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Chapter 516 Literary Landscape

Although the name of the Literary Forum contains the word "conference", it is not the kind of conference that later generations think of, but is more similar to a continuous social event.

The time will not be so precise, only a rough time period from the end of September to the beginning of October.

When celebrities from all walks of life arrived in Suzhou City and started socializing and partying, the literary conference was considered to have begun.

The organizer has opened the three gardens of Canglang Pavilion, Qiuzhi Garden, and Beiyuan as official venues. Anyone with a "hero ticket" can enter, and you can even bring others in.

Those who did not receive the hero post and took the initiative to come to the literary conference to join in the fun would have no choice but to cross the sea and show off their magical powers.

Of course, it is the heavyweight guests who attract the most attention. After all, every heavyweight guest has a certain ability to guide public opinion.

In the context of the resignation of the old alliance leader, the trend of public opinion is particularly important.

Shen Li, the former minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Zhao Yongxian, the left minister of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites, were one of the most important guests. Especially when they came to Suzhou together and were accompanied by Gong Nai, a celebrity representing Shandong's literary world, this lineup was very eye-catching. .

With their status as Shen and Zhao, they naturally have to stay at the Gusu Post House, the largest and most luxurious official post house in Jiangnan. This is a symbol of their status.

Immediately, many literary figures from various places visited Gusuyi to explore the voices of these heavyweights.

Someone directly asked Zhao Yongxian if he had any thoughts on competing for the position of leader of the literary world.

Zhao Yongxian replied unambiguously: "I have no intention of competing for the leadership of the literary world, and I have no idea about managing literary affairs.

I came to Suzhou this time to participate in this grand event just to prevent the position of leader of the literary world from falling into the hands of literary thieves."

Shen Li also added: "We don't bother to hide our opinions and intentions. We can publicly declare that we don't want to see Lin Tailai steal the position of leader of the literary world. We came to Suzhou this time just to oppose Lin Tailai."

Shandong representative Gong Nai also said: "I completely agree with the views of the two seniors Shen and Zhao, and I am consistent with the two seniors."

These answers surprised all the visitors present. The current occasion was not a private gathering, but a public conversation.

You must know that most of the other heavyweights who have just arrived in Suzhou City have vague attitudes in public, speak cautiously, and are unwilling to make clear statements easily.

So the answers I heard just now are the first time that there has been a clear-cut public statement against Lin Tailai.

Moreover, representatives of three forces with different backgrounds jointly expressed their stance, which is even more worthy of consideration.

Of course, these news reached the ears of Lin Daguan at the first time, but Lin Daguan was so unexpected that he did not make any reaction.

Only Gao Changjiang publicly said: "We here believe that the literary world can accommodate hundreds of schools of thought, and you are welcome to continue to express your opinions and speak freely."

This statement is even more shocking than someone speaking out against Lin Tailai, because this magnanimous tone is so unkind to Lin Tailai.

At this time, Lin Tailai and his uncle Wang Zhiyou were already standing at Fengqiao Pier, preparing to welcome Wang Shizhen, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment of Nanjing and the leader of the world literary circle.

From the point of view of etiquette, there was no need for Mr. Lin to come. But "Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone", so Mr. Lin wanted to show off as his successor, so he came to greet him.

While waiting, Lin Daguan complained to Wang Fuzun: "I am not surprised that Zhao Yongxian expressed his attitude towards Shen Li, but why did Gong Nai, one of the three great families in Shandong, get involved with them?

As the son-in-law of Shandong, I was stabbed in the back by you Shandong people. It is really unreasonable!"

Wang Fuzun wiped his sweat and said helplessly: "It can't be said to be a backstab, right? Your relationship with Shandong Shilin is not good to begin with."

Lin Tailai said angrily: "I married a Shandong woman. Isn't this relationship good enough? Besides, I am also a disciple of Qi Shaobao from Shandong!"

Wang Fuzun reminded: "Yang Wei, the Minister of Civil Affairs, is from Shandong. You have repeatedly ruined Yang Tianguan's face in order to help others fight for official positions. Although Yang Tianguan is old and kind, he can't say that he likes you very much, right?

Yu Shenxing, the Minister of Rites, is also from Shandong. How often do you make trouble in the Ministry of Rites and take advantage of others?

Also, Li Panlong, the late former leader of the literary world, the first of the Seven Rebellionists, and a close friend of Duke Wang Danzhou, was also from Shandong.

Therefore, Shandong is also the base of the retro school. When you trample and destroy the retro school, do you still expect the Shandong literary world to look good on you?"

By simply citing a few examples, Wang Fuzun successfully broke Lin Daguan's illusion that "I have a very good relationship with Shandong".

At this point, even Wang Fuzun, one of his own, couldn't understand. With Lin Tailai's radical style of making enemies everywhere, how could he have the confidence to compete for the leadership of the literary world?

How can I say that the position of the leader of the literary world does not necessarily belong to the person with the most supporters, but it definitely belongs to the person with the fewest opponents.

