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Chapter 486 On Party Members

Finally, thanks to Lin Tailai's hard work, Tian Xueshi agreed to let Wu Zhengzhi become a commoner again.

After all, Shujishi is not a formal official position, nor is it associated with actual power, so it is relatively easy to operate.

Then there was the matter of forgiving Qian Yiben. For this reason, Lin Tailai took an "adventure" and went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to visit Wu Shilai, the censor of Zuodu.

Everyone knows that Lin Tai took action in the Metropolitan Procuratorate three years ago, from a certain courtroom inside the Metropolitan Procuratorate to outside the gate.

Even the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was kicked down by Lin Tailai, which caused a sensation that year.

After that, Lin Tailai stopped going to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which has many gates and tight guards, for fear that he would be surrounded and trapped.

So this time I went to the Imperial Procuratorate to visit Wu Shilai, the imperial censor of Zuodu, for the sake of "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".

Faced with Lin Tailai's request, Wu Zongxian replied: "You yourself said that Qian Yiben's false talk undermines the integrity of the official and is no longer suitable to continue to serve as the censor."

Lin Tailai added: "Now and then, the situation has changed, and naturally new judgments have to be made."

Wu Zongxian refused without reservation and said: "There is no need to discuss the matter of Qian Yiben. Please take Lin Jiuyuan back."

Lin Tailai frowned slightly. The Zuodu Censor didn't seem to listen to the greetings.

As we all know, the first assistant, Shen Shixing, had two pillars of party members in the outer court. One was Yang Wei, the Minister of Civil Affairs, and the other was Wu Shilai, the censor of Zuodu.

With the protection of these two key positions, the will of the chief minister can be implemented in the outer court.

If not for this connection, Lin Tailai would not have rashly come to visit Wu Shilai and Wu Zongxian.

Unexpectedly, what I thought was a sure thing actually encountered obstacles.

Lin Tailai tried again and said: "Dazhong Cheng! Earlier I asked for the money to die, but the money was folded into my hand.

Now I want to make money back alive, and I should be qualified."

Wu Shilai responded: "Now this court wants Qian Yiben to die. Does this court have the qualifications to do so?"

Lin Tailai cursed secretly, "What kind of third-rate qualities are these Shen Shixing's gang members?"

When he went to the Ministry of Personnel to do business, Yang Wei was not happy and directly refused to take up a position in the Ministry of Personnel. Yesterday, he asked Yang Wei for an official position as the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, but he was also rejected.

And today, when he asked Wu Shilai to do something, he was directly rejected again. Is Lin Tailai's face so worthless?

I thought that after temporarily defeating the Qingliu forces, things should be smooth sailing recently, but unexpectedly, a small obstacle appeared in the "own camp".

Thinking of this, Lin Tailai sighed, maybe this is the political world, it is always changing dynamically, and it will never be possible for you to have everything go smoothly.

Since the words were not speculative, Lin Tailai was too lazy to say anything more and went to Shen Mansion that night to prepare to talk to Shen Shixing.

"It's not that I'm talking too much, Mr. Ge and his gang members are too lax in their discipline!" Lin Tailai said unceremoniously.

Shen Shixing asked: "Who made you unhappy again?"

Lin Tailai directly named him and said: "Wu Shilai from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Yang Wei from the Ministry of Civil Affairs are not very good either."

Shen Shixing sighed, Lin Tailai was too young and didn't understand that most of politics was about compromise. Even the emperor couldn't have his wishes come true and everything be as happy as he wished.

Therefore, Shen Shoufu decided to give some advice to the younger generation as a senior: "In official circles, being unhappy is the norm."

Lin Tailai snorted coldly and said subconsciously: "Whoever makes me unhappy for a moment will be unhappy for the rest of his life."

Shen Shixing was speechless. He found that he was short of words.

What kind of speech is this, made like a treacherous minister and a cowardly king? Even if Lin Tailai often makes violent remarks, the explosiveness of this sentence just now ranks among the top three.

"It's a joke, it's a joke!" Lin Tailai also felt that he had gone too far and began to go back and make up for it: "I just happened to think of such a line when I was helping a friend come up with a character for a play."

Shen Shixing decided to ask a question: "Wu Shilai and Yang Wei don't have a big problem, right? If neither of them can do it, then what kind of person can make you think it can?"

So Lin Tailai gave an example he admired most, "In my eyes, a qualified party member should be like Zhou Yingqiu."

Shen Shixing: ""

Even Shen Shoufu had heard about Zhou Yingqiu's words and deeds as a top lackey.

If Zhou Yingqiu is used as the standard, then there really are no qualified party members. How can ordinary people have such top-notch talents?

Also, who can make Zuodu Yushi and Libu Shangshu lick like Zhou Yingqiu? Zhang Juzheng couldn't do it back then.

