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Chapter 507 The first job turned out to be

As for these trivial internal conflicts, as long as they don't affect the overall situation, Lin Tailai doesn't bother to care about them.

Unconsciously, his mentality became more and more inclined to grand narratives.

But I’ve come here today, and as a permanent resident, I always need to brush up on my presence.

We can't let our subordinates feel that Lin is already aloof and will not discipline them personally.

He must let his subordinates know that he is not a totem to be hung up, but the real controller of excess.

Today, Hengtang Town has four major landmarks. The first is the Lin Family Courtyard and the headquarters of Xutai Water Club, the second is Hengtang College, the third is Hengtang Fish Market, and the fourth is Xinwu Liannei San

One of the halls is Anle Hall.

The opposing parties on the shore were a group of people from Hengtang College, and their leader was Gao Changjiang.

Before Lin Daguan's western tour, Gao Changjiang returned to the college early and acted as a greeter to brush his face.

The other group was from Hengtang Fish Market, and its leader was Huang Wuniang's younger brother, Huang Xiaoliu.

Huang Wuniang knew that her younger brother was not very capable, so she did not entrust him with any other important responsibilities. He only handed over the management of the fish market to Huang Xiaoliu, to which Lin Tailai also agreed.

Lin Daguan just wants to say that it is really strange that the academy and the fish market can have conflicts between two irreconcilable units. Could it be that Gao Changjiang and Huang Xiaoliu are incompatible with each other?

Or is Huang Xiaoliu relying on his status as a "foreign relative" and disrespecting Gao Changjiang, a hero of Conglong?

Or maybe Gao Changjiang has already taken refuge in the main palace and is deliberately here to show off to his relatives?

He was afraid of thinking about everything, and the more he thought about it, the more tired he became, so Lin Daguan simply stopped thinking about everything and loved someone!

After Lin Daguan got off the boat, Huang Xiaoliu rushed to greet him and said flatteringly: "My sister and Xiao Jiuwu are waiting in the courtyard. Brother-in-law, do you want to go take a look first?"

Gao Changjiang said loudly from behind: "As the dean of Hengtang College, I rarely show up.

Today, two hundred students are eagerly waiting to hear the dean's teachings. I believe that the students will not be disappointed."

Lin Tailai couldn't help but secretly lamented that Huang Xiaoliu's speaking skills were far inferior to Gao Changjiang's.

Faced with these two kinds of greetings, Lin Daguan could only agree to Gao Changjiang, "I will only go to the academy today to have a look, but I won't give any lectures."

Hengtang Town is such a big place, and you can get there just a few steps away from the boat.

Hengtang College occupies several large courtyards and is neatly planned. Lin Tailai was very satisfied with it.

It was also due to the conflagration of the societies a few years ago that half of Hengtang Town was burned down, so the Lin Family Courtyard and the site of Hengtang College came to be.

The buildings have all been newly renovated in the past two years according to demand, so they look neatly planned.

Gao Changjiang introduced from the side: "Currently, there are 200 people being taught in the college, divided into kindergarten classes and juvenile classes, which is basically full.

According to the instructions, students are taught from scratch, focusing on basic subjects such as literacy, arithmetic, and geography for the time being."

From the perspective of the world in the future, two hundred people may not sound like a lot, but given the limitations of this era, it is probably the limit that the Lin Group can achieve at present.

In terms of college education, Lin Tailai rarely showed patience. "It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. My hope for the college has never happened overnight."

Lin Daguanren's idea is to first educate and train students according to the engineering model to become professional and technical talents in all aspects.

At the same time, we select the smartest people among students and guide these people to conduct research.

This is not something that can be seen in a few years. This is a layout that focuses on at least ten years.

Lin Daguan hopes that in the future he will have a large number of "intellectuals" under his command who are completely divorced from the existing Confucian education system.

What we see today are actually the most primitive seeds. But if there are no seeds, how can they sprout and grow?

After the inspection, Dean Lin was quite satisfied with the current situation of the college, and asked Vice President Gao: "Are there any difficulties in running the school?"

Gao Changjiang pointed in the direction of the pier and replied: "The biggest problem right now is that the college is too close to the fish market.

First, the fish market is noisy and noisy all day long, disturbing the tranquility of the college, not to mention the smell that comes when the wind blows in the wrong direction;

Secondly, the students in the college are all young children. If they do not have accommodation, they have to rely on their parents to transport them to and from school.

The fish market has occupied the pier, which makes the transportation of the college very inconvenient, which greatly affects the enrollment and classes.

So I have been thinking that the fish market should be moved away."

Although Huang Xiaoliu was not from the academy, he could not leave Daguan Lin alone, so he followed him like a follower.

When Gao Changjiang said this, Huang Xiaoliu became anxious.

