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Chapter 49 The inside story of the county government office

Chapter 49 The inside story of the county government office

Author: Let the breeze go

Chapter 49 The inside story of the county government office

After coming out of the school secretary's office, it was already afternoon, so Lin Tailai returned to the county government office.

As the old saying goes hundreds of years later, Jianghu is not only about fighting and killing, but also about human relations. Some things are really impossible to push away, such as blocking the Nanjing Flower Boat.

Xushuguan is twenty or thirty miles away from Suzhou City. This distance is considered a business trip, so you must report it to the county government.

The county magistrate didn't need to worry about it. Mr. Feng Er went to say hello. All Lin Tailai had to do was to say hello to his immediate superior, Zhang Liangshu.

Looking at Lin Tailai walking in, Zhang Liangshu said: "It turns out that you always enter the threshold with your left foot first, but today you enter with your right foot first.

It turns out that you always say hello outside the door first, but today you say hello after you enter the door first."

Lin Tailai: "???"

Is this something wrong with me or with Zhang Liangshu?

Zhang Liangshu pointed at Lin Tai and said, "This means that you have drifted. You have climbed up to the high branch of the county magistrate and have become impetuous."

You're paralyzed! Lin Tailai was speechless. Could it be that Zhang Liangshu was "jealous" when he saw the county magistrate protecting him so much on Yinma Bridge today?

Without thinking, Professor Lin responded: "Mr. Zhang, what are you talking about? I am a county magistrate with an iron-clad grain business and a smooth flow of water. I still understand this truth!"

This Zhang Liangshu underestimated himself too much. He couldn't embrace anyone else's lap, and he couldn't embrace the lap of a magistrate who was about to resign. He was not a historical celebrity with a bright future.

Zhang Liangshu nodded and said: "As long as you understand, your real identity now is that of a grain science writer, the rest are all false!"

Then Lin Tailai reported: "The pressure is currently on Changzhou County. The county does not need me for the time being. I plan to go to Xushuguan to do something."

Today, the two counties were negotiating in Yinmaqiao. Outsiders looked lonely and did not know the secret inside.

But Zhang Liangshu knew the entire plan and the inside story, and it was even Zhang Liangshu who reported the plan to the county magistrate on behalf of Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai's plan was to force the Xu family in Huqiu to pay Anletang one thousand taels in compensation.

Then Anletang laundered the thousand taels into tax money and sent it to the county treasury.

Perhaps uninformed outsiders are confused, is one thousand taels considered too much for the Wuxian county government?

Last year, the quota of money and grain in Wu County was: 12,500 taels of gold and silver, 10,000 taels of white grain, 80,000 taels of grain, and 65,000 taels of silver.

If all were converted into true colors, the total amount would be equivalent to about 400,000 stones.

Therefore, compared to the entire quota, one thousand taels of tax silver is very small and weak. How can we impress the magistrate?

This requires looking at the problem from another angle. As mentioned in the previous article, Suzhou Prefecture and even Jiangnan have always had a culture of tax arrears. The government does not collect the quota every year. Generally, 80% of the tax collected is considered to be qualified.

Then last year, the assessment standard of Wu County was 320,000 shi, but the actual collection was 2.67 million shi, and about 50,000 shi were still owed.

In other words, the amount of food and grain that determines Magistrate Feng's out-of-office audit is actually whether the tax arrears of 50,000 dan can be made up, not the total amount of 400,000 dan.

The various amounts of money and food are considered internal secrets of the county government, and outsiders generally do not know such figures.

This is also the reason why the county government is currently urging every town hall to collect taxes owed last year.

So according to the Ming Dynasty's official discount ratio, one stone of grain is worth two coins of silver, and conversely, one thousand taels is equivalent to five thousand stones of grain.

In other words, one thousand taels of silver can be used to offset one-tenth of the tax debt of fifty thousand shi. In fact, the details are not that simple, but this is generally the situation.

From the perspective of Feng Zhixian, if one can knock out one thousand taels from the Xu family in Huqiu, it would be equivalent to solving one-tenth of the assessment problems in just a few days.

For officials, one thousand taels of silver may not be that tempting, but if one-tenth of the assessment problems are solved, few can refuse.

But there is another problem. The financial and taxation system is here, and the source and whereabouts of the money must be registered and clearly understood.

A donation is a donation. It is impossible for someone to just donate some money to the county government and then directly use it as tax money to defraud political performance.

Therefore, Professor Lin proposed a money laundering plan to launder the stolen money into legal and compliant tax money through Anletang and pay it into the county treasury to solve the audit problem of Magistrate Feng's resignation.

The reason why Feng Zhixian blatantly protected Lin Tailai lies in the above confidential details.

A layman would only imagine that Lin Tailai wanted to blackmail the Xu family, and then promised to split the stolen goods with the magistrate, so the magistrate protected Lin Tailai for a few hundred silver dollars!

As for another lonely question that outsiders looked at, there is also an internal logic to why Changzhou County suddenly backed down.

Lin Tailai went to Changzhou County to sue the Xu family, but Changzhou County did not accept the case. This was the "original sin" of Changzhou County.

Lin Tailai made the matter so big that it caused a sensation in the whole city and could not be covered up. Then he got the full support of the magistrate of Wu County. The "original sin" of Changzhou County may be magnified infinitely.

Why did Changzhou County not accept the complaint? Was it because it wanted to protect the Xu family?

The church that the Xu family smashed was the church that had a conflict with the Shen family, so was Changzhou County doing things for the Shen family?

The Shen family is the Shen family of Shen Shoufu. Is Changzhou County taking refuge with Shen Shoufu?

If magnified infinitely, all of the above issues would be discussed publicly, and no county magistrate with a sane mind would allow them to happen.

Under the current system, Shen is not the type of chief minister who dominates the court like Zhang Juzheng. There are also many opposing forces in the DPRK and China.

Unless a county magistrate is a gambler, there is no way he would take such a big blame and get involved in court politics.

Therefore, things inside the government office are often treacherous and unpredictable. What you know is kept secret, and what you don't know is spoken nonsense.

Outsiders don't know what's going on, so they can only look at things in the fog and make assumptions and spread lies. But those who know the inside story will spontaneously develop a sense of superiority.

Now Lin Tailai's choice for Changzhou County is to force the Xu family to pay compensation. Only by doing so can he prove that Changzhou County did not shield the Xu family.

Although the Xu family in Huqiu is a big local family in Changzhou County, Bailihou County is not easy to mess with. As long as they are willing to pay the price, they also have countless means to deal with the big family. It just depends on whether it is worth it.

That's why Lin Tailai told Zhang Liangshu that the pressure now lies with Changzhou County.

For now, he only needs to wait for the results from Changzhou County, so he can do other things.

Zhang Liangshu asked strangely: "Why did you go to Xushuguan? What does it have to do with you?"

Lin Tailai reported: "All the beauties in Suzhou's flower list united in tears and begged me to go to Xushuguan to intercept the Nanjing flower boat. I couldn't refuse."

Zhang Liangshu: "."

You were completely mistaken. What kind of subordinate did you recruit? You have only been in the city for a few days, and your acquaintances are so broad?

At the beginning, he had no hope at all for Lin's character. It didn't matter if he was a bad person. Who could be a decent person and join the club? As long as he could fight.

But he also didn't expect that Lin Tailai had such outstanding abilities in all aspects besides being able to fight.

It actually made him, a twenty-year-old scholar, feel a huge sense of crisis whether he would be replaced.

(End of chapter)

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