If someone appears who treats the censor of Zuodu and the minister of official affairs like lackeys, can the emperor rest assured?

Then Shen Shixing explained: "Wu Shilai and Yang Wei are both famous figures in the political arena, and they are even my seniors in terms of scientific titles.

Yang Wei was a Jinshi in the 26th year of Jiajing's reign, and he had been in officialdom for more than 40 years; while Wu Shilai was a Jinshi in the 32nd year of Jiajing's reign. At that time, he impeached Yan Song and his son and imprisoned him, which made him famous for a while.

You regard them as my accomplices, which is actually very wrong. It is more appropriate to call them close and cooperative allies."

Lin Tailai summed it up in one word: "Hold together to keep warm?"

Shen Shixing placed the tea cup heavily on the table to show his dissatisfaction. Can we still have a good chat?

Seeing that the chief assistant's patience was about to reach its limit, Lin Tailai quickly made a humble gesture: "Senior, please speak, please continue."

After Shen Shoufu calmed down, he spoke again: "There is a reason why Wu Shilai refused to let go of the money. It is to reestablish his authority."

It turns out that the Metropolitan Procuratorate is different from other government offices. Although there are hierarchies, each censor works independently.

In other words, each censor can report directly to the court without going through the Du Censor. The Du Censor has very limited jurisdiction over the censors, and can only manage a little bit in terms of assessment and dispatch.

Wu Shilai's situation in the Metropolitan Procuratorate was worse than that of ordinary Zuodu censors.

Because Wu Shilai was recognized as a Fengxianguan, the chief assistant to Shen Shixing, Wu Shilai's prestige was not high within the Metropolitan Procuratorate, where Qingliu's power was extremely concentrated, and he had even been despised and criticized by the group.

Faced with this situation, Wu Zongxian must have been holding his anger, so he wanted to take the opportunity to punish Qian Yiben, the core censor of the Qingliu forces, to vent his anger and regain his authority.

The arrow is already on the string. If you suddenly forgive Qian Yiben at this time, wouldn't you be despised by others even more?

Shen Shixing said with sadness: "It's not easy for him either. You have to understand his situation. He's in his sixties. He's scolded every day for being insecure. He always needs to vent his anger."

Lin Tailai said unceremoniously: "It's not easy for him, but why do you need my understanding?

I can understand that he wants to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, but can he find a chicken by himself?

There are more than a hundred censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but why does he only want to use money to perform surgery?

At the end of the day, don’t you want to steal someone’s influence from me, Lin, to deter the monkeys?

After all, in the eyes of the world, I, Lin Tailai, defeated Qian Benben."

Shen Shoufu was speechless. He found that he was once again at a loss for words. Wu Shilai's little thoughts had been seen through. Any further explanation would be a cover-up.

Lin Tailai continued to sarcastically say: "A censor from Zuodu actually still pretends to be powerful, I am willing to call him a chicken thief.

They just want to get benefits, but they are not willing to pay the price, so they only dare to commit petty theft.

At the same time, this is enough to show that people like Wu Shilai have become sluggish and lack the sharpness of young people."

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power? You say that the censor of Zuodu is a fox, and you, Lin Tailai, are a tiger? After Shen Shixing was stunned, he had to say: "Don't be too extreme!"

Lin Tailai laughed "haha" and said: "If I hadn't attacked the so-called Qingliu one after another and attracted most of the firepower, how could he just sit in his position and dawdle?

Whether Wu Shilai or Yang Wei, they can sleep peacefully recently, it's all because of me!

Now when I ask them to do something, they push back and forth. They are really idiots who don’t know what to do and can’t see the situation clearly!

It’s only been a few months since Ansheng’s birthday, and you’ve forgotten how you were beaten before?”

Hearing that two "old friends" were belittled in this way, Shen Shoufu felt unhappy.

Winning over Wu Shilai and Yang Wei's foreign-Korean combination and maintaining influence over foreign Korea at the minimum cost can be regarded as Shen Shoufu's proudest work in the political arena.

But for his proud work to be belittled like this by Lin Tailai, Shen Shoufu would certainly not be happy.

"Don't underestimate others, and don't think too highly of yourself!" Shen Shixing couldn't help but said a harsh word, it depends on the owner when beating a dog!

Lin Tailai asked back: "Am I wrong in what I said? If the court did not have Lin Tailai, the two of them would be the current key targets of the Qingliu forces!

As tough as the two of them are, it will be good if they can withstand it for a year or two, and then you will be the first assistant!"

In the original history, Wu Shilai was impeached several times the next year, retired from politics and died of illness, Yang Wei retired from politics the year after, and then Shen Shixing.