Today, I was completely outclassed by Gao Changjiang. I saw that Gao Changjiang was about to give me eye drops again, but I didn't even fight back!

At this time, Huang Xiaoliu suddenly remembered some words that his sister taught him yesterday.

At that time, my sister also said that if she really couldn't defeat Gao Changjiang, she would throw out these words as a last resort to hold up the situation.

Huang Xiaoliu was very convinced of his sister's agility, and without hesitation, he leaned next to Lin Tailai and said:

"This academy is really well run. When I was patrolling around the fish market, I encountered those children who were working hard. They recited articles such as "I learned something and learned it as time goes by, and I have friends coming from afar" while walking.

In fact, Huang Xiaoliu himself didn't understand at all the lethality of his words.

I heard that sentences such as "Learn and learn from time to time" and "Friends come here from afar" seem to be the words of Confucius?

But Huang Xiaoliu saw at this moment that after he finished speaking, Lin Daguan's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gao Changjiang's face was stunned at first, and then instantly became panicked.

Lin Daguan said coldly: "I remember I emphasized repeatedly that the Four Books and Five Classics are not taught in the academy, and Meng children who have begun to become literate are not allowed to recite the classics?"

Gao Changjiang immediately replied: "No! This is definitely not taught in the academy, I can guarantee it!

As for the birth children mentioned by Huang Xiaoliu, they may have learned it at home."

Lin Daguan did not rub sand in his eyes and asked: "Our college teaches people enlightenment and literacy for free, so the children who are attracted to it are all children from poor families. Can they have money to hire teachers to teach the Four Books and Five Classics at home?

If they have such financial resources, why would they need to send their children to Hengtang College to learn literacy?"

For Lin Daguan, this is a very serious problem.

First, what he wants are intellectuals outside the Confucian system, and they cannot be distorted from their roots.

If intellectuals under the Confucian system are needed, why go to all the trouble to open Hengtang College? Can't we just go to various academies, private schools and even schools at all levels to recruit people?

Second, not allowing college students to study the Four Books and Five Classics is also to prevent students from having distracting thoughts about taking the imperial examination.

There is no doubt that as long as a person has studied the Four Books and Five Classics, he will definitely want to try his hand at the imperial examination. Then how can he work for the Lin Group?

So what's the point of Lin Tailai running a school? Is he spending his own money to help the court cultivate a reserve army for the imperial examination? Isn't that a fool?

Gao Changjiang also understood the seriousness of the problem and swore: "I guarantee with my position as vice president that there are absolutely no courses on the Four Books and Five Classics in the college!"

Lin Tailai sneered repeatedly, "It doesn't look like they learned it at home or in a college, so where did they learn it from? We need to find out!"

When Lin Daguan walked out of the gate of Hengtang College and saw the street scene in the town, his heart suddenly moved.

Then he said to the people behind him: "Everyone be quiet! Don't make any noise!"

Then Mr. Lin started to wander around the outer wall of Hengtang College.

He has been working hard at Anletang in Hengtang Town since he time traveled. He is very familiar with the streets and alleys in Hengtang Town and does not need anyone to guide him.

Suddenly, Officer Lin seemed to notice something and rushed into a side alley near the side gate of the college.

Standing outside the courtyard door of the first house in the branch alley, I listened carefully to what was going on inside, then I raised my leg and kicked the courtyard door hard!

After a loud bang, the courtyard door was kicked open, and Lin Daguan took the lead and rushed in.

I saw two square tables placed behind the screen wall in the courtyard, with books placed on each square table and two or three schoolchildren sitting there.

In front of the square table, there was an old gentleman with gray hair, looking towards this side in astonishment.

Lin Tailai shouted sternly: "How brave! How dare you open cram schools in violation of regulations around Hengtang College!"

The case was finally solved, and my suspicion was confirmed!

Sure enough, someone secretly opened a Confucian classics cram school around Hengtang College!

Human nature is so ugly! There are always some thieving parents who not only want to get free enlightenment and calligraphy opportunities at Hengtang Academy, but also want to secretly study the Four Books and Five Classics in order to have a chance to take the imperial examination.

Some desperate scholars have catered to this demand and opened low-cost cram schools!

There is no need to teach the children to read and write, just lead the children to recite the Four Books, and the fees can be kept to the lowest!

The old gentleman who was caught doing this came to his senses and shouted: "Is it a sin to teach what the saints learned?"

Lin Tailai was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of scholar who rushed to the street. He turned to Gao Changjiang and asked: "Tell the truth! Do you know about this illegal tutoring phenomenon?"

He remembered that just now Gao Changjiang had been swearing that there would be absolutely no courses on the Four Books and Five Classics in the college, but he didn't say anything else.