"So, am I just on good terms with your Wang family?" Lin Daguan said uncertainly, "At least I helped all of you, the Wang family, rise to the first rank!"

"I'm very grateful." Wang Fuzun said.

Lin Tailai then said: "Then you go talk to Gong Nai as a fellow countryman and persuade him to return from his lost ways! I need the support of the northern literary world!"

In today's literary world, apart from the Jiangnan region, Shandong and Hubei are the most important.

If you want to be the leader of the world, the support from these three places is indispensable.

At the beginning, the Seven Postmen of the Restoration School dominated the national literary world, largely because Li Panlong, Wang Shizhen, and Wu Guolun were from Shandong, Jiangnan, and Hubei respectively.

Among them, Shandong is an important town in the northern literary world, and apart from Shandong, Lin Daguan people can't count on the support of other northern provinces.

There are people like Wang Jiaping and Yang Junmin in Shanxi, Shen Li in Henan, and Zhao Nanxing in Beizhili. Who can give Lin Tailai a good look?

Wangfuzun agreed, "I'll try my best, but I heard that Gong Nai admires Qingliu very much, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with him."

While they were talking, the ship of Alliance Leader Wang and Lao arrived, and the two of them greeted it.

There were no problems with the etiquette procedures, but there was something unexpected about the arrangement of the residence of Alliance Leader Wang.

"It was agreed in advance that Duke Yanzhou would stay at Canglang Pavilion in Suzhou, so why did he suddenly change his mind?" Lin Daguan asked in surprise.

Leader Wang, who was still very sick, said calmly: "I think it is more appropriate to live in Gusu Yi, isn't it allowed?"

At this time, Lin Daguan also used force to capture the old alliance leader and forcibly brought him to Canglang Pavilion.

The main reason is that he is afraid that the old leader Wang will die suddenly on the spot, and he will not be able to explain clearly.

After all, in the original history, the old alliance leader Wang now only had one year left to live, and Lin Tailai had to guard against it. In the end, he could only watch the old alliance leader being helped onto the boat and leaving.

Wang Fuzun sighed at the side: "Your situation is not optimistic."

The situation is obvious. Leader Wang heard the statements of Shen Li, Zhao Yongxian and Gong Nai in Gusu Yi, so he changed his mind and insisted on moving into Gusu Yi.

Anyone with a little bit of understanding can understand what Alliance Leader Wang wants to express.

Lin Tailai said dissatisfied: "What do you mean the situation is not optimistic? Don't destroy your ambition!"

Wang Fuzun responded: "I'm just telling the truth. Judging from the current situation, there are not many powerful people who sincerely and fully support you.

Zhang Fengyi, a local from Suzhou, is one of them. The others, such as Wen Yuanfa, Wang Zhideng and others, probably work hard but don't contribute much, right?

And among people from all over the world, Yuan Hongdao from Huguang may barely count as one, but who else is there?"

Lin Daguan was still very optimistic and said: "Isn't this situation very good?

Jiangnan and Hubei each have Zhang Fengyi and Yuan Hongdao as the fulcrum. If you help me take care of Shandong, a major literary town, won't you be able to copy the path of the Seven Rebellionists to dominate the literary world?"

Wang Fuzun also reminded: "If we only focus on art, in addition to Jiangnan, Hubei, Shandong, and Zhejiang can be called important towns.

On the Zhejiang side, you also have to think of a way. If it really doesn't work in Shandong, then Zhejiang cannot afford to lose anything."

Lin Tailai replied: "Of course I know that after welcoming Wang Danzhou today, we will focus on attacking Zhejiang later.

Besides, you guys in Shandong have to do it! If you can’t handle it, tell me right away and I’ll allocate my energy to deal with it!”

Back in the mansion, Senior Official Lin called Zhang Fengyi over to study how to conquer Zhejiang.

There are three heavyweights from Zhejiang participating in the literary conference this time, Shen Mingchen, Tu Long, and Hu Yinglin, all of whom are extraordinary.

Official Lin crossed out Hu Yinglin first, "This should be no problem, let's not consider him for now."

Hu Yinglin is an expert on poetry theory who has emerged in the past ten years. He is known as the successor of Wang Laoli in literary criticism. He had a legal battle with Lin Daguan four years ago and had a feud.

However, Hu Yinglin and Zhao Zhigao and Old Man Zhao were from the same county and had been cared for by Old Man Zhao, so Senior Official Lin had already asked Old Man Zhao to pass the message.

Anyway, Hu Yinglin should not jump out to be a target at this literary conference.

Then Senior Official Lin pointed to Shen Mingchen's name and said: "This man is the uncle of Ci Lin's senior Shen Yiguan, and Shen Yiguan was also promoted by Shen Shoufu.

Therefore, there should be great opportunities to win over from this angle. And judging from Shen Mingchen’s experience, this person is not considered aloof and does not reject association with powerful people.”

Shen Mingchen was one of the three great civilian poets in the world. He was very experienced in the literary world. He had served as an aide to the governor-general Hu Zongxian and as a guest to the chief minister Xu Jie.