Lin Tailai can still look at the problem from a historical perspective, but the parties involved in the situation may not understand it.

Finally, Lin Tailai said fiercely: "If you don't believe it, seniors, please wait and see, don't say it was unpredicted!"

This sentence suddenly made Shen Shixing's heart skip a beat, and he subconsciously said, "What do you want to do?"

Regarding Lin Tailai's lethality, Shen Shoufu is one of the people who has the most say.

Lin Tailai may not necessarily be able to bring down top bureaucrats like Zuodu Yushi and Libu Tianguan, but he can't stand even heavy losses.

Could it be that Lin Tailai has gone so crazy that he even starts to attack his own people who are in the slightest trouble?

Since ancient times, there have been many people like this. After killing the enemy, they began to kill their own people.

Lin Tailai sneered repeatedly: "Old senior, please rest assured, I don't want to do anything."

Shen Shixing was worried and asked again: "You really can't do anything?"

Lin Tailai patted his pectoralis major, "Don't forget Ji Bu, who is known as Ji Bu today, and who promises a thousand pieces of gold!"

Since you promised not to do anything, you will definitely not do anything!"

The next day in Taibai Tower in Xicheng, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

Seven or eight officials who were affected by "Jin Ping Mei" gathered together, not even touching the beauties around them, and drank sips of boring wine.

He Zhuo asked Qian Yiben: "What happened to Brother Xian? Has it changed?"

Qian Benben said with a wry smile: "Lin Tailai has already agreed to raise his hand, but General Xian refuses to let go. Perhaps we have offended General Xian too hard in the past."

Someone said angrily: "Mr. Wu is just an old dog, what's the point?"

Everyone knows the truth, but Wu Zongxian is Shen Shoufu's person, and Shen Shoufu has Lin Tailai as a thug, so this is very difficult.

In recent times, the Qingliu forces, from the Department of Science and Education to the Ministry of Rites, and then to the Ministry of Officials, have all been dealt a heavy blow.

The morale of the comrades was low, but there was nothing they could do. They knew they had to do something to boost their morale, but they didn't know what to do.

Just at this time, a young man named Shi Menglin rushed in and shouted to everyone: "Gentlemen! Lin Tailai will publish the announcement today!"

Someone asked during the dinner: "What's wrong with Lin Tailai?"

Shi Menglin said excitedly: "He announced that he would temporarily sever all ties with Wu Shilai and Yang Wei.

During the period of severing ties, Wu Shilai and Yang Wei’s affairs had nothing to do with him!”

"Is this true?" People with faster brains have already realized what this means.

Shi Menglin said with certainty: "Lin Tailai himself has admitted it, so it should be true!

Gentlemen! This is a window period, this is a period of opportunity! We must seize the time and not miss the opportunity!"

All the officials raised their wine glasses and shouted together: "Shang Shu! Shang Shu!"

After Lin Tailai announced that they were temporarily severing their relationship, there was nothing to fear about the two old men.

To re-boost morale, start with Wu Shilai and Yang Wei, who are in high positions!

If Lin Tailai is not on the opposite side, it would be better if he succeeds. If he fails, there will be no loss. On the contrary, he can gain back a reputation that is not afraid of power!

"Did Lin Tailai lure the snake out of its hole on purpose?" Someone else asked hesitantly.

Someone replied: "Although Lin Tailai is despicable, he is not a person who breaks his word.

Since he said to sever ties, he must sever ties. The only thing to worry about is how long this 'temporary' will last, so we must seize the time."

Two days later, Chief Assistant Shen Shixing was sitting in the cabinet office, reading more than a dozen memorials impeaching Wu Shilai and Yang Wei, and his head almost exploded.

Wu Shilai and Yang Wei, the two pillars of the foreign dynasty, seemed to have suddenly encountered a large group of mad dogs and were bitten madly.

That night, Chief Minister Shen sent his eldest son, Shen Yongmao, to personally invite Lin Tailai over.

Then he asked almost roaringly: "Is this what you said, do nothing?"

Under the pressure of the chief assistant, Lin Tailai argued forcefully: "I really didn't do anything to Wu Shilai and Yang Wei. Is this also wrong?"

Shen Shixing was choked, and after a while he said: "Then why do you openly announce the severance of relations?"

Lin Tailai said without any doubt: "They couldn't tell the difference between the big and the small kings, so how can they blame me?

I am not their father, and I have no obligation to protect them all the time!"

Shen Yongmao asked with great interest: "What big and small king? What kind of slang is this?"

Lin Tailai replied: "It's who is older and who is younger!"

Shen Yongmao turned to his father and said: "It's time to change the old concept. I think Wu Zongxian and Yang Tianguan are just occupying positions. They are cowards at critical moments and are of no use at all."

Shen Shixing: ""


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