Gao Changjiang said dejectedly: "I have heard about it a little bit, but I can't control it."

Lin Tailai sternly rebuked: "What do you mean you can't control it? Is it possible that in Hengtang Town, apart from the Lin family compound and the fish market, there are other things that you, Gao Changjiang, cannot control?"

Or is it that I, Lin Tailai, can no longer implement my will in Hengtang Town?

Is it because the thugs from the society are unable to attack, or is it because the soldiers from the inspection department are disobedient?"

Gao Changjiang did not dare to be vague anymore, and quickly complained: "I don't know what I know when I sit in a school. These cram schools have a very good background."

Lin Daguan laughed angrily, "You are talking about background in front of me, Lin? In Suzhou, who has a better background than me, Lin?"

Gao Changjiang said in a low voice: "These cram schools are all run by one person, and this person is the leader of our New Wulian League, the general manager of the Thirteen Internal and External Halls, and a relative of Lu Yibin, the leader of Anle Hall.

At least in terms of status in the world, the leader of the mainland is a little higher than you, right?

Just for the sake of a few cram schools, how do people in the world think of you if you just want to lose face to a big leader?"

Lin Tailai: ""

Sure enough, he has such a great background. No wonder he dares to open illegal cram schools near Hengtang Academy!

The brothers from the Zhang family who were guardians on the left and right all said in surprise: "Is Lu Dalongtou still in the position?"

Gao Changjiang smiled bitterly and said: "The big leader has always wanted to abdicate, but no one dared to take over."

After Lin Tai came to his senses, he gave serious instructions: "I reiterate once again that illegal cram schools are strictly prohibited around the college!

As for the existing cram schools, let our big leader take the initiative to ban them!

Also, all students who have participated in cram schools will be withdrawn from school as a warning to others!"

Lin Daguan never dreamed that the first task of his western inspection tour would be to crack down on illegal cram schools. How embarrassing it was for him.

After giving the instructions, Lin Tailai still didn't look good on Gao Changjiang, and even said some harsh words.

"I doubt now whether you can truly understand my spirit, whether you can conscientiously implement my intentions, and whether you can be a good deputy dean."

Huang Xiaoliu saw that Lin Tailai was in a bad mood in the college, so he took the opportunity to say: "Brother-in-law, please don't get angry. Let's go to the Lin family compound to rest first. Xiaojiuwu has started to learn to speak."

Lin Tai looked at Huang Xiaoliu and said, "The fish market really needs to be relocated. It is no longer suitable in Hengtang Town."

"Ah," Huang Xiaoliu dared to oppose Gao Changjiang, but he certainly did not dare to raise objections to Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai didn't bother to explain to Huang Xiaoliu, and said: "It's still early in the day, there are so many old friends in Hengtang Town, there's no rush to go home!

Let’s go to the Tang Bohu Cemetery outside the town to pay our respects first. Does Old Man Tang live next to it and guard the tomb now?”

As Lin Daguan's first intellectual subordinate, Old Man Tang still has a certain status in the society.

What's more, Huang Wuniang had lived in Old Man Tang's house for a long time and was in love with her father and daughter.

Now that Old Man Tang is old, Huang Wuniang originally wanted to take Old Man Tang to the newly built Lin family compound, but Old Man Tang insisted on guarding the tomb in Tang Bohu Cemetery.

Lin Daguan obviously felt that Old Man Tang had aged a lot, and he didn't know if he would see any living people next time he came.

Official Lin handed the seal of "The Most Talented Man in the South of the Yangtze River" to Old Man Tang, "This is your uncle's seal. I got it from the Wen family."

Old Man Tang sighed and said with great emotion: "I didn't expect that I could still remember it when I was sitting in a restaurant after I casually mentioned it a few years ago.

Now this seal has returned to the Tang family, but it is a pity that my Tang family has fallen into such a decline that no one is worthy of it, so I can only bury the seal in the soil in front of my uncle's tomb."

Lin Daguan was surprised and said: "Who said I want to return the seal to you? I plan to keep it for myself!

From now on, all the paintings and calligraphy I collect will be stamped with this seal!"

Old Man Tang was so angry that his beard was trembling: "Then you came here specially to bring it here and show me what it is used for?"

Lin Tailai said matter-of-factly: "I just want to show off in front of Tang Bohu's relatives.

You wouldn't have thought a few years ago that I could get something from Wen's house, right?

By the way, I also got some of your uncle's paintings from the Wen family, and stamped them all again with this seal!

When future generations see two identical seals on the painting, it is also a good story in the literary world!"

Old Man Tang couldn't help but cursed: "It's easy to change a country's nature but hard to change it! Several years have passed, and you are still so inappropriate!"


This chapter has been completed!
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