, can it still compare to the Hanlin Academy?

I just want you all to know that wherever I go, Lin Tailai, I focus on letting the environment adapt to me, rather than me adapting to the environment!

Just when Lin Tailai thought that today was another ordinary day, a memorial that was enough to set off a storm was delivered to the palace.

At night, Lin Tailai, who was full of energy and blood, was tossing and turning, seriously considering whether he needed to take a concubine in the capital, when he suddenly received an urgent call from the senior chief minister.

Under normal circumstances, it was Lin Tailai who made an urgent visit to the chief assistant. It was rare that the chief assistant summoned Lin Tailai urgently.

So Lin Tailai knew that something terrible must have happened, so he quickly got up and rode to Shen Mansion.

Shen Shoufu had been sitting in the study waiting for a long time. When he saw Lin Tailai, he didn't say anything and said directly:

"Today Luo Yuren, the left commentator of Dali Temple, wrote a memorial. His words were so passionate that they could be said to be a direct thorn in the face of a dragon!"

In fact, when he heard the name "Luo Yuren", Lin Tailai understood what was going on.

This man did one famous thing in his life, which was to write a letter to Emperor Wanli titled "Drunk, Sex, and Wealth."

The main content is to directly criticize Emperor Wanli from the four aspects of wine, sex, wealth and energy, and the writing style is so intense that it is almost reprimand.

Among the memorials of the Ming dynasty, this "Wine, Sex, Wealth and Energy" was very famous in later generations, almost second only to Hai Rui's "Public Security".

Moreover, this memorial is also one of the iconic memorials of the Wanli Dynasty. To study the antagonism between the emperor and his ministers in the Wanli Dynasty and the changing mentality of the Wanli Emperor, this memorial cannot be bypassed.

The memorial that Shen Shoufu was talking about at this time must be "Drunk, Sex, Wealth and Qi".

But Lin Tailai still didn't understand. Why did Shen Shoufu call him here?

This memorial was already published. It was because Emperor Wanli had a fight with other ministers, and then the cabinet came to mediate. What does it have to do with him, Lin Tailai?

Then I heard Shen Shoufu continue to say: "In the memorial, let's not mention the other contents. There is a paragraph that accuses the emperor of being greedy for money.

There are words like torturing eunuchs and blackmailing ministers. Torturing the eunuch should refer to Zhang Jing, but is blackmailing the minister a metaphor for you?"

Lin Tailai: "???"

Isn't this right? There should be no words like "blackmailing the minister" in "Drunk, Sex and Wealth" that he remembered from his previous life?

What inexplicable butterfly effect can make this sentence appear in "Drunk, Sex, and Wealth"?

Shen Shixing reminded: "When you rebelled in Xuanfu Town, where did the 20,000 taels of family property that the former governor Xu collected go?"

Lin Tailai explained: "I took the initiative to send it to the eunuch guarding the Xuanfu for safekeeping. I was not blackmailed!"

At that time, I sent it there secretly, but I didn't expect that the news would eventually spread.

Shen Shoufu said seriously: "Is this how you plan to explain to the world?"

Lin Tailai instantly realized what the subtlety was.

If you say that you take the initiative to give it away, you will lose your reputation and you will be criticized morally;

If he denies taking the initiative to send it, wouldn't he be called "the emperor blackmailing the ministers" in the actual report? What would the emperor think of himself?

As expected, Wang Yusheng's crow's mouth was right. The rivalry between the Qingliu forces and the emperor finally affected him!


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