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Chapter 484 Dongchang needs such talents

The court meeting seemed to have reached a deadlock. Originally, the five officials wanted to ban "The Plum in the Golden Lotus" under the banner of morality. This was a routine they were always good at, and it worked with every trial.

Anyone who dares to oppose the banning of this book is a morally corrupt person!

But they didn't expect that after raising the banner of morality, Lin Tailai would actually ask them to take responsibility for it.

If we still need to pay something, wouldn't it be a waste of time to raise the moral banner?

So the five famous officials were silenced again, why can't Lin Tailai be like a normal villain with routine?

Anyway, they would not agree even if they were willing to give a lecture on "Jin Ping Mei" to the emperor. What they pursue is to show up in the world and leave a name in history, not to be infamous forever!

The last minister who presented a small yellow inscription to the emperor was Wan'an, the chief minister of the Chenghua Dynasty. He was already shamed as a civil servant and would never be able to stand up again!

The person who finally broke the deadlock was Lin Tailai, who asked these famous officials:

"Since you have petitioned to make "The Plum in the Golden Vase" a banned book, but you are not willing to help the Holy One decipher the nature of the content of this book, what are your intentions?

Could it be that you just want the Holy Spirit to act like a puppet on strings and issue decrees according to your suggestions without knowing anything about it?

What you are doing is deliberately deceiving the Holy Majesty, trying to manipulate authority, and committing the crime of deceiving the emperor!"

After saying this, Lin Tailai stopped and his eyes drifted towards Wang Zhiyuan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue.

Wang Situ didn't react much at first. He mainly portrayed the image of a business-oriented bureaucrat in the court and rarely interfered in other affairs.

Seeing that Wang Situ was still "indifferent", Lin Tailai's eyes gradually turned into a "death stare".

At this time, Wang Situ suddenly came to his senses and said: "These five people are frivolous and have the suspicion of deceiving the emperor. They are not suitable to serve as officials in the science and education. They should be transferred from the capital."

Lin Tailai added: "Yesterday's Wang Sanyu, Qian Yiben is the same."

Everyone looked at Wang Situ in surprise. They had the impression that this was the first time that Wang Situ had shown such sharp opposition to Zang Fou in a court meeting.

Somehow, everyone felt a feeling of being "forced into prostitution" from Wang Situ.

After Wang Situ spoke, before Emperor Wanli could react, the leader of the five officials, He Zhuo, stepped forward again and said excitedly:

"My minister He Zhuo is willing to present a book and explain it, so there is no need to alarm other people about such things!

I only ask that your majesty understands the poisonous nature of this book and strictly prohibits it!"

This situation surprised everyone else in the palace. He Yushi obviously took the initiative to sacrifice himself in order to prevent several officials in the same row from being wiped out!

Under Lin Tailai's offensive of false accusations, if he refuses to "take responsibility", then it is all a crime of deceiving the emperor.

Lin Tailai was also quite surprised. This was the first time since his battle of wits and courage with the Qingliu forces that he had witnessed someone actively sacrificing himself to protect his comrades.

From now on, the image of He Yushi in the history books will be that he presented "Jin Ping Mei" to the emperor. For a powerful figure in the Qing Dynasty who flaunted his reputation, this kind of sacrifice was not a small one.

Lin Tailai could only sigh secretly. There was a reason why the Qingliu forces, including the later evolved version of the Donglin Party, were so tenacious.

There are not only political opportunists inside, but also people who are not afraid of death and dare to sacrifice.

"Ah, what do you think of Lin Tailai?" Emperor Wanli was still a young man under thirty years old after all. He didn't know how to face it at this time, so he subconsciously asked Lin Tailai.

Shen Shoufu felt sad. During normal court meetings, the emperor's top priority should have been "What do you think Mr. Shen thinks?"

Lin Tailai said directly without hesitation: "He Zhuo's meritorious service in banning "Jin Ping Mei" should be commended!"

Everyone was speechless, what does it mean to kill the heart? This is it! You, Lin Tai, be the one!

Didn't He Zhuo just destroy your weapon "Jin Ping Mei"? You have already knocked him over and you want to step on him again.

Emperor Wanli also felt a little unbearable, and asked again: "What should we do with Luo Yuren?"

Then Lin Tailai reported again: "As for Luo Yuren, the left commentator of Dali Temple, although he imitated Jin Ping Mei and wrote the memorial, I still advise your majesty to be magnanimous!"

Emperor Wanli was afraid that he would laugh out loud, so he couldn't help covering his mouth and said vaguely: "Just tell me how to deal with it!"

Lin Tailai replied: "I recommend Luo Yuren to be promoted to the General Affairs Department and be responsible for the collection of memorials and submissions to show your Majesty's ability!"