His status in Zhejiang's literary world is similar to Wang Laodeng's status in Suzhou.

In the end, there was only one Tu Long left, and this person was not an ordinary person. He was one of the last five sons of the retro style in the literary world, which is enough to illustrate his status.

Lin Daguan said to Zhang Fengyi: "I heard that Tu Long has been obsessed with opera in recent years. Is he from your opera circle?"

Zhang Fengyi nodded and said: "That's true. Brother Tu and I are on good terms with each other, and we can talk to each other. But there is a question. Have you considered it while sitting down?"

"What's the problem?" Lin Tailai asked.

Zhang Fengyi then replied: "Although Tu Laodi and Shen Mingchen are fellow villagers in the same county, their relationship is very bad and they regard each other as enemies. They cannot be in the same camp."

Ten years ago, Tu Long was an official in Songjiang Prefecture. As a newcomer to the officialdom, he took his work too seriously and offended the local gentry.

Later, Tu Long was promoted to the Ministry of Rites of the capital, and then he was maliciously reported by officials from the Songjiang Prefecture. There are rumors that this was ordered by Xu Jie, the former chief assistant of the Songjiang Prefecture boss, behind the scenes.

Later, Tu Long was dismissed from office by the court on the charge of "fornication".

In this era, there are only a few reasons for officials to be dismissed, but using "sexual indulgence" as a public reason is such a shame.

After Tu Long, who was dismissed from office in an insulting manner, returned to his hometown, Shen Mingchen taught Tu Long a lesson as a senior.

Don't forget, Shen Mingchen worked as a retainer for Xu Jie, which made Tu Long very sensitive and angry.

So Tu Long and Shen Mingchen, two big figures in the Zhejiang literary world, turned against each other, so much so that when Shen Mingchen fell ill, Tu Long shouted that this was retribution.

Zhang Fengyi analyzed: "So I can't win over Shen Mingchen and Tu Long at the same time. No matter which one I keep, the other one will definitely go to the other side.

In other words, it is almost impossible to get the whole territory of Zhejiang to support the establishment of the museum."

Official Lin couldn't help cursing, "They are obviously fellow villagers from the same county, but they can make such a fuss. It affects my overall situation!"

Currently, Shandong, an important city in the literary world, has turned against itself, and the future situation is unclear.

Hubei's Yuan Hongdao can only represent half of the emerging public security faction. The real boss in Hubei is Wu Guolun, the seventh son of the same group as Wang Lao, the leader of the alliance.

Not to mention the Jiangnan area, where there are too many people talking and chicken feathers everywhere, and there are also the Wang brothers of the Xin'an faction who are eyeing us.

Therefore, Zhejiang is the territory that Lin Daguan must win all over, but he did not expect Zhejiang to be so divided within it.

After thinking about it, Official Lin gave instructions: "Invite Shen Mingchen and Tu Long over tomorrow, and I will talk to them personally."

"Call us together?" Zhang Fengyi thought she heard wrongly.

If you meet alone, you can win over one of them, but if you call a pair of enemies over at the same time, they may start fighting on the spot.

In the end, if everything goes wrong and no one is able to win over, it will be a big loss.

"That's right, call us together! I have never been a fighter in my life, so I have no choice but to break up the fight and mediate for them!" Lin Daguan said calmly.

At the same time, in Shen Li's residence in Gusuyi, Gu Xiancheng was also analyzing the current situation with Shen Li and Zhao Yongxian.

That's right, it was Gu Xiancheng. He hid his identity and sneaked in to avoid being accused of going out during the rule-abiding period.

"At present, the situation seems to be extremely favorable, and we have the advantage in all provinces." Gu Xiancheng analyzed after listening to the situation in the past two days.

"Among the important towns in the north, they are already supporting us, and Duke Shen and Gong Nai have contributed a lot.

As for the Hubei side, as long as we get the acquiescence of Duke Wang Yanzhou, senior Wu Guolun, who is also the seventh son, will definitely support us. Yuan Hongdao's public security faction is not yet able to compete with Wu Guolun.

As for Jiangnan, Senior Zhao is from Jiangnan, so he will definitely be able to draw a lot of support, which is enough.

All in all, the advantage lies entirely with me, and the overall situation is decided!"

Zhao Yongxian reminded Gu Xiancheng: "There is also Zhejiang, which should not be underestimated."

Gu Xiancheng smiled and said: "As long as Lin Tailai is not allowed to get all the support of Zhejiang, our advantage will be unshakable. It's very simple!

We told Tu Long that Lin Tailai has been in close contact with the gentry of Songjiang Prefecture recently, and he just needs to prepare to join forces with the gentry of Songjiang Prefecture to do big things!

Tu Long had great hatred for the gentry of Songjiang Prefecture. Hearing this kind of news, it was impossible to support Lin Tailai!

So there is no need to worry about Zhejiang, even if Lin Tailai wins over Shen Mingchen, it will not affect the overall situation."


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