Up until yesterday, most people thought that Lin Tailai was hidden in Luo Yuren's memorial and that he was just looking for trouble.

In terms of the relationship between the characters, Luo Yuren is the perpetrator, while Lin Tailai is the victim.

But the amazing thing is that Lin Tailai, as the victim, once again made everyone sympathize with the perpetrator today

The position responsible for collecting and submitting memorials has to deal with all government offices and has high exposure.

You can imagine the embarrassment of letting Luo Yuren, who was identified as imitating the memorials written by Jin Pingmei, go to a position with high publicity and high visibility, and the job content is still sending and receiving memorials.

As the saying goes, a layman kills his body, but a saint kills his mind. This Lin Tailai is not a saint, so why does he love to kill his mind so much?

After watching the fun, Emperor Wanli asked the eunuch to announce that "the court has nothing to do".

According to normal procedures, the emperor should have withdrawn first, and then the other ministers would disperse.

However, Emperor Wanli was fat, had bad legs and feet, and had a poor walking image, so he was unwilling to go first in front of his ministers.

So he asked the ministers to leave first, and after everyone left, the emperor got up again.

But today, when the ministers walked outside the palace, a eunuch suddenly came out in a hurry and announced: "The emperor ordered that Lin Tailai and Mr. Shen stay first!"

Shen Shixing burst out with the momentum of the first assistant and asked: "Why is Lin Tailai's name before mine?"

The eunuch delivering the order: ""

Oops! I made a major work mistake! I didn’t know what I was thinking just now. I read out Lin Tailai’s name first!

When the other ministers heard this, they were filled with contempt and envy.

What I despise is that these people who stayed behind have no moral integrity to cater to the emperor!

When facing the emperor in public, for the sake of the scholar's face, he would definitely exercise restraint, but when talking in private, it would be hard to say!

What I envy is, why is it not me who is left behind?

Shen Shixing and Lin Tailai stood outside the hall again, waiting to be summoned.

While waiting, Shen Shixing asked Lin Tailai: "Is this your first time having sex in private? How do you feel at this time?"

Lin Tailai answered philosophically: "I will treat every meeting with the Holy Spirit as the last time I meet him."

Shen Shixing was so frightened that he opened his eyes wide. Why do you, Lin Tailai, always make a sensation? Are you cursing yourself or the emperor?

Lin Tailai couldn't explain it, so he jumped to metaphysics and said: "In a year or two, senior, you will understand."

What he was thinking was that with Emperor Wanli's virtue, he might not see his ministers for thirty years from now on.

Therefore, every time you see the emperor, you must be mentally prepared and treat it as your last meeting.

Afterwards, another eunuch came and announced that the two of them should go to the palace.

But as soon as the two of them entered the palace, they heard a sentence coming from deep inside the palace: "The East Factory needs talents like him."

After Lin Tailai heard this, he couldn't help but trembled. Who was this talking about?

In the palace, Emperor Wanli was talking to Zhu Bingbi, the Superintendent of Ceremonies.

After Zhang Jing's fall, Sun Xian, the eunuch who acted as the agent for Dongchang's affairs, said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty! I am stupid by nature, and I am really not suitable to be in charge of Dongchang."

Emperor Wanli said: "You should take care of it first and wait until you have suitable talents.

I often don’t know what kind of person is suitable to be in charge of factory security. You guys who came out of the inner study always feel that there is something missing.”

Sun Xian took the initiative to recommend: "You can follow Lin Jiuyuan's style as a model and look for someone similar. Dongchang needs talents like him."

Seeing Shen Shixing and Lin Tailai, Emperor Wanli took the initiative and asked: "Lin Tailai, do you have any heirs? Do you have many heirs?"

Lin Tailai's body suddenly shook! When the emperor came up, he first asked him whether he had any heirs, whether he had many heirs, and what did he mean?

Shen Shixing was also surprised. Could it be that the emperor really had a "love for talents"?

Zhang Cheng, the chief seal officer of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, frowned and shouted: "Lin Tailai! Why did you lose your composure and didn't reply quickly?"

Lin Taihui came to his senses and quickly replied: "I already have three sons, and there is another one who is waiting for delivery."

Emperor Wanli said as usual in gossip: "Given your age, this is quite a lot."

Lin Tailai hurriedly replied: "It's not enough! I made a vow to my father that I would raise nine sons in my life and flourish the Lin family!

Therefore, it still needs to be left to be useful, and the root of breeding cannot be removed!"

Emperor Wanli: ""

Did Lin Tailai misunderstand something? Should he just make mistakes?

The ceremonial supervisors all stared at Lin Tailai. Who do you despise? Who has more capable sons and adopted sons?

It was the eunuch Zhang Cheng who scolded him: "Lin Tailai, don't talk nonsense! Your Majesty just wants to give your son a favor!"

I was so scared to death just now! Lin Tailai immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If only it was just for the favor! The more, the merrier!

Emperor Wanli issued an edict: "Let a thousand households be guarded by a royal guard!"

This is a very common operation. Enyin's descendants who are military attachés are usually named to the Jinyi Guards and can be hereditary.

If you go to a civil service office, it will usually be from Shangbaosi or Guanglu Temple, but it cannot be hereditary.

At this point, Emperor Wanli remembered something again, "Lin Tailai, you also have a martial arts reputation and can be a military attaché.

In recent years, Jinyiwei has been really miserable. I wonder if you have any thoughts of taking charge of Jinyiwei. I think you have the ability to serve as the commander-in-chief of Jinyiwei."

Lin Tailai: ""

After all, the emperor still wanted him to go to the factory guard

Facing the emperor's inquiry, it was impossible to refuse firmly. Lin Tailai could only say:

"I am serving as a doctor in the Imperial Academy and the Ministry of Etiquette. I feel very good at the moment and am planning to make a great career in my post."

Emperor Wanli did not dwell on this issue, and suddenly asked directly:

"Can Lin Tailai answer my question, why are some courtiers obsessed with fighting for the country's foundation?

Although eldest brother is the oldest, he is still a commoner, is he worthy of the courtiers' efforts?"

Lin Tailai knew very well that this was an "examination question". If he failed to answer it, the good impression he had accumulated in the emperor's mind would be lost.

There can be many explanations for the motivations of the Qingliu forces to strive for the foundation of the country, and any time traveler who knows a little bit about history can tell you all.

It is not difficult to find an answer that is mediocre and error-free, but it is not easy to find an answer that can appear to be beyond the level of those in the palace, that is in line with the emperor's taste, and that has depth and is not cliché.

Normal answer: This generation claims to be honest and loyal, and speculates on the emperor's eldest son Zhu Changluo, hoping to follow the dragon's merits.

Erbi replied: This is because they have path dependence. They started by opposing Zhang Juzheng and have become accustomed to opposing for the sake of opposition.

As for Lin Tailai's answer, he thought carefully for a moment before answering:

"Those people are willing to fight for the foundation of the country, even at the cost of losing one comrade after another, in order to firmly hold on to their moral stance.

In this case, other ministers can be coerced by them and must nominally side with them, at least not against them.

At the same time, only by setting up a clear enemy target can we use fierce opposition and in an atmosphere of common hatred and hatred to continuously stir up hot topics, inspire people, unite comrades, and strengthen our power!

This is also in line with the way that saints are "born from sorrow". Fighting for the country is the "sorrow" created by them!

On the other hand, you can also think about it, if they don't do this, what can they do to gather and consolidate their own power?

Even if they don't fight for the country's capital, they will find another target as their enemy, and hype this target up to the point of competing for the country's capital!

Therefore, the struggle for the country itself is not the essence of the problem, but a necessity for emerging forces to rise and seize power."

Emperor Wanli was stunned. He just let Lin Tailai talk casually, but he did not expect to hear such profound words.

I understand some parts, but I don’t fully understand some parts, and I still need to think about it again and again.

Then Emperor Wanli asked again: "You really don't want to be in charge of Jinyiwei?"

Lin Tailai: ""

He really doesn't know, should he try his best or should he be mediocre?

Still he could only reply tactfully: "When I serve in the Hanlin Academy, I am still an attendant and advisor. Why should I stick to my status as a member of the Imperial Guard?"

Emperor Wanli shook his head regretfully, waved his hand and said, "If you have nothing to do, just step back!"

The chief assistant, who had been unconscious for a long time, coughed heavily to show that he was still there!

Your Majesty, did you leave your chief assistant behind just to eat ashes on the sidelines?

After Lin Tailai withdrew from the palace, Emperor Wanli finally paid a visit to Shen Shoufu, "Mr. Shen, think about it, is there really no way to let Lin Tailai serve as the commander-in-chief of the guard?"

Shen Shixing: ""

Is this the reason why I asked one of my dignitary chief ministers to come over for a secret discussion?

If it were a public occasion, Shen Shixing, as a representative of civil servants, would definitely oppose the emperor's idea.

But in private, you still have to fool around, and you don't have to be too serious with the emperor.

So after Shen Shixing thought about it, he said as if he was fooling around: "Lin Tailai's radical behavior and violent methods will eventually lead to public outrage, so I ask your Majesty to wait patiently.

If Lin Tailai really has no place to live, His Majesty can take advantage of the situation and remove Lin Tailai from his current official position, and then transfer him to a military position to serve as a royal guard."

However, Emperor Wanli believed it and nodded: "Mr. Shen's words are right. Lin Tailai is only in his early twenties. I can afford to wait